/* SOGoEMailAlarmsManager.m - this file is part of SOGo * * Copyright (C) 2010-2016 Inverse inc. * * This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import "SOGoAppointmentFolder.h" #import "SOGoAppointmentFolders.h" #import "SOGoCalendarComponent.h" #import "SOGoEMailAlarmsManager.h" @implementation SOGoEMailAlarmsManager + (id) sharedEMailAlarmsManager { static id sharedEMailAlarmsManager = nil; if (!sharedEMailAlarmsManager) sharedEMailAlarmsManager = [self new]; return sharedEMailAlarmsManager; } // // This method is called SOGoCalendarCompoent: -prepareDelete when // a component is being deleted. We of course remove all associated // when an event or task is being deleted. // - (void) deleteAlarmsFromComponent: (SOGoCalendarComponent *) component { GCSAlarmsFolder *af; NSString *path; af = [[GCSFolderManager defaultFolderManager] alarmsFolder]; path = [[component container] ocsPath]; [af deleteRecordForEntryWithCName: [component nameInContainer] inCalendarAtPath: path]; } - (iCalCalendar *) _lookupCalendarMatchingRecord: (NSDictionary *) record { iCalCalendar *calendar; GCSFolder *folder; NSDictionary *eventRecord; folder = [[GCSFolderManager defaultFolderManager] folderAtPath: [record objectForKey: @"c_path"]]; eventRecord = [folder recordOfEntryWithName: [record objectForKey: @"c_name"]]; calendar = [iCalCalendar parseSingleFromSource: [eventRecord objectForKey: @"c_content"]]; return calendar; } - (iCalEntityObject *) _lookupEntityMatchingRecord: (NSDictionary *) record inCalendar: (iCalCalendar *) calendar { NSArray *entities; NSCalendarDate *testRecId; iCalEntityObject *entity, *testEntity; int count, max, testRecIdSecs; entity = nil; entities = [calendar events]; max = [entities count]; if (max == 0) { entities = [calendar todos]; max = [entities count]; } if (max > 0) { for (count = 0; !entity && count < max; count++) { testEntity = [entities objectAtIndex: count]; testRecId = [testEntity recurrenceId]; testRecIdSecs = testRecId? [[testEntity recurrenceId] timeIntervalSince1970] : 0; if ([[record objectForKey: @"c_recurrence_id"] intValue] == testRecIdSecs) entity = testEntity; } } else [self errorWithFormat: @"(inconsistency) no handled entity found for record: %@", record]; return entity; } - (void) _extractOwner: (NSString **) owner fromPath: (NSString *) path { NSArray *parts; parts = [path componentsSeparatedByString: @"/"]; if ([parts count] > 2) *owner = [parts objectAtIndex: 2]; } - (void) _extractContainer: (NSString **) container fromPath: (NSString *) path { NSArray *parts; parts = [path componentsSeparatedByString: @"/"]; if ([parts count] > 4) *container = [parts objectAtIndex: 4]; } - (SOGoAppointmentFolder *) _lookupContainerMatchingRecord: (NSDictionary *) record { SOGoAppointmentFolders *folders; SOGoAppointmentFolder *calendar; NSString *container, *owner; SOGoUser *user; WOContext *context; [self _extractOwner: &owner fromPath: [record objectForKey: @"c_path"]]; [self _extractContainer: &container fromPath: [record objectForKey: @"c_path"]]; user = [SOGoUser userWithLogin: owner]; context = [WOContext context]; [context setActiveUser: user]; folders = [user calendarsFolderInContext: context]; calendar = [folders lookupPersonalFolder: container ignoringRights: YES]; return calendar; } - (iCalAlarm *) _lookupAlarmMatchingRecord: (NSDictionary *) record withOwner: (NSString **) owner withEntity: (iCalEntityObject **) entity { iCalCalendar *calendar; iCalAlarm *alarm; NSArray *alarms; int alarmNbr; calendar = [self _lookupCalendarMatchingRecord: record]; *entity = [self _lookupEntityMatchingRecord: record inCalendar: calendar]; alarmNbr = [[record objectForKey: @"c_alarm_number"] intValue]; alarms = [*entity alarms]; if (alarmNbr < [alarms count]) { alarm = [alarms objectAtIndex: alarmNbr]; [self _extractOwner: owner fromPath: [record objectForKey: @"c_path"]]; } else { [self errorWithFormat: @"alarm number mismatch for record: %@", record]; alarm = nil; } return alarm; } - (NSArray *) scheduledAlarmsFromDate: (NSCalendarDate *) fromDate toDate: (NSCalendarDate *) toDate withMetadata: (NSMutableArray *) metadata { SOGoAppointmentFolder *container; iCalEntityObject *entity; GCSAlarmsFolder *af; iCalAlarm *alarm; NSMutableArray *alarms; NSDictionary *record; NSArray *records; int count, max; NSString *owner; af = [[GCSFolderManager defaultFolderManager] alarmsFolder]; records = [af recordsForEntriesFromDate: fromDate toDate: toDate]; max = [records count]; alarms = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity: max]; for (count = 0; count < max; count++) { record = [records objectAtIndex: count]; alarm = [self _lookupAlarmMatchingRecord: record withOwner: &owner withEntity: &entity]; if (alarm) { container = [self _lookupContainerMatchingRecord: record]; [alarms addObject: alarm]; [metadata addObject: [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys: owner, @"owner", record, @"record", container, @"container", entity, @"entity", nil]]; } } return alarms; } @end