/* SOGoAppointmentFolders.m - this file is part of SOGo * * Copyright (C) 2007-2016 Inverse inc. * * This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import "SOGoAppointmentFolder.h" #import "SOGoAppointmentFolderICS.h" #import "SOGoAppointmentFolderXML.h" #import "SOGoAppointmentInboxFolder.h" #import "SOGoWebAppointmentFolder.h" #import "SOGoUser+Appointments.h" #import "SOGoAppointmentFolders.h" static SoSecurityManager *sm = nil; @interface NGDOMElement (SOGo) - (BOOL) isTextNode; @end @implementation NGDOMElement (SOGo) - (BOOL) isTextNode { id children; id element; int i; if ([self nodeType] == DOM_TEXT_NODE) return YES; children = [self childNodes]; for (i = 0; i < [children length]; i++) { element = [children objectAtIndex: i]; if ([element nodeType] != DOM_TEXT_NODE) return NO; } return YES; } @end @implementation SOGoAppointmentFolders + (void) initialize { if (!sm) sm = [SoSecurityManager sharedSecurityManager]; } + (SOGoWebDAVAclManager *) webdavAclManager { static SOGoWebDAVAclManager *aclManager = nil; if (!aclManager) { aclManager = [[super webdavAclManager] copy]; [aclManager registerDAVPermission: davElement (@"write", XMLNS_WEBDAV) abstract: NO withEquivalent: SoPerm_AddDocumentsImagesAndFiles asChildOf: davElement (@"all", XMLNS_WEBDAV)]; [aclManager registerDAVPermission: davElement (@"write-properties", XMLNS_WEBDAV) abstract: YES withEquivalent: SoPerm_AddDocumentsImagesAndFiles asChildOf: davElement (@"write", XMLNS_WEBDAV)]; [aclManager registerDAVPermission: davElement (@"write-content", XMLNS_WEBDAV) abstract: YES withEquivalent: SoPerm_AddDocumentsImagesAndFiles asChildOf: davElement (@"write", XMLNS_WEBDAV)]; } return aclManager; } - (id) init { if ((self = [super init])) { folderObjectKeys = nil; } return self; } - (void) dealloc { [folderObjectKeys release]; [super dealloc]; } + (NSString *) gcsFolderType { return @"Appointment"; } + (Class) subFolderClass { return [SOGoAppointmentFolder class]; } - (NSString *) defaultFolderName { return [self labelForKey: @"Personal Calendar" inContext: context]; } - (SOGoWebAppointmentFolder *) newWebCalendarWithURL: (NSString *) urlString nameInContainer: (NSString *) name { NSString *folderDisplayName, *tmp; SOGoWebAppointmentFolder *webCalendar; SOGoAppointmentFolder *aptFolder; NSException *error; NSURL *url; folderDisplayName = [self labelForKey: @"Web Calendar"]; webCalendar = nil; tmp = [urlString lastPathComponent]; if (tmp) { if ([[tmp pathExtension] caseInsensitiveCompare: @"ics"] == NSOrderedSame) folderDisplayName = [tmp substringToIndex: [tmp length] - 4]; else folderDisplayName = tmp; } if ([folderDisplayName length] > 0 && [urlString length] > 0) { url = [NSURL URLWithString: urlString]; if ([[url scheme] hasPrefix: @"http"]) { error = [self newFolderWithName: folderDisplayName nameInContainer: &name]; if (!error) { // We make sure we initialized our subfolfers list. This can happen // when auto-creating Web calendars during the logon process. [self subFolders]; aptFolder = [subFolders objectForKey: name]; [aptFolder setFolderPropertyValue: urlString inCategory: @"WebCalendars"]; webCalendar = [SOGoWebAppointmentFolder objectWithName: name inContainer: self]; [webCalendar setOCSPath: [aptFolder ocsPath]]; [subFolders setObject: webCalendar forKey: name]; } } } return webCalendar; } - (NSArray *) toManyRelationshipKeys { NSMutableArray *keys; NSEnumerator *sortedSubFolders; SOGoAppointmentFolder *currentFolder; SOGoUser *currentUser; NSString *login; if ([[context request] isICal]) { currentUser = [context activeUser]; login = [currentUser login]; keys = [NSMutableArray array]; [keys addObject: @"inbox"]; if ([owner isEqualToString: login]) { sortedSubFolders = [[self subFolders] objectEnumerator]; while ((currentFolder = [sortedSubFolders nextObject])) { if ([[currentFolder ownerInContext: context] isEqualToString: owner]) [keys addObject: [currentFolder nameInContainer]]; } } else { sortedSubFolders = [[self subFolders] objectEnumerator]; while ((currentFolder = [sortedSubFolders nextObject])) if ([currentUser hasSubscribedToCalendar: currentFolder] && ([currentFolder proxyPermissionForUserWithLogin: login] != SOGoAppointmentProxyPermissionNone)) [keys addObject: [currentFolder nameInContainer]]; } } else keys = (NSMutableArray *) [super toManyRelationshipKeys]; return keys; } - (NSArray *) folderObjectKeys { NSArray *folders; SOGoAppointmentFolder *folder; NSString *folderObjectKey; int count, max; BOOL ignoreRights; if (!folderObjectKeys) { ignoreRights = [self ignoreRights]; folders = [self subFolders]; max = [folders count]; folderObjectKeys = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity: max]; for (count = 0; count < max; count++) { folder = [folders objectAtIndex: count]; if ([folder isMemberOfClass: [SOGoAppointmentFolder class]] && ![folder isSubscription] && (ignoreRights || ![sm validatePermission: SOGoPerm_AccessObject onObject: folder inContext: context])) { folderObjectKey = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%@.ics", [folder nameInContainer]]; [folderObjectKeys addObject: folderObjectKey]; folderObjectKey = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%@.xml", [folder nameInContainer]]; [folderObjectKeys addObject: folderObjectKey]; } } } return folderObjectKeys; } - (NSArray *) toOneRelationshipKeys { NSArray *keys; if ([[context request] isICal]) keys = [NSArray array]; else keys = [self folderObjectKeys]; return keys; } - (id) lookupName: (NSString *) name inContext: (WOContext *) lookupContext acquire: (BOOL) acquire { id obj; if ([name isEqualToString: @"inbox"]) obj = [SOGoAppointmentInboxFolder objectWithName: name inContainer: self]; else if ([[self folderObjectKeys] containsObject: name]) { if ([name hasSuffix: @".ics"]) obj = [SOGoAppointmentFolderICS objectWithName: name inContainer: self]; else if ([name hasSuffix: @".xml"]) obj = [SOGoAppointmentFolderXML objectWithName: name inContainer: self]; else obj = nil; } else obj = [super lookupName: name inContext: lookupContext acquire: NO]; return obj; } - (NSString *) _fetchPropertyWithName: (NSString *) propertyName inArray: (NSArray *) section { NSObject *currentElement; NSString *currentName, *property; NSEnumerator *elements; NSObject *values; property = nil; elements = [section objectEnumerator]; while (!property && (currentElement = [elements nextObject])) { currentName = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"{%@}%@", [currentElement namespaceURI], [currentElement nodeName]]; if ([currentName isEqualToString: propertyName]) { if ([(id)currentElement isTextNode]) { property = [(id)currentElement textValue]; } else { values = [currentElement childNodes]; if ([values length]) property = [[values objectAtIndex: 0] nodeValue]; } } } return property; } #warning this method may be useful at a higher level #warning not all values are simple strings... - (NSException *) _applyMkCalendarProperties: (NSArray *) properties toObject: (SOGoObject *) newFolder { NSEnumerator *allProperties; NSObject *currentProperty; NSObject *values; NSString *value, *currentName; SEL methodSel; allProperties = [properties objectEnumerator]; while ((currentProperty = [allProperties nextObject])) { values = [currentProperty childNodes]; if ([values length]) { if ([(id)currentProperty isTextNode]) value = [(id)currentProperty textValue]; else value = [[values objectAtIndex: 0] nodeValue]; currentName = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"{%@}%@", [currentProperty namespaceURI], [currentProperty nodeName]]; methodSel = SOGoSelectorForPropertySetter (currentName); if ([newFolder respondsToSelector: methodSel]) [newFolder performSelector: methodSel withObject: value]; } } return nil; } - (NSException *) davCreateCalendarCollection: (NSString *) newName inContext: (id) createContext { NSArray *subfolderNames, *setProperties; NSString *content, *newDisplayName; NSDictionary *properties; NSException *error; SOGoAppointmentFolder *newFolder; subfolderNames = [self toManyRelationshipKeys]; if ([subfolderNames containsObject: newName]) { content = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"A collection named '%@' already exists.", newName]; error = [NSException exceptionWithHTTPStatus: 403 reason: content]; } else { properties = [[createContext request] davPatchedPropertiesWithTopTag: @"mkcalendar"]; setProperties = [properties objectForKey: @"set"]; newDisplayName = [self _fetchPropertyWithName: @"{DAV:}displayname" inArray: setProperties]; if (![newDisplayName length]) newDisplayName = newName; error = [self newFolderWithName: newDisplayName andNameInContainer: newName]; if (!error) { newFolder = [self lookupName: newName inContext: createContext acquire: NO]; error = [self _applyMkCalendarProperties: setProperties toObject: newFolder]; } } return error; } - (SOGoWebDAVValue *) davCalendarComponentSet { static SOGoWebDAVValue *componentSet = nil; NSMutableArray *components; if (!componentSet) { components = [NSMutableArray array]; /* Totally hackish.... we use the "n1" prefix because we know our extensions will assign that one to ..:caldav but we really need to handle element attributes */ [components addObject: [SOGoWebDAVValue valueForObject: @"" attributes: nil]]; [components addObject: [SOGoWebDAVValue valueForObject: @"" attributes: nil]]; componentSet = [davElementWithContent (@"supported-calendar-component-set", XMLNS_CALDAV, components) asWebDAVValue]; [componentSet retain]; } return componentSet; } - (NSString *) _davDefaultClassWithSelector: (SEL) selector { SOGoUser *ownerUser; SOGoUserDefaults *defaults; NSString *classification; ownerUser = [SOGoUser userWithLogin: [self ownerInContext: context]]; defaults = [ownerUser userDefaults]; classification = [defaults performSelector: selector]; return classification; } - (NSException *) _davSetDefaultClass: (NSString *) newClass withSelector: (SEL) selector { NSException *error; static NSArray *validClassifications = nil; SOGoUser *ownerUser; SOGoUserDefaults *defaults; if (!validClassifications) validClassifications = [[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects: @"PUBLIC", @"CONFIDENTIAL", @"PRIVATE", nil]; if (newClass && [validClassifications containsObject: newClass]) { error = nil; ownerUser = [SOGoUser userWithLogin: [self ownerInContext: context]]; defaults = [ownerUser userDefaults]; [defaults performSelector: selector withObject: newClass]; [defaults synchronize]; } else error = [NSException exceptionWithHTTPStatus: 403 reason: @"invalid" @" classification value"]; return error; } - (NSString *) davEventsDefaultClassification { return [self _davDefaultClassWithSelector: @selector (calendarEventsDefaultClassification)]; } - (NSException *) setDavEventsDefaultClassification: (NSString *) newClass { return [self _davSetDefaultClass: newClass withSelector: @selector (setCalendarEventsDefaultClassification:)]; } - (NSString *) davTasksDefaultClassification { return [self _davDefaultClassWithSelector: @selector (calendarTasksDefaultClassification)]; } - (NSException *) setDavTasksDefaultClassification: (NSString *) newClass { return [self _davSetDefaultClass: newClass withSelector: @selector (setCalendarTasksDefaultClassification:)]; } /* This method fixes an issue that occurred previously in _migrateWebCalendarsSettings, where the active user, rather than the owner's login would be taken to compose the expected key prefix, leading to a corrupted calendar key with an endless chain of [user]:/Calendar/[user]:/Calendar/[user].... occurrences. */ - (NSString *) _fixedWebCalendarKey: (NSString *) oldKey { NSString *newKey; NSRange lastOccurrence; lastOccurrence = [oldKey rangeOfString: @":Calendar/" options: NSBackwardsSearch]; if ([oldKey rangeOfString: @":Calendar/"].location != lastOccurrence.location) { newKey = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%@%@", owner, [oldKey substringFromIndex: lastOccurrence.location]]; [self logWithFormat: @"fixed erroneous calendar key: '%@' -> '%@'", oldKey, newKey]; } else newKey = nil; return newKey; } - (void) _migrateWebCalendarsSettings { SOGoUserSettings *us; NSDictionary *module; NSMutableDictionary *webCalendars; NSArray *keys; NSString *oldKey, *prefix, *newKey; int count, max; BOOL hasChanged; hasChanged = NO; prefix = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%@:Calendar/", [self ownerInContext: context]]; us = [[SOGoUser userWithLogin: owner] userSettings]; module = [us objectForKey: @"Calendar"]; webCalendars = [module objectForKey: @"WebCalendars"]; keys = [webCalendars allKeys]; max = [keys count]; for (count = 0; count < max; count++) { oldKey = [keys objectAtIndex: count]; if ([oldKey hasPrefix: prefix]) newKey = [self _fixedWebCalendarKey: oldKey]; else newKey = [prefix stringByAppendingString: oldKey]; if (newKey && ![newKey isEqualToString: oldKey]) { [webCalendars setObject: [webCalendars objectForKey: oldKey] forKey: newKey]; [webCalendars removeObjectForKey: oldKey]; hasChanged = YES; } } if (hasChanged) [us synchronize]; } - (void) reloadWebCalendars: (BOOL) forceReload { NSArray *refs; SOGoWebAppointmentFolder *folder; SOGoUserSettings *us; NSDictionary *calSettings; NSString *ref; int count, max; [self _migrateWebCalendarsSettings]; us = [[SOGoUser userWithLogin: owner] userSettings]; calSettings = [us objectForKey: @"Calendar"]; refs = [[calSettings objectForKey: @"WebCalendars"] allKeys]; max = [refs count]; for (count = 0; count < max; count++) { ref = [refs objectAtIndex: count]; folder = [SOGoWebAppointmentFolder folderWithSubscriptionReference: ref inContainer: self]; if (forceReload || [folder reloadOnLogin] || !folder) { if (!folder) { NSString *s, *urlString; urlString = [[calSettings objectForKey: @"WebCalendars"] objectForKey: ref]; s = [ref lastPathComponent]; // See bug #2007. Some admins want to subscribe users to Web calendars // using sogo-tool. If they do that, the db tables won't be created // so we must detect that here and create them upon login. folder = [self newWebCalendarWithURL: urlString nameInContainer: s]; } [folder loadWebCalendar]; } } } - (NSException *) fetchSpecialFolders: (NSString *) sql withChannel: (EOAdaptorChannel *) fc andFolderType: (SOGoFolderType) folderType { BOOL isWebRequest; NSException *error; NSArray *folders; int count, max; SOGoAppointmentFolder *folder; SOGoWebAppointmentFolder *webFolder; NSString *name; error = [super fetchSpecialFolders: sql withChannel: fc andFolderType: folderType]; if (!error) { isWebRequest = [[context request] handledByDefaultHandler]; folders = [subFolders allValues]; max = [folders count]; [self _migrateWebCalendarsSettings]; for (count = 0; count < max; count++) { folder = [folders objectAtIndex: count]; if ([folder folderPropertyValueInCategory: @"WebCalendars"]) { name = [folder nameInContainer]; if (isWebRequest) { webFolder = [SOGoWebAppointmentFolder objectWithName: name inContainer: self]; [webFolder setOCSPath: [folder ocsPath]]; [subFolders setObject: webFolder forKey: name]; } else [subFolders removeObjectForKey: name]; } } } return error; } - (BOOL) hasProxyCalendarsWithWriteAccess: (BOOL) write forUserWithLogin: (NSString *) userLogin { NSEnumerator *sortedSubFolders; SOGoAppointmentFolder *currentFolder; SOGoUser *currentUser; SOGoAppointmentProxyPermission permission, curPermission, foundPermission; BOOL rc; if ([owner isEqualToString: userLogin]) rc = NO; else { foundPermission = SOGoAppointmentProxyPermissionNone; permission = (write ? SOGoAppointmentProxyPermissionWrite : SOGoAppointmentProxyPermissionRead); currentUser = [SOGoUser userWithLogin: userLogin]; sortedSubFolders = [[self subFolders] objectEnumerator]; while ((currentFolder = [sortedSubFolders nextObject])) if ([currentUser hasSubscribedToCalendar: currentFolder] && [owner isEqualToString: [currentFolder ownerInContext: nil]]) { curPermission = [currentFolder proxyPermissionForUserWithLogin: userLogin]; if ((foundPermission == SOGoAppointmentProxyPermissionNone) || (foundPermission == SOGoAppointmentProxyPermissionRead && curPermission == SOGoAppointmentProxyPermissionWrite)) foundPermission = curPermission; } rc = (foundPermission == permission); } return rc; } - (NSArray *) proxySubscribersWithWriteAccess: (BOOL) write { SOGoAppointmentFolder *currentFolder; SOGoUser *currentUser; NSArray *subFolderNames, *aclUsers; NSString *aclUser; NSMutableArray *subscribers; int folderCount, folderMax, userCount, userMax; subscribers = [NSMutableArray array]; subFolderNames = [self subFolders]; folderMax = [subFolderNames count]; for (folderCount = 0; folderCount < folderMax; folderCount++) { currentFolder = [subFolderNames objectAtIndex: folderCount]; if ([owner isEqualToString: [currentFolder ownerInContext: nil]]) { aclUsers = [currentFolder aclUsersWithProxyWriteAccess: write]; userMax = [aclUsers count]; for (userCount = 0; userCount < userMax; userCount++) { aclUser = [aclUsers objectAtIndex: userCount]; if (![subscribers containsObject: aclUser]) { if ([aclUser hasPrefix: @"@"]) [subscribers addObject: aclUser]; else { currentUser = [SOGoUser userWithLogin: aclUser]; if ([currentUser hasSubscribedToCalendar: currentFolder]) [subscribers addObject: aclUser]; } } } } } return subscribers; } - (NSArray *) _requiredProxyRolesWithWriteAccess: (BOOL) hasWriteAccess { static NSArray *writeAccessRoles = nil; static NSArray *readAccessRoles = nil; if (!writeAccessRoles) writeAccessRoles = [[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects: SOGoCalendarRole_ConfidentialModifier, SOGoRole_ObjectCreator, SOGoRole_ObjectEraser, SOGoCalendarRole_PrivateModifier, SOGoCalendarRole_PublicModifier, nil]; if (!readAccessRoles) readAccessRoles = [[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects: SOGoCalendarRole_ConfidentialViewer, SOGoCalendarRole_PrivateViewer, SOGoCalendarRole_PublicViewer, nil]; return (hasWriteAccess) ? writeAccessRoles : readAccessRoles; } - (void) addProxySubscribers: (NSArray *) proxySubscribers withWriteAccess: (BOOL) write { SOGoAppointmentFolder *currentFolder; NSArray *subFolderNames, *proxyRoles; int folderCount, folderMax, userCount, userMax; proxyRoles = [self _requiredProxyRolesWithWriteAccess: write]; subFolderNames = [self subFolders]; folderMax = [subFolderNames count]; for (folderCount = 0; folderCount < folderMax; folderCount++) { currentFolder = [subFolderNames objectAtIndex: folderCount]; if ([owner isEqualToString: [currentFolder ownerInContext: nil]]) { [currentFolder setRoles: proxyRoles forUsers: proxySubscribers]; userMax = [proxySubscribers count]; for (userCount = 0; userCount < userMax; userCount++) [currentFolder subscribeUserOrGroup: [proxySubscribers objectAtIndex: userCount] reallyDo: YES response: nil]; } } } - (void) removeProxySubscribers: (NSArray *) proxySubscribers withWriteAccess: (BOOL) write { SOGoAppointmentFolder *currentFolder; NSArray *subFolderNames; int folderCount, folderMax, userCount, userMax; subFolderNames = [self subFolders]; folderMax = [subFolderNames count]; for (folderCount = 0; folderCount < folderMax; folderCount++) { currentFolder = [subFolderNames objectAtIndex: folderCount]; if ([owner isEqualToString: [currentFolder ownerInContext: nil]]) { [currentFolder removeAclsForUsers: proxySubscribers]; userMax = [proxySubscribers count]; for (userCount = 0; userCount < userMax; userCount++) [currentFolder subscribeUserOrGroup: [proxySubscribers objectAtIndex: userCount] reallyDo: NO response: nil]; } } } @end