(function() { 'use strict'; /* Constructor */ function Card(futureCardData) { /* DATA IS IMMEDIATELY AVAILABLE */ // if (!futureCardData.inspect) { // angular.extend(this, futureCardData); // return; // } /* THE PROMISE WILL BE UNWRAPPED FIRST */ this.$unwrap(futureCardData); } Card.$tel_types = ['work', 'home', 'cell', 'fax', 'pager']; Card.$email_types = ['work', 'home', 'pref']; Card.$url_types = ['work', 'home', 'pref']; Card.$address_types = ['work', 'home']; /* THE FACTORY WE'LL USE TO REGISTER WITH ANGULAR */ Card.$factory = ['$timeout', 'sgSettings', 'sgResource', function($timeout, Settings, Resource) { angular.extend(Card, { $$resource: new Resource(Settings.baseURL), $timeout: $timeout }); return Card; // return constructor }]; /* ANGULAR MODULE REGISTRATION */ angular.module('SOGo.Contacts') .factory('sgCard', Card.$factory) .directive('sgAddress', function() { return { restrict: 'A', replace: true, scope: { data: '=sgAddress' }, controller: ['$scope', function($scope) { $scope.addressLines = function(data) { var lines = []; if (data.street) lines.push(data.street); if (data.street2) lines.push(data.street2); var locality_region = []; if (data.locality) locality_region.push(data.locality); if (data.region) locality_region.push(data.region); if (locality_region.length > 0) lines.push(locality_region.join(', ')); if (data.country) lines.push(data.country); if (data.postalcode) lines.push(data.postalcode); return lines.join('
'); }; }], template: '
' } }); /* FETCH A UNIT */ Card.$find = function(addressbook_id, card_id) { /* FALLS BACK ON AN INSTANCE OF RESOURCE */ // Fetch data over the wire. var futureCardData = this.$$resource.find([addressbook_id, card_id].join('/')); if (card_id) return new Card(futureCardData); // a single card return Card.$unwrapCollection(futureCardData); // a collection of cards }; // Instance methods Card.prototype.$id = function() { //var self = this; return this.$futureAddressBookData.then(function(data) { return data.id; }); }; // Unwrap a promise Card.prototype.$unwrap = function(futureCardData) { var self = this; this.$futureCardData = futureCardData; this.$futureCardData.then(function(data) { // The success callback. Calling _.extend from $timeout will wrap it into a try/catch call. Card.$timeout(function() { angular.extend(self, data); }); }); }; Card.prototype.$fullname = function() { var fn = this.fn || ''; if (fn.length == 0) { var names = []; if (this.givenname && this.givenname.length > 0) names.push(this.givenname); if (this.nickname && this.nickname.length > 0) names.push("" + this.nickname + ""); if (this.sn && this.sn.length > 0) names.push(this.sn); if (names.length > 0) fn = names.join(' '); else if (this.org && this.org.length > 0) { fn = this.org; } else if (this.emails && this.emails.length > 0) { fn = _.find(this.emails, function(i) { return i.value != ''; }).value; } } return fn; }; Card.prototype.$description = function() { var description = []; if (this.title) description.push(this.title); if (this.role) description.push(this.role); if (this.orgUnits && this.orgUnits.length > 0) _.forEach(this.orgUnits, function(unit) { if (unit.value != '') description.push(unit.value); }); if (this.org) description.push(this.org); if (this.description) description.push(this.description); return description.join(', '); }; Card.prototype.$birthday = function() { return new Date(this.birthday*1000); }; Card.prototype.$isCard = function() { return this.tag == 'VCARD'; }; Card.prototype.$isList = function() { return this.tag == 'VLIST'; }; Card.prototype.$delete = function(attribute, index) { if (index > -1 && this[attribute].length > index) { this[attribute].splice(index, 1); } }; Card.prototype.$addOrgUnit = function(orgUnit) { if (angular.isUndefined(this.orgUnits)) { this.orgUnits = [{value: orgUnit}]; } else { for (var i = 0; i < this.orgUnits.length; i++) { if (this.orgUnits[i].value == orgUnit) { break; } } if (i == this.orgUnits.length) this.orgUnits.push({value: orgUnit}); } return this.orgUnits.length - 1; }; Card.prototype.$addCategory = function(category) { if (angular.isUndefined(this.categories)) { this.categories = [{value: category}]; } else { for (var i = 0; i < this.categories.length; i++) { if (this.categories[i].value == category) { break; } } if (i == this.categories.length) this.categories.push({value: category}); } return this.categories.length - 1; }; Card.prototype.$addEmail = function(type) { if (angular.isUndefined(this.emails)) { this.emails = [{type: type, value: ''}]; } else if (!_.find(this.emails, function(i) { return i.value == ''; })) { this.emails.push({type: type, value: ''}); } return this.emails.length - 1; }; Card.prototype.$addPhone = function(type) { if (angular.isUndefined(this.phones)) { this.phones = [{type: type, value: ''}]; } else if (!_.find(this.phones, function(i) { return i.value == ''; })) { this.phones.push({type: type, value: ''}); } return this.phones.length - 1; }; Card.prototype.$addUrl = function(type, url) { if (angular.isUndefined(this.urls)) { this.urls = [{type: type, value: url}]; } else if (!_.find(this.urls, function(i) { return i.value == url; })) { this.urls.push({type: type, value: url}); } return this.urls.length - 1; }; Card.prototype.$addAddress = function(type, postoffice, street, street2, locality, region, country, postalcode) { if (angular.isUndefined(this.addresses)) { this.addresses = [{type: type, postoffice: postoffice, street: street, street2: street2, locality: locality, region: region, country: country, postalcode: postalcode}]; } else if (!_.find(this.addresses, function(i) { return i.street == street && i.street2 == street2 && i.locality == locality && i.country == country && i.postalcode == postalcode; })) { this.addresses.push({type: type, postoffice: postoffice, street: street, street2: street2, locality: locality, region: region, country: country, postalcode: postalcode}); } return this.addresses.length - 1; }; /* never call for now */ Card.$unwrapCollection = function(futureCardData) { var collection = {}; collection.$futureCardData = futureCardData; futureCardData.then(function(cards) { Card.$timeout(function() { angular.forEach(cards, function(data, index) { collection[data.id] = new Card(data); }); }); }); return collection; }; // $omit returns a sanitized object used to send to the server Card.prototype.$omit = function() { var card = {}; angular.forEach(this, function(value, key) { if (key != 'constructor' && key[0] != '$') { card[key] = value; } }); return card; }; Card.prototype.$save = function() { return Card.$$resource.set([this.pid, this.id].join('/'), this.$omit()).then(function (data) { return data; }); }; })();