/* -*- Mode: javascript; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ (function() { 'use strict'; /** * @ngInject */ AddressBooksController.$inject = ['$state', '$scope', '$rootScope', '$stateParams', '$timeout', '$q', '$mdDialog', 'sgFocus', 'Card', 'AddressBook', 'Dialog', 'sgSettings', 'User', 'stateAddressbooks']; function AddressBooksController($state, $scope, $rootScope, $stateParams, $timeout, $q, $mdDialog, focus, Card, AddressBook, Dialog, Settings, User, stateAddressbooks) { var currentAddressbook; $scope.activeUser = Settings.activeUser; $scope.service = AddressBook; // $scope functions $scope.select = function(folder) { $scope.editMode = false; $state.go('app.addressbook', {addressbookId: folder.id}); }; $scope.newAddressbook = function() { Dialog.prompt(l('New addressbook'), l('Name of new addressbook')) .then(function(name) { var addressbook = new AddressBook( { name: name, isEditable: true, isRemote: false, owner: UserLogin } ); AddressBook.$add(addressbook); }); }; $scope.edit = function(index, folder) { if (!folder.isRemote) { $scope.editMode = folder.id; $scope.originalAddressbook = angular.extend({}, folder.$omit()); focus('addressBookName_' + folder.id); } }; $scope.revertEditing = function(folder) { folder.name = $scope.originalAddressbook.name; $scope.editMode = false; }; $scope.save = function(folder) { var name = folder.name; if (name && name.length > 0 && name != $scope.originalAddressbook.name) { folder.$rename(name) .then(function(data) { $scope.editMode = false; }, function(data, status) { Dialog.alert(l('Warning'), data); }); } }; $scope.confirmDelete = function() { if ($scope.currentFolder.isSubscription) { // Unsubscribe without confirmation $rootScope.currentFolder.$delete() .then(function() { $rootScope.currentFolder = null; $state.go('app.addressbook', { addressbookId: 'personal' }); }, function(data, status) { Dialog.alert(l('An error occured while deleting the addressbook "%{0}".', $rootScope.currentFolder.name), l(data.error)); }); } else { Dialog.confirm(l('Warning'), l('Are you sure you want to delete the addressbook %{0}?', $scope.currentFolder.name)) .then(function() { $rootScope.currentFolder.$delete() .then(function() { $rootScope.currentFolder = null; }, function(data, status) { Dialog.alert(l('An error occured while deleting the addressbook "%{0}".', $rootScope.currentFolder.name), l(data.error)); }); }); } }; $scope.importCards = function() { }; $scope.exportCards = function() { window.location.href = ApplicationBaseURL + '/' + $scope.currentFolder.id + '/exportFolder'; }; $scope.share = function(folder) { if (folder.id != $scope.currentFolder.id) { // Counter the possibility to click on the "hidden" secondary button $scope.select(folder); return; } $mdDialog.show({ templateUrl: $scope.currentFolder.id + '/UIxAclEditor', // UI/Templates/UIxAclEditor.wox controller: AddressBookACLController, clickOutsideToClose: true, escapeToClose: true, locals: { usersWithACL: $scope.currentFolder.$acl.$users(), User: User, stateAddressbook: $scope.currentFolder, $q: $q } }); /** * @ngInject */ AddressBookACLController.$inject = ['$scope', '$mdDialog', 'usersWithACL', 'User', 'stateAddressbook', '$q']; function AddressBookACLController($scope, $mdDialog, usersWithACL, User, stateAddressbook, $q) { $scope.users = usersWithACL; // ACL users $scope.stateAddressbook = stateAddressbook; $scope.userToAdd = ''; $scope.searchText = ''; $scope.userFilter = function($query) { return User.$filter($query); }; $scope.closeModal = function() { stateAddressbook.$acl.$resetUsersRights(); // cancel changes $mdDialog.hide(); }; $scope.saveModal = function() { stateAddressbook.$acl.$saveUsersRights().then(function() { $mdDialog.hide(); }, function(data, status) { Dialog.alert(l('Warning'), l('An error occured please try again.')); }); }; $scope.confirmChange = function(user) { var confirmation = user.$confirmRights(); if (confirmation) { Dialog.confirm(l('Warning'), confirmation).then(function(res) { if (!res) user.$resetRights(true); }); } }; $scope.removeUser = function(user) { stateAddressbook.$acl.$removeUser(user.uid).then(function() { if (user.uid == $scope.selectedUser.uid) { $scope.selectedUser = null; } }, function(data, status) { Dialog.alert(l('Warning'), l('An error occured please try again.')) }); }; $scope.addUser = function(data) { if (data) { stateAddressbook.$acl.$addUser(data).then(function() { $scope.userToAdd = ''; $scope.searchText = ''; }, function(error) { Dialog.alert(l('Warning'), error); }); } }; $scope.selectUser = function(user) { // Check if it is a different user if ($scope.selectedUser != user) { $scope.selectedUser = user; $scope.selectedUser.$rights(); } }; }; }; /** * subscribeToFolder - Callback of sgSubscribe directive */ $scope.subscribeToFolder = function(addressbookData) { console.debug('subscribeToFolder ' + addressbookData.owner + addressbookData.name); AddressBook.$subscribe(addressbookData.owner, addressbookData.name).catch(function(data) { Dialog.alert(l('Warning'), l('An error occured please try again.')); }); }; } angular .module('SOGo.ContactsUI') .controller('AddressBooksController', AddressBooksController); })();