/* -*- Mode: javascript; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ (function() { /* jshint validthis: true */ 'use strict'; /* * sgSearch - Search within a list of items * @memberof SOGo.Common * @restrict attribute * @param {function} sgSearch - the function to call when performing a search. * Two variables are available: searchField and searchText. * @example:
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*/ sgSearchPreTransclude.$inject = ['$parse']; function sgSearchPreTransclude($parse) { return { restrict: 'A', controller: 'sgSearchController', controllerAs: '$sgSearchController', priority: 1001, compile: compile }; function compile(tElement, tAttr) { var mdInputEl = tElement.find('md-input-container'), inputEl = tElement.find('input'), selectEl = tElement.find('md-select'), optionEl = tElement.find('md-option'), buttonEl = tElement.find('md-button'); inputEl.attr('ng-model', '$sgSearchController.searchText'); inputEl.attr('ng-model-options', '$sgSearchController.searchTextOptions'); inputEl.attr('ng-change', '$sgSearchController.onChange()'); if (selectEl) { selectEl.attr('ng-model', '$sgSearchController.searchField'); selectEl.attr('ng-change', '$sgSearchController.onChange()'); } if (buttonEl && buttonEl.attr('sg-search-cancel')) { buttonEl.attr('ng-click', buttonEl.attr('sg-search-cancel')); buttonEl.removeAttr('sg-search-cancel'); } else { buttonEl = null; } return function postLink(scope, iElement, iAttr, controller) { var compiledButtonEl = iElement.find('button'), selectedOption; // Retrive the form and input names to check the form's validity in the controller controller.formName = iElement.attr('name'); controller.inputName = inputEl.attr('name'); // Associate the sg-allow-dot parameter (boolean) to the controller controller.allowDot = $parse(iElement.attr('sg-allow-dot'))(scope); // Associate the sg-search-fields parameter (array) to the controller controller.fields = $parse(iElement.attr('sg-search-fields'))(scope); // Associate callback to controller controller.doSearch = $parse(iElement.attr('sg-search')); // Initialize searchField model to first selected option selectedOption = _.find(optionEl, function (el) { return el.getAttribute('selected'); }); if (selectedOption) { controller.searchField = selectedOption.getAttribute('value'); } // Reset the input field when cancelling the search if (buttonEl && compiledButtonEl) { compiledButtonEl.on('click', controller.cancelSearch); } }; } } function sgSearch() { return { restrict: 'A', priority: 1000, transclude: true, compile: compile }; function compile(tElement, tAttr) { return function postLink(scope, iElement, iAttr, controller, transclude) { transclude(function(clone) { iElement.append(clone); }); }; } } /** * @ngInject */ sgSearchController.$inject = ['$window', '$scope', '$element']; function sgSearchController($window, $scope, $element) { var vm = this; // Controller variables vm.searchText = null; // Model options vm.searchTextOptions = { updateOn: 'default blur', debounce: { default: 300, blur: 0 } }; if ($element.attr('sg-search-fields')) { var waitforFieldsOnce = $scope.$watch(vm.fields, function(value) { // Select all fields by default vm.searchField = _.clone(vm.fields); waitforFieldsOnce(); }); } // Method to call on data changes vm.onChange = function() { var form = $scope[vm.formName], input = form[vm.inputName], rawSearchText = input.$viewValue; if (vm.allowDot && rawSearchText == '.' || form.$valid && rawSearchText) { if (rawSearchText == '.') // Ignore the minlength constraint when using the dot operator input.$setValidity('minlength', true); // doSearch is the compiled expression of the sg-search attribute vm.doSearch($scope, { searchText: rawSearchText, searchField: vm.searchField }); } }; // Reset input field when cancelling the search vm.cancelSearch = function() { vm.searchText = null; }; } angular .module('SOGo.Common') .controller('sgSearchController', sgSearchController) .directive('sgSearch', sgSearchPreTransclude) .directive('sgSearch', sgSearch); })();