/* -*- Mode: javascript; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ (function() { 'use strict'; /** * @ngInject */ MessageController.$inject = ['$window', '$scope', '$q', '$state', '$mdMedia', '$mdDialog', 'sgConstant', 'stateAccounts', 'stateAccount', 'stateMailbox', 'stateMessage', 'sgHotkeys', 'encodeUriFilter', 'sgSettings', 'ImageGallery', 'sgFocus', 'Dialog', 'Preferences', 'Calendar', 'Component', 'Account', 'Mailbox', 'Message']; function MessageController($window, $scope, $q, $state, $mdMedia, $mdDialog, sgConstant, stateAccounts, stateAccount, stateMailbox, stateMessage, sgHotkeys, encodeUriFilter, sgSettings, ImageGallery, focus, Dialog, Preferences, Calendar, Component, Account, Mailbox, Message) { var vm = this, popupWindow = null, hotkeys = []; this.$onInit = function() { var isPopupWindow = false; // Expose controller $window.$messageController = vm; // Initialize image gallery service ImageGallery.setMessage(stateMessage); this.$state = $state; this.accounts = stateAccounts; this.account = stateAccount; this.mailbox = stateMailbox; this.message = stateMessage; this.service = Message; this.tags = { searchText: '', selected: '' }; this.showFlags = stateMessage.flags && stateMessage.flags.length > 0; this.$showDetailedRecipients = false; this.showRawSource = false; _registerHotkeys(hotkeys); // Detect if this is message appears in a separate window try { isPopupWindow = $window.opener && '$mailboxController' in $window.opener; } catch (e) {} // One-way refresh of the parent window when modifying the message from a popup window. if (isPopupWindow) { // Update the message flags. The message must be displayed in the parent window. $scope.$watchCollection(function() { return vm.message.flags; }, function(newTags, oldTags) { var ctrls; if (newTags || oldTags) { ctrls = $parentControllers(); if (ctrls.messageCtrl) { ctrls.messageCtrl.service.$timeout(function() { ctrls.messageCtrl.showFlags = true; ctrls.messageCtrl.message.flags = newTags; }); } } }); // Update the "isflagged" (star icon) of the message. The mailbox must be displayed in the parent window. $scope.$watch(function() { return vm.message.isflagged; }, function(isflagged, wasflagged) { var ctrls = $parentControllers(); if (ctrls.mailboxCtrl) { ctrls.mailboxCtrl.service.$timeout(function() { var message = _.find(ctrls.mailboxCtrl.selectedFolder.$messages, { uid: vm.message.uid }); message.isflagged = isflagged; }); } }); } else { // Flatten new tags when coming from the predefined list of tags (Message.$tags) and // sync tags with server when adding or removing a tag. $scope.$watchCollection(function() { return vm.message.flags; }, function(_newTags, _oldTags) { var newTags, oldTags, tags; if (_newTags || _oldTags) { newTags = _newTags || []; oldTags = _oldTags || []; _.forEach(newTags, function(tag, i) { if (angular.isObject(tag)) newTags[i] = tag.name; }); if (newTags.length > oldTags.length) { tags = _.difference(newTags, oldTags); _.forEach(tags, function(tag) { vm.message.addTag(tag); }); } else if (newTags.length < oldTags.length) { tags = _.difference(oldTags, newTags); _.forEach(tags, function(tag) { vm.message.removeTag(tag); }); } } }); } $scope.$on('$destroy', function() { // Deregister hotkeys _.forEach(hotkeys, function(key) { sgHotkeys.deregisterHotkey(key); }); }); }; // $onInit /** * To keep track of the currently active dialog, we share a common variable with the parent controller. */ function _messageDialog() { if ($scope.mailbox) { if (arguments.length > 0) $scope.mailbox.messageDialog = arguments[0]; return $scope.mailbox.messageDialog; } return null; } function _unlessInDialog(callback) { return function() { // Check if a dialog is opened either from the current controller or the parent controller if (_messageDialog() === null) return callback.apply(vm, arguments); }; } function _registerHotkeys(keys) { keys.push(sgHotkeys.createHotkey({ key: l('hotkey_reply'), description: l('Reply to the message'), callback: _unlessInDialog(angular.bind(vm, vm.reply)) })); keys.push(sgHotkeys.createHotkey({ key: l('hotkey_replyall'), description: l('Reply to sender and all recipients'), callback: _unlessInDialog(angular.bind(vm, vm.replyAll)) })); keys.push(sgHotkeys.createHotkey({ key: l('hotkey_forward'), description: l('Forward selected message'), callback: _unlessInDialog(angular.bind(vm, vm.forward)) })); keys.push(sgHotkeys.createHotkey({ key: l('hotkey_flag'), description: l('Flagged'), callback: _unlessInDialog(angular.bind(stateMessage, stateMessage.toggleFlag)) })); _.forEach(['backspace', 'delete'], function(hotkey) { keys.push(sgHotkeys.createHotkey({ key: hotkey, callback: _unlessInDialog(function($event) { if (vm.mailbox.$selectedCount() === 0) vm.deleteMessage(); $event.preventDefault(); }), })); }); // Register the hotkeys _.forEach(keys, function(key) { sgHotkeys.registerHotkey(key); }); } /** * If this is a popup window, retrieve the matching controllers (mailbox and message) of the parent window. */ function $parentControllers() { var message, mailbox, ctrls = {}; if ($window.opener) { // Deleting the message from a popup window if ('$mailboxController' in $window.opener && 'selectedFolder' in $window.opener.$mailboxController && $window.opener.$mailboxController.selectedFolder.$id() == stateMailbox.$id()) { // The message mailbox is opened in the parent window mailbox = $window.opener.$mailboxController; ctrls.mailboxCtrl = mailbox; if ('$messageController' in $window.opener && $window.opener.$messageController.message.uid == stateMessage.uid) { // The message is opened in the parent window message = $window.opener.$messageController; ctrls.messageCtrl = message; } } } return ctrls; } this.addFlags = function($event) { $event.stopPropagation(); $event.preventDefault(); this.showFlags = true; focus("flags"); }; this.toggleDetailedRecipients = function($event) { this.$showDetailedRecipients = !this.$showDetailedRecipients; $event.stopPropagation(); $event.preventDefault(); }; this.filterMailtoLinks = function($event) { var href, match, to, cc, bcc, subject, body, data; if ($event.target.tagName == 'A' && 'href' in $event.target.attributes) { href = $event.target.attributes.href.value; match = /^mailto:([^\?]+)/.exec(href); if (match) { delete $event.target.attributes.target; this.newMessage($event, href); // will stop event propagation } } }; this.deleteMessage = function() { var mailbox, message, state, nextMessage, previousMessage, parentCtrls = $parentControllers(); if (parentCtrls.messageCtrl) { mailbox = parentCtrls.mailboxCtrl.selectedFolder; message = parentCtrls.messageCtrl.message; state = parentCtrls.messageCtrl.$state; } else { mailbox = stateMailbox; message = stateMessage; state = $state; } if (Mailbox.$virtualMode) { mailbox = Mailbox.selectedFolder; // the VirtualMailbox instance } mailbox.$deleteMessages([message]).then(function(index) { var nextIndex = index; // Remove message object from scope message = null; if (angular.isDefined(state)) { // Select either the next or previous message if (index > 0) { nextIndex -= 1; nextMessage = mailbox.getItemAtIndex(nextIndex); } if (index < mailbox.getLength()) previousMessage = mailbox.getItemAtIndex(index); if (nextMessage) { if (nextMessage.isread && previousMessage && !previousMessage.isread) { nextIndex = index; nextMessage = previousMessage; } } else if (previousMessage) { nextIndex = index; nextMessage = previousMessage; } try { if (nextMessage && $mdMedia(sgConstant['gt-md'])) { if (Mailbox.$virtualMode) state.go('mail.account.virtualMailbox.message', {mailboxId: encodeUriFilter(nextMessage.$mailbox.path), messageId: nextMessage.uid}); else state.go('mail.account.mailbox.message', {messageId: nextMessage.uid}); if (nextIndex < mailbox.$topIndex) mailbox.$topIndex = nextIndex; else if (nextIndex > mailbox.$lastVisibleIndex) mailbox.$topIndex = nextIndex - (mailbox.$lastVisibleIndex - mailbox.$topIndex); } else { state.go('mail.account.mailbox').then(function() { message = null; delete mailbox.selectedMessage; }); } } catch (error) {} } vm.closePopup(); }); }; function _showMailEditor($event, message) { if (_messageDialog() === null) { var onCompleteDeferred = $q.defer(); _messageDialog( $mdDialog .show({ parent: angular.element(document.body), targetEvent: $event, clickOutsideToClose: false, escapeToClose: false, scope: $scope, preserveScope: true, templateUrl: 'UIxMailEditor', controller: 'MessageEditorController', controllerAs: 'editor', onComplete: function (scope, element) { return onCompleteDeferred.resolve(element); }, locals: { stateAccount: vm.account, stateMessage: message, onCompletePromise: function () { return onCompleteDeferred.promise; } } }) .catch(_.noop) // Cancel .finally(function() { _messageDialog(null); vm.closePopup(); }) ); } } this._showMailEditorInPopup = function(action) { if (!sgSettings.isPopup && Preferences.defaults.SOGoMailComposeWindow == 'popup') { this.openInPopup(action); return true; } return false; }; this.close = function() { var destination = Mailbox.$virtualMode ? 'mail.account.virtualMailbox' : 'mail.account.mailbox'; $state.go(destination).then(function() { vm.message = null; delete stateMailbox.selectedMessage; }); }; this.reply = function($event) { if (!this._showMailEditorInPopup('reply')) { _showMailEditor($event, this.message.$reply()); } }; this.replyAll = function($event) { if (!this._showMailEditorInPopup('replyall')) { _showMailEditor($event, this.message.$replyAll()); } }; this.forward = function($event) { if (!this._showMailEditorInPopup('forward')) { _showMailEditor($event, this.message.$forward()); } }; this.edit = function($event) { if (!this._showMailEditorInPopup('edit')) { this.message.$editableContent().then(function() { _showMailEditor($event, vm.message); }); } }; this.openInPopup = function(action) { var url = [sgSettings.baseURL(), 'UIxMailPopupView#!/Mail', this.message.accountId, // The double-encoding is necessary encodeUriFilter(encodeUriFilter(this.message.$mailbox.path)), this.message.uid] .join('/'), wId = this.message.$absolutePath(); if (action) url += '/' + action; popupWindow = $window.open(url, wId, ["width=680", "height=520", "resizable=1", "scrollbars=1", "toolbar=0", "location=0", "directories=0", "status=0", "menubar=0", "copyhistory=0"] .join(',')); }; this.closePopup = function() { if ($window.document.body.classList.contains('popup')) $window.close(); }; this.newMessage = function($event, mailto) { $event.stopPropagation(); $event.preventDefault(); this.account.$newMessage({ mailto: mailto }).then(function(message) { _showMailEditor($event, message); }); }; this.toggleRawSource = function($event) { if (!this.showRawSource && !this.message.$rawSource) { Message.$$resource.post(this.message.id, "viewsource").then(function(data) { vm.message.$rawSource = data; vm.showRawSource = true; }); } else { this.showRawSource = !this.showRawSource; } }; this.print = function($event) { $window.print(); }; this.convertToEvent = function($event) { return _convertToComponent($event, 'appointment'); }; this.convertToTask = function($event) { return _convertToComponent($event, 'task'); }; function _convertToComponent($event, type) { vm.message.$plainContent().then(function(data) { var componentData = { pid: Calendar.$defaultCalendar(), type: type, summary: data.subject, comment: data.content }; var component = new Component(componentData); // UI/Templates/SchedulerUI/UIxAppointmentEditorTemplate.wox or // UI/Templates/SchedulerUI/UIxTaskEditorTemplate.wox var templateUrl = [ sgSettings.activeUser('folderURL'), 'Calendar', 'UIx' + type.capitalize() + 'EditorTemplate' ].join('/'); return $mdDialog.show({ parent: angular.element(document.body), targetEvent: $event, clickOutsideToClose: true, escapeToClose: true, templateUrl: templateUrl, controller: 'ComponentEditorController', controllerAs: 'editor', locals: { stateComponent: component } }); }); } } angular .module('SOGo.MailerUI') .controller('MessageController', MessageController); })();