/* GCSAlarmsFolder.m - this file is part of SOGo * * Copyright (C) 2010-2014 Inverse inc. * * This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import "EOQualifier+GCS.h" #import "GCSChannelManager.h" #import "GCSFolderManager.h" #import "GCSSpecialQueries.h" #import "GCSStringFormatter.h" #import "NSURL+GCS.h" #import "GCSAlarmsFolder.h" static NSString *alarmsFolderURLString = nil; #warning GCSAlarmsFolder should share a common ancestor with GCSFolder @implementation GCSAlarmsFolder + (void) initialize { NSUserDefaults *ud; if (!alarmsFolderURLString) { ud = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults]; ASSIGN (alarmsFolderURLString, [ud stringForKey: @"OCSEMailAlarmsFolderURL"]); } } + (id) alarmsFolderWithFolderManager: (GCSFolderManager *) newFolderManager { GCSAlarmsFolder *newFolder; if (alarmsFolderURLString) { newFolder = [self new]; [newFolder autorelease]; [newFolder setFolderManager: newFolderManager]; } else { [self errorWithFormat: @"'OCSEMailAlarmsFolderURL' is not set"]; newFolder = nil; } return newFolder; } - (void) setFolderManager: (GCSFolderManager *) newFolderManager { ASSIGN (folderManager, newFolderManager); } /* accessors */ - (NSURL *) _location { NSURL *location; if (alarmsFolderURLString) location = [NSURL URLWithString: alarmsFolderURLString]; else { [self warnWithFormat: @"'OCSEMailAlarmsFolderURL' is not set"]; location = nil; } return location; } - (GCSChannelManager *) _channelManager { return [folderManager channelManager]; } - (NSString *) _storeTableName { return [[self _location] gcsTableName]; } - (EOEntity *) _storeTableEntityForChannel: (EOAdaptorChannel *) tc { static EOEntity *entity = nil; EOAttribute *attribute; NSString *tableName; NSString *columns[] = { @"c_path", @"c_name", @"c_uid", @"c_recurrence_id", @"c_alarm_number", @"c_alarm_date", nil }; NSString **column; NSMutableArray *keys; NSDictionary *types; if (!entity) { entity = [EOEntity new]; tableName = [self _storeTableName]; [entity setName: tableName]; [entity setExternalName: tableName]; types = [[tc specialQueries] emailAlarmsAttributeTypes]; column = columns; while (*column) { attribute = [EOAttribute new]; [attribute setName: *column]; [attribute setColumnName: *column]; [attribute setExternalType: [types objectForKey: *column]]; [entity addAttribute: attribute]; [attribute release]; column++; } keys = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity: 2]; [keys addObject: [entity attributeNamed: @"c_path"]]; [keys addObject: [entity attributeNamed: @"c_name"]]; [entity setPrimaryKeyAttributes: keys]; keys = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity: 3]; [keys addObject: [entity attributeNamed: @"c_uid"]]; [keys addObject: [entity attributeNamed: @"c_recurrence_id"]]; [keys addObject: [entity attributeNamed: @"c_alarm_number"]]; [entity setClassProperties: keys]; [entity setAttributesUsedForLocking: [NSArray array]]; } return entity; } /* connection */ - (EOAdaptorChannel *) _acquireStoreChannel { return [[self _channelManager] acquireOpenChannelForURL: [self _location]]; } - (void) _releaseChannel: (EOAdaptorChannel *) _channel { [[self _channelManager] releaseChannel:_channel]; } - (BOOL) canConnectStore { return [[self _channelManager] canConnect:[self _location]]; } - (void) createFolderIfNotExists { EOAdaptorChannel *tc; NSString *sql, *tableName; GCSSpecialQueries *queries; tc = [self _acquireStoreChannel]; tableName = [self _storeTableName]; queries = [tc specialQueries]; sql = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"SELECT count(*) FROM %@", [self _storeTableName]]; if ([tc evaluateExpressionX: sql]) { sql = [queries createEMailAlarmsFolderWithName: tableName]; if (![tc evaluateExpressionX: sql]) [self logWithFormat: @"email alarms folder table '%@' successfully created!", tableName]; } else [tc cancelFetch]; [self _releaseChannel: tc]; } /* operations */ /* table has the following fields: c_path VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL c_name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULLo c_uid VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL c_recurrence_id INT NULL c_alarm_number INT NOT NULL */ - (NSDictionary *) recordForEntryWithCName: (NSString *) cname inCalendarAtPath: (NSString *) path { EOAdaptorChannel *tc; EOAdaptorContext *context; NSException *error; NSArray *attrs; NSDictionary *record; EOEntity *entity; EOSQLQualifier *qualifier; record = nil; tc = [self _acquireStoreChannel]; if (tc) { context = [tc adaptorContext]; entity = [self _storeTableEntityForChannel: tc]; qualifier = [[EOSQLQualifier alloc] initWithEntity: entity qualifierFormat: @"c_path='%@' AND c_name='%@'", path, cname]; [qualifier autorelease]; [context beginTransaction]; error = [tc selectAttributesX: [entity attributesUsedForFetch] describedByQualifier: qualifier fetchOrder: nil lock: NO]; if (error) [self errorWithFormat:@"%s: cannot execute fetch: %@", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, error]; else { attrs = [tc describeResults: NO]; record = [tc fetchAttributes: attrs withZone: NULL]; [tc cancelFetch]; } [context rollbackTransaction]; [self _releaseChannel: tc]; } return record; } - (NSArray *) recordsForEntriesFromDate: (NSCalendarDate *) fromDate toDate: (NSCalendarDate *) toDate { EOAdaptorChannel *tc; EOAdaptorContext *context; NSException *error; NSArray *attrs; NSDictionary *record; EOEntity *entity; EOSQLQualifier *qualifier; NSMutableArray *records; records = nil; tc = [self _acquireStoreChannel]; if (tc) { context = [tc adaptorContext]; entity = [self _storeTableEntityForChannel: tc]; qualifier = [[EOSQLQualifier alloc] initWithEntity: entity qualifierFormat: @"c_alarm_date >= %d AND c_alarm_date <= %d", (int) [fromDate timeIntervalSince1970], (int) [toDate timeIntervalSince1970]]; [qualifier autorelease]; [context beginTransaction]; error = [tc selectAttributesX: [entity attributesUsedForFetch] describedByQualifier: qualifier fetchOrder: nil lock: NO]; if (error) [self errorWithFormat:@"%s: cannot execute fetch: %@", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, error]; else { records = [NSMutableArray array]; attrs = [tc describeResults: NO]; while ((record = [tc fetchAttributes: attrs withZone: NULL])) [records addObject: record]; } [context rollbackTransaction]; [self _releaseChannel: tc]; } return records; } - (NSDictionary *) _newRecordWithCName: (NSString *) cname inCalendarAtPath: (NSString *) path forUID: (NSString *) uid recurrenceId: (NSCalendarDate *) recId alarmNumber: (NSNumber *) alarmNbr andAlarmDate: (NSCalendarDate *) alarmDate { NSNumber *tRecId, *tADate; // We check if recId and alarmDate are nil prior calling -timeIntervalSince1970 // Weird gcc optimizations can cause issue here. tRecId = [NSNumber numberWithInt: (recId ? (int)[recId timeIntervalSince1970] : 0)]; tADate = [NSNumber numberWithInt: (alarmDate ? (int)[alarmDate timeIntervalSince1970] : 0)]; return [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys: cname, @"c_name", path, @"c_path", uid, @"c_uid", tRecId, @"c_recurrence_id", alarmNbr, @"c_alarm_number", tADate, @"c_alarm_date", nil]; } - (void) writeRecordForEntryWithCName: (NSString *) cname inCalendarAtPath: (NSString *) path forUID: (NSString *) uid recurrenceId: (NSCalendarDate *) recId alarmNumber: (NSNumber *) alarmNbr andAlarmDate: (NSCalendarDate *) alarmDate { NSDictionary *record, *newRecord; NSException *error; EOAdaptorChannel *tc; EOAdaptorContext *context; EOEntity *entity; EOSQLQualifier *qualifier; tc = [self _acquireStoreChannel]; if (tc) { context = [tc adaptorContext]; newRecord = [self _newRecordWithCName: cname inCalendarAtPath: path forUID: uid recurrenceId: recId alarmNumber: alarmNbr andAlarmDate: alarmDate]; record = [self recordForEntryWithCName: cname inCalendarAtPath: path]; entity = [self _storeTableEntityForChannel: tc]; [context beginTransaction]; if (record) { qualifier = [[EOSQLQualifier alloc] initWithEntity: entity qualifierFormat: @"c_path='%@' AND c_name='%@'", path, cname]; [qualifier autorelease]; error = [tc updateRowX: newRecord describedByQualifier: qualifier]; } else error = [tc insertRowX: newRecord forEntity: entity]; if (error) { [context rollbackTransaction]; [self errorWithFormat:@"%s: cannot write record: %@", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, error]; } else [context commitTransaction]; [self _releaseChannel: tc]; } } - (void) deleteRecordForEntryWithCName: (NSString *) cname inCalendarAtPath: (NSString *) path { EOAdaptorChannel *tc; EOAdaptorContext *context; EOEntity *entity; EOSQLQualifier *qualifier; NSException *error; tc = [self _acquireStoreChannel]; if (tc) { context = [tc adaptorContext]; entity = [self _storeTableEntityForChannel: tc]; qualifier = [[EOSQLQualifier alloc] initWithEntity: entity qualifierFormat: @"c_path='%@' AND c_name='%@'", path, cname]; [qualifier autorelease]; [context beginTransaction]; error = [tc deleteRowsDescribedByQualifierX: qualifier]; if (error) { [context rollbackTransaction]; [self errorWithFormat:@"%s: cannot delete record: %@", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, error]; } else [context commitTransaction]; [self _releaseChannel: tc]; } } - (void) deleteRecordsForEntriesUntilDate: (NSCalendarDate *) date { EOAdaptorChannel *tc; EOAdaptorContext *context; EOEntity *entity; EOSQLQualifier *qualifier; NSException *error; tc = [self _acquireStoreChannel]; if (tc) { context = [tc adaptorContext]; entity = [self _storeTableEntityForChannel: tc]; qualifier = [[EOSQLQualifier alloc] initWithEntity: entity qualifierFormat: @"c_alarm_date <= %d", (int) [date timeIntervalSince1970]]; [qualifier autorelease]; [context beginTransaction]; error = [tc deleteRowsDescribedByQualifierX: qualifier]; if (error) { [context rollbackTransaction]; [self errorWithFormat:@"%s: cannot delete record: %@", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, error]; } else [context commitTransaction]; [self _releaseChannel: tc]; } } @end