/* -*- Mode: javascript; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ (function() { 'use strict'; /** * @name VirtualMailbox * @constructor * @param {object} account - the mail account associated with the virtual search */ function VirtualMailbox(account) { this.$account = account; } /** * @memberof VirtualMailbox * @desc The factory we'll use to register with Angular * @returns the VirtualMailbox constructor */ VirtualMailbox.$factory = ['$q', '$timeout', '$log', 'sgSettings', 'Message', 'Mailbox', 'sgMailbox_PRELOAD', function($q, $timeout, $log, Settings, Mailbox, Message, PRELOAD) { angular.extend(VirtualMailbox, { $q: $q, $timeout: $timeout, $log: $log, $Message: Message, selectedFolder: null, PRELOAD: PRELOAD }); return VirtualMailbox; // return constructor }]; /** * @module SOGo.MailerUI * @desc Factory registration of VirtualMailbox in Angular module. */ try { angular.module('SOGo.MailerUI'); } catch(e) { angular.module('SOGo.MailerUI', ['SOGo.Common']); } angular.module('SOGo.MailerUI') .constant('sgMailbox_PRELOAD', { LOOKAHEAD: 50, SIZE: 100 }) .factory('VirtualMailbox', VirtualMailbox.$factory); /** * @memberof VirtualMailbox * @desc Build the path of the virtual mailbox (or account only). * @param {string} accountId - the account ID * @returns a string representing the path relative to the mail module */ VirtualMailbox.$absolutePath = function(accountId) { return [accountId, "virtual"].join('/'); }; /** * @function init * @memberof VirtualMailbox.prototype * @desc Extend instance with new data and compute additional attributes. * @param {object} data - attributes of mailbox */ VirtualMailbox.prototype.init = function(data) { this.$isLoading = false; this.$mailboxes = []; this.uidsMap = {}; angular.extend(this, data); this.id = this.$id(); }; VirtualMailbox.prototype.setMailboxes = function(data) { this.$mailboxes = data; _.forEach(this.$mailboxes, function(mailbox) { mailbox.$messages = []; mailbox.uidsMap = {}; }); }; VirtualMailbox.prototype.startSearch = function(match, params) { var _this = this, search = VirtualMailbox.$q.when(); this.$isLoading = true; _.forEach(this.$mailboxes, function(mailbox) { search = search.then(function() { if (_this.$isLoading) { VirtualMailbox.$log.debug("searching mailbox " + mailbox.path); return mailbox.$filter( {sort: "date", asc: false, match: match}, params); } }); }); search.finally(function() { _this.$isLoading = false; }); }; VirtualMailbox.prototype.stopSearch = function() { VirtualMailbox.$log.debug("stopping search..."); this.$isLoading = false; }; /** * @function resetSelectedMessage * @memberof VirtualMailbox.prototype * @desc Delete 'selectedMessage' attribute of all submailboxes. */ VirtualMailbox.prototype.resetSelectedMessage = function() { _.forEach(this.$mailboxes, function(mailbox) { delete mailbox.selectedMessage; }); }; /** * @function isSelectedMessage * @memberof VirtualMailbox.prototype * @desc Check if the message of the specified mailbox is selected. * @param {string} messageId * @param {string} mailboxPath * @returns true if the specified message is selected */ VirtualMailbox.prototype.isSelectedMessage = function(messageId, mailboxPath) { return angular.isDefined(_.find(this.$mailboxes, function(mailbox) { return mailbox.path == mailboxPath && mailbox.selectedMessage == messageId; })); }; /** * @function getLength * @memberof VirtualMailbox.prototype * @desc Used by md-virtual-repeat / md-on-demand * @returns the number of items in the mailbox */ VirtualMailbox.prototype.getLength = function() { var len = 0; if (!angular.isDefined(this.$mailboxes)) return len; _.forEach(this.$mailboxes, function(mailbox) { len += mailbox.$messages.length; }); return len; }; /** * @function getItemAtIndex * @memberof VirtualMailbox.prototype * @desc Used by md-virtual-repeat / md-on-demand * @returns the message as the specified index */ VirtualMailbox.prototype.getItemAtIndex = function(index) { var i, j, k, mailbox, message; if (angular.isDefined(this.$mailboxes) && index >= 0) { i = 0; for (j = 0; j < this.$mailboxes.length; j++) { mailbox = this.$mailboxes[j]; for (k = 0; k < mailbox.$messages.length; i++, k++) { message = mailbox.$messages[k]; if (i == index) { if (mailbox.$loadMessage(message.uid)) return message; } } } } return null; }; /** * @function $id * @memberof VirtualMailbox.prototype * @desc Build the unique ID to identified the mailbox. * @returns a string representing the path relative to the mail module */ VirtualMailbox.prototype.$id = function() { return VirtualMailbox.$absolutePath(this.$account.id); }; /** * @function $selectedCount * @memberof VirtualMailbox.prototype * @desc Return the number of messages selected by the user. * @returns the number of selected messages */ VirtualMailbox.prototype.$selectedCount = function() { // TODO return 0; }; /** * @function $flagMessages * @memberof VirtualMailbox.prototype * @desc Add or remove a flag on a message set * @returns a promise of the HTTP operation */ VirtualMailbox.prototype.$flagMessages = function(uids, flags, operation) { // TODO // var data = {msgUIDs: uids, // flags: flags, // operation: operation}; // return VirtualMailbox.$$resource.post(this.id, 'addOrRemoveLabel', data); }; /** * @function $deleteMessages * @memberof VirtualMailbox.prototype * @desc Delete multiple messages from mailbox. * @return a promise of the HTTP operation */ VirtualMailbox.prototype.$deleteMessages = function(uids) { // TODO //return VirtualMailbox.$$resource.post(this.id, 'batchDelete', {uids: uids}); }; /** * @function $copyMessages * @memberof VirtualMailbox.prototype * @desc Copy multiple messages from the current mailbox to a target one * @return a promise of the HTTP operation */ VirtualMailbox.prototype.$copyMessages = function(uids, folder) { // TODO //return VirtualMailbox.$$resource.post(this.id, 'copyMessages', {uids: uids, folder: folder}); }; /** * @function $moveMessages * @memberof VirtualMailbox.prototype * @desc Move multiple messages from the current mailbox to a target one * @return a promise of the HTTP operation */ VirtualMailbox.prototype.$moveMessages = function(uids, folder) { // TODO //return VirtualMailbox.$$resource.post(this.id, 'moveMessages', {uids: uids, folder: folder}); }; })();