/* this file is in UTF-8 format! */ "Contact" = "Kontaktua"; "Address" = "Helbidea"; "Photos" = "Argazkiak"; "Other" = "Bestelakoak"; "Address Books" = "Helbide Liburuak"; "Addressbook" = "helbideliburua"; "Addresses" = "Helbideak"; "Update" = "Eguneratu"; "Cancel" = "Ezeztatu"; "Common" = "Arrunta"; "Contact editor" = "Kontaktuen editorea"; "Contact viewer" = "Kontaktuen ikuskatzailea"; "Email" = "Emaila"; "Screen Name" = "Pantailaren izena"; "Extended" = "Luzatua"; "Fax" = "Fax"; "Firstname" = "Izena"; "Home" = "Hasiera"; "HomePhone" = "EtxekoTelefonoa"; "Lastname" = "Abizena"; "Location" = "Kokapena"; "MobilePhone" = "Telefono mugikorra"; "Name" = "Izena"; "OfficePhone" = "BulegokoTelefonoa"; "Organization" = "Erakundea"; "Work Phone" = "Laneko telefonoa"; "Phone" = "Telefonoa"; "Phones" = "Telefonoak"; "Postal" = "Posta"; "Save" = "Gorde"; "Internet" = "Internet"; "Unit" = "Unitatea"; "delete" = "ezabatu"; "edit" = "aldatu"; "invalidemailwarn" = "Idatzitako posta elektronikoa baliogabea da"; "new" = "berria"; "Preferred Phone" = "Hobetsitako telefonoa"; "Move To" = "Mugitu hona"; "Copy To" = "Kopiatu hona"; "Add to" = "Gehitu hona"; /* Tooltips */ "Create a new address book card" = "Sortu helbide liburu txartel berria"; "Create a new list" = "Sortu zerrenda berria"; "Edit the selected card" = "Aldatu aukeratutako txartela"; "Send a mail message" = "Bidali mezua"; "Delete selected card or address book" = "Ezabatu hautatutako txartela edo helbide liburua"; "Reload all contacts" = "Kontaktu guztiak birkargatu"; "htmlMailFormat_UNKNOWN" = "Ezezaguna"; "htmlMailFormat_FALSE" = "Testu hutsa"; "htmlMailFormat_TRUE" = "HTML"; "Name or Email" = "Izena edo email helbidea"; "Category" = "Kategoria"; "Personal Addressbook" = "Helbide-liburu pertsonala"; "Search in Addressbook" = "Bilatu Helbide-liburuan"; "New Card" = "Txartel berria"; "New List" = "Zerrenda berria"; "Edit" = "Aldatu"; "Properties" = "Ezaugarriak"; "Sharing..." = "Partekatzen..."; "Write" = "Idatzi"; "Delete" = "Ezabatu"; "Instant Message" = "Berehalako mezua"; "Add..." = "Gehitu..."; "Remove" = "Ezabatu"; "Please wait..." = "Mesedez itxaron..."; "No possible subscription" = "Ez dago harpidetzarako aukerarik"; "Preferred" = "Hobetsitakoa"; "Display" = "Bistaratzea"; "Display Name" = "Erakusteko izena"; "Additional Email" = "Beste emaila"; "Phone Number" = "Telefono zenbakia"; "Prefers to receive messages formatted as" = "Nahiago du mezuak honako formatuan jasotzea"; "Screen Name:" = "Pantailaren izena"; "Categories" = "Kategoriak"; "First" = "Lehenengoa"; "Last" = "Azkena"; "Nickname" = "Goitizena"; "Telephone" = "Telefonoa:"; "Work" = "Lana"; "Home" = "Etxea"; "Fax" = "Fax-a"; "Mobile" = "Mugikorra"; "Pager" = "Orrikatzailea"; /* categories */ "contacts_category_labels" = "Lankide, Lehiakide, Bezero, Lagun, Familia, Negoziokidea, Hornitzailea, Prentsa, VIP"; "New category" = "Kategoria berria"; /* adresses */ "Title" = "Izenburua"; "Service" = "Zerbitzua"; "Company:" = "Enpresa"; "Department:" = "Saila"; "Organization" = "Saila"; "Address:" = "Helbidea"; "City" = "Herria"; "State_Province:" = "Estatua / Probintzia"; "ZIP_Postal Code:" = "Posta kodea"; "Country" = "Herrialdea"; "Web Page:" = "Web orria"; "Other Infos" = "Bestelako informazioak"; "Note" = "Ohar"; "Timezone" = "Ordu-zona"; "Birthday" = "Jaiotze data"; "Birthday (yyyy-mm-dd)" = "Jaiotze data (uuuu-hh-ee)"; "Freebusy URL" = "LibreLanpetu URL-a"; "Add as..." = "Gehitu honela..."; "Recipient" = "Jasotzailea"; "Carbon Copy" = "Kopia"; "Blind Carbon Copy" = "Ezkutuko kopia"; "New Addressbook..." = "Helbideliburu berria"; "Subscribe to an Addressbook..." = "Harpidetu helbide liburu bat..."; "Remove the selected Addressbook" = "Ezabatu aukeratutako helbide-liburua"; "Name of the Address Book" = "Helbide-liburuaren izena"; "Are you sure you want to delete the selected address book?" = "Ziur zaude aukeratutako helbide-lburua ezabatu nahi duzula?"; "You cannot remove nor unsubscribe from a public addressbook." = "Helbide-liburu publiko bat ezin duzu ezabatu edo harpidetza kendu."; "You cannot remove nor unsubscribe from your personal addressbook." = "Ezin duzu ezabatu edo harpidetza kendu zure helbide-liburu pertsonala."; "Are you sure you want to delete the selected contacts?" = "Ziur zaude aukeratutako kontaktuak ezabatu nahi dituzula?"; "You cannot delete the card of \"%{0}\"." = "Ezin duzu \"%{0}\"-en txartela ezabatu."; "You cannot subscribe to a folder that you own!" = "Ezin duzu zure karpeta bat harpidetu."; "Unable to subscribe to that folder!" = "Ezin da karpeta hori harpidetu."; /* acls */ "Access rights to" = "Atzipen baimenak honi"; "For user" = "Erabiltzailearentzat"; "Any Authenticated User" = "Autentifikatutako edozein erabiltzaile"; "Public Access" = "Atzipen publikoa"; "This person can add cards to this addressbook." = "Pertsona honek txartelak gehitu ditzake helbide liburu honetan."; "This person can edit the cards of this addressbook." = "Pertsona honek helbide liburu honetako txartelak aldatu ditzake."; "This person can list the content of this addressbook." = "Pertsona honek helbide-liburu honetako edukiak zerrendatu ditzake."; "This person can read the cards of this addressbook." = "Pertsona honek helbide-liburu honetako txartelak irakurri ditzake."; "This person can erase cards from this addressbook." = "Pertsona honek helbide-liburu honetako txartelak ezabatu ditzake."; "The selected contact has no email address." = "Aukeratutako kontaktuak ez dauka email helbiderik."; "Please select a contact." = "Mesedez, aukeratu kontaktu bat."; /* Error messages for move and copy */ "SoAccessDeniedException" = "Ezin duzu helbide liburu honetan idatzi."; "Forbidden" = "Ezin duzu helbide liburu honetan idatzi."; "Invalid Contact" = "Aukeratutako kontaktua jada ez da existitzen."; "Unknown Destination Folder" = "Aukeratutako helburu helbide-liburua jada ez da existitzen."; /* Lists */ "List details" = "Zerrendaren xehetasunak"; "List name" = "Zerrendaren izena"; "List nickname" = "Zerrendaren goitizena"; "List description" = "Zerrendaren deskribapena"; "Members" = "Kideak"; "Contacts" = "Kontaktuak"; "Add" = "Gehitu"; "Lists can't be moved or copied." = "Zerrendak ezin dira kopiatu edo mugitu."; "Export" = "Esportatu"; "Export Address Book..." = "Esportatu helbide liburua..."; "View Raw Source" = "Ikusi Raw iturburua"; "Import Cards" = "Inportatu txartelak"; "Select a vCard or LDIF file." = "Aukeratu vCard edo LDIF fitxategia"; "Upload" = "Kargatu"; "Uploading" = "Kargatzen"; "Done" = "Eginda"; "An error occured while importing contacts." = "Errorea gertatu da txartelak inportatzean."; "No card was imported." = "Ez da txartelik inportatu."; "A total of %{0} cards were imported in the addressbook." = "Guztira %{0} txartel inportatu dira helbide liburuan."; "Reload" = "Birkargatu"; /* Properties window */ "Address Book Name" = "Helbide-Liburuaren izena"; "Links to this Address Book" = "Helbide liburu honetarako estekak"; "Authenticated User Access" = "Autentifikatutako erabiltzaileentzako atzipena"; "CardDAV URL" = "CardDAV URL-a";