import { DAVNamespace, davRequest, propfind } from 'tsdav' import ICAL from 'ical.js' class TestUtility { constructor(webdav) { this.webdav = webdav this.userInfo = {} } async fetchUserInfo(login) { if (!this.userInfo[login]) { const results = await propfind({ url: `${this.webdav.serverUrl}/SOGo/dav/${login}/`, props: [ { name: 'displayname', namespace: DAVNamespace.DAV }, { name: 'calendar-user-address-set', namespace: DAVNamespace.CALDAV } ], depth: '0', headers: this.webdav.headers, }) if (results.length != 1) { throw new Error(`Unexpected number of status in profind for user ${login}`) } const response = results[0] if (!response.props.calendarUserAddressSet.href.length) { throw new Error(`No address found in calendar-user-address-set for user ${login}`) } let displayname = response.props.displayname || '' let email = response.props.calendarUserAddressSet.href[0] this.userInfo[login] = { displayname: displayname, email: email } } return this.userInfo[login] } formatTemplate(template, vars) { var s = template Object.keys(vars).forEach(k => { s = s.replace(new RegExp(`%\\(${k}\\)`, 'g'), vars[k]) }) s = s.replace(/%\([^\)]+\)/g, '') // clear all reminding placeholders return s; } setupRights(resource, username, rights) { const action = (typeof rights == 'undefined') ? 'remove-user' : 'set-roles' return davRequest({ url: `${this.webdav.serverUrl}${resource}`, init: { method: 'POST', headers: this.webdav.headers, body: { 'acl-query': { _attributes: { xmlns: 'urn:inverse:params:xml:ns:inverse-dav' }, [action]: { _attributes: { user: username.replace('<', '<').replace('>', '>') }, ...rights } } } } }) } setupCalendarRights(resource, username, rights) { let sogoRights = {} if (rights.c) sogoRights.ObjectCreator = {} if (rights.d) sogoRights.ObjectEraser = {} const classes = { pu: 'Public', pr: 'Private', co: 'Confidential' } const rightsTable = { v: 'Viewer', d: 'DAndTViewer', m: 'Modifier', r: 'Responder' } Object.keys(classes).forEach(c => { if (rights[c]) { const right = rights[c] const sogoRight = `${classes[c]}${rightsTable[right]}` sogoRights[sogoRight] = {} } }) return this.setupRights(resource, username, sogoRights) } setupAddressBookRights(resource, username, rights) { let sogoRights = {} const rightsTable = { c: 'ObjectCreator', d: 'ObjectEraser', v: 'ObjectViewer', e: 'ObjectEditor' } Object.keys(rights).forEach(r => { if (rightsTable[r]) { sogoRights[rightsTable[r]] = {} } }) return this.setupRights(resource, username, sogoRights) } _subscriptionOperation(resource, subscribers, operation) { return davRequest({ url: `${this.webdav.serverUrl}${resource}`, init: { method: 'POST', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/xml; charset="utf-8"', ...this.webdav.headers }, body: { [operation]: { _attributes: { xmlns: 'urn:inverse:params:xml:ns:inverse-dav', users: subscribers.join(',') } } } } }) } subscribe(resource, subscribers) { return this._subscriptionOperation(resource, subscribers, 'subscribe') } unsubscribe(resource, subscribers) { return this._subscriptionOperation(resource, subscribers, 'unsubscribe') } versitDict(cal) { const comp = ICAL.Component.fromString(cal) let props = {} for (const prop of comp.getAllProperties()) { props[] = prop.toICALString() } for (const subcomp of comp.getAllSubcomponents()) { for (const prop of subcomp.getAllProperties()) { props[] = prop.toICALString() } } return props } calendarsAreEqual(cal1, cal2) { const props1 = this.versitDict(cal1) const props2 = this.versitDict(cal2) for (const prop of Object.keys(props1)) { if (props1[prop] != props2[prop]) { console.debug(`Difference detected in ${prop}:\n\t1: ${props1[prop]}\n\t2: ${props2[prop]}`) return false } } return true } } export default TestUtility