/* SOGo+DAV.m - this file is part of SOGo * * Copyright (C) 2010 Inverse inc. * * Author: Wolfgang Sourdeau * * This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import "SOGo+DAV.h" @implementation SOGo (SOGoWebDAVExtensions) - (WOResponse *) davPrincipalSearchPropertySet: (WOContext *) localContext { static NSDictionary *davResponse = nil; NSMutableArray *propertySet; NSDictionary *property, *prop, *description; NSArray *currentValue, *properties, *descriptions, *namespaces; int count, max; WOResponse *r; if (!davResponse) { properties = [NSArray arrayWithObjects: @"calendar-user-type", @"calendar-user-address-set", @"displayname", @"first-name", @"last-name", @"email-address-set", nil]; descriptions = [properties resultsOfSelector: @selector (asDAVPropertyDescription)]; namespaces = [NSArray arrayWithObjects: XMLNS_CALDAV, XMLNS_CALDAV, XMLNS_WEBDAV, XMLNS_CalendarServerOrg, XMLNS_CalendarServerOrg, XMLNS_CalendarServerOrg, nil]; max = [properties count]; propertySet = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity: max]; for (count = 0; count < max; count++) { property = davElement([properties objectAtIndex: count], [namespaces objectAtIndex: count]); prop = davElementWithContent(@"prop", @"DAV:", property); description = davElementWithContent(@"description", @"DAV:", [descriptions objectAtIndex: count]); currentValue = [NSArray arrayWithObjects: prop, description, nil]; [propertySet addObject: davElementWithContent(@"principal-search-property", @"DAV:", currentValue)]; } davResponse = davElementWithContent (@"principal-search-property-set", @"DAV:", propertySet); [davResponse retain]; } r = [localContext response]; [r prepareDAVResponse]; [r appendContentString: [davResponse asWebDavStringWithNamespaces: nil]]; return r; } #warning all REPORT method should be standardized... - (NSDictionary *) _formalizePrincipalMatchResponse: (NSArray *) hrefs { NSDictionary *multiStatus; NSEnumerator *hrefList; NSString *currentHref; NSMutableArray *responses; NSArray *responseElements; responses = [NSMutableArray array]; hrefList = [hrefs objectEnumerator]; while ((currentHref = [hrefList nextObject])) { responseElements = [NSArray arrayWithObjects: davElementWithContent (@"href", XMLNS_WEBDAV, currentHref), davElementWithContent (@"status", XMLNS_WEBDAV, @"HTTP/1.1 200 OK"), nil]; [responses addObject: davElementWithContent (@"response", XMLNS_WEBDAV, responseElements)]; } multiStatus = davElementWithContent (@"multistatus", XMLNS_WEBDAV, responses); return multiStatus; } - (NSDictionary *) _handlePrincipalMatchSelfInContext: (WOContext *) localContext { NSString *davURL, *userLogin; NSArray *principalURL; davURL = [self davURLAsString]; userLogin = [[localContext activeUser] login]; principalURL = [NSArray arrayWithObject: [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%@%@/", davURL, userLogin]]; return [self _formalizePrincipalMatchResponse: principalURL]; } - (void) _fillArrayWithPrincipalsOwnedBySelf: (NSMutableArray *) hrefs inContext: (WOContext *) localContext { NSArray *roles; roles = [[localContext activeUser] rolesForObject: self inContext: localContext]; if ([roles containsObject: SoRole_Owner]) [hrefs addObject: [self davURLAsString]]; } - (NSDictionary *) _handlePrincipalMatchPrincipalProperty: (id ) child inContext: (WOContext *) localContext { NSMutableArray *hrefs; NSDictionary *response; hrefs = [NSMutableArray array]; [self _fillArrayWithPrincipalsOwnedBySelf: hrefs inContext: localContext]; response = [self _formalizePrincipalMatchResponse: hrefs]; return response; } - (NSDictionary *) _handlePrincipalMatchReport: (id ) document inContext: (WOContext *) localContext { NSDictionary *response; id documentElement, queryChild; NSArray *children; NSString *queryTag, *error; documentElement = [document documentElement]; children = [self domNode: documentElement getChildNodesByType: DOM_ELEMENT_NODE]; if ([children count] == 1) { queryChild = [children objectAtIndex: 0]; queryTag = [queryChild tagName]; if ([queryTag isEqualToString: @"self"]) response = [self _handlePrincipalMatchSelfInContext: localContext]; else if ([queryTag isEqualToString: @"principal-property"]) response = [self _handlePrincipalMatchPrincipalProperty: queryChild inContext: localContext]; else { error = (@"Query element must be either '{DAV:}principal-property'" @" or '{DAV:}self'"); response = [NSException exceptionWithHTTPStatus: 400 reason: error]; } } else { error = (@"Query must have one element: '{DAV:}principal-property'" @" or '{DAV:}self'"); response = [NSException exceptionWithHTTPStatus: 400 reason: error]; } return response; } - (WOResponse *) davPrincipalMatch: (WOContext *) localContext { WOResponse *r; id document; NSDictionary *xmlResponse; r = [localContext response]; document = [[localContext request] contentAsDOMDocument]; xmlResponse = [self _handlePrincipalMatchReport: document inContext: localContext]; if ([xmlResponse isKindOfClass: [NSException class]]) r = (WOResponse *) xmlResponse; else { [r prepareDAVResponse]; [r appendContentString: [xmlResponse asWebDavStringWithNamespaces: nil]]; } return r; } - (void) _fillMatches: (NSMutableDictionary *) matches fromElement: (NSObject *) searchElement { NSObject *list; NSObject *valueNode; NSArray *elements; NSString *property, *match; list = [searchElement getElementsByTagName: @"prop"]; if ([list length]) { elements = [self domNode: [list objectAtIndex: 0] getChildNodesByType: DOM_ELEMENT_NODE]; if ([elements count]) { valueNode = [elements objectAtIndex: 0]; property = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"{%@}%@", [valueNode namespaceURI], [valueNode nodeName]]; } } list = [searchElement getElementsByTagName: @"match"]; if ([list length]) { valueNode = [[list objectAtIndex: 0] firstChild]; match = [valueNode nodeValue]; } [matches setObject: match forKey: property]; } - (void) _fillProperties: (NSMutableArray *) properties fromElement: (NSObject *) propElement { NSEnumerator *elements; NSObject *propNode; NSString *property; elements = [[self domNode: propElement getChildNodesByType: DOM_ELEMENT_NODE] objectEnumerator]; while ((propNode = [elements nextObject])) { property = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"{%@}%@", [propNode namespaceURI], [propNode nodeName]]; [properties addObject: property]; } } - (void) _fillPrincipalMatches: (NSMutableDictionary *) matches andProperties: (NSMutableArray *) properties fromElement: (NSObject *) documentElement { NSEnumerator *children; NSObject *currentElement; NSString *tag; children = [[self domNode: documentElement getChildNodesByType: DOM_ELEMENT_NODE] objectEnumerator]; while ((currentElement = [children nextObject])) { tag = [currentElement tagName]; if ([tag isEqualToString: @"property-search"]) [self _fillMatches: matches fromElement: currentElement]; else if ([tag isEqualToString: @"prop"]) [self _fillProperties: properties fromElement: currentElement]; else [self errorWithFormat: @"principal-property-search: unknown tag '%@'", tag]; } } #warning this is a bit ugly, as usual - (void) _fillCollections: (NSMutableArray *) collections withCalendarHomeSetMatching: (NSString *) value inContext: (WOContext *) localContext { SOGoUserFolder *collection; NSRange substringRange; substringRange = [value rangeOfString: @"/SOGo/dav/"]; value = [value substringFromIndex: NSMaxRange (substringRange)]; substringRange = [value rangeOfString: @"/Calendar"]; value = [value substringToIndex: substringRange.location]; collection = [[SOGoUser userWithLogin: value] homeFolderInContext: localContext]; if (collection) [collections addObject: collection]; } - (NSMutableArray *) _firstPrincipalCollectionsWhere: (NSString *) key matches: (NSString *) value inContext: (WOContext *) localContext { NSMutableArray *collections; collections = [NSMutableArray array]; if ([key isEqualToString: @"{urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:caldav}calendar-home-set"]) [self _fillCollections: collections withCalendarHomeSetMatching: value inContext: localContext]; else [self errorWithFormat: @"principal-property-search: unhandled key '%@'", key]; return collections; } - (void) _principalCollections: (NSMutableArray **) baseCollections where: (NSString *) key matches: (NSString *) value inContext: (WOContext *) localContext { SOGoUserFolder *currentCollection; unsigned int count, max; if (!*baseCollections) *baseCollections = [self _firstPrincipalCollectionsWhere: key matches: value inContext: localContext]; else { max = [*baseCollections count]; for (count = max; count > 0; count--) { currentCollection = [*baseCollections objectAtIndex: count - 1]; if (![currentCollection collectionDavKey: key matches: value]) [*baseCollections removeObjectAtIndex: count - 1]; } } } - (NSArray *) _principalCollectionsMatching: (NSDictionary *) matches inContext: (WOContext *) localContext { NSMutableArray *collections; NSEnumerator *allKeys; NSString *currentKey; collections = nil; allKeys = [[matches allKeys] objectEnumerator]; while ((currentKey = [allKeys nextObject])) [self _principalCollections: &collections where: currentKey matches: [matches objectForKey: currentKey] inContext: localContext]; return collections; } /* doE Sales */ - (void) _appendProperties: (NSArray *) properties ofCollection: (SOGoUserFolder *) collection toResponses: (NSMutableArray *) responses { unsigned int count, max; SEL methodSel; NSString *currentProperty; id currentValue; NSMutableArray *response, *props; NSDictionary *keyTuple; response = [NSMutableArray array]; [response addObject: davElementWithContent (@"href", XMLNS_WEBDAV, [collection davURLAsString])]; props = [NSMutableArray array]; max = [properties count]; for (count = 0; count < max; count++) { currentProperty = [properties objectAtIndex: count]; methodSel = SOGoSelectorForPropertyGetter (currentProperty); if (methodSel && [collection respondsToSelector: methodSel]) { currentValue = [collection performSelector: methodSel]; #warning evil eVIL EVIl! if ([currentValue isKindOfClass: [NSArray class]]) { currentValue = [currentValue objectAtIndex: 0]; currentValue = davElementWithContent ([currentValue objectAtIndex: 0], [currentValue objectAtIndex: 1], [currentValue objectAtIndex: 3]); } keyTuple = [currentProperty asWebDAVTuple]; [props addObject: davElementWithContent ([keyTuple objectForKey: @"method"], [keyTuple objectForKey: @"ns"], currentValue)]; } } [response addObject: davElementWithContent (@"propstat", XMLNS_WEBDAV, davElementWithContent (@"prop", XMLNS_WEBDAV, props))]; [responses addObject: davElementWithContent (@"response", XMLNS_WEBDAV, response)]; } - (void) _appendProperties: (NSArray *) properties ofCollections: (NSArray *) collections toResponse: (WOResponse *) response { NSDictionary *mStatus; NSMutableArray *responses; unsigned int count, max; max = [collections count]; responses = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity: max]; for (count = 0; count < max; count++) [self _appendProperties: properties ofCollection: [collections objectAtIndex: count] toResponses: responses]; mStatus = davElementWithContent (@"multistatus", XMLNS_WEBDAV, responses); [response appendContentString: [mStatus asWebDavStringWithNamespaces: nil]]; } /* rfc3744, should be moved into SOGoUserFolder */ - (WOResponse *) davPrincipalPropertySearch: (WOContext *) localContext { NSObject *document; NSObject *documentElement; NSArray *collections; NSMutableDictionary *matches; NSMutableArray *properties; WOResponse *r; document = [[localContext request] contentAsDOMDocument]; documentElement = [document documentElement]; matches = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary]; properties = [NSMutableArray array]; [self _fillPrincipalMatches: matches andProperties: properties fromElement: documentElement]; collections = [self _principalCollectionsMatching: matches inContext: localContext]; r = [localContext response]; [r prepareDAVResponse]; [self _appendProperties: properties ofCollections: collections toResponse: r]; return r; } @end