/* -*- Mode: javascript; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ (function() { /* jshint validthis: true */ 'use strict'; /* * sgSubscribe - Common subscription widget * @restrict attribute * @param {string} sgSubscribe - the folder type * @param {function} sgSubscribeOnSelect - the function to call when subscribing to a folder. * One variable is available: folderData. * @ngInject * @example: Subscribe .. */ sgSubscribe.$inject = ['User']; function sgSubscribe(User) { return { restrict: 'A', scope: { folderType: '@sgSubscribe', onFolderSelect: '&sgSubscribeOnSelect' }, replace: false, bindToController: true, controller: sgSubscribeDialogController, controllerAs: '$sgSubscribeDialogController', link: link }; } function link(scope, element, attrs, controller) { var inputEl = element.find('input'); element.on('click', controller.showDialog); } /** * @ngInject */ sgSubscribeDialogController.$inject = ['$mdDialog']; function sgSubscribeDialogController($mdDialog) { var vm = this; vm.showDialog = function() { $mdDialog.show({ templateUrl: '../Contacts/UIxContactsUserFolders', clickOutsideToClose: true, locals: { folderType: vm.folderType, onFolderSelect: vm.onFolderSelect }, controller: sgSubscribeController, controllerAs: 'subscribe' }); }; } /** * @ngInject */ sgSubscribeController.$inject = ['$mdDialog', 'folderType', 'onFolderSelect', 'User']; function sgSubscribeController($mdDialog, folderType, onFolderSelect, User) { var vm = this; vm.selectedUser = null; vm.users = User.$users; vm.searchTextOptions = { updateOn: 'default blur', debounce: { default: 300, blur: 0 } }; vm.onChange = function() { User.$filter(vm.searchText).then(function() { if (vm.selectedUser) { // If selected user is no longer part of the matching users, unselect it if (_.isUndefined(_.find(User.$users, function(user) { return user.uid == vm.selectedUser.uid; }))) { vm.selectedUser = null; } } }); }; vm.selectUser = function(i) { if (vm.selectedUser == vm.users[i]) { vm.selectedUser = null; } else { // Fetch folders of specific type for selected user vm.users[i].$folders(folderType).then(function() { vm.selectedUser = vm.users[i]; }); } }; // Callback upon subscription to a folder vm.selectFolder = function(folder) { onFolderSelect({folderData: folder}); }; vm.close = function() { $mdDialog.hide(); }; } angular .module('SOGo.Common') .directive('sgSubscribe', sgSubscribe); })();