/* Copyright (C) 2004-2005 SKYRIX Software AG This file is part of OpenGroupware.org. OGo is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. OGo is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with OGo; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #import #import #import #import #import #import "../SOGo/NSArray+Utilities.h" #import "../SOGo/SOGoUser.h" #import "SOGoMailAccounts.h" @implementation SOGoMailAccounts static NSString *AgenorShareLoginMarker = @".-."; /* listing the available mailboxes */ - (BOOL) isInHomeFolderBranchOfLoggedInAccount: (NSString *) userLogin { return [[container nameInContainer] isEqualToString: userLogin]; } - (NSArray *) toManyRelationshipKeys { NSArray *accounts; accounts = [[context activeUser] mailAccounts]; return [accounts objectsForKey: @"name"]; } /* name lookup */ - (BOOL) isValidMailAccountName: (NSString *) _key { return ([_key length] > 0); } - (id) mailAccountWithName: (NSString *) _key inContext: (id) _ctx { static Class ctClass = Nil; id ct; if (ctClass == Nil) ctClass = NSClassFromString(@"SOGoMailAccount"); if (ctClass == Nil) { [self errorWithFormat:@"missing SOGoMailAccount class!"]; return nil; } ct = [[ctClass alloc] initWithName:_key inContainer:self]; return [ct autorelease]; } - (id) sharedMailAccountWithName: (NSString *) _key inContext: (id) _ctx { static Class ctClass = Nil; if (ctClass == Nil) ctClass = NSClassFromString (@"SOGoSharedMailAccount"); if (ctClass == Nil) [self errorWithFormat:@"missing SOGoSharedMailAccount class!"]; return [ctClass objectWithName: _key inContainer: self]; } - (id) lookupName: (NSString *) _key inContext: (id) _ctx acquire: (BOOL) _flag { id obj; NSString *userLogin; userLogin = [[context activeUser] login]; /* first check attributes directly bound to the application */ if ((obj = [super lookupName:_key inContext:_ctx acquire:NO])) return obj; if (![self isInHomeFolderBranchOfLoggedInAccount: userLogin]) { [self warnWithFormat:@ "User %@ tried to access mail hierarchy of %@", userLogin, [container nameInContainer]]; return [NSException exceptionWithHTTPStatus:403 /* Forbidden */ reason:@"Tried to access the mail of another user"]; } if ([self isValidMailAccountName:_key]) { BOOL isSharedKey; isSharedKey = [_key rangeOfString:AgenorShareLoginMarker].length > 0; return isSharedKey ? [self sharedMailAccountWithName:_key inContext:_ctx] : [self mailAccountWithName:_key inContext:_ctx]; } /* return 404 to stop acquisition */ return [NSException exceptionWithHTTPStatus:404 /* Not Found */]; } /* WebDAV */ - (BOOL) davIsCollection { return YES; } - (NSString *) davContentType { return @"httpd/unix-directory"; } /* acls */ - (NSArray *) aclsForUser: (NSString *) uid { return nil; } @end /* SOGoMailAccounts */