/// mixins.scss -*- Mode: scss; indent-tabs-mode: nil; basic-offset: 2 -*- @import '../../angular-material/src/core/style/mixins.scss'; // Utility to compensate for the the xml mandatory attribute values // Creates classes extending layout attributes with no values // ---------------------------------------------------------------- @mixin attributesToClasses($selectors, $prefix: 'md') { @each $selector in $selectors { .#{$prefix}-#{$selector} { // no syntax error here @extend #{'['$selector']'} !optional } } } // Migration functions to mimic the // Compass extension "Breakpoint Slicer" (https://github.com/lolmaus/breakpoint-slicer) // using "Breakpoint" (https://github.com/at-import/breakpoint) @mixin at($breakpoint) { $min_idx: index($slicer-breakpoint-names, $breakpoint); $min: nth($slicer-breakpoints, $min_idx); $max: nth($slicer-breakpoints, $min_idx + 1) - 1; @include breakpoint($min $max) { @content; } } @mixin from($breakpoint) { $min_idx: index($slicer-breakpoint-names, $breakpoint); $min: nth($slicer-breakpoints, $min_idx); @include breakpoint($min) { @content; } } @mixin to($breakpoint) { $max_idx: index($slicer-breakpoint-names, $breakpoint); $max: nth($slicer-breakpoints, $max_idx + 1) - 1; @include breakpoint('max-width' $max) { @content; } }