/* toolbar */ "Save and Close" = "Saglabāt un aizvērt"; "Close" = "Aizvērt"; "Preferences saved" = "Preferences saglabātas"; /* Unsaved changes confirmation dialog title */ "Unsaved Changes" = "Nesaglabātas izmaiņas"; /* Unsaved changes confirmation dialog text */ "Do you want to save your changes made to the configuration?" = "Vai vēlaties saglabāt izmaiņas, kas veiktas konfigurācijā?"; /* Unsaved changes confirmation dialog button */ "Save" = "Saglabāt"; /* Unsaved changes confirmation dialog button */ "Don't Save" = "Nesaglabāt"; /* tabs */ "General" = "Vispārīgi"; "Calendar Options" = "Kalendāra opcijas"; "Contacts Options" = "Kontaktu opcijas"; "Mail Options" = "Pasta opcijas"; "IMAP Accounts" = "IMAP konti"; "Vacation" = "Atvaļinājums"; "Forward" = "Pārsūtīt"; "Password" = "Parole"; "Categories" = "Kategorijas"; "Appointments invitations" = "Tikšanās uzaicinājums"; "Name" = "Nosaukums"; "Color" = "Krāsa"; "Add" = "Pievienot"; "Delete" = "Dzēst"; /* contacts categories */ "contacts_category_labels" = "Kolēģi, konkurenti, klienti, draugi, ģimene, biznesa partneri, piegādātāji, Prese, VIP"; /* vacation (auto-reply) */ "Enable vacation auto reply" = "Iespējot automātisku atvaļinājuma atbildi"; "Enable custom auto reply subject" = "Iespējot pielāgotu automātisko atbildi"; "Auto reply subject" = "Automātiskā atbilde"; "You can write ${subject} to insert the original subject" = "Varat rakstīt ${subject} ievietot sākotnējo tēmu"; "Auto reply message" = "Automātiskās atbildes ziņa"; "Email addresses (separated by commas)" = "E-pasta adreses (atdalītas ar komatu)"; "Add default email addresses" = "Pievienot noklusējuma e-pasta adreses"; "Days between responses" = "Dienas starp atbildēm"; "Do not send responses to mailing lists" = "Nesūtīt automātiskās atbildes adresātu sarakstam"; "Enable auto reply on" = "Ieslēgt automātisko atbildi"; "Disable auto reply on" = "Izslēgt automātisko atbildi"; "Always send vacation message response" = "Vienmēr sūtīt atvaļinājuma atbildes ziņojumu"; "Discard incoming mails during vacation" = "Atmest ienākošo pastu atvaļinājuma laikā"; "Please specify your message and your email addresses for which you want to enable auto reply." = "Lūdzu, norādiet ziņojuma adresātu un e-pasta adreses, kuras vēlaties iespējot automātisko atbildi."; "Your vacation message must not end with a single dot on a line." = "Jūsu atvaļinājums ziņa nedrīkst beigties ar vienu punktiņu līnijā."; "End date of your auto reply must be in the future." = "Jūsu automātiskās atbildes beigu datumam ir jābūt nākotnē."; /* forward messages */ "Forward incoming messages" = "Pārsūtīt ienākošos ziņojumus"; "Keep a copy" = "Paturēt kopiju"; "Please specify an address to which you want to forward your messages." = "Lūdzu, norādiet adresi, uz kuru vēlaties pārsūtīt ziņojumu."; "You are not allowed to forward your messages to an external email address." = "Jums nav atļauts pārsūtīt ziņojumus uz ārēju e-pasta adresi."; "You are not allowed to forward your messages to an internal email address." = "Jums nav atļauts nosūtīt savus ziņojumus iekšējai e-pasta adresei."; /* d & t */ "Current Time Zone" = "Pašreizējā laika josla"; "Short Date Format" = "Īsais datuma formāts"; "Long Date Format" = "Garais datuma formāts"; "Time Format" = "Datuma formāts"; "default" = "Noklusējuma"; "Default Module" = "Noklusējuma modulis"; "Save" = "Saglabāt"; "shortDateFmt_0" = "%d-%b-%y"; "shortDateFmt_1" = "%d-%m-%y"; "shortDateFmt_2" = "%d/%m/%y"; "shortDateFmt_3" = "%e/%m/%y"; "shortDateFmt_4" = "%d-%m-%Y"; "shortDateFmt_5" = "%d/%m/%Y"; "shortDateFmt_6" = "%m-%d-%y"; "shortDateFmt_7" = "%m/%d/%y"; "shortDateFmt_8" = "%m/%e/%y"; "shortDateFmt_9" = "%y-%m-%d"; "shortDateFmt_10" = "%y/%m/%d"; "shortDateFmt_11" = "%y.%m.%d"; "shortDateFmt_12" = "%Y-%m-%d"; "shortDateFmt_13" = "%Y/%m/%d"; "shortDateFmt_14" = "%Y.%m.%d"; "shortDateFmt_15" = ""; "longDateFmt_0" = "%A, %B %d, %Y"; "longDateFmt_1" = "%B %d, %Y"; "longDateFmt_2" = "%A, %d %B, %Y"; "longDateFmt_3" = "%d %B, %Y"; "longDateFmt_4" = ""; "longDateFmt_5" = ""; "longDateFmt_6" = ""; "longDateFmt_7" = ""; "longDateFmt_8" = ""; "longDateFmt_9" = ""; "longDateFmt_10" = ""; "timeFmt_0" = "%I:%M %p"; "timeFmt_1" = "%H:%M"; "timeFmt_2" = ""; "timeFmt_3" = ""; "timeFmt_4" = ""; /* Timezone autocompletion */ "No matches found." = "Nav atrasta neviena atbilstība."; /* calendar */ "Week begins on" = "Nedēļa sākas ar"; "Day start time" = "Dienas sākuma laiks"; "Day end time" = "Dienas beigu laiks"; "Day start time must be prior to day end time." = "Dienas sākuma laikam jābūt pirms dienas beigu laika."; "Week days to display" = "Nedēļas dienas parādīšana"; "Show time as busy outside working hours" = "Rādīt, ārpus darba laiku, kā aizņemts"; "First week of year" = "Gada pirmā nedēļa"; "Enable reminders for Calendar items" = "Iespējot atgādinājumus par kalendāra ierakstiem"; "Play a sound when a reminder comes due" = "Atskaņot skaņu, kad atgādinājums stājas spēkā"; "Default reminder" = "Noklusējuma atgādinājums"; "firstWeekOfYear_January1" = "Sākums 1. janvārī"; "firstWeekOfYear_First4DayWeek" = "Pirmās nedēļas 4 dienas"; "firstWeekOfYear_FirstFullWeek" = "Pirmā pilnā nedēļa"; "Prevent from being invited to appointments" = "Izvairītos no aicinājuma uz tikšanos"; "White list for appointment invitations" = "Tikšanās uzaicinājumu baltais saraksts"; "Contacts Names" = "Kontaktu nosaukumi"; /* Default Calendar */ "Default calendar" = "Noklusējuma kalendārs"; "selectedCalendar" = "Atlasītajam kalendāram"; "personalCalendar" = "Personiskais kalendārs"; "firstCalendar" = "Vispirms iespējot kalendāru"; "reminder_NONE" = "Nav atgādinājumu"; "reminder_5_MINUTES_BEFORE" = "pirms 5 minūtēm"; "reminder_10_MINUTES_BEFORE" = "pirms 10 minūtēm"; "reminder_15_MINUTES_BEFORE" = "pirms 15 minūtēm"; "reminder_30_MINUTES_BEFORE" = "pirms 30 minūtēm"; "reminder_45_MINUTES_BEFORE" = "pirms 45 minūtēm"; "reminder_1_HOUR_BEFORE" = "pirms 1 stundas"; "reminder_2_HOURS_BEFORE" = "pirms 2 stundām"; "reminder_5_HOURS_BEFORE" = "pirms 5 stundām"; "reminder_15_HOURS_BEFORE" = "pirms 15 stundām"; "reminder_1_DAY_BEFORE" = "pirms 1 dienas"; "reminder_2_DAYS_BEFORE" = "pirms 2 dienām"; "reminder_1_WEEK_BEFORE" = "pirms 1 nedēļas"; /* Mailer */ "Labels" = "Etiķetes"; "Label" = "Etiķete"; "IMAP Label" = "IMAP etiķete"; "Invalid label" = "Nelietojiet atstarpi, ne () {}% * \"\\"; "Duplicate label" = "Etiķetes dublikāts"; "IMAP labels must have unique names." = "IMAP etiķetēm ir jābūt unikāliem nosaukumiem."; "New label" = "Jauna etiķete"; "Show subscribed mailboxes only" = "Rādīt tikai abonētajām pastkastēm"; "Synchronize only default mail folders (EAS)" = "Sinhronizēt tikai noklusējuma pasta mapes (EAS)"; "Sort messages by threads" = "Kārtot ziņojumus pēc pavedieniem"; "Always open mail composer" = "Vienmēr atvērt e-pasta sastādītāju"; "Inside current window" = "Pašreizējā logā"; "In a popup window" = "Uznirstošajā logā"; "When sending mail, add unknown recipients to my" = "Sūtot e-pastu, pievienojiet nezināmos adresātus manai"; "Address Book" = "Adrešu grāmata"; "Forward messages" = "Pārsūtīt ziņojumus"; "messageforward_inline" = "Rindā"; "messageforward_attached" = "Kā pielikumu"; "When replying to a message" = "Atbildot uz ziņojumu"; "replyplacement_above" = "Sākt savu atbildi virs citāta"; "replyplacement_below" = "Sākt savu atbildi zem citāta"; "And place my signature" = "Un ievietot manu parakstu"; "signatureplacement_above" = "zem manas atbildes"; "signatureplacement_below" = "zem citāta"; "Compose messages in" = "Rakstīt ziņojumus"; "composemessagestype_html" = "HTML"; "composemessagestype_text" = "Vienkāršs teksts"; /* Base font size for messages composed in HTML */ "Default font size" = "Noklusējuma fonta lielums"; "Display remote inline images" = "Attēlot attāli iekļautos attēlus"; "displayremoteinlineimages_never" = "Nekad"; "displayremoteinlineimages_always" = "Vienmēr"; "Auto save every" = "Automātiski saglabāt ik pēc"; "minutes" = "minūtes"; /* Contact */ "Personal Address Book" = "Personiskā adrešu grāmata"; "Collected Address Book" = "Savāktā adrešu grāmata"; /* IMAP Accounts */ "Settings" = "Iestatījumi"; "Security" = "Drošība"; "Mail Account" = "E-pasta konts"; "New Mail Account" = "Jauns e-pasta konts"; "Server Name" = "Servera nosaukums"; "Port" = "Ports"; "Encryption" = "Šifrēšana"; "None" = "Neviens"; "User Name" = "Lietotāja vārds"; "Full Name" = "Pilns vārds"; "Email" = "E-pasts"; "Reply To Email" = "Atbildēt uz e-pastu"; "Signature" = "Paraksts"; "(Click to create)" = "(Noklikšķiniet, lai izveidotu)"; "Please enter your signature below" = "Lūdzu, ievadiet savu parakstu zem"; "Please specify a valid sender address." = "Lūdzu, norādiet derīgu sūtītāja adresi."; "Please specify a valid reply-to address." = "Lūdzu, norādiet derīgu atbildēt-uz adresi."; "Specify a hostname other than the local host" = "Jānorāda resursdatora nosaukums, izņemot vietējo resursdatoru"; "No certificate installed" = "Nav instalēts neviens sertifikāts"; "The SSL certificate must use the PKCS#12 (PFX) format." = "SSL sertifikātam jāizmanto PKCS # 12 (PFX) formāts."; "Uninstall" = "Atinstalēt"; "Choose PKCS12 Certificate .." = "Izvēlieties PKCS12 sertifikātu."; "Certificate Import Password" = "Sertifikāta importēšanas parole"; "Upload" = "Augšupielādēt"; "When composing a message" = "Veidojot ziņojumu"; "Digitally sign the message by default" = "Ziņojuma parakstīšana ar ciparparakstu pēc noklusējuma"; "Always try to encrypt the message" = "Vienmēr mēģiniet šifrēt ziņojumu"; /* Additional Parameters */ "Additional Parameters" = "Papildu parametri"; /* password */ "New password" = "Jauna parole"; "Confirmation" = "Apstiprinājums"; "Change" = "Mainīt"; /* Event+task classifications */ "Default events classification" = "Noklusējuma notikumu klasifikācija"; "Default tasks classification" = "Noklusējuma uzdevumu klasifikācija"; "PUBLIC_item" = "Publisks"; "CONFIDENTIAL_item" = "Konfidenciāli"; "PRIVATE_item" = "Privāts"; /* Event+task categories */ "Calendar Category" = "Kalendāra kategorija"; "Add Calendar Category" = "Pievienot kalendāra kategorijai"; "New category" = "Jauna kategorija"; "Remove Calendar Category" = "Noņemiet kalendāra kategorijas"; "Contact Category" = "Kontaktu kategorijas"; "Add Contact Category" = "Pievienot kontaktpersonu kategorijas"; "Remove Contact Category" = "Noņemt kontaktpersonu kategorijas"; "category_none" = "Neviens"; "calendar_category_labels" = "Gadadienas, Dzimšanas dienas, Bizness, Zvani, Klienti, Konkurence, Izlase, Sekošana, Dāvanas, Brīvdienas, Idejas, Sapulces, Jautājumi, Dažādi, Personīgi, Projekti, Valsts svētki, Statusi, Piegādātāji, Ceļojumi, Atvaļinājumi"; /* Default module */ "Calendar" = "Kalendārs"; "Contacts" = "Adrešu grāmata"; "Mail" = "E-pasts"; "Last" = "Pēdējais lietotais"; "Default Module " = "Standarta modulis"; "SOGo Version" = "SOGo versija"; /* Confirmation asked when changing the language */ "Save preferences and reload page now?" = "Saglabāt preferences un pārlādēt lapu tūlīt?"; "Language" = "Valoda"; "choose" = "Izvēlieties..."; "Arabic" = "العربية"; "Basque" = "Euskara"; "Catalan" = "Català"; "ChineseChina" = "简体中文"; "ChineseTaiwan" = "正體中文"; "Croatian" = "Hrvatski"; "Czech" = "Česky"; "Danish" = "Dansk (Danmark)"; "Dutch" = "Nederlands"; "English" = "English"; "Finnish" = "Suomi"; "French" = "Français"; "German" = "Deutsch"; "Hebrew" = "עברית"; "Hungarian" = "Magyar"; "Icelandic" = "Íslenska"; "Italian" = "Italiano"; "Japanese" = "日本語"; "Latvian" = "Latviešu"; "Lithuanian" = "Lietuvių"; "Macedonian" = "Македонски"; "NorwegianBokmal" = "Norsk bokmål"; "NorwegianNynorsk" = "Norsk nynorsk"; "Polish" = "Polski"; "Portuguese" = "Português"; "BrazilianPortuguese" = "Português brasileiro"; "Russian" = "Русский"; "Serbian" = "Српски"; "Slovak" = "Slovensky"; "Slovenian" = "Slovenščina"; "SpanishSpain" = "Español (España)"; "SpanishArgentina" = "Español (Argentina)"; "Swedish" = "Svenska"; "TurkishTurkey" = "Türkçe (Türkiye)"; "Ukrainian" = "Українська"; "Welsh" = "Cymraeg"; "Refresh View" = "Atsvaidzināt skatu"; "refreshview_manually" = "Manuāli"; "refreshview_every_minute" = "Katru minūti"; "refreshview_every_2_minutes" = "Ik pēc 2 minūtēm"; "refreshview_every_5_minutes" = "Ik pēc 5 minūtēm"; "refreshview_every_10_minutes" = "Ik pēc 10 minūtēm"; "refreshview_every_20_minutes" = "Ik pēc 20 minūtēm"; "refreshview_every_30_minutes" = "Ik pēc 30 minūtēm"; "refreshview_once_per_hour" = "Reizi stundā"; /* Return receipts */ "When I receive a request for a return receipt" = "Kad saņemu pieprasījuma par saņemšanu"; "Never send a return receipt" = "Nekad nosūtīt atskaites par saņemšanu"; "Allow return receipts for some messages" = "Ļaut atskaites par saņemšanu dažiem ziņojumiem"; "If I'm not in the To or Cc of the message" = "Ja es neesmu ziņojuma lodziņā Kam vai Kopija"; "If the sender is outside my domain" = "Ja sūtītājs ir ārpus mana domēna"; "In all other cases" = "Visos pārējos gadījumos"; "Never send" = "Nekad nesūtīt"; "Always send" = "Vienmēr sūtīt"; "Ask me" = "Jautāt man"; /* Filters - UIxPreferences */ "Filters" = "Filtri"; "Active" = "Aktīvs"; "Move Up" = "Pārvietot augšup"; "Move Down" = "Pārvietot lejup"; "Connection error" = "Savienojuma kļūda"; "Service temporarily unavailable" = "Pakalpojums īslaicīgi nav pieejams"; /* Aria label for filter enable checkbox */ "Enable filter" = "Iespējot filtru"; /* Filters - UIxFilterEditor */ "Filter name" = "Filtra nosaukums"; /* Button label */ "Add a condition" = "Pievienot nosacījums"; /* Button label */ "Add an action" = "Darbības pievienošana"; "For incoming messages that" = "Ienākošajiem ziņojumiem, kuri"; "match all of the following rules" = "atbilst visiem noteikumiem"; "match any of the following rules" = "atbilst jebkuram noteikumam"; "match all messages" = "atbilst visas ziņas"; "Perform these actions" = "Veiciet šīs darbības"; "Untitled Filter" = "Nenosaukta filtrs"; "Subject" = "Temats"; "From" = "No"; "To" = "Kam"; "Cc" = "Kopija"; "To or Cc" = "Kam vai Kopija"; "Size (Kb)" = "Izmērs (Kb)"; "Header" = "Galvene"; "Body" = "Korpuss"; "Flag the message with" = "Ziņojums ar karodziņu"; /* Select field label of "flag message" mail filter action */ "Flag" = "Karogs"; "Discard the message" = "Atcelt ziņojumu"; "File the message in" = "Ziņojumu fails"; /* Select field label of "file message" mail filter action */ "Mailbox" = "Pastkaste"; "Keep the message" = "Saglabāt ziņojumu"; "Forward the message to" = "Pārsūtīt ziņu"; /* Input field label of "forward" mail filter action */ "Email" = "E-pasts"; "Send a reject message" = "Nosūtīt noraidīšanas ziņu"; /* Input field label of "reject" mail filter action */ "Message" = "Ziņojums"; "Send a vacation message" = "Sūtīt atvaļinājuma ziņu"; "Stop processing filter rules" = "Apturēt filtru noteikumu apstrādi"; "is under" = "ir zem"; "is over" = "ir virs"; "is" = "ir"; "is not" = "nav"; "contains" = "satur"; "does not contain" = "nesatur"; "matches" = "atbilstības"; "does not match" = "neatbilst"; "matches regex" = "regulāra izteiksme sakrīt"; "does not match regex" = "regulāra izteiksme neatbilst"; /* Placeholder for the value field of a condition */ "Value" = "Vērtība"; "Seen" = "Redzējis"; "Deleted" = "Izdzēsts"; "Answered" = "Atbildēts"; "Flagged" = "Ar karodziņu"; "Junk" = "Nevēlams"; "Not Junk" = "Nav nevēlams"; /* Password policy */ "The password was changed successfully." = "Parole sekmīgi nomainīta."; "Password must not be empty." = "Parole nedrīkst būt tukša."; "The passwords do not match. Please try again." = "Paroles nesakrīt. Lūdzu, mēģiniet vēlreiz."; "Password change failed" = "Paroles maiņa neizdevās"; "Password change failed - Permission denied" = "Paroles maiņa neizdevās - Atļauja liegta"; "Password change failed - Insufficient password quality" = "Paroles maiņa neizdevās - Nepietiekama paroles kvalitāte"; "Password change failed - Password is too short" = "Paroles maiņa neizdevās - parole ir pārāk īsa"; "Password change failed - Password is too young" = "Paroles maiņa neizdevās - parole ir pārāk maza, jauna"; "Password change failed - Password is in history" = "Paroles maiņa neizdevās - parole atrodas vēsturē"; "Unhandled policy error: %{0}" = "Neapstrādāta politikas kļūda: %{0}"; "Unhandled error response" = "Neapstrādāta kļūda"; "Password change is not supported." = "Paroles maiņa nav atbalstīta."; "Unhandled HTTP error code: %{0}" = "Neparedzēts HTTP kļūdas kods: %{0}"; "Cancel" = "Atcelt"; "Invitations" = "Uzaicinājumi"; "Edit Filter" = "Rediģēt filtru"; "Delete Filter" = "Dzēst filtru"; "Create Filter" = "Izveidot filtru"; "Delete Label" = "Dzēst etiķeti"; "Create Label" = "Izveidot etiķeti"; "Accounts" = "Konti"; "Edit Account" = "Rediģēt kontu"; "Delete Account" = "Dzēst kontu"; "Create Account" = "Izveidot kontu"; "Account Name" = "Konta nosaukums"; "SSL" = "SSL"; "TLS" = "TLS"; /* Avatars */ "Use Gravatar" = "Izmantojiet Gravatar"; "Alternate Avatar" = "Alternatīvais avatārs"; "none" = "Neviens"; "identicon" = "Idect. ikona"; "monsterid" = "Monster"; "wavatar" = "Wavatar"; "retro" = "Retro"; /* Animation Level */ "Animation Level" = "Animācijas līmenis"; /* Normal Animation Mode */ "animation_NORMAL" = "Normāls"; /* Limited Animation Mode */ "animation_LIMITED" = "Ierobežota"; "animation_NONE" = "Neviens";