/* MAPIStoreMapping.m - this file is part of SOGo * * Copyright (C) 2010 Inverse inc. * * Author: Wolfgang Sourdeau * * This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import "MAPIStoreTypes.h" #import "MAPIStoreMapping.h" #include #include struct tdb_wrap { struct tdb_context *tdb; }; static NSMutableDictionary *mappingRegistry = nil; @implementation MAPIStoreMapping + (void) initialize { mappingRegistry = [NSMutableDictionary new]; } static int MAPIStoreMappingTDBTraverse (TDB_CONTEXT *ctx, TDB_DATA data1, TDB_DATA data2, void *data) { NSMutableDictionary *mapping; NSNumber *idNbr; NSString *uri; char *idStr, *uriStr; uint64_t idVal; // get the key // key examples : key(18) = "0x6900000000000001" // key(31) = "SOFT_DELETED:0xb100020000000001" // idStr = (char *) data1.dptr; idNbr = nil; if (strncmp(idStr, "SOFT_DELETED:", 13) != 0) { // It's very important here to use strtoull and NOT strtoll as // the latter will overflow a long long with typical key values. idVal = strtoull(idStr, NULL, 0); idNbr = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedLongLong: idVal]; } // get the value and null-terminate it uriStr = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char *) * data2.dsize+1); memset(uriStr, 0, data2.dsize+1); memcpy(uriStr, (const char *) data2.dptr, data2.dsize); uri = [NSString stringWithUTF8String: uriStr]; free (uriStr); mapping = data; if (uri && idNbr) { [mapping setObject: uri forKey: idNbr]; } return 0; } + (id) mappingForUsername: (NSString *) username withIndexing: (struct tdb_wrap *) indexing { id mapping; mapping = [mappingRegistry objectForKey: username]; if (!mapping) { mapping = [[self alloc] initForUsername: username withIndexing: indexing]; [mapping autorelease]; } return mapping; } - (id) init { if ((self = [super init])) { memCtx = talloc_zero (NULL, TALLOC_CTX); mapping = [NSMutableDictionary new]; reverseMapping = [NSMutableDictionary new]; indexing = NULL; useCount = 0; } return self; } - (void) increaseUseCount { if (useCount == 0) { [mappingRegistry setObject: self forKey: username]; [self logWithFormat: @"mapping registered (%@)", username]; } useCount++; } - (void) decreaseUseCount { useCount--; if (useCount == 0) { [mappingRegistry removeObjectForKey: username]; [self logWithFormat: @"mapping deregistered (%@)", username]; } } - (id) initForUsername: (NSString *) newUsername withIndexing: (struct tdb_wrap *) newIndexing { NSNumber *idNbr; NSString *uri; NSArray *keys; NSUInteger count, max; if ((self = [self init])) { ASSIGN (username, newUsername); indexing = newIndexing; (void) talloc_reference (memCtx, newIndexing); tdb_traverse_read (indexing->tdb, MAPIStoreMappingTDBTraverse, mapping); keys = [mapping allKeys]; max = [keys count]; for (count = 0; count < max; count++) { idNbr = [keys objectAtIndex: count]; uri = [mapping objectForKey: idNbr]; //[self logWithFormat: @"preregistered id '%@' for url '%@'", idNbr, uri]; [reverseMapping setObject: idNbr forKey: uri]; } //[self logWithFormat: @"Complete mapping: %@ \nComplete reverse mapping: %@", mapping, reverseMapping]; } return self; } - (void) dealloc { [username release]; [mapping release]; [reverseMapping release]; talloc_free (memCtx); [super dealloc]; } - (NSString *) urlFromID: (uint64_t) idNbr { NSNumber *key; key = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedLongLong: idNbr]; return [mapping objectForKey: key]; } - (uint64_t) idFromURL: (NSString *) url { NSNumber *idKey; uint64_t idNbr; idKey = [reverseMapping objectForKey: url]; if (idKey) idNbr = [idKey unsignedLongLongValue]; else idNbr = NSNotFound; return idNbr; } - (void) _updateFolderWithURL: (NSString *) oldURL withURL: (NSString *) urlString { NSArray *allKeys; NSUInteger count, max; NSString *currentKey, *newKey; NSNumber *idKey; TDB_DATA key, dbuf; [oldURL retain]; allKeys = [reverseMapping allKeys]; max = [allKeys count]; for (count = 0; count < max; count++) { currentKey = [allKeys objectAtIndex: count]; if ([currentKey hasPrefix: oldURL]) { newKey = [currentKey stringByReplacingPrefix: oldURL withPrefix: urlString]; idKey = [reverseMapping objectForKey: currentKey]; [mapping setObject: newKey forKey: idKey]; [reverseMapping setObject: idKey forKey: newKey]; [reverseMapping removeObjectForKey: currentKey]; /* update the record in the indexing database */ key.dptr = (unsigned char *) talloc_asprintf (NULL, "0x%.16"PRIx64, (uint64_t) [idKey unsignedLongLongValue]); key.dsize = strlen ((const char *) key.dptr); dbuf.dptr = (unsigned char *) talloc_strdup (NULL, [newKey UTF8String]); dbuf.dsize = strlen ((const char *) dbuf.dptr); tdb_store (indexing->tdb, key, dbuf, TDB_MODIFY); talloc_free (key.dptr); talloc_free (dbuf.dptr); } } [oldURL release]; } - (void) updateID: (uint64_t) idNbr withURL: (NSString *) urlString { NSString *oldURL; NSNumber *idKey; TDB_DATA key, dbuf; idKey = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedLongLong: idNbr]; oldURL = [mapping objectForKey: idKey]; if (oldURL) { if ([oldURL hasSuffix: @"/"]) /* is container ? */ { if (![urlString hasSuffix: @"/"]) [NSException raise: NSInvalidArgumentException format: @"a container url must have an ending '/'"]; tdb_transaction_start (indexing->tdb); [self _updateFolderWithURL: oldURL withURL: urlString]; tdb_transaction_commit (indexing->tdb); } else { if ([urlString hasSuffix: @"/"]) [NSException raise: NSInvalidArgumentException format: @"a leaf url must not have an ending '/'"]; [mapping setObject: urlString forKey: idKey]; [reverseMapping setObject: idKey forKey: urlString]; [reverseMapping removeObjectForKey: oldURL]; /* update the record in the indexing database */ key.dptr = (unsigned char *) talloc_asprintf(NULL, "0x%.16"PRIx64, idNbr); key.dsize = strlen((const char *) key.dptr); dbuf.dptr = (unsigned char *) talloc_strdup (NULL, [urlString UTF8String]); dbuf.dsize = strlen((const char *) dbuf.dptr); tdb_store (indexing->tdb, key, dbuf, TDB_MODIFY); talloc_free (key.dptr); talloc_free (dbuf.dptr); } } } - (BOOL) registerURL: (NSString *) urlString withID: (uint64_t) idNbr { NSNumber *idKey; BOOL rc; TDB_DATA key, dbuf; idKey = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedLongLong: idNbr]; if ([mapping objectForKey: idKey] || [reverseMapping objectForKey: urlString]) { [self errorWithFormat: @"attempt to double register an entry ('%@', %lld," @" 0x%.16"PRIx64")", urlString, idNbr, idNbr]; rc = NO; } else { [mapping setObject: urlString forKey: idKey]; [reverseMapping setObject: idKey forKey: urlString]; rc = YES; // [self logWithFormat: @"registered url '%@' with id %lld (0x%.16"PRIx64")", // urlString, idNbr, idNbr]; /* Add the record given its fid and mapistore_uri */ key.dptr = (unsigned char *) talloc_asprintf(NULL, "0x%.16"PRIx64, idNbr); key.dsize = strlen((const char *) key.dptr); dbuf.dptr = (unsigned char *) talloc_strdup(NULL, [urlString UTF8String]); dbuf.dsize = strlen((const char *) dbuf.dptr); tdb_store (indexing->tdb, key, dbuf, TDB_INSERT); talloc_free (key.dptr); talloc_free (dbuf.dptr); } return rc; } - (void) unregisterURLWithID: (uint64_t) idNbr { NSString *urlString; NSNumber *idKey; TDB_DATA key; idKey = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedLongLong: idNbr]; urlString = [mapping objectForKey: idKey]; if (urlString) { // [self logWithFormat: @"unregistering url '%@' with id %lld (0x%.16"PRIx64")", // urlString, idNbr, idNbr]; [reverseMapping removeObjectForKey: urlString]; [mapping removeObjectForKey: idKey]; /* We hard-delete the entry from the indexing database */ key.dptr = (unsigned char *) talloc_asprintf(NULL, "0x%.16"PRIx64, idNbr); key.dsize = strlen((const char *) key.dptr); tdb_delete(indexing->tdb, key); talloc_free(key.dptr); } } @end