import cookie from 'cookie' import { fetch } from 'cross-fetch' import config from './config' /** * NOTE * * For this class to be used, make sure XSRF validation is disabled on the server. * In sogo.conf, you must have: * * SOGoXSRFValidationEnabled = NO; */ class Preferences { constructor(un, pw) { this.username = un this.password = pw this.serverUrl = `http://${config.hostname}:${config.port}` this.cookie = null this.preferences = null } async getAuthCookie() { if (!this.cookie) { const resource = `/SOGo/connect` const response = await fetch(this.serverUrl + resource, { method: 'POST', headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/json'}, body: JSON.stringify({userName: this.username, password: this.password}) }) const values = response.headers.get('set-cookie').split(/, /) let authCookies = [] for (let v of values) { let c = cookie.parse(v) for (let authCookie of ['0xHIGHFLYxSOGo', 'XSRF-TOKEN']) { if (Object.keys(c).includes('0xHIGHFLYxSOGo')) { authCookies.push(cookie.serialize(authCookie, c[authCookie])) } } } this.cookie = authCookies.join('; ') } return this.cookie } async getDefaults() { const resource = `/SOGo/so/${this.username}/jsonDefaults` const authCookie = await this.getAuthCookie() const response = await fetch(this.serverUrl + resource, { method: 'GET', headers: { Cookie: authCookie, ...this.headers } }) if (response.status == 200) { const defaults = await response.json() return defaults } else throw new Error(`Can't fetch defaults of user ${this.username}: ${response.status}`) } async getSettings() { const resource = `/SOGo/so/${this.username}/jsonSettings` const authCookie = await this.getAuthCookie() const response = await fetch(this.serverUrl + resource, { method: 'GET', headers: { Cookie: authCookie, ...this.headers } }) if (response.status == 200) { const settings = await response.json() return settings } else throw new Error(`Can't fetch settings of user ${this.username}: ${response.status}`) } async loadPreferences() { const defaults = await this.getDefaults() const settings = await this.getSettings() this.preferences = { defaults, settings } } findKey(obj, key) { if (Object.keys(obj).includes(key)) { return obj } for (let k of Object.keys(obj)) { if (typeof obj[k] == 'object') { let o = this.findKey(obj[k], key) if (o !== null) return o } } return null } async get(preference, withCache = true) { if (!withCache || !this.preferences) await this.loadPreferences() if (!preference) return this.preferences // return everything const obj = this.findKey(this.preferences, preference) if (obj) return obj[preference] else return null } async setNoSave(preference, value) { if (!this.preferences) await this.loadPreferences() const obj = this.findKey(this.preferences, preference) if (obj == null) throw new Error(`Can't find key ${preference} in preferences`) if (typeof value == 'undefined') delete obj[preference] else obj[preference] = value } async set(preference, value) { await this.setNoSave(preference, value) return await } async setOrCreate(preference, value, paths = ['defaults']) { if (!this.preferences) await this.loadPreferences() let obj = this.findKey(this.preferences, preference) if (obj == null) { obj = this.preferences for (let path of paths) { if (typeof obj[path] == 'undefined') obj[path] = {} obj = obj[path] } } obj[preference] = value } async save() { const resource = `/SOGo/so/${this.username}/Preferences/save` const authCookie = await this.getAuthCookie() const response = await fetch(this.serverUrl + resource, { method: 'POST', headers: { Cookie: authCookie, 'Content-Type': 'application/json', ...this.headers }, body: JSON.stringify(this.preferences) }) return response } } export default Preferences