/* this file is in UTF-8 format! */ /* Tooltips */ "Create a new event" = "新增事件"; "Create a new task" = "新增任務"; "Edit this event or task" = "編輯事件或任務"; "Print the current calendar view" = "列印正在瀏覽的行事曆"; "Delete this event or task" = "刪除事件或任務"; "Go to today" = "回到今日"; "Switch to day view" = "切換到日檢視"; "Switch to week view" = "切換到週檢視"; "Switch to month view" = "切換到月檢視"; "Switch to multi-columns day view" = "切換成多重欄位的日檢視"; "Reload all calendars" = "重新載入所有行事曆"; /* Tabs */ "Date" = "日期"; "Calendars" = "行事曆"; "No events for selected criteria" = "找不到符合搜尋條件的事件"; "No tasks for selected criteria" = "找不到符合搜尋條件的任務"; /* Day */ "DayOfTheMonth" = "日 (該月)"; "dayLabelFormat" = "%m/%d/%Y"; "today" = "今天"; "Previous Day" = "前一日"; "Next Day" = "後一日"; /* Week */ "Week" = "週"; "this week" = "本週"; "Week %d" = "第 %d 週"; "Previous Week" = "前一週"; "Next Week" = "後一週"; /* Month */ "this month" = "本月"; "Previous Month" = "前一月"; "Next Month" = "後一月"; /* Year */ "this year" = " 今年"; /* Menu */ "Calendar" = "行事曆"; "Contacts" = "聯絡人"; "New Calendar..." = "建立新行事曆..."; "Delete Calendar" = "刪除行事曆..."; "Unsubscribe Calendar" = "取消訂閱"; "Sharing..." = "分享..."; "Export Calendar..." = "匯出行事曆..."; "Import Events..." = "匯入事件..."; "Import Events" = "匯入事件"; "Select an iCalendar file (.ics)." = "請選擇 iCalendar 文件 (.ics)。"; "Upload" = "上傳"; "Uploading" = "上傳中"; "Publish Calendar..." = "公開行事曆..."; "Reload Remote Calendars" = "重新載入遠端的行事曆"; "Properties" = "屬性設定"; "Done" = "完成"; "An error occurred while importing calendar." = "匯入行事曆時發生錯誤。"; "No event was imported." = "沒有匯入任何事件。"; "A total of %{0} events were imported in the calendar." = "共匯入 %{0} 筆事件至此行事曆。"; "Compose E-Mail to All Attendees" = "發送通知信件給所有的受邀者"; "Compose E-Mail to Undecided Attendees" = "發送通知信件給所有未決定的受邀者"; /* Relative dates */ "Yesterday" = "昨日"; "Today" = "今日"; "Tomorrow" = "明日"; "Last %@" = "上 %@"; /* Folders */ "Personal calendar" = "個人行事曆"; /* Misc */ "OpenGroupware.org" = "OpenGroupware.org"; "Forbidden" = "禁止"; /* acls */ "Access rights to" = "給予存取權限至"; "For user" = "给使用者"; "Any Authenticated User" = "任一授權的使用者"; "Public Access" = "公開存取"; "label_Public" = "公開事件"; "label_Private" = "私人事件"; "label_Confidential" = "機密事件"; "label_Viewer" = "顯示全部內容"; "label_DAndTViewer" = "只顯示日期和時間"; "label_Modifier" = "修改"; "label_Responder" = " 回應"; "label_None" = "無"; "View All" = "顯示全部內容"; "View the Date & Time" = "只顯示日期和時間"; "Modify" = "修改"; "Respond To" = "回應"; "None" = "無"; "This person can create objects in my calendar." = "允許在我的行事曆新增事件。"; "This person can erase objects from my calendar." = "允許在我的行事曆刪除事件。"; /* Button Titles */ "Subscribe to a Calendar..." = "訂閱行事曆..."; "Remove the selected Calendar" = "移除所選擇的行事曆"; "New calendar" = "新增日曆"; "Name of the Calendar" = "行事曆名稱"; "new" = "新增"; "Print view" = "預覽列印"; "edit" = "編輯"; "delete" = "删除"; "proposal" = "建議"; "Save and Close" = "儲存並關閉"; "Close" = "關閉"; "Invite Attendees" = "邀請出席者"; "Attach" = "附加連結"; "Update" = "更新"; "Cancel" = "取消"; "Reset" = "重置"; "Save" = "儲存"; "show_rejected_apts" = "顯示已拒絶的邀請"; "hide_rejected_apts" = "隱藏已拒絶的邀請"; /* Schedule */ "Schedule" = "行程"; "No appointments found" = "沒有議程"; "Meetings proposed by you" = "您主持的會議"; "Meetings proposed to you" = "您出席的會議"; "sched_startDateFormat" = "%d/%m %H:%M"; "action" = "操作"; "accept" = "接受"; "decline" = "拒絶"; "more attendees" = "其他出席者"; "Hide already accepted and rejected appointments" = "隱藏已接受/已拒絶的議程"; "Show already accepted and rejected appointments" = "顯示已接受/已拒絶的議程"; /* Print view */ "LIST" = "列表"; "Print Settings" = "列印設定"; "Title" = "標題"; "Layout" = "格式"; "What to Print" = "列印內容"; "Options" = "選項"; "Tasks with no due date" = "無截止日期的任務"; "Display working hours only" = "只顯示工作時段"; "Completed tasks" = "完成的任務"; "Display events and tasks colors" = "顯示事件和任務的顏色"; "Borders" = "邊界"; "Backgrounds" = "背景"; /* Appointments */ "Appointment viewer" = "議程顯示器"; "Appointment editor" = "議程編輯器"; "Appointment proposal" = "安排議程"; "Appointment on" = "會議安排在"; "Start" = "開始"; "End" = "結束"; "Due Date" = "到期日"; "Name" = "名字"; "Email" = "郵件"; "Status" = "狀態"; "% complete" = "% 完成"; "Location" = "地點"; "Add a category" = "新增類別"; "Priority" = "優先度"; "Privacy" = "私人"; "Cycle" = "重複事件"; "Cycle End" = "重複事件結束"; "Categories" = "類别"; "Classification" = "分類"; "Duration" = "期間"; "Attendees" = "出席者"; "Resources" = "資源"; "Organizer" = "發起人"; "Description" = "說明"; "Document" = "文件"; "Category" = "類別"; "Repeat" = "重複"; "Reminder" = "提醒"; "General" = "一般"; "Reply" = "回覆"; "Created by" = "建立者"; "You are invited to participate" = "您收到邀請參與"; "Target" = "目標"; "attributes" = "屬性"; "attendees" = "出席者"; "delegated from" = "委任自"; /* checkbox title */ "is private" = "私人的"; /* classification */ "Public" = "公開"; "Private" = "私人"; /* text used in overviews and tooltips */ "empty title" = "沒有標題"; "private appointment" = "私人議程"; "Change..." = "修改..."; /* Appointments (participation state) */ "partStat_NEEDS-ACTION" = "我稍後確認"; "partStat_ACCEPTED" = "我會出席"; "partStat_DECLINED" = "我不出席"; "partStat_TENTATIVE" = "我可能出席"; "partStat_DELEGATED" = "我委任"; "partStat_OTHER" = "其它"; /* Appointments (error messages) */ "Conflicts found!" = "發現衝突事件!"; "Invalid iCal data!" = "無效的 iCal 資料!"; "Could not create iCal data!" = "無法建立 iCal 資料!"; /* Searching */ "view_all" = "全部"; "view_today" = "今天"; "view_next7" = "7天內"; "view_next14" = "14天內"; "view_next31" = "31天內"; "view_thismonth" = "本月"; "view_thisyear" = "今年"; "view_future" = "所有將來的事件"; "view_selectedday" = "選擇的日期"; "view_not_started" = "尚未開始的任務"; "view_overdue" = "逾期的任務"; "view_incomplete" = "未完成的任務"; "View" = "檢視"; "Title, category or location" = "標題, 類別或地點"; "Entire content" = "全部內容"; "Search" = "搜尋"; "Search attendees" = "搜尋出席者"; "Search resources" = "搜尋資源"; "Search appointments" = "搜尋議程"; "All day Event" = "全天事件"; "check for conflicts" = "檢查衝突事件"; "URL" = "網址"; "newAttendee" = "增加出席者"; /* calendar modes */ "Overview" = "總覽"; "Chart" = "圖表"; "List" = "列表"; "Columns" = "列"; /* Priorities */ "prio_0" = "未指定"; "prio_1" = "重要"; "prio_2" = "重要"; "prio_3" = "重要"; "prio_4" = "重要"; "prio_5" = "一般"; "prio_6" = "低"; "prio_7" = "低"; "prio_8" = "低"; "prio_9" = "低"; /* access classes (privacy) */ "PUBLIC_vevent" = "公開事件"; "CONFIDENTIAL_vevent" = "機密事件"; "PRIVATE_vevent" = "私人事件"; "PUBLIC_vtodo" = "公開任務"; "CONFIDENTIAL_vtodo" = "機密任務"; "PRIVATE_vtodo" = "私人任務"; /* status type */ "status_" = "未指定"; "status_NOT-SPECIFIED" = "未指定"; "status_TENTATIVE" = "未定"; "status_CONFIRMED" = "已確認"; "status_CANCELLED" = "已取消"; "status_NEEDS-ACTION" = "需要操作"; "status_IN-PROCESS" = "處理中"; "status_COMPLETED" = "完成於"; /* Priority level */ "low" = "低"; /* Priority level */ "normal" = "中"; /* Priority level */ "high" = "高"; /* Cycles */ "cycle_once" = "重複一次"; "cycle_daily" = "日重複"; "cycle_weekly" = "週重複"; "cycle_2weeks" = "雙週重複"; "cycle_4weeks" = "每四週重複"; "cycle_monthly" = "月重覆"; "cycle_weekday" = "週間重覆"; "cycle_yearly" = "年重複"; "cycle_end_never" = "沒有結束日期"; "cycle_end_until" = "結束於"; "Recurrence pattern" = "重複模式"; "Range of recurrence" = "重複範圍"; "Daily" = "日"; "Multi-Columns" = "多重欄位"; "Weekly" = "週"; "Monthly" = "月"; "Yearly" = "年"; "Every" = "每"; "Days" = "天"; "Week(s)" = "週"; "On" = "在"; "Month(s)" = "月"; /* [Event recurrence editor] Ex: _The_ first Sunday */ "The" = "在"; "Recur on day(s)" = "在哪(些)日重複"; "Year(s)" = "年"; /* [Event recurrence editor] Ex: Every first Sunday _of_ April */ "cycle_of" = "的"; "No end date" = "沒有結束日期"; "Create" = "建立"; "appointment(s)" = "議程"; "Repeat until" = "重複直到"; "End Repeat" = "停止重複"; "Never" = "不停止"; "After" = "在幾次之後"; "On Date" = "在某日之後"; "times" = "次"; "First" = "第一個"; "Second" = "第二個"; "Third" = "第三個"; "Fourth" = "第四個"; "Fift" = "第五個"; "Last" = "最後一個"; /* Appointment categories */ "category_none" = "無"; "category_labels" = "結婚紀念日,生日,工作,電話,顧客,競爭對手,客戶,收藏, 追踪 ,禮物,假日,想法,會議,事件,雜項,個人,專案,國定假日,狀態,供應商,旅遊,休假"; "repeat_NEVER" = "不重複"; "repeat_DAILY" = "日重複"; "repeat_WEEKLY" = "週重複"; "repeat_BI-WEEKLY" = "雙週重複"; "repeat_EVERY WEEKDAY" = "工作日重複"; "repeat_MONTHLY" = " 月重複"; "repeat_YEARLY" = "年重複"; "repeat_CUSTOM" = "自訂..."; "reminder_NONE" = "無提醒"; "reminder_0" = "事件開始時"; "reminder_5_MINUTES_BEFORE" = "5分鐘前"; "reminder_10_MINUTES_BEFORE" = "10分鐘前"; "reminder_15_MINUTES_BEFORE" = "15分鐘前"; "reminder_30_MINUTES_BEFORE" = "30分鐘前"; "reminder_45_MINUTES_BEFORE" = "45分鐘前"; "reminder_1_HOUR_BEFORE" = " 1小時前"; "reminder_2_HOURS_BEFORE" = "2小時前"; "reminder_5_HOURS_BEFORE" = "5小時前"; "reminder_15_HOURS_BEFORE" = "15小時前"; "reminder_1_DAY_BEFORE" = "1天前"; "reminder_2_DAYS_BEFORE" = "2天前"; "reminder_1_WEEK_BEFORE" = "1週前"; "reminder_CUSTOM" = "自訂..."; "reminder_MINUTES" = "分鐘"; "reminder_HOURS" = "小時"; "reminder_DAYS" = "天"; "reminder_WEEKS" = "週"; "reminder_BEFORE" = "早於"; "reminder_AFTER" = "晚於"; "reminder_START" = "事件開始之時"; "reminder_END" = "事件結束之時"; "Reminder Details" = "提醒詳細內容"; "Choose a Reminder Action" = "選擇提醒方式"; "Show an Alert" = "顯示提醒訊息"; "Send an E-mail" = "寄送電子郵件"; "Email Organizer" = "寄電子郵件給發起人"; "Email Attendees" = "寄電子郵件給出席者"; "zoom_400" = "400%"; "zoom_200" = "200%"; "zoom_100" = "100%"; "zoom_50" = "50%"; "zoom_25" = "25%"; /* Arial label for reminder units */ "Reminder units" = "提醒單位"; /* Aria label for reminder time position (after or before) */ "Reminder position" = "提醒位置"; /* Aria label for reminder relation with event (start or end) */ "Reminder relation" = "提醒關係"; /* transparency */ "Show Time as Free" = "顯示空閒時間"; /* email notifications */ "Send Appointment Notifications" = "寄送議程通知"; "From" = "寄件者"; "To" = "收件者"; /* validation errors */ validate_notitle = "沒有標題,是否繼續?"; validate_invalid_startdate = "開始日期欄位不正確!"; validate_invalid_enddate = "結束日期欄位不正確!"; validate_endbeforestart = "事件開始時間不能晚於結束時間。"; validate_untilbeforeend = "重複的發生必須晚於第一次開始的時間。"; "Events" = "事件"; "Tasks" = "任務"; "Show completed tasks" = "顯示已完成的任務"; /* tabs */ "Task" = "任務"; "Event" = "事件"; "Recurrence" = "重複"; /* toolbar */ "New Event" = "新增事件"; "New Task" = "新增任務"; "Edit" = "編輯"; "Delete" = "删除"; "Go to Today" = "回到今日"; "Day View" = "日檢視"; "Week View" = "週檢視"; "Month View" = "月檢視"; "Reload" = "重新載入"; /* Number of selected components in events or tasks list */ "selected" = "已選"; "eventPartStatModificationError" = "您無法修改出席狀態。"; /* menu */ "New Event..." = "新增事件..."; "New Task..." = "新增任務..."; "Edit Selected Event..." = "編輯選擇的事件..."; "Delete Selected Event" = "刪除選擇的事件..."; "Select All" = "全部選取"; "Workweek days only" = "只顯示工作日"; "Tasks in View" = "檢視任務"; "eventDeleteConfirmation" = "以下的事件將會被清除:"; "taskDeleteConfirmation" = "以下的任務將會被清除:"; "Would you like to continue?" = "您要繼續嗎?"; "You cannot remove nor unsubscribe from your personal calendar." = "您不能刪除或取消訂閱自己的行事曆。"; "Are you sure you want to delete the calendar \"%{0}\"?" = "您確定要刪除 \"%{0}\"這本行事曆嗎?"; "Are you sure you want to delete the selected components?" = "您確定要刪除所選擇的物件嗎?"; /* Participation role */ "Role" = "身份"; /* Participant role: participation is required */ "Participant" = "出席者"; /* Participant role: participation is required */ "req-participant" = "出席者"; /* Participant role: participation is optional */ "Optional Participant" = "可能出席者"; /* Participant role: participation is optional */ "opt-participant" = "可能出席者"; /* Participant role: participant is copied for information purposes only */ "Non Participant" = "非出席者"; /* Participant role: participant is copied for information purposes only */ "non-participant" = "非出席者"; /* Participant role: participant is chair of the calendar entity */ "Chair" = "主席"; /* Participant role: participant is chair of the calendar entity */ "chair" = "主席"; /* Participant status: needs action */ "Needs action" = "需要操作"; /* Participant status: event accepted */ "Accepted" = "已接受"; /* Participant status: event declined */ "Declined" = "已拒絶"; /* Participant status: tentatively accepted */ "Tentative" = "未定"; "Free" = "空閒"; "Busy" = "忙碌"; "Maybe busy" = "可能忙碌"; "No free-busy information" = "沒有 空閒/忙碌 資訊"; /* FreeBusy panel buttons and labels */ "Suggest time slot" = "建議時段"; "Zoom" = "縮放"; "Previous slot" = "前一時段"; "Next slot" = "後一時段"; "Previous hour" = "前一小時"; "Next hour" = "前一小時"; "Work days only" = "僅限工作日"; "The whole day" = "整天"; "Between" = "介於"; "and" = "和"; "A time conflict exists with one or more attendees.\nWould you like to keep the current settings anyway?" = "出席者中有人在此時段有其他的行程安排。\n是否仍要維持現在的議程安排?"; /* events list */ "Due" = "到期日/時間"; "(Private Event)" = "(私人事件)"; vevent_class0 = "(公開事件)"; vevent_class1 = "(私人事件)"; vevent_class2 = "(機密事件)"; /* tasks list */ "Descending Order" = "降冪排列"; vtodo_class0 = "(公開任務)"; vtodo_class1 = "(私人任務)"; vtodo_class2 = "(機密任務)"; "closeThisWindowMessage" = "謝謝! 您現在可以關閉視窗或檢視您的"; "Multicolumn Day View" = "每日多列檢視"; "Please select an event or a task." = "請選擇一項事件或任務。"; "editRepeatingItem" = "這是一筆重複事件。請問您要編輯所有重複事件還是只有單獨這一筆事件?"; "button_thisOccurrenceOnly" = "僅目前這一筆"; "button_allOccurrences" = "所有重複事件"; "Edit This Occurrence" = "僅編輯這一筆"; "Edit All Occurrences" = "編輯所有重複事件"; "Update This Occurrence" = "僅更新這一筆"; "Update All Occurrences" = "更新所有重複事件"; /* Properties dialog */ "Color" = "顏色"; "Include in free-busy" = "包括在忙碌-空間中"; "Synchronization" = "同步"; "Synchronize" = "同步"; "Tag" = "標籤"; "Display" = "顯示"; "Show alarms" = "顯示提醒"; "Show tasks" = "顯示任務"; "Notifications" = "提醒"; "Receive a mail when I modify my calendar" = "當我修改我的行事曆時以電子郵件通知我"; "Receive a mail when someone else modifies my calendar" = "當有其他人修改我的行事曆時以電子郵件通知我"; "When I modify my calendar, send a mail to" = "當我修改我的行事曆時以電子郵件通知"; "Email Address" = "電子郵件地址"; "Export" = "匯出"; /* Show only the calendar for which the menu is displayed */ "Show Only This Calendar" = "只顯示這個行事曆"; /* Show all calendar (personal, subscriptions and web) */ "Show All Calendars" = "顯示所有行事曆"; "Links to this Calendar" = "連結到這本行事曆"; "Authenticated User Access" = "授權的使用者存取"; "CalDAV URL" = "CalDAV 網址"; "WebDAV ICS URL" = "WebDAV ICS 網址"; "WebDAV XML URL" = "WebDAV XML 網址"; /* Error messages */ "dayFieldInvalid" = "請在日數欄位輸入大於等於 1 的數字。"; "weekFieldInvalid" = "請在週數欄位輸入大於等於 1 的數字。"; "monthFieldInvalid" = "請在月數欄位輸入大於等於 1 的數字。"; "monthDayFieldInvalid" = "請在每月第幾日欄位輸入大於等於 1 的數字。"; "yearFieldInvalid" = "請在年數欄位輸入大於等於 1 的數字。"; "appointmentFieldInvalid" = "請在次數欄位輸入大於等於 1 的數字。"; "recurrenceUnsupported" = "目前不支援這種重複類型。"; "Please specify a calendar name." = "請輸入行事曆的名稱。"; "tagNotDefined" = "如果您想要同步行事曆必需先指定一個標籤。"; "tagAlreadyExists" = "您指定的標籤已經用於另一個行事曆。"; "tagHasChanged" = "如果您修改了行事曆的標籤,您就必須在您的行動裝置重新下載所有資料。\n是否繼續?"; "tagWasAdded" = "如果您想要同步這本行事曆,您就必須在您的行動裝置重新下載所有資料。\n是否繼續?"; "tagWasRemoved" = "如果您取消這本行事曆的同步設定,您就必須在您的行動裝置重新下載所有資料。\n是否繼續?"; "DestinationCalendarError" = "來源行事曆和目的行事曆是相同的,請複製到不同的行事曆。"; "EventCopyError" = "複製失敗。請換一個目的地行事曆再試試看。"; "Please select at least one calendar" = "請選擇至少一本行事曆"; "Open Task..." = "開啟任務..."; "Mark Completed" = "標示為已完成"; "Delete Task" = "刪除任務"; "Delete Event" = "刪除事件 "; "Copy event to my calendar" = "將事件複製到我的行事曆"; "View Raw Source" = "檢視原始碼"; "Move To" = "移動至"; "Copy To" = "複製至"; "Subscriptions" = "訂閱"; "Subscribe to a shared folder" = "訂閱共享的資料夾"; "Subscribe to a web calendar..." = "訂閱網路行事曆..."; "URL of the Calendar" = "行事曆的網址"; "Web Calendar" = "網路行事曆"; "Web Calendars" = "網路行事曆"; "Reload on login" = "登入時重新載入"; "Invalid number." = "無效的數字。"; "Please identify yourself to %{0}" = "請向 %{0} 驗證您的身份"; "quantity" = "數量"; "Current view" = "目前檢視"; "Selected events and tasks" = "已選的事件及任務"; "Custom date range" = "自訂資料範圍"; "Select starting date" = "選擇開始時間"; "Select ending date" = "選擇結束時間"; "Delegated to" = "委任予"; "Keep sending me updates" = "繼續通知更新"; "OK" = "OK"; "Confidential" = "保密"; "Enable" = "啟用"; "Filter" = "搜尋條件"; "Sort" = "分類"; "Back" = "返回"; "Day" = "日"; "Month" = "月"; "New Appointment" = "新的事件"; "filters" = "搜尋條件"; "Today" = "今日"; "More options" = "更多選項"; "Delete This Occurrence" = "僅刪除這一筆"; "Delete All Occurrences" = "刪除所有重複事件"; "Add Recurrence Date" = "新增重複發生日期"; "Add From" = "新增開始日期/時間"; "Add Due" = "新增到期日/時間"; "Import" = "匯入"; "Rename" = "重新命名"; "Import Calendar" = "匯入行事曆"; "Select an ICS file." = "選擇一個 ICS 格式檔案。"; /* Notification when user subscribes to a calendar */ "Successfully subscribed to calendar" = "已成功訂閱行事曆"; /* Aria label for color chip button to select and unselect an event or task */ "Toggle item" = "切換物品"; /* Aria label for scope of search on events or tasks */ "Search scope" = "搜尋範圍"; /* Hotkey to create an event */ "hotkey_create_event" = "e"; /* Hotkey to create a task */ "hotkey_create_task" = "t"; /* Hotkey to go to today */ "hotkey_today" = "n"; /* Hotkey to switch to day view */ "hotkey_dayview" = "d"; /* Hotkey to switch to week view */ "hotkey_weekview" = "w"; /* Hotkey to switch to month view */ "hotkey_monthview" = "m"; /* Hotkey to switch to multicolumn day view */ "hotkey_multicolumndayview" = "c";