import config from '../lib/config' import WebDAV from '../lib/WebDAV' import TestUtility from '../lib/utilities' import Preferences from '../lib/Preferences' import ICAL from 'ical.js' // preventInvitationsTest // CalDAVSchedulingTest let prefs let webdav, webdav_su, webdavAttendee1, webdavAttendee1Delegate let utility, user, attendee1, attendee1Delegate let userCalendar, attendee1Calendar, attendee1DelegateCalendar let icsName, icsList, vcalendar describe('PreventInvitationsWhitelist user setting', function() { const _getEvent = async function(client, calendarName, filename, expectedCode = 200) { const [{ status, headers, raw }] = await client.getObject(calendarName, filename) expect(status).toBe(expectedCode) if (status <= 300) return new ICAL.Component(ICAL.parse(raw)) return false } const _putEvent = async function(client, calendarName, filename, event, expectedCode = 201) { const response = await client.createCalendarObject(calendarName, filename, event.toString()) expect(response.status) .withContext(`Create event ${calendarName}${filename}`) .toBe(expectedCode) return response } const _addAttendee = async function(expectedCode = 204) { let vevent, organizer, attendee // add attendee after event creation icsName = 'test-add-attendee.ics' icsList.push(icsName) await webdav.deleteObject(userCalendar + icsName) await webdavAttendee1.deleteObject(attendee1Calendar + icsName) // 1. create an event in the organiser's calendar vcalendar = utility.createCalendar('Test add attendee', 'test-add-attendee') vevent = vcalendar.getFirstSubcomponent('vevent') organizer = new ICAL.Property('organizer') organizer.setParameter('cn', user.displayname) organizer.setValue( vevent.addProperty(organizer) await _putEvent(webdav, userCalendar, icsName, vcalendar) // 2. add an attendee vcalendar.addPropertyWithValue('method', 'REQUEST') attendee = new ICAL.Property('attendee') attendee.setParameter('cn', attendee1.displayname) attendee.setParameter('rsvp', 'TRUE') attendee.setParameter('partstat', 'NEEDS-ACTION') attendee.setValue( vevent.addProperty(attendee) await _putEvent(webdav, userCalendar, icsName, vcalendar, expectedCode) // NOTE: vcalendar and icsName are global for _verifyEvent } const _verifyEvent = async function(expectedCode = 200) { // 1. verify that the attendee has the event const vcalendarAttendee = await _getEvent(webdavAttendee1, attendee1Calendar, icsName, expectedCode) // 2. make sure the received event match the original one if (vcalendarAttendee) { const veventAttendee = vcalendarAttendee.getFirstSubcomponent('vevent') const vevent = vcalendar.getFirstSubcomponent('vevent') const uidAttendee = veventAttendee.getFirstProperty('uid').getFirstValue() const uid = vevent.getFirstProperty('uid').getFirstValue() expect(uidAttendee) .toEqual(uid) } } beforeAll(async function() { prefs = new Preferences(config.attendee1_username, config.attendee1_password) const calendarPrefs = prefs.get('Calendar') if (!calendarPrefs.PreventInvitationsWhitelist) calendarPrefs.PreventInvitationsWhitelist = {} await prefs.set('PreventInvitationsWhitelist', {}) if (!calendarPrefs.PreventInvitations) calendarPrefs.PreventInvitations = 0 await prefs.set('PreventInvitations', 0) webdav = new WebDAV(config.username, config.password) webdav_su = new WebDAV(config.superuser, config.superuser_password) webdavAttendee1 = new WebDAV(config.attendee1, config.attendee1_password) webdavAttendee1Delegate = new WebDAV(config.attendee1_delegate_username, config.attendee1_delegate_password) utility = new TestUtility(webdav) user = await utility.fetchUserInfo(config.username) attendee1 = await utility.fetchUserInfo(config.attendee1) attendee1Delegate = await utility.fetchUserInfo(config.attendee1_delegate) userCalendar = `/SOGo/dav/${config.username}/Calendar/personal/` attendee1Calendar = `/SOGo/dav/${config.attendee1}/Calendar/personal/` attendee1DelegateCalendar = `/SOGo/dav/${config.attendee1_delegate}/Calendar/personal/` // fetch non existing event to let sogo create the calendars in the db await _getEvent(webdav, userCalendar, 'nonexistent', 404) await _getEvent(webdavAttendee1, attendee1Calendar, 'nonexistent', 404) await _getEvent(webdavAttendee1Delegate, attendee1DelegateCalendar, 'nonexistent', 404) // list of ics used by the test. // afterAll will loop over this and wipe them in all users' calendar icsList = [] }) afterAll(async function() { await prefs.set('PreventInvitationsWhitelist', {}) await prefs.set('PreventInvitations', 0) // delete all created events from all users' calendar for (const ics of icsList) { await webdav_su.deleteObject(userCalendar + ics) await webdav_su.deleteObject(attendee1Calendar + ics) await webdav_su.deleteObject(attendee1DelegateCalendar + ics) } }) it(`Set/get the PreventInvitation pref`, async function() { // First accept the invitation await prefs.set('PreventInvitations', 0) const settings = await prefs.getSettings() const { Calendar: { PreventInvitations } = {} } = settings expect(PreventInvitations) .withContext(`Don't prevent invitations`) .toBe(0) await _addAttendee() await _verifyEvent() }) it(`Set PreventInvitation and don't accept the Invitation`, async function() { // Second, enable PreventInviation and refuse it await prefs.set('PreventInvitations', 1) const settings = await prefs.getSettings() const { Calendar: { PreventInvitations } = {} } = settings expect(PreventInvitations) .withContext(`Prevent invitations is enabled`) .toBe(1) await _addAttendee(409) await _verifyEvent(404) }) it(`Set PreventInvitation add to WhiteList and accept the Invitation`, async function() { // First, add the Organiser to the Attendee's whitelist await prefs.set('PreventInvitations', 1) await prefs.set('PreventInvitationsWhitelist', config.white_listed_attendee) const settings = await prefs.getSettings() const { Calendar: { PreventInvitations, PreventInvitationsWhitelist } = {} } = settings expect(PreventInvitations) .withContext(`Prevent invitations is enabled`) .toBe(1) expect(PreventInvitationsWhitelist) .withContext(`Prevent invitations is enabled, one user is whitelisted`) .toEqual(config.white_listed_attendee) // Second, try again to invite, it should work await _addAttendee() await _verifyEvent() }) })