/** * * Main Stylesheet SOGo * Based on Angular Material Design * IMPORTANT : This scss file might interfere with actual Angular-Material grunt-build * and will generate a (too)) long css file because of the overrides * **/ @import 'core/variables'; // Will be replace by a complete 'config.scss file // Compass import - comment-out if needed // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ @import '../bower_components/compass-mixins/lib/_compass.scss'; // Browser reset - most effective for applications. Generated by Compass in a non-regular way // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ @import 'core/reset'; // Fonts // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ @import '../fonts/ubuntu'; // Actually this is a symLink to 'css/ubuntu.css' // CORE elements // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ @import 'core/functions'; /* Local overrides from angular-material src */ // fixme : refactor all this to meet our practices // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ @import 'core/variables'; @import 'core/mixins'; @import 'core/structure'; @import 'core/layout'; // Icons - // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // fixme : implement icon-font module // @import '../angular-material/src/core/style/color-palette.scss'; // COMPONENTS // todo : configure manual and glob imports /* Angular-material components local overrides */ @import 'components/list/list.scss'; @import 'components/divider/divider.scss'; @import 'components/toolbar/toolbar.scss'; @import 'components/bottombar/bottombar.scss'; // core styles - need to be after components till settings are correctly implemented // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ @import 'core/base_styles/base_style'; // Make sure this is last to override anything else @import 'shame';