/* -*- Mode: javascript; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ (function() { 'use strict'; /** * @ngInject */ MessageEditorController.$inject = ['$scope', '$window', '$stateParams', '$mdConstant', '$mdUtil', '$mdDialog', '$mdToast', 'FileUploader', 'stateParent', 'stateAccount', 'stateMessage', 'onCompletePromise', 'encodeUriFilter', '$timeout', 'sgFocus', 'Dialog', 'AddressBook', 'Card', 'Preferences']; function MessageEditorController($scope, $window, $stateParams, $mdConstant, $mdUtil, $mdDialog, $mdToast, FileUploader, stateParent, stateAccount, stateMessage, onCompletePromise, encodeUriFilter, $timeout, focus, Dialog, AddressBook, Card, Preferences) { var vm = this; this.$onInit = function() { $scope.isPopup = stateParent.isPopup; this.account = stateAccount; this.autocomplete = {to: {}, cc: {}, bcc: {}}; this.autosave = null; this.autosaveDrafts = autosaveDrafts; this.cancel = cancel; this.contactFilter = contactFilter; this.isFullscreen = false; this.hideBcc = (stateMessage.editable.bcc.length === 0); this.hideCc = (stateMessage.editable.cc.length === 0); this.identities = stateAccount.identities; this.fromIdentity = stateMessage.editable.from; this.identitySearchText = ''; this.message = stateMessage; this.recipientSeparatorKeys = [ $mdConstant.KEY_CODE.ENTER, $mdConstant.KEY_CODE.TAB, $mdConstant.KEY_CODE.COMMA, $mdConstant.KEY_CODE.SEMICOLON ]; this.removeAttachment = removeAttachment; this.sendState = false; this.toggleFullscreen = toggleFullscreen; this.firstFocus = true; _initFileUploader(); // Read user's defaults if (Preferences.defaults.SOGoMailAutoSave) // Enable auto-save of draft this.autosave = $timeout(this.autosaveDrafts, Preferences.defaults.SOGoMailAutoSave*1000*60); // Set the locale of CKEditor this.localeCode = Preferences.defaults.LocaleCode; this.ckConfig = { language: Preferences.defaults.LocaleCode }; this.composeType = Preferences.defaults.SOGoMailComposeMessageType; this.signaturePlacement = Preferences.defaults.SOGoMailSignaturePlacement; this.replyPlacement = Preferences.defaults.SOGoMailReplyPlacement; if (this.message.origin && this.message.origin.action == 'forward') { // For forwards, place caret at top unconditionally this.replyPlacement = 'above'; } // Destroy file uploader when the controller is being deactivated $scope.$on('$destroy', function() { vm.uploader.destroy(); }); if ($stateParams.actionName == 'reply') { stateMessage.$reply().then(function(msgObject) { vm.message = msgObject; vm.fromIdentity = msgObject.editable.from; vm.hideCc = (!msgObject.editable.cc || msgObject.editable.cc.length === 0); vm.hideBcc = (!msgObject.editable.bcc || msgObject.editable.bcc.length === 0); _updateFileUploader(); }); } else if ($stateParams.actionName == 'replyall') { stateMessage.$replyAll().then(function(msgObject) { vm.message = msgObject; vm.fromIdentity = msgObject.editable.from; vm.hideCc = (!msgObject.editable.cc || msgObject.editable.cc.length === 0); vm.hideBcc = (!msgObject.editable.bcc || msgObject.editable.bcc.length === 0); _updateFileUploader(); }); } else if ($stateParams.actionName == 'forward') { stateMessage.$forward().then(function(msgObject) { vm.message = msgObject; vm.fromIdentity = msgObject.editable.from; _updateFileUploader(); _addAttachments(); }); } else if (angular.isDefined(stateMessage)) { this.message = stateMessage; _updateFileUploader(); _addAttachments(); } }; /** * If this is a popup window, retrieve the mailbox controller of the parent window. */ function $parentControllers() { var originMessage, ctrls = {}; try { if ($window.opener) { if ('$mailboxController' in $window.opener && 'selectedFolder' in $window.opener.$mailboxController) { if ($window.opener.$mailboxController.selectedFolder.type == 'draft') { ctrls.draftMailboxCtrl = $window.opener.$mailboxController; if ('$messageController' in $window.opener && $window.opener.$messageController.message.uid == stateMessage.uid) { // The draft is opened in the parent window ctrls.draftMessageCtrl = $window.opener.$messageController; } } else if (stateMessage.origin) { originMessage = stateMessage.origin.message; if ($window.opener.$mailboxController.selectedFolder.$id() == originMessage.$mailbox.$id()) { // The message mailbox is opened in the parent window ctrls.originMailboxCtrl = $window.opener.$mailboxController; } } } } } catch (e) {} return ctrls; } function _initFileUploader() { vm.uploader = new FileUploader({ url: vm.message.$absolutePath({asDraft: true, withResourcePath: true}) + '/save', autoUpload: true, alias: 'attachments', removeAfterUpload: false, // onProgressItem: function(item, progress) { // console.debug(item); console.debug(progress); // }, onSuccessItem: function(item, response, status, headers) { vm.message.$setUID(response.uid); vm.message.$reload(); item.inlineUrl = response.lastAttachmentAttrs[0].url; item.file.name = response.lastAttachmentAttrs[0].filename; //console.debug(item); console.debug('success = ' + JSON.stringify(response, undefined, 2)); }, onCancelItem: function(item, response, status, headers) { //console.debug(item); console.debug('cancel = ' + JSON.stringify(response, undefined, 2)); // We remove the attachment vm.message.$deleteAttachment(item.file.name); this.removeFromQueue(item); }, onErrorItem: function(item, response, status, headers) { $mdToast.show( $mdToast.simple() .content(l('Error while uploading the file \"%{0}\":', item.file.name) + ' ' + (response.message? l(response.message) : '')) .position('top right') .action(l('OK')) .hideDelay(false)); this.removeFromQueue(item); //console.debug(item); console.debug('error = ' + JSON.stringify(response, undefined, 2)); } }); } function _updateFileUploader() { vm.uploader.url = vm.message.$absolutePath({asDraft: true, withResourcePath: true}) + '/save'; } function _addAttachments() { // Add existing attached files to uploader var i, data, fileItem, attrs = vm.message.editable.attachmentAttrs; if (attrs) for (i = 0; i < attrs.length; i++) { data = { name: attrs[i].filename, type: attrs[i].mimetype, size: parseInt(attrs[i].size) }; fileItem = new FileUploader.FileItem(vm.uploader, data); fileItem.progress = 100; fileItem.isUploaded = true; fileItem.isSuccess = true; fileItem.inlineUrl = attrs[i].url; vm.uploader.queue.push(fileItem); } } function removeAttachment(item, id) { if (item.isUploading) vm.uploader.cancelItem(item); else { vm.message.$deleteAttachment(item.file.name); item.remove(); } // Hack to allow adding the same file again // See https://github.com/nervgh/angular-file-upload/issues/671 var element = $window.document.getElementById(id); if (element) angular.element(element).prop('value', null); } function cancel() { if (vm.autosave) $timeout.cancel(vm.autosave); if (vm.message.isNew && vm.message.attachmentAttrs) vm.message.$mailbox.$deleteMessages([vm.message]); $mdDialog.cancel(); } this.save = function () { var ctrls = $parentControllers(); this.message.$save().then(function(data) { vm.message.$rawSource = null; if (ctrls.draftMailboxCtrl) { // We're saving a draft from a popup window. // Reload draft mailbox ctrls.draftMailboxCtrl.selectedFolder.$filter().then(function() { if (ctrls.draftMessageCtrl) { // Reload selected message ctrls.draftMessageCtrl.$state.go('mail.account.mailbox.message', { messageId: vm.message.uid }); } }); } $mdToast.show( $mdToast.simple() .content(l('Your email has been saved')) .position('top right') .hideDelay(3000)); }); }; this.send = function () { this.sendState = 'sending'; if (this.autosave) $timeout.cancel(this.autosave); this.message.$send().then(function(data) { var ctrls = $parentControllers(); vm.sendState = 'sent'; if (ctrls.draftMailboxCtrl) { // We're sending a draft from a popup window and the draft mailbox is opened. // Reload draft mailbox ctrls.draftMailboxCtrl.selectedFolder.$filter().then(function() { if (ctrls.draftMessageCtrl) { // Close draft ctrls.draftMessageCtrl.close(); } }); } if (ctrls.originMailboxCtrl) { // We're sending a draft from a popup window and the original mailbox is opened. // Reload mailbox ctrls.originMailboxCtrl.selectedFolder.$filter(); } $mdToast.show( $mdToast.simple() .content(l('Your email has been sent')) .position('top right') .hideDelay(3000)); // Let the user see the succesfull message before closing the dialog $timeout($mdDialog.hide, 1000); }, function(response) { $timeout(function() { vm.sendState = 'error'; vm.errorMessage = response.data? response.data.message : response.statusText; }); }); }; function toggleFullscreen() { vm.isFullscreen = !vm.isFullscreen; } function contactFilter($query) { return AddressBook.$filterAll($query).then(function(cards) { // Divide the matching cards by email addresses so the user can select // the recipient address of her choice var explodedCards = []; _.forEach(_.invokeMap(cards, 'explode'), function(manyCards) { _.forEach(manyCards, function(card) { explodedCards.push(card); }); }); // Remove duplicates return _.uniqBy(explodedCards, function(card) { return card.$$fullname + ' ' + card.$$email; }); }); } this.addRecipient = function (contact, field) { var recipients, recipient, list, i, address; var emailRE = /([\w\!\#$\%\&\'\*\+\-\/\=\?\^\`{\|\}\~]+\.)*[\w\!\#$\%\&\'\*\+\-\/\=\?\^\`{\|\}\~]+@((((([a-z0-9]{1}[a-z0-9\-]{0,62}[a-z0-9]{1})|[a-z])\.)+[a-z]{2,})|(\d{1,3}\.){3}\d{1,3}(\:\d{1,5})?)/i; recipients = this.message.editable[field]; if (angular.isString(contact)) { // Examples that are handled: // Smith, John // ; // foo@bar.com abc@xyz.com address = ''; for (i = 0; i < contact.length; i++) { if ((contact.charCodeAt(i) == 9 || // tab contact.charCodeAt(i) == 32 || // space contact.charCodeAt(i) == 44 || // , contact.charCodeAt(i) == 59) && // ; emailRE.test(address) && recipients.indexOf(address) < 0) { recipients.push(address); address = ''; } else { address += contact.charAt(i); } } if (address && recipients.indexOf(address) < 0) recipients.push(address); return null; } if (contact.$isList({expandable: true})) { // If the list's members were already fetch, use them if (angular.isDefined(contact.refs) && contact.refs.length) { _.forEach(contact.refs, function(ref) { if (ref.email.length && recipients.indexOf(ref.$shortFormat()) < 0) recipients.push(ref.$shortFormat()); }); } else { list = Card.$find(contact.container, contact.c_name); list.$id().then(function(listId) { _.forEach(list.refs, function(ref) { if (ref.email.length && recipients.indexOf(ref.$shortFormat()) < 0) recipients.push(ref.$shortFormat()); }); }); } } else if (contact.$isGroup({expandable: true})) { recipient = { toString: function () { return contact.$shortFormat(); }, isExpandable: true, members: [] }; contact.$members().then(function (members) { recipient.members = members; }); } else { recipient = contact.$shortFormat(); } if (recipient) return recipient; else return null; }; this.setFromIdentity = function (identity) { var node, children, nl, reNl, space, signature, previousIdentity; if (identity && identity.full) this.message.editable.from = identity.full; else if (identity && identity.length) return; if (this.composeType == "html") { nl = '
'; reNl = '
[ \n]?'; space = ' '; } else { nl = '\n'; reNl = '\n'; space = ' '; } if (identity && identity.signature) signature = nl + nl + '--' + space + nl + identity.signature; else signature = ''; previousIdentity = _.find(this.identities, function (currentIdentity, index) { if (currentIdentity.signature) { var currentSignature = new RegExp(reNl + reNl + '--' + space + reNl + currentIdentity.signature.replace(/[-\[\]{}()*+?.,\\^$|#\s]/g, '\\$&')); if (vm.message.editable.text.search(currentSignature) >= 0) { vm.message.editable.text = vm.message.editable.text.replace(currentSignature, signature); return true; } } return false; }); if (!previousIdentity && signature.length > 0) { // Must place signature at proper place if (!this.isNew() && this.signaturePlacement == 'above') { var quotedMessageIndex = this.message.editable.text.search(new RegExp(reNl + '.+?:( ?' + reNl + '){2}(> |
= 0) { this.message.editable.text = this.message.editable.text.slice(0, quotedMessageIndex) + signature + this.message.editable.text.slice(quotedMessageIndex); } else { this.message.editable.text = signature + this.message.editable.text; } } else { this.message.editable.text += signature; } } }; this.identitySearch = function (query) { var q = query ? query : ''; return _.filter(stateAccount.identities, function(identity) { return identity.full.toLowerCase().indexOf(q.toLowerCase()) >= 0; }); }; this.expandGroup = function(contact, field) { var recipients, i, j; recipients = this.message.editable[field]; i = recipients.indexOf(contact); recipients.splice(i, 1); for (j = 0; j < contact.members.length; j++) { var recipient = contact.members[j].$shortFormat(); if (recipients.indexOf(recipient) < 0) recipients.splice(i + j, 0, contact.members[j].$shortFormat()); } }; // Drafts autosaving function autosaveDrafts() { vm.message.$save(); if (Preferences.defaults.SOGoMailAutoSave) vm.autosave = $timeout(vm.autosaveDrafts, Preferences.defaults.SOGoMailAutoSave*1000*60); } this.isNew = function () { return typeof this.message.origin == 'undefined'; }; this.onTextFocus = function ($event) { var textArea = $event.target; function adjustOffset(val, offset) { var newOffset = offset, matches; if (val.indexOf("\r\n") > -1) { matches = val.replace(/\r\n/g, "\n").slice(0, offset).match(/\n/g); newOffset -= matches ? matches.length - 1 : 0; } return newOffset; } if (this.firstFocus) { onCompletePromise().then(function(element) { var textContent = angular.element(textArea).val(), hasSignature = /\n-- \n/.test(textContent), signatureLength = 0, sigLimit, caretPosition; if (vm.replyPlacement == 'above') { textArea.setCaretTo(0); element.find('md-dialog-content')[0].scrollTop = 0; } else { // Search for signature starting from bottom if (hasSignature) { sigLimit = textContent.lastIndexOf("-- "); if (sigLimit > -1) signatureLength = (textContent.length - sigLimit); } caretPosition = textContent.length - signatureLength; caretPosition = adjustOffset(textContent, caretPosition); if (hasSignature) caretPosition -= 2; textArea.setCaretTo(caretPosition); } }); this.firstFocus = false; } }; this.onHTMLReady = function ($editor) { if (!this.isNew()) { onCompletePromise().then(function() { $editor.focus(); }); } }; this.onHTMLFocus = function (editor) { if (this.firstFocus) { onCompletePromise().then(function(element) { var caretAtTop = (vm.replyPlacement == 'above'), selected = editor.getSelection(), selected_ranges = selected.getRanges(), children = editor.document.getBody().getChildren(), node; if (caretAtTop) { node = children.getItem(0); } else { // Search for signature starting from bottom node = children.getItem(children.count() - 1); while (true) { var x = node.getPrevious(); if (x === null) { break; } if (/--(%20|%A0|%C2%A0)/.test(encodeURI(x.getText()))) { node = x.getPrevious().getPrevious(); break; } node = x; } } selected.selectElement(node); // Place the caret if (caretAtTop) selected.scrollIntoView(); // top selected_ranges = selected.getRanges(); selected_ranges[0].collapse(true); selected.selectRanges(selected_ranges); if (!caretAtTop) selected.scrollIntoView(); // bottom }); this.firstFocus = false; } }; } SendMessageToastController.$inject = ['$scope', '$mdToast']; function SendMessageToastController($scope, $mdToast) { $scope.closeToast = function() { $mdToast.hide(); }; } angular .module('SOGo.MailerUI') .controller('SendMessageToastController', SendMessageToastController) .controller('MessageEditorController', MessageEditorController); })();