/* -*- Mode: javascript; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ (function() { 'use strict'; /** * @name Preferences * @constructor */ function Preferences() { var _this = this, defaultsElement, settingsElement, data; this.nextAlarm = null; this.nextInboxPoll = null; this.currentToast = Preferences.$q.when(true); // Show only one toast at a time (see https://github.com/angular/material/issues/2799) this.lastUid = null; this.notifications = {}; this.defaults = {}; this.settings = {Mail: {}}; defaultsElement = Preferences.$document[0].getElementById('UserDefaults'); if (defaultsElement) { try { data = angular.fromJson(defaultsElement.textContent || defaultsElement.innerHTML); } catch (e) { Preferences.$log.error("Can't parse user's defaults: " + e.message); data = {}; } // Split mail labels keys and values data.SOGoMailLabelsColorsKeys = []; data.SOGoMailLabelsColorsValues = []; _.forEach(data.SOGoMailLabelsColors, function (value, key) { data.SOGoMailLabelsColorsKeys.push(key); data.SOGoMailLabelsColorsValues.push(value); // value is an array of the user-defined name and color if (key.charAt(0) == '$') { Object.defineProperty(data.SOGoMailLabelsColors, '_' + key, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(data.SOGoMailLabelsColors, key)); delete data.SOGoMailLabelsColors[key]; } }); _.forEach(data.SOGoSieveFilters, function(filter) { _.forEach(filter.actions, function(action) { if (action.method == 'addflag' && action.argument.charAt(0) == '$') action.argument = '_' + action.argument; }); }); if (data.SOGoRememberLastModule) data.SOGoLoginModule = "Last"; // Mail editor autosave is a number of minutes or 0 if disabled data.SOGoMailAutoSave = parseInt(data.SOGoMailAutoSave) || 0; data.SOGoMailComposeWindowEnabled = angular.isDefined(data.SOGoMailComposeWindow); // Specify a base font size for HTML messages when SOGoMailComposeFontSize is not zero data.SOGoMailComposeFontSizeEnabled = parseInt(data.SOGoMailComposeFontSize) > 0; if (window.CKEDITOR && data.SOGoMailComposeFontSizeEnabled) { // HTML editor is enabled; set user's preferred font size window.CKEDITOR.config.fontSize_defaultLabel = data.SOGoMailComposeFontSize; window.CKEDITOR.addCss('.cke_editable { font-size: ' + data.SOGoMailComposeFontSize + 'px; }'); } _.forEach(data.AuxiliaryMailAccounts, function (mailAccount) { if (isNaN(parseInt(mailAccount.port))) mailAccount.port = null; }); // We convert our date objects into real date, otherwise we'll have strings // or undefined values and the md-datepicker does NOT like this. if (data.Vacation) { if (data.Vacation.startDate) data.Vacation.startDate = new Date(parseInt(data.Vacation.startDate) * 1000); else { data.Vacation.startDateEnabled = 0; data.Vacation.startDate = new Date(); data.Vacation.startDate = data.Vacation.startDate.beginOfDay(); data.Vacation.startDate.addDays(1); } if (data.Vacation.endDate) data.Vacation.endDate = new Date(parseInt(data.Vacation.endDate) * 1000); else { data.Vacation.endDateEnabled = 0; data.Vacation.endDate = new Date(data.Vacation.startDate.getTime()); data.Vacation.endDate.addDays(1); } if (data.Vacation.autoReplyEmailAddresses && angular.isString(data.Vacation.autoReplyEmailAddresses) && data.Vacation.autoReplyEmailAddresses.length) data.Vacation.autoReplyEmailAddresses = data.Vacation.autoReplyEmailAddresses.split(/, */); } else data.Vacation = {}; if ((angular.isUndefined(data.Vacation.autoReplyEmailAddresses) || data.Vacation.autoReplyEmailAddresses.length == 0) && angular.isDefined(window.defaultEmailAddresses)) data.Vacation.autoReplyEmailAddresses = window.defaultEmailAddresses; if (angular.isUndefined(data.Vacation.daysBetweenResponse)) data.Vacation.daysBetweenResponse = 7; if (angular.isUndefined(data.Vacation.startDate)) { data.Vacation.startDateEnabled = 0; data.Vacation.startDate = new Date(); } if (angular.isUndefined(data.Vacation.endDate)) { data.Vacation.endDateEnabled = 0; data.Vacation.endDate = new Date(); } if (data.Forward) { if (angular.isString(data.Forward.forwardAddress)) data.Forward.forwardAddress = data.Forward.forwardAddress.split(/, */); else if (!angular.isArray(data.Forward.forwardAddress)) data.Forward.forwardAddress = []; } // Split calendar categories colors keys and values if (angular.isUndefined(data.SOGoCalendarCategories)) data.SOGoCalendarCategories = []; data.SOGoCalendarCategoriesColorsValues = []; _.forEach(data.SOGoCalendarCategories, function (value) { data.SOGoCalendarCategoriesColorsValues.push(data.SOGoCalendarCategoriesColors[value]); }); if (angular.isUndefined(data.SOGoContactsCategories)) data.SOGoContactsCategories = []; else data.SOGoContactsCategories = _.compact(data.SOGoContactsCategories); angular.extend(_this.defaults, data); // Configure date locale _this.$mdDateLocaleProvider = Preferences.$mdDateLocaleProvider; angular.extend(_this.$mdDateLocaleProvider, data.locale); angular.extend(_this.$mdDateLocaleProvider, { firstDayOfWeek: data.SOGoFirstDayOfWeek, firstWeekOfYear: data.SOGoFirstWeekOfYear }); _this.$mdDateLocaleProvider.firstDayOfWeek = parseInt(data.SOGoFirstDayOfWeek); _this.$mdDateLocaleProvider.weekNumberFormatter = function(weekNumber) { return l('Week %d', weekNumber); }; _this.$mdDateLocaleProvider.msgCalendar = l('Calendar'); _this.$mdDateLocaleProvider.msgOpenCalendar = l('Open Calendar'); _this.$mdDateLocaleProvider.parseDate = function(dateString) { return dateString? dateString.parseDate(_this.$mdDateLocaleProvider, _this.defaults.SOGoShortDateFormat) : new Date(NaN); }; _this.$mdDateLocaleProvider.formatDate = function(date) { return date? date.format(_this.$mdDateLocaleProvider, date.$dateFormat || _this.defaults.SOGoShortDateFormat) : ''; }; _this.$mdDateLocaleProvider.parseTime = function(timeString) { return timeString? timeString.parseDate(_this.$mdDateLocaleProvider, _this.defaults.SOGoTimeFormat) : new Date(NaN); }; _this.$mdDateLocaleProvider.formatTime = function(date) { return date? date.format(_this.$mdDateLocaleProvider, _this.defaults.SOGoTimeFormat) : ''; }; _this.$mdDateLocaleProvider.isDateComplete = function(dateString) { dateString = dateString.trim(); // The default function of Angular Material doesn't handle non-latin characters. // This one does. var re = /^((([a-zA-Z]|[^\x00-\x7F]){2,}|[0-9]{1,4})([ .,]+|[/-])){2}(([a-zA-Z]|[^\x00-\x7F]){3,}|[0-9]{1,4})$/; return re.test(dateString); }; } settingsElement = Preferences.$document[0].getElementById('UserSettings'); if (settingsElement) { try { data = angular.fromJson(settingsElement.textContent || settingsElement.innerHTML); } catch (e) { Preferences.$log.error("Can't parse user's settings: " + e.message); data = {}; } // We convert our PreventInvitationsWhitelist hash into a array of user if (data.Calendar) { if (data.Calendar.PreventInvitationsWhitelist) { data.Calendar.PreventInvitationsWhitelist = _.map(data.Calendar.PreventInvitationsWhitelist, function(value, key) { var match = /^(.+)\s<(\S+)>$/.exec(value), user = new Preferences.$User({uid: key, cn: match[1], c_email: match[2]}); if (!user.$$image) user.$$image = _this.avatar(user.c_email, 32, {no_404: true}); return user; }); } else data.Calendar.PreventInvitationsWhitelist = []; } angular.extend(_this.settings, data); } } /** * @memberof Preferences * @desc The factory we'll use to register with Angular * @returns the Preferences constructor */ Preferences.$factory = ['$window', '$document', '$q', '$timeout', '$log', '$state', '$mdDateLocale', '$mdToast', 'sgSettings', 'Gravatar', 'Resource', 'User', function($window, $document, $q, $timeout, $log, $state, $mdDateLocaleProvider, $mdToast, Settings, Gravatar, Resource, User) { angular.extend(Preferences, { $window: $window, $document: $document, $q: $q, $timeout: $timeout, $log: $log, $state: $state, $mdDateLocaleProvider: $mdDateLocaleProvider, $toast: $mdToast, $gravatar: Gravatar, $$resource: new Resource(Settings.activeUser('folderURL'), Settings.activeUser()), $resourcesURL: Settings.resourcesURL(), $User: User }); return new Preferences(); // return unique instance }]; /* Initialize module if necessary */ try { angular.module('SOGo.PreferencesUI'); } catch(e) { angular.module('SOGo.PreferencesUI', ['SOGo.Common']); } /* Factory registration in Angular module */ angular.module('SOGo.PreferencesUI') .factory('Preferences', Preferences.$factory); /** * @function ready * @memberof Preferences.prototype * @desc Combine promises used to load user's defaults and settings. * @return a combined promise */ Preferences.prototype.ready = function() { Preferences.$log.warn('Preferences.ready is deprecated -- access settings/defaults directly.'); return Preferences.$q.when(true); }; /** * @function avatar * @memberof Preferences.prototype * @desc Get the avatar URL associated to an email address * @return a combined promise */ Preferences.prototype.avatar = function(email, size, options) { var _this = this; var alternate_avatar = _this.defaults.SOGoAlternateAvatar, url; if (_this.defaults.SOGoGravatarEnabled) url = Preferences.$gravatar(email, size, alternate_avatar, options); else url = [Preferences.$resourcesURL, 'img', 'ic_person_grey_24px.svg'].join('/'); if (options && options.dstObject && options.dstAttr) options.dstObject[options.dstAttr] = url; return url; }; /** * @function hasActiveExternalSieveScripts * @memberof Preferences.prototype * @desc Check if the user has an external Sieve script enabled. */ Preferences.prototype.hasActiveExternalSieveScripts = function(value) { var _this = this; if (typeof value !== 'undefined') { this.defaults.hasActiveExternalSieveScripts = value; } else if (typeof this.defaults.hasActiveExternalSieveScripts !== 'undefined') { return this.defaults.hasActiveExternalSieveScripts; } else { // Fetch information from server this.defaults.hasActiveExternalSieveScripts = false; // default until we receive an answer Preferences.$$resource.quietFetch('activeExternalSieveScripts') .then(function() { _this.defaults.hasActiveExternalSieveScripts = true; }, function(response) { _this.defaults.hasActiveExternalSieveScripts = false; if (response.status === 404) { return Preferences.$q.resolve(true); } }); } }; /** * @function supportsNotifications * @memberof Preferences.prototype * @desc Check if the browser supports the Notifications API * @returns true if the browser is compatible * @see {@link https://notifications.spec.whatwg.org/|Notifications API} */ Preferences.prototype.supportsNotifications = function () { if (typeof Notification === 'undefined') { Preferences.$log.warn("Notifications are not available for your browser."); return false; } return true; }; /** * @function authorizeNotifications * @memberof Preferences.prototype * @desc Request authorization to send notifications */ Preferences.prototype.authorizeNotifications = function () { if (this.supportsNotifications()) { Notification.requestPermission(function (permission) { return permission; }); } }; /** * @function createNotification * @memberof Preferences.prototype * @desc Display a HTML5 notification * @param {string} id - a unique identifier * @param {string} title * @param {object} config - parameters of the notification (body, icon, onClick) */ Preferences.prototype.createNotification = function (id, title, config) { var _this = this, params = _.pick(config, ['body', 'icon']); if (this.supportsNotifications ()) { params.tag = id; params.lang = ''; params.dir = 'auto'; this.notifications[id] = new Notification(title, params); this.notifications[id].onclick = function () { config.onClick(); _this.notifications[id].close(); }; } }; /** * @function viewInboxMessage * @memberof Preferences.prototype * @desc Go to the specified message of the main account's inbox * @param {string} uid - the message UID */ Preferences.prototype.viewInboxMessage = function(uid) { if (Preferences.$state.get('mail.account')) { // Currently in Mail module -- view message Preferences.$state.go('mail.account.mailbox.message', { accountId: 0, mailboxId: 'INBOX', messageId: uid }); } else { // On a different module -- reload page Preferences.$window.location = Preferences.$$resource.path('Mail', 'view#!/Mail/0/INBOX/' + uid); } }; /** * @function pollInbox * @memberof Preferences.prototype * @desc Poll server for new messages in main account's inbox, display notifications or toasts */ Preferences.prototype.pollInbox = function() { var _this = this, params; params = { sortingAttributes: { sort: 'arrival', asc: 0, noHeaders: 0, dry: 1 }, filters: [ { searchBy: 'flags', searchInput: 'unseen' } ] }; if (this.nextInboxPoll) Preferences.$timeout.cancel(this.nextInboxPoll); Preferences.$$resource.post('Mail', '0/folderINBOX/view', params).then(function(data) { var uids = data.uids; var uidHeaderIndex = data.headers[0].indexOf('uid'); var fromHeaderIndex = data.headers[0].indexOf('From'); var subjectHeaderIndex = data.headers[0].indexOf('Subject'); if (data.threaded) { data.uids.splice(0, 1); uids = _.map(data.uids, 0); } if (_this.lastUid) { _.find(uids, function (uid, index) { var headers, id, href, toast; if (uid > _this.lastUid) { // New unseen message Preferences.$log.debug('Show notification for message ' + uid); headers = _.find(data.headers, function(h) { return h[uidHeaderIndex] == uid; }); if (_this.defaults.SOGoDesktopNotifications) { id = 'mail-inbox-' + uid; href = Preferences.$state.href('mail.account.mailbox.message', { accountId: 0, mailboxId: 'INBOX', messageId: uid }); _this.createNotification(id, headers[subjectHeaderIndex], { body: headers[fromHeaderIndex][0].name || headers[fromHeaderIndex][0].email, icon: '/SOGo.woa/WebServerResources/img/email-256px.png', onClick: function () { _this.viewInboxMessage(uid); } }); } else { toast = { locals: { title: headers[subjectHeaderIndex], body: headers[fromHeaderIndex][0].name || headers[fromHeaderIndex][0].email }, template: [ '', '
', '
', ' email', '
', ' ', '
', '
', '
', ' ', l('View'), ' ', '
', '
', '
' ].join(''), position: 'top right', hideDelay: 5000, controller: toastController }; _this.currentToast = _this.currentToast.then(function () { return Preferences.$toast.show(toast) .then(function(response) { if (response === 'ok') { _this.viewInboxMessage(uid); } }); }); } return false; // Continue to next unseen message } else { return true; // No more new messages } }); if (uids[0] > _this.lastUid) { _this.lastUid = uids[0]; } } else { _this.lastUid = uids[0]; } }).finally(function () { var refreshViewCheck = _this.defaults.SOGoRefreshViewCheck; if (refreshViewCheck && refreshViewCheck != 'manually') _this.nextInboxPoll = Preferences.$timeout(angular.bind(_this, _this.pollInbox), refreshViewCheck.timeInterval()*1000); }); /** * @ngInject */ toastController.$inject = ['scope', '$mdToast', 'title', 'body']; function toastController (scope, $mdToast, title, body) { scope.title = title; scope.body = body; scope.close = function() { $mdToast.hide('ok'); }; } }; /** * @function getAlarms * @memberof Preferences.prototype * @desc Fetch the list of alarms from the server and schedule the last one */ Preferences.prototype.getAlarms = function() { var _this = this; var now = new Date(); var browserTime = Math.floor(now.getTime()/1000); Preferences.$$resource.fetch('Calendar', 'alarmslist?browserTime=' + browserTime).then(function(data) { var alarms = data.alarms.sort(function reverseSortByAlarmTime(a, b) { var x = parseInt(a[2]); var y = parseInt(b[2]); return (y - x); }); if (alarms.length > 0) { var next = alarms.pop(); var now = new Date(); var utc = Math.floor(now.getTime()/1000); var url = next[0] + '/' + next[1]; var alarmTime = parseInt(next[2]); var delay = alarmTime; if (alarmTime > 0) delay -= utc; var d = new Date(alarmTime*1000); //console.log ("now = " + now.toUTCString()); //console.log ("next event " + url + " in " + delay + " seconds (on " + d.toUTCString() + ")"); var f = angular.bind(_this, _this.showAlarm, url); if (_this.nextAlarm) Preferences.$timeout.cancel(_this.nextAlarm); _this.nextAlarm = Preferences.$timeout(f, delay*1000); } }); }; /** * @function showAlarm * @memberof Preferences.prototype * @desc Show the latest alarm using a notification and a toast * @param url The URL of the calendar component for snoozing */ Preferences.prototype.showAlarm = function(url) { var _this = this; Preferences.$$resource.fetch('Calendar/' + url, '?resetAlarm=yes').then(function(data) { var today = new Date().beginOfDay(), day = data.startDate.split(/T/)[0].asDate(), period = [], id; if (day.getTime() != today.getTime() || data.localizedStartDate != data.localizedEndDate) { period.push(data.localizedStartDate); } if (!data.isAllDay) { period.push(data.localizedStartTime); period.push('-'); } if (data.localizedStartDate != data.localizedEndDate) { period.push(data.localizedEndDate); } if (!data.isAllDay) { period.push(data.localizedEndTime); } if (_this.defaults.SOGoDesktopNotifications) { id = 'calendar-' + data.id; _this.createNotification(id, data.summary, { body: period.join(' '), icon: '/SOGo.woa/WebServerResources/img/event-256px.png', onClick: function () { if (Preferences.$state.get('calendars.view')) { // Currently in Calendar module -- go to event's day Preferences.$state.go('calendars.view', { view: 'day', day: day.getDayString()}); } else { // On a different module -- reload page Preferences.$window.location = Preferences.$$resource.path('Calendar', 'view#!/calendar/day/' + day.getDayString()); } } }); } _this.currentToast = _this.currentToast.then(function () { return Preferences.$toast.show({ position: 'top right', hideDelay: 0, template: [ '', '
', '
', '

{{ summary }}

', '
', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', l('5 minutes'), ' ', ' ', l('10 minutes'), ' ', ' ', l('15 minutes'), ' ', ' ', l('30 minutes'), ' ', ' ', l('45 minutes'), ' ', ' ', l('1 hour'), ' ', ' ', l('1 day'), ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', l('Snooze'), ' ', ' ', l('Close'), ' ', '
', '
', '
', '
' ].join(''), locals: { url: url }, controller: AlarmController }); }); /** * @ngInject */ AlarmController.$inject = ['scope', 'url']; function AlarmController(scope, url) { scope.summary = data.summary; scope.reminder = '10'; scope.close = function() { Preferences.$toast.hide(); }; scope.snooze = function() { Preferences.$$resource.fetch(url, 'view?snoozeAlarm=' + scope.reminder); Preferences.$toast.hide(); }; } }); }; /** * @function $save * @memberof Preferences.prototype * @desc Save the preferences to the server. */ Preferences.prototype.$save = function() { var _this = this; return Preferences.$$resource.save("Preferences", this.$omit(true)) .then(function(data) { // Make a copy of the data for an eventual reset //_this.$shadowData = _this.$omit(true); return data; }); }; /** * @function $omit * @memberof Preferences.prototype * @desc Return a sanitized object used to send to the server. * @param {Boolean} [deep] - make a deep copy if true * @return an object literal copy of the Preferences instance */ Preferences.prototype.$omit = function(deep) { var preferences, labels, whitelist; preferences = {}; whitelist = {}; angular.forEach(this, function(value, key) { if (key != 'constructor' && key[0] != '$') { if (deep) preferences[key] = angular.copy(value); else preferences[key] = value; } }); // Merge back mail labels keys and values preferences.defaults.SOGoMailLabelsColors = {}; _.forEach(preferences.defaults.SOGoMailLabelsColorsKeys, function(key, i) { preferences.defaults.SOGoMailLabelsColors[key] = preferences.defaults.SOGoMailLabelsColorsValues[i]; }); delete preferences.defaults.SOGoMailLabelsColorsKeys; delete preferences.defaults.SOGoMailLabelsColorsValues; _.forEach(preferences.defaults.SOGoSieveFilters, function(filter) { _.forEach(filter.actions, function(action) { if (action.method == 'addflag' && action.argument.charAt(0) == '_' && action.argument.charAt(1) == '$') action.argument = action.argument.substring(1); }); }); // See Account.prototype.$omit _.forEach(preferences.defaults.AuxiliaryMailAccounts, function (account) { var identities = []; _.forEach(account.identities, function (identity) { if (!identity.isReadOnly) identities.push(_.pick(identity, ['email', 'fullName', 'replyTo', 'signature', 'isDefault'])); }); account.identities = identities; }); if (!preferences.defaults.SOGoMailComposeWindowEnabled) delete preferences.defaults.SOGoMailComposeWindow; delete preferences.defaults.SOGoMailComposeWindowEnabled; if (!preferences.defaults.SOGoMailComposeFontSizeEnabled) preferences.defaults.SOGoMailComposeFontSize = 0; delete preferences.defaults.SOGoMailComposeFontSizeEnabled; if (preferences.defaults.Vacation) { if (preferences.defaults.Vacation.startDateEnabled) preferences.defaults.Vacation.startDate = preferences.defaults.Vacation.startDate.getTime()/1000; else { delete preferences.defaults.Vacation.startDateEnabled; preferences.defaults.Vacation.startDate = 0; } if (preferences.defaults.Vacation.endDateEnabled) preferences.defaults.Vacation.endDate = preferences.defaults.Vacation.endDate.getTime()/1000; else { delete preferences.defaults.Vacation.endDateEnabled; preferences.defaults.Vacation.endDate = 0; } if (preferences.defaults.Vacation.autoReplyEmailAddresses) preferences.defaults.Vacation.autoReplyEmailAddresses = _.compact(preferences.defaults.Vacation.autoReplyEmailAddresses); else preferences.defaults.Vacation.autoReplyEmailAddresses = []; } if (preferences.defaults.Forward && preferences.defaults.Forward.forwardAddress) preferences.defaults.Forward.forwardAddress = _.compact(preferences.defaults.Forward.forwardAddress); // Merge back calendar categories colors keys and values preferences.defaults.SOGoCalendarCategoriesColors = {}; _.forEach(preferences.defaults.SOGoCalendarCategories, function(key, i) { preferences.defaults.SOGoCalendarCategoriesColors[key] = preferences.defaults.SOGoCalendarCategoriesColorsValues[i]; }); delete preferences.defaults.SOGoCalendarCategoriesColorsValues; if (preferences.settings.Calendar && preferences.settings.Calendar.PreventInvitationsWhitelist) { _.forEach(preferences.settings.Calendar.PreventInvitationsWhitelist, function(user) { whitelist[user.uid] = user.$shortFormat(); }); preferences.settings.Calendar.PreventInvitationsWhitelist = whitelist; } return preferences; }; })();