/* Copyright (C) 2004-2005 SKYRIX Software AG This file is part of SOPE. SOPE is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. SOPE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with SOPE; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #import #import #import #import #import #import "iCalRecurrenceRule.h" #import "NSString+NGCards.h" #import "iCalRecurrenceCalculator.h" /* class cluster */ /* Private */ @interface iCalRecurrenceCalculator (PrivateAPI) - (NSCalendarDate *)lastInstanceStartDate; - (unsigned)offsetFromSundayForJulianNumber:(long)_jn; - (unsigned)offsetFromSundayForWeekDay:(iCalWeekDay)_weekDay; - (unsigned)offsetFromSundayForCurrentWeekStart; - (iCalWeekDay)weekDayForJulianNumber:(long)_jn; @end @implementation iCalRecurrenceCalculator static Class NSCalendarDateClass = Nil; static Class NSStringClass = Nil; static Class iCalRecurrenceRuleClass = Nil; static Class dailyCalcClass = Nil; static Class weeklyCalcClass = Nil; static Class monthlyCalcClass = Nil; static Class yearlyCalcClass = Nil; + (void) initialize { static BOOL didInit = NO; if (didInit) return; didInit = YES; NSCalendarDateClass = [NSCalendarDate class]; NSStringClass = [NSString class]; iCalRecurrenceRuleClass = [iCalRecurrenceRule class]; dailyCalcClass = NSClassFromString(@"iCalDailyRecurrenceCalculator"); weeklyCalcClass = NSClassFromString(@"iCalWeeklyRecurrenceCalculator"); monthlyCalcClass = NSClassFromString(@"iCalMonthlyRecurrenceCalculator"); yearlyCalcClass = NSClassFromString(@"iCalYearlyRecurrenceCalculator"); } /* factory */ + (id) recurrenceCalculatorForRecurrenceRule: (iCalRecurrenceRule *) _rrule withFirstInstanceCalendarDateRange: (NGCalendarDateRange *) _range { iCalRecurrenceFrequency freq; Class calcClass; id calc; freq = [_rrule frequency]; if (freq == iCalRecurrenceFrequenceDaily) calcClass = dailyCalcClass; else if (freq == iCalRecurrenceFrequenceWeekly) calcClass = weeklyCalcClass; else if (freq == iCalRecurrenceFrequenceMonthly) calcClass = monthlyCalcClass; else if (freq == iCalRecurrenceFrequenceYearly) calcClass = yearlyCalcClass; else calcClass = Nil; if (calcClass) { calc = [[calcClass alloc] initWithRecurrenceRule:_rrule firstInstanceCalendarDateRange: _range]; [calc autorelease]; } else { [self errorWithFormat: @"unsupported rrule frequency: %@", _rrule]; calc = nil; } return calc; } /* complex calculation convenience */ + (void) _fillRanges: (NSMutableArray *) ranges fromRules: (NSArray *) rrules withinRange: (NGCalendarDateRange *) limits startingWithDate: (NGCalendarDateRange *) first { NSEnumerator *rules; iCalRecurrenceRule *currentRule; iCalRecurrenceCalculator *calc; rules = [rrules objectEnumerator]; while ((currentRule = [rules nextObject])) { if ([currentRule isKindOfClass: NSStringClass]) currentRule = [iCalRecurrenceRule recurrenceRuleWithICalRepresentation: (NSString *) currentRule]; calc = [self recurrenceCalculatorForRecurrenceRule: currentRule withFirstInstanceCalendarDateRange: first]; [ranges addObjectsFromArray: [calc recurrenceRangesWithinCalendarDateRange: limits]]; } } + (void) _removeExceptionsFromRanges: (NSMutableArray *) ranges withRules: (NSArray *) exrules withinRange: (NGCalendarDateRange *) limits startingWithDate: (NGCalendarDateRange *) first { NSEnumerator *rules; iCalRecurrenceRule *currentRule; iCalRecurrenceCalculator *calc; rules = [exrules objectEnumerator]; while ((currentRule = [rules nextObject])) { if ([currentRule isKindOfClass: NSStringClass]) currentRule = [iCalRecurrenceRule recurrenceRuleWithICalRepresentation: (NSString *) currentRule]; calc = [self recurrenceCalculatorForRecurrenceRule: currentRule withFirstInstanceCalendarDateRange: first]; [ranges removeObjectsInArray: [calc recurrenceRangesWithinCalendarDateRange: limits]]; } } + (NSArray *) _dates: (NSArray *) dateList withinRange: (NGCalendarDateRange *) limits { NSMutableArray *newDates; NSEnumerator *dates; NSCalendarDate *currentDate; newDates = [NSMutableArray array]; dates = [dateList objectEnumerator]; while ((currentDate = [dates nextObject])) { if ([currentDate isKindOfClass: NSStringClass]) currentDate = [(NSString *) currentDate asCalendarDate]; if ([limits containsDate: currentDate]) [newDates addObject: currentDate]; } return newDates; } + (void) _removeExceptionDatesFromRanges: (NSMutableArray *) ranges withDates: (NSArray *) exdates withinRange: (NGCalendarDateRange *) limits startingWithDate: (NGCalendarDateRange *) first { NSEnumerator *dates; NSCalendarDate *currentDate; NGCalendarDateRange *currentRange; unsigned int count, maxRanges; dates = [[self _dates: exdates withinRange: limits] objectEnumerator]; while ((currentDate = [dates nextObject])) { maxRanges = [ranges count]; for (count = maxRanges; count > 0; count--) { currentRange = [ranges objectAtIndex: count - 1]; if ([currentRange containsDate: currentDate]) [ranges removeObjectAtIndex: count - 1]; } } } + (NSArray *) recurrenceRangesWithinCalendarDateRange: (NGCalendarDateRange *) _r firstInstanceCalendarDateRange: (NGCalendarDateRange *) _fir recurrenceRules: (NSArray *) _rRules exceptionRules: (NSArray *) _exRules exceptionDates: (NSArray *) _exDates { NSMutableArray *ranges; ranges = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity: 64]; if ([_rRules count] > 0) { [self _fillRanges: ranges fromRules: _rRules withinRange: _r startingWithDate: _fir]; [self _removeExceptionsFromRanges: ranges withRules: _exRules withinRange: _r startingWithDate: _fir]; [self _removeExceptionDatesFromRanges: ranges withDates: _exDates withinRange: _r startingWithDate: _fir]; } return ranges; } /* init */ - (id) initWithRecurrenceRule: (iCalRecurrenceRule *) _rrule firstInstanceCalendarDateRange: (NGCalendarDateRange *) _range { if ((self = [super init])) { rrule = [_rrule retain]; firstRange = [_range retain]; } return self; } - (void) dealloc { [firstRange release]; [rrule release]; [super dealloc]; } /* helpers */ - (unsigned) offsetFromSundayForJulianNumber: (long) _jn { return (unsigned)((int) (_jn + 1.5)) % 7; } - (unsigned) offsetFromSundayForWeekDay: (iCalWeekDay) _weekDay { unsigned offset; switch (_weekDay) { case iCalWeekDaySunday: offset = 0; break; case iCalWeekDayMonday: offset = 1; break; case iCalWeekDayTuesday: offset = 2; break; case iCalWeekDayWednesday: offset = 3; break; case iCalWeekDayThursday: offset = 4; break; case iCalWeekDayFriday: offset = 5; break; case iCalWeekDaySaturday: offset = 6; break; default: offset = 0; break; } return offset; } - (unsigned) offsetFromSundayForCurrentWeekStart { return [self offsetFromSundayForWeekDay: [rrule weekStart]]; } - (iCalWeekDay) weekDayForJulianNumber: (long)_jn { iCalWeekDay weekDays[] = {iCalWeekDaySunday, iCalWeekDayMonday, iCalWeekDayTuesday, iCalWeekDayWednesday, iCalWeekDayThursday, iCalWeekDayFriday, iCalWeekDaySaturday}; return weekDays[[self offsetFromSundayForJulianNumber: _jn]]; } /* calculation */ - (NSArray *) recurrenceRangesWithinCalendarDateRange: (NGCalendarDateRange *) _r { return nil; /* subclass responsibility */ } - (BOOL) doesRecurrWithinCalendarDateRange: (NGCalendarDateRange *) _range { return ([[self recurrenceRangesWithinCalendarDateRange: _range] count] > 0); } - (NGCalendarDateRange *) firstInstanceCalendarDateRange { return firstRange; } - (NGCalendarDateRange *) lastInstanceCalendarDateRange { NSCalendarDate *start, *end; NGCalendarDateRange *range; range = nil; start = [self lastInstanceStartDate]; if (start) { end = [start addTimeInterval: [firstRange duration]]; range = [NGCalendarDateRange calendarDateRangeWithStartDate: start endDate: end]; } return range; } - (NSCalendarDate *) lastInstanceStartDate { /* NOTE: this is horribly inaccurate and doesn't even consider the use of repeatCount. It MUST be implemented by subclasses properly! */ return [rrule untilDate]; } @end /* iCalRecurrenceCalculator */