/* -*- Mode: javascript; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ (function() { 'use strict'; /* * sgCalendarMonthEvent - An event block to be displayed in a month * @memberof SOGo.Common * @restrict element * @param {object} sgBlock - the event block definition * @ngInject * @example: */ function sgCalendarMonthEvent() { return { restrict: 'E', scope: { block: '=sgBlock', clickBlock: '&sgClick' }, replace: true, template: [ '
', ' {{ block.starthour }}', ' {{ block.component.summary }}', ' ', // Component is reccurent ' ', // Component has an alarm ' ', // Component is confidential ' ', // Component is private ' ', ' ', '
' ].join(''), link: link }; function link(scope, iElement, attrs) { if (scope.block.component) iElement.addClass('bg-folder' + scope.block.component.pid); } } angular .module('SOGo.SchedulerUI') .directive('sgCalendarMonthEvent', sgCalendarMonthEvent); })();