/* -*- Mode: javascript; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ (function() { 'use strict'; /** * @name Mailbox * @constructor * @param {object} futureMailboxData - either an object literal or a promise */ function Mailbox(account, futureMailboxData) { this.$account = account; // Data is immediately available if (typeof futureMailboxData.then !== 'function') { this.init(futureMailboxData); if (this.name && !this.path) { // Create a new mailbox on the server var newMailboxData = Mailbox.$$resource.create('createFolder', this.name); this.$unwrap(newMailboxData); } } else { // The promise will be unwrapped first // NOTE: this condition never happen for the moment this.$unwrap(futureMailboxData); } } /** * @memberof Mailbox * @desc The factory we'll use to register with Angular * @returns the Mailbox constructor */ Mailbox.$factory = ['$q', '$timeout', '$log', 'sgSettings', 'Resource', 'Message', 'Acl', 'Preferences', 'sgMailbox_PRELOAD', function($q, $timeout, $log, Settings, Resource, Message, Acl, Preferences, PRELOAD) { angular.extend(Mailbox, { $q: $q, $timeout: $timeout, $log: $log, $$resource: new Resource(Settings.activeUser('folderURL') + 'Mail', Settings.activeUser()), $Message: Message, $$Acl: Acl, $Preferences: Preferences, $query: { sort: 'date', asc: 0 }, selectedFolder: null, $refreshTimeout: null, $virtualMode: false, PRELOAD: PRELOAD }); // Initialize sort parameters from user's settings Preferences.ready().then(function() { if (Preferences.settings.Mail.SortingState) { Mailbox.$query.sort = Preferences.settings.Mail.SortingState[0]; Mailbox.$query.asc = parseInt(Preferences.settings.Mail.SortingState[1]); } }); return Mailbox; // return constructor }]; /** * @module SOGo.MailerUI * @desc Factory registration of Mailbox in Angular module. */ try { angular.module('SOGo.MailerUI'); } catch(e) { angular.module('SOGo.MailerUI', ['SOGo.Common']); } angular.module('SOGo.MailerUI') .constant('sgMailbox_PRELOAD', { LOOKAHEAD: 50, SIZE: 100 }) .factory('Mailbox', Mailbox.$factory); /** * @memberof Mailbox * @desc Fetch list of mailboxes of a specific account * @param {string} accountId - the account * @return a promise of the HTTP operation * @see {@link Account.$getMailboxes} */ Mailbox.$find = function(account) { var path, futureMailboxData; futureMailboxData = this.$$resource.fetch(account.id.toString(), 'view'); return Mailbox.$unwrapCollection(account, futureMailboxData); // a collection of mailboxes }; /** * @memberof Mailbox * @desc Unwrap to a collection of Mailbox instances. * @param {string} account - the account * @param {promise} futureMailboxData - a promise of the mailboxes metadata * @returns a promise of a collection of Mailbox objects */ Mailbox.$unwrapCollection = function(account, futureMailboxData) { var collection = [], // Local recursive function createMailboxes = function(level, mailbox) { for (var i = 0; i < mailbox.children.length; i++) { mailbox.children[i].level = level; mailbox.children[i] = new Mailbox(account, mailbox.children[i]); createMailboxes(level+1, mailbox.children[i]); } }; //collection.$futureMailboxData = futureMailboxData; return futureMailboxData.then(function(data) { return Mailbox.$timeout(function() { // Each entry is spun up as a Mailbox instance angular.forEach(data.mailboxes, function(data, index) { data.level = 0; var mailbox = new Mailbox(account, data); createMailboxes(1, mailbox); // recursively create all sub-mailboxes collection.push(mailbox); }); return collection; }); }); }; /** * @memberof Mailbox * @desc Build the path of the mailbox (or account only). * @param {string} accountId - the account ID * @param {string} [mailboxPath] - the mailbox path * @returns a string representing the path relative to the mail module */ Mailbox.$absolutePath = function(accountId, mailboxPath) { var path = []; if (mailboxPath) { path = _.map(mailboxPath.split('/'), function(component) { return 'folder' + component.asCSSIdentifier(); }); } path.splice(0, 0, accountId); // insert account ID return path.join('/'); }; /** * @function init * @memberof Mailbox.prototype * @desc Extend instance with new data and compute additional attributes. * @param {object} data - attributes of mailbox */ Mailbox.prototype.init = function(data) { var _this = this; this.$isLoading = true; this.$messages = []; this.uidsMap = {}; angular.extend(this, data); if (this.path) { this.id = this.$id(); this.$acl = new Mailbox.$$Acl('Mail/' + this.id); } if (this.type) { this.$isEditable = this.isEditable(); } if (angular.isUndefined(this.$shadowData)) { // Make a copy of the data for an eventual reset this.$shadowData = this.$omit(); } }; /** * @function getLength * @memberof Mailbox.prototype * @desc Used by md-virtual-repeat / md-on-demand * @returns the number of items in the mailbox */ Mailbox.prototype.getLength = function() { return this.$messages.length; }; /** * @function getItemAtIndex * @memberof Mailbox.prototype * @desc Used by md-virtual-repeat / md-on-demand * @returns the message as the specified index */ Mailbox.prototype.getItemAtIndex = function(index) { var message; if (index >= 0 && index < this.$messages.length) { message = this.$messages[index]; if (this.$loadMessage(message.uid)) return message; } return null; }; /** * @function $id * @memberof Mailbox.prototype * @desc Build the unique ID to identified the mailbox. * @returns a string representing the path relative to the mail module */ Mailbox.prototype.$id = function() { return Mailbox.$absolutePath(this.$account.id, this.path); }; /** * @function $selectedCount * @memberof Mailbox.prototype * @desc Return the number of messages selected by the user. * @returns the number of selected messages */ Mailbox.prototype.$selectedCount = function() { var count; count = 0; if (this.$messages) { count = (_.filter(this.$messages, function(message) { return message.selected; })).length; } return count; }; /** * @function isSelectedMessage * @memberof Mailbox.prototype * @desc Check if the specified message is selected. * @param {string} messageId * @returns true if the specified message is selected */ Mailbox.prototype.isSelectedMessage = function(messageId) { return this.selectedMessage == messageId; }; /** * @function $filter * @memberof Mailbox.prototype * @desc Fetch the messages metadata of the mailbox * @param {object} [sort] - sort preferences. Defaults to descendent by date. * @param {string} sort.match - either AND or OR * @param {string} sort.sort - either arrival, subject, from, to, date, or size * @param {boolean} sort.asc - sort is ascendant if true * @param {object[]} [filters] - list of filters for the query * @param {string} filters.searchBy - either subject, from, to, cc, or body * @param {string} filters.searchInput - the search string to match * @param {boolean} filters.negative - negate the condition * @returns a promise of the HTTP operation */ Mailbox.prototype.$filter = function(sortingAttributes, filters) { var _this = this, options = {}; if (!angular.isDefined(this.unseenCount)) this.unseenCount = 0; this.$isLoading = true; return Mailbox.$Preferences.ready().then(function() { if (Mailbox.$refreshTimeout) Mailbox.$timeout.cancel(Mailbox.$refreshTimeout); if (sortingAttributes) // Sorting preferences are common to all mailboxes angular.extend(Mailbox.$query, sortingAttributes); angular.extend(options, { sortingAttributes: Mailbox.$query }); if (angular.isDefined(filters)) { options.filters = _.reject(filters, function(filter) { return angular.isUndefined(filter.searchInput) || filter.searchInput.length === 0; }); _.each(options.filters, function(filter) { var secondFilter, match = filter.searchBy.match(/(\w+)_or_(\w+)/); if (match) { options.sortingAttributes.match = 'OR'; filter.searchBy = match[1]; secondFilter = angular.copy(filter); secondFilter.searchBy = match[2]; options.filters.push(secondFilter); } }); } // Restart the refresh timer, if needed if (!Mailbox.$virtualMode) { var refreshViewCheck = Mailbox.$Preferences.defaults.SOGoRefreshViewCheck; if (refreshViewCheck && refreshViewCheck != 'manually') { var f = angular.bind(_this, Mailbox.prototype.$filter); Mailbox.$refreshTimeout = Mailbox.$timeout(f, refreshViewCheck.timeInterval()*1000); } } var futureMailboxData = Mailbox.$$resource.post(_this.id, 'view', options); return _this.$unwrap(futureMailboxData); }); }; /** * @function $loadMessage * @memberof Mailbox.prototype * @desc Check if the message is loaded and in any case, fetch more messages headers from the server. * @returns true if the message metadata are already fetched */ Mailbox.prototype.$loadMessage = function(messageId) { var startIndex = this.uidsMap[messageId], endIndex, max = this.$messages.length, loaded = false, uids, futureHeadersData; if (angular.isDefined(this.uidsMap[messageId]) && startIndex < this.$messages.length) { // Index is valid if (angular.isDefined(this.$messages[startIndex].subject)) {// || this.$messages[startIndex].loading) { // Message headers are loaded or data is coming loaded = true; } // Preload more headers if possible endIndex = Math.min(startIndex + Mailbox.PRELOAD.LOOKAHEAD, max - 1); if (!angular.isDefined(this.$messages[endIndex].subject) && !angular.isDefined(this.$messages[endIndex].loading)) { endIndex = Math.min(startIndex + Mailbox.PRELOAD.SIZE, max); for (uids = []; startIndex < endIndex && startIndex < max; startIndex++) { if (angular.isDefined(this.$messages[startIndex].subject) || this.$messages[startIndex].loading) { // Message at this index is already loaded; increase the end index endIndex++; } else { // Message at this index will be loaded uids.push(this.$messages[startIndex].uid); this.$messages[startIndex].loading = true; } } Mailbox.$log.debug('Loading UIDs ' + uids.join(' ')); futureHeadersData = Mailbox.$$resource.post(this.id, 'headers', {uids: uids}); this.$unwrapHeaders(futureHeadersData); } } return loaded; }; /** * @function isEditable * @memberof Mailbox.prototype * @desc Checks if the mailbox is editable based on its type. * @returns true if the mailbox is not a special folder. */ Mailbox.prototype.isEditable = function() { return this.type == 'folder'; }; /** * @function $rename * @memberof AddressBook.prototype * @desc Rename the addressbook and keep the list sorted * @param {string} name - the new name * @returns a promise of the HTTP operation */ Mailbox.prototype.$rename = function() { var _this = this, findParent, parent, children, i; if (this.name == this.$shadowData.name) { // Name hasn't changed return Mailbox.$q.when(); } // Local recursive function findParent = function(parent, children) { var parentMailbox = null, mailbox = _.find(children, function(o) { return o.path == _this.path; }); if (mailbox) { parentMailbox = parent; } else { angular.forEach(children, function(o) { if (!parentMailbox && o.children && o.children.length > 0) { parentMailbox = findParent(o, o.children); } }); } return parentMailbox; }; // Find mailbox parent parent = findParent(null, this.$account.$mailboxes); if (parent === null) children = this.$account.$mailboxes; else children = parent.children; // Find index of mailbox among siblings i = _.indexOf(_.pluck(children, 'id'), this.id); return this.$save().then(function(data) { var sibling; angular.extend(_this, data); // update the path attribute _this.id = _this.$id(); // Move mailbox among its siblings according to its new name children.splice(i, 1); sibling = _.find(children, function(o) { Mailbox.$log.debug(o.name + ' ? ' + _this.name); return (o.type == 'folder' && o.name.localeCompare(_this.name) > 0); }); if (sibling) { i = _.indexOf(_.pluck(children, 'id'), sibling.id); } else { i = children.length; } children.splice(i, 0, _this); }); }; /** * @function $compact * @memberof Mailbox.prototype * @desc Compact the mailbox * @returns a promise of the HTTP operation */ Mailbox.prototype.$compact = function() { return Mailbox.$$resource.post(this.id, 'expunge'); }; /** * @function $setFolderAs * @memberof Mailbox.prototype * @desc Set a folder as Drafts/Sent/Trash * @returns a promise of the HTTP operation */ Mailbox.prototype.$setFolderAs = function(type) { return Mailbox.$$resource.post(this.id, 'setAs' + type + 'Folder'); }; /** * @function $emptyTrash * @memberof Mailbox.prototype * @desc Empty the Trash folder. * @returns a promise of the HTTP operation */ Mailbox.prototype.$emptyTrash = function() { var _this = this; return Mailbox.$$resource.post(this.id, 'emptyTrash').then(function() { // Remove all messages from the mailbox _this.$messages = []; _this.uidsMap = {}; _this.unseenCount = 0; // If we had any submailboxes, lets do a refresh of the mailboxes list if (angular.isDefined(_this.children) && _this.children.length) _this.$account.$getMailboxes({reload: true}); }); }; /** * @function $markAsRead * @memberof Mailbox.prototype * @desc Mark all messages from folder as read * @returns a promise of the HTTP operation */ Mailbox.prototype.$markAsRead = function() { return Mailbox.$$resource.post(this.id, 'markRead'); }; /** * @function $flagMessages * @memberof Mailbox.prototype * @desc Add or remove a flag on a message set * @returns a promise of the HTTP operation */ Mailbox.prototype.$flagMessages = function(uids, flags, operation) { var data = {msgUIDs: uids, flags: flags, operation: operation}; return Mailbox.$$resource.post(this.id, 'addOrRemoveLabel', data); }; /** * @function $delete * @memberof Mailbox.prototype * @desc Delete the mailbox from the server * @returns a promise of the HTTP operation */ Mailbox.prototype.$delete = function() { var _this = this, deferred = Mailbox.$q.defer(), promise; promise = Mailbox.$$resource.remove(this.id); promise.then(function() { _this.$account.$getMailboxes({reload: true}); deferred.resolve(true); }, function(data, status) { deferred.reject(data); }); return deferred.promise; }; /** * @function $deleteMessages * @memberof Mailbox.prototype * @desc Delete multiple messages from mailbox. * @return a promise of the HTTP operation */ Mailbox.prototype.$deleteMessages = function(uids) { return Mailbox.$$resource.post(this.id, 'batchDelete', {uids: uids}); }; /** * @function $copyMessages * @memberof Mailbox.prototype * @desc Copy multiple messages from the current mailbox to a target one * @return a promise of the HTTP operation */ Mailbox.prototype.$copyMessages = function(uids, folder) { return Mailbox.$$resource.post(this.id, 'copyMessages', {uids: uids, folder: folder}); }; /** * @function $moveMessages * @memberof Mailbox.prototype * @desc Move multiple messages from the current mailbox to a target one * @return a promise of the HTTP operation */ Mailbox.prototype.$moveMessages = function(uids, folder) { return Mailbox.$$resource.post(this.id, 'moveMessages', {uids: uids, folder: folder}); }; /** * @function $reset * @memberof Mailbox.prototype * @desc Reset the original state the mailbox's data. */ Mailbox.prototype.$reset = function() { var _this = this; angular.forEach(this, function(value, key) { if (key != 'constructor' && key != 'children' && key[0] != '$') { delete _this[key]; } }); angular.extend(this, this.$shadowData); this.$shadowData = this.$omit(); }; /** * @function $save * @memberof Mailbox.prototype * @desc Save the mailbox to the server. This currently can only affect the name of the mailbox. * @returns a promise of the HTTP operation */ Mailbox.prototype.$save = function() { var _this = this; return Mailbox.$$resource.save(this.id, this.$omit()).then(function(data) { // Make a copy of the data for an eventual reset _this.$shadowData = _this.$omit(); Mailbox.$log.debug(JSON.stringify(data, undefined, 2)); return data; }, function(data) { Mailbox.$log.error(JSON.stringify(data, undefined, 2)); // Restore previous version _this.$reset(); }); }; /** * @function $newMailbox * @memberof Mailbox.prototype * @desc Create a new mailbox on the server and refresh the list of mailboxes. * @returns a promise of the HTTP operations */ Mailbox.prototype.$newMailbox = function(path, name) { return this.$account.$newMailbox(path, name); }; /** * @function $omit * @memberof Mailbox.prototype * @desc Return a sanitized object used to send to the server. * @return an object literal copy of the Mailbox instance */ Mailbox.prototype.$omit = function() { var mailbox = {}; angular.forEach(this, function(value, key) { if (key != 'constructor' && key != 'children' && key[0] != '$') { mailbox[key] = value; } }); return mailbox; }; /** * @function $unwrap * @memberof Mailbox.prototype * @desc Unwrap a promise and instanciate new Message objects using received data. * @param {promise} futureMailboxData - a promise of the Mailbox's metadata * @returns a promise of the HTTP operation */ Mailbox.prototype.$unwrap = function(futureMailboxData) { var _this = this, deferred = Mailbox.$q.defer(); this.$futureMailboxData = futureMailboxData; this.$futureMailboxData.then(function(data) { Mailbox.$timeout(function() { var uids, headers; _this.init(data); if (_this.uids) { Mailbox.$log.debug('unwrapping ' + data.uids.length + ' messages'); // First entry of 'headers' are keys headers = _.invoke(_this.headers[0], 'toLowerCase'); _this.headers.splice(0, 1); // First entry of 'uids' are keys when threaded view is enabled if (_this.threaded) { uids = _this.uids[0]; _this.uids.splice(0, 1); } // Instanciate Message objects _.reduce(_this.uids, function(msgs, msg, i) { var data; if (_this.threaded) data = _.object(uids, msg); else data = {uid: msg.toString()}; // Build map of UID <=> index _this.uidsMap[data.uid] = i; msgs.push(new Mailbox.$Message(_this.$account.id, _this, data, true)); return msgs; }, _this.$messages); // Extend Message objects with received headers _.each(_this.headers, function(data) { var msg = _.object(headers, data), i = _this.uidsMap[msg.uid.toString()]; _.extend(_this.$messages[i], msg); }); } Mailbox.$log.debug('mailbox ' + _this.id + ' ready'); _this.$isLoading = false; deferred.resolve(_this.$messages); }); }, function(data) { angular.extend(_this, data); _this.isError = true; deferred.reject(); }); return deferred.promise; }; /** * @function $unwrapHeaders * @memberof Mailbox.prototype * @desc Unwrap a promise and extend matching Message objects using received data. * @param {promise} futureHeadersData - a promise of some messages metadata */ Mailbox.prototype.$unwrapHeaders = function(futureHeadersData) { var _this = this; futureHeadersData.then(function(data) { Mailbox.$timeout(function() { var headers, j; if (data.length > 0) { // First entry of 'headers' are keys headers = _.invoke(data[0], 'toLowerCase'); data.splice(0, 1); _.each(data, function(messageHeaders) { messageHeaders = _.object(headers, messageHeaders); j = _this.uidsMap[messageHeaders.uid.toString()]; if (angular.isDefined(j)) { _.extend(_this.$messages[j], messageHeaders); } }); } }); }); }; })();