/* Copyright (C) 2005 SKYRIX Software AG This file is part of OpenGroupware.org. OGo is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. OGo is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with OGo; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import "AgenorUserDefaults.h" #import "LDAPUserManager.h" #import "SOGoDateFormatter.h" #import "SOGoObject.h" #import "SOGoPermissions.h" #import "NSArray+Utilities.h" #import "SOGoUser.h" static NSTimeZone *serverTimeZone = nil; static NSString *fallbackIMAP4Server = nil; static NSString *defaultLanguage = nil; static NSArray *superUsernames = nil; static NSURL *AgenorProfileURL = nil; static BOOL acceptAnyUser = NO; NSString *SOGoWeekStartHideWeekNumbers = @"HideWeekNumbers"; NSString *SOGoWeekStartJanuary1 = @"January1"; NSString *SOGoWeekStartFirst4DayWeek = @"First4DayWeek"; NSString *SOGoWeekStartFirstFullWeek = @"FirstFullWeek"; @interface NSObject (SOGoRoles) - (NSArray *) rolesOfUser: (NSString *) uid; @end @implementation SoUser (SOGoExtension) - (NSString *) language { return [SOGoUser language]; } @end @implementation SOGoUser + (void) initialize { NSString *tzName; NSUserDefaults *ud; NSString *profileURL; ud = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults]; if (!serverTimeZone) { tzName = [ud stringForKey: @"SOGoServerTimeZone"]; if (!tzName) tzName = @"UTC"; serverTimeZone = [NSTimeZone timeZoneWithName: tzName]; [serverTimeZone retain]; } if (!AgenorProfileURL) { profileURL = [ud stringForKey: @"AgenorProfileURL"]; AgenorProfileURL = [[NSURL alloc] initWithString: profileURL]; } if (!fallbackIMAP4Server) ASSIGN (fallbackIMAP4Server, [ud stringForKey: @"SOGoFallbackIMAP4Server"]); if (!defaultLanguage) { ASSIGN (defaultLanguage, [ud stringForKey: @"SOGoDefaultLanguage"]); if (!defaultLanguage) ASSIGN (defaultLanguage, @"English"); } if (!superUsernames) ASSIGN (superUsernames, [ud arrayForKey: @"SOGoSuperUsernames"]); acceptAnyUser = ([[ud stringForKey: @"SOGoAuthentificationMethod"] isEqualToString: @"bypass"]); } + (NSString *) language { NSArray *bLanguages; WOContext *context; NSString *language; context = [[WOApplication application] context]; bLanguages = [[context request] browserLanguages]; if ([bLanguages count] > 0) language = [bLanguages objectAtIndex: 0]; if (![language length]) language = defaultLanguage; return language; } + (SOGoUser *) userWithLogin: (NSString *) newLogin roles: (NSArray *) newRoles { SOGoUser *user; user = [[self alloc] initWithLogin: newLogin roles: newRoles]; [user autorelease]; return user; } - (id) init { if ((self = [super init])) { userDefaults = nil; userSettings = nil; allEmails = nil; language = nil; currentPassword = nil; dateFormatter = nil; } return self; } - (id) initWithLogin: (NSString *) newLogin roles: (NSArray *) newRoles { LDAPUserManager *um; NSString *realUID; if (acceptAnyUser || [newLogin isEqualToString: @"anonymous"] || [newLogin isEqualToString: @"freebusy"]) realUID = newLogin; else { um = [LDAPUserManager sharedUserManager]; realUID = [[um contactInfosForUserWithUIDorEmail: newLogin] objectForKey: @"c_uid"]; } self = [super initWithLogin: realUID roles: newRoles]; return self; } - (void) dealloc { [currentPassword release]; [userDefaults release]; [userSettings release]; [allEmails release]; [language release]; [dateFormatter release]; [super dealloc]; } - (void) setCurrentPassword: (NSString *) newPassword { ASSIGN (currentPassword, newPassword); } - (NSString *) currentPassword { return currentPassword; } - (id) _fetchFieldForUser: (NSString *) field { NSDictionary *contactInfos; LDAPUserManager *um; um = [LDAPUserManager sharedUserManager]; contactInfos = [um contactInfosForUserWithUIDorEmail: login]; return [contactInfos objectForKey: field]; } - (void) _fetchAllEmails { allEmails = [self _fetchFieldForUser: @"emails"]; [allEmails retain]; } - (void) _fetchCN { cn = [self _fetchFieldForUser: @"cn"]; [cn retain]; } /* properties */ // - (NSString *) fullEmail // { // return [[LDAPUserManager sharedUserManager] getFullEmailForUID: login]; // } // - (NSString *) primaryEmail // { // if (!allEmails) // [self _fetchAllEmails]; // return [allEmails objectAtIndex: 0]; // } - (NSArray *) allEmails { if (!allEmails) [self _fetchAllEmails]; return allEmails; } - (NSString *) systemEmail { if (!allEmails) [self _fetchAllEmails]; return [allEmails lastObject]; } - (BOOL) hasEmail: (NSString *) email { if (!allEmails) [self _fetchAllEmails]; return [allEmails containsCaseInsensitiveString: email]; } - (NSString *) cn { if (!cn) [self _fetchCN]; return cn; } // - (NSString *) primaryMailServer // { // return [[self userManager] getServerForUID: [self login]]; // } // - (NSArray *) additionalIMAP4AccountStrings // { // return [[self userManager]getSharedMailboxAccountStringsForUID: [self login]]; // } // - (NSArray *) additionalEMailAddresses // { // return [[self userManager] getSharedMailboxEMailsForUID: [self login]]; // } // - (NSDictionary *) additionalIMAP4AccountsAndEMails // { // return [[self userManager] getSharedMailboxesAndEMailsForUID: [self login]]; // } - (NSURL *) freeBusyURL { return nil; } - (SOGoDateFormatter *) dateFormatterInContext: (WOContext *) context { NSString *format; NSUserDefaults *ud; if (!dateFormatter) { dateFormatter = [SOGoDateFormatter new]; [dateFormatter setLocale: [context valueForKey: @"locale"]]; ud = [self userDefaults]; format = [ud stringForKey: @"ShortDateFormat"]; if (format) [dateFormatter setShortDateFormat: format]; format = [ud stringForKey: @"LongDateFormat"]; if (format) [dateFormatter setLongDateFormat: format]; format = [ud stringForKey: @"TimeFormat"]; if (format) [dateFormatter setTimeFormat: format]; } return dateFormatter; } /* defaults */ - (NSUserDefaults *) userDefaults { if (!userDefaults) userDefaults = [[AgenorUserDefaults alloc] initWithTableURL: AgenorProfileURL uid: login fieldName: @"c_defaults"]; return userDefaults; } - (NSUserDefaults *) userSettings { if (!userSettings) userSettings = [[AgenorUserDefaults alloc] initWithTableURL: AgenorProfileURL uid: login fieldName: @"c_settings"]; return userSettings; } - (NSString *) language { if (!language) { language = [[self userDefaults] stringForKey: @"Language"]; if (![language length]) language = [SOGoUser language]; [language retain]; } return language; } - (NSTimeZone *) timeZone { NSString *timeZoneName; if (!userTimeZone) { timeZoneName = [[self userDefaults] stringForKey: @"TimeZone"]; if ([timeZoneName length] > 0) userTimeZone = [NSTimeZone timeZoneWithName: timeZoneName]; if (!userTimeZone) userTimeZone = serverTimeZone; [userTimeZone retain]; } return userTimeZone; } - (NSTimeZone *) serverTimeZone { return serverTimeZone; } /* mail */ - (NSArray *) mailAccounts { #warning should be implemented with the user defaults interfaces NSMutableDictionary *mailAccount, *identity; NSMutableArray *identities; NSString *name, *fullName; if (!mailAccounts) { NSArray *mails; int i; mailAccount = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary]; name = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%@@%@", login, fallbackIMAP4Server]; [mailAccount setObject: login forKey: @"userName"]; [mailAccount setObject: fallbackIMAP4Server forKey: @"serverName"]; [mailAccount setObject: name forKey: @"name"]; identities = [NSMutableArray array]; mails = [self allEmails]; for (i = 0; i < [mails count]; i++) { identity = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary]; fullName = [self cn]; if (![fullName length]) fullName = login; [identity setObject: fullName forKey: @"fullName"]; [identity setObject: [mails objectAtIndex: i] forKey: @"email"]; if (i == 0) [identity setObject: [NSNumber numberWithBool: YES] forKey: @"isDefault"]; [identities addObject: identity]; } [mailAccount setObject: identities forKey: @"identities"]; mailAccounts = [NSMutableArray new]; [mailAccounts addObject: mailAccount]; } return mailAccounts; } /* @interface SOGoMailIdentity : NSObject { NSString *name; NSString *email; NSString *replyTo; NSString *organization; NSString *signature; NSString *vCard; NSString *sentFolderName; NSString *sentBCC; NSString *draftsFolderName; NSString *templatesFolderName; struct { int composeHTML:1; int reserved:31; } idFlags; } - (void) setName: (NSString *) _value; - (NSString *) name; - (void) setEmail: (NSString *) _value; - (NSString *) email; - (void) setReplyTo: (NSString *) _value; - (NSString *) replyTo; - (void) setOrganization: (NSString *) _value; - (NSString *) organization; - (void) setSignature: (NSString *) _value; - (NSString *) signature; - (BOOL) hasSignature; - (void) setVCard: (NSString *) _value; - (NSString *) vCard; - (BOOL) hasVCard; - (void) setSentFolderName: (NSString *) _value; - (NSString *) sentFolderName; - (void) setSentBCC: (NSString *) _value; - (NSString *) sentBCC; - (void) setDraftsFolderName: (NSString *) _value; - (NSString *) draftsFolderName; - (void) setTemplatesFolderName: (NSString *) _value; - (NSString *) templatesFolderName; @end */ - (NSArray *) allIdentities { NSArray *identities; [self mailAccounts]; identities = [mailAccounts objectsForKey: @"identities"]; return [identities flattenedArray]; } - (NSDictionary *) primaryIdentity { NSDictionary *defaultAccount; [self mailAccounts]; defaultAccount = [mailAccounts objectAtIndex: 0]; return [[defaultAccount objectForKey: @"identities"] objectAtIndex: 0]; } - (NSString *) messageForwarding { NSString *messageForwarding; messageForwarding = [[self userDefaults] stringForKey: @"MessageForwarding"]; if (![messageForwarding length]) messageForwarding = @"attached"; return messageForwarding; } - (NSString *) messageCheck { NSString *messageCheck; messageCheck = [[self userDefaults] stringForKey: @"MessageCheck"]; if (![messageCheck length]) messageCheck = @"manually"; return messageCheck; } /* folders */ // TODO: those methods should check whether the traversal stack in the context // already contains proper folders to improve caching behaviour - (id) homeFolderInContext: (id) _ctx { /* Note: watch out for cyclic references */ // TODO: maybe we should add an [activeUser reset] method to SOPE id folder; folder = [(WOContext *)_ctx objectForKey:@"ActiveUserHomeFolder"]; if (folder != nil) return [folder isNotNull] ? folder : nil; folder = [[WOApplication application] lookupName: [self login] inContext: _ctx acquire: NO]; if ([folder isKindOfClass:[NSException class]]) return folder; [(WOContext *)_ctx setObject: ((folder) ? folder : (id)[NSNull null]) forKey: @"ActiveUserHomeFolder"]; return folder; } // - (id) schedulingCalendarInContext: (id) _ctx // { // /* Note: watch out for cyclic references */ // id folder; // folder = [(WOContext *)_ctx objectForKey:@"ActiveUserCalendar"]; // if (folder != nil) // return [folder isNotNull] ? folder : nil; // folder = [self homeFolderInContext:_ctx]; // if ([folder isKindOfClass:[NSException class]]) // return folder; // folder = [folder lookupName:@"Calendar" inContext:_ctx acquire:NO]; // if ([folder isKindOfClass:[NSException class]]) // return folder; // [(WOContext *)_ctx setObject:folder ? folder : [NSNull null] // forKey:@"ActiveUserCalendar"]; // return folder; // } - (NSArray *) rolesForObject: (NSObject *) object inContext: (WOContext *) context { NSMutableArray *rolesForObject; NSArray *sogoRoles; rolesForObject = [NSMutableArray new]; [rolesForObject autorelease]; sogoRoles = [super rolesForObject: object inContext: context]; if (sogoRoles) [rolesForObject addObjectsFromArray: sogoRoles]; if ((superUsernames && [superUsernames containsObject: login]) || [[object ownerInContext: context] isEqualToString: login]) [rolesForObject addObject: SoRole_Owner]; if ([object isKindOfClass: [SOGoObject class]]) { sogoRoles = [(SOGoObject *) object aclsForUser: login]; if (sogoRoles) [rolesForObject addObjectsFromArray: sogoRoles]; } return rolesForObject; } @end /* SOGoUser */