var activeAjaxRequests = 0; var sortOrder = ''; var sortKey = ''; var listFilter = 'view_all'; function triggerAjaxRequest(url, callback, userdata) { this.http = createHTTPClient(); activeAjaxRequests += 1; document.animTimer = setTimeout("checkAjaxRequestsState();", 200); if (http) { http.onreadystatechange = function() { // log ("state changed (" + http.readyState + "): " + url); try { if (http.readyState == 4 && activeAjaxRequests > 0) { if (!http.aborted) { http.callbackData = userdata; callback(http); } activeAjaxRequests -= 1; checkAjaxRequestsState(); } } catch( e ) { activeAjaxRequests -= 1; checkAjaxRequestsState(); alert('AJAX Request, Caught Exception: ' + e.description); } }; http.url = url;"GET", url, true); http.send(""); } return http; } function checkAjaxRequestsState() { if (activeAjaxRequests > 0 && !document.busyAnim) { var anim = document.createElement("img"); document.busyAnim = anim; anim.setAttribute("src", ResourcesURL + '/busy.gif'); = "absolute;"; = "2.5em;"; = "1em;"; = "hidden;"; = "1;"; var folderTree = document.getElementById("toolbar"); folderTree.appendChild(anim); = "visible;"; } else if (activeAjaxRequests == 0 && document.busyAnim) { document.busyAnim.parentNode.removeChild(document.busyAnim); document.busyAnim = null; } } var currentDay = ''; var currentView = 'day'; function newEvent(sender) { var urlstr = ApplicationBaseURL + "new";, "", "width=680,height=520,resizable=1,scrollbars=1,toolbar=0," + "location=0,directories=0,status=0,menubar=0,copyhistory=0"); return false; /* stop following the link */ } function _editEventId(id) { var urlstr = ApplicationBaseURL + id + "/edit"; var win =, "SOGo_edit_" + id, "width=680,height=520,resizable=1,scrollbars=1,toolbar=0," + "location=0,directories=0,status=0,menubar=0,copyhistory=0"); win.focus(); } function editEvent() { var list = document.getElementById("appointmentsList"); var nodes = list.getSelectedRowsId(); if (nodes.length > 0) { var row = nodes[0]; _editEventId(row); } return false; /* stop following the link */ } function editDoubleClickedEvent(node) { var id = node.getAttribute("id"); _editEventId(id); return false; } function displayAppointment(sender) { var aptId = sender.getAttribute("aptId"); var urlstr = ApplicationBaseURL + aptId + "/view"; var win =, "SOGo_view_" + aptId, "width=680,height=520,resizable=1,scrollbars=1,toolbar=0," + "location=0,directories=0,status=0,menubar=0,copyhistory=0"); win.focus(); return false; /* stop following the link */ } function onContactRefresh(node) { var parentNode = node.parentNode; var contacts = ''; var done = false; var currentNode = parentNode.firstChild; while (currentNode && !done) { if (currentNode.nodeType == 1 && currentNode.getAttribute("type") == "hidden") { contacts = currentNode.value; done = true; } else currentNode = currentNode.nextSibling; } log ('contacts: ' + contacts); if (contacts.length > 0) window.location = ApplicationBaseURL + '/show?userUIDString=' + contacts; return false; } function onDaySelect(node) { currentDay = node.getAttribute("day"); var td = node.getParentWithTagName("td"); var table = td.getParentWithTagName("table"); // log ("table.selected: " + table.selected); if (document.selectedDate) deselectNode(document.selectedDate); selectNode(td); document.selectedDate = td; changeDayDisplay(currentDay, null); if (listFilter == 'view_selectedday') refreshAppointments(); return false; } function onDateSelectorGotoMonth(node) { var day = node.getAttribute("date"); changeDateSelectorDisplay(day); return false; } function onCalendarGotoDay(node) { var day = node.getAttribute("date"); changeDayDisplay(day); return false; } function gotoToday() { changeDayDisplay(); changeDateSelectorDisplay(); return false; } function dateSelectorCallback(http) { var div = document.getElementById("dateSelectorView"); log ("dateselectorcallback: " + div); if (http.readyState == 4 && http.status == 200) { document.dateSelectorAjaxRequest = null; div.innerHTML = http.responseText; if (currentDay.length > 0) restoreCurrentDaySelection(div); } else log ("ajax fuckage"); } function appointmentsListCallback(http) { var div = document.getElementById("appointmentsListView"); if (http.readyState == 4 && http.status == 200) { // log ("babla"); document.dateSelectorAjaxRequest = null; // log ("babla"); div.innerHTML = http.responseText; // log ("babla"); // log ("received " + http.callbackData); var params = parseQueryParameters(http.callbackData); sortKey = params["sort"]; sortOrder = params["desc"]; // log ("sorting = " + sortKey + sortOrder); } else log ("ajax fuckage"); } function restoreCurrentDaySelection(div) { var elements = div.getElementsByTagName("a"); var day = null; var i = 7; while (!day && i < elements.length) { day = elements[i].getAttribute("day"); i++; } if (day && day.substr(0, 6) == currentDay.substr(0, 6)) { for (i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) { day = elements[i].getAttribute("day"); if (day && day == currentDay) { var td = elements[i].getParentWithTagName("td"); if (document.selectedDate) deselectNode(document.selectedDate); selectNode(td); document.selectedDate = td; } } } } function changeDateSelectorDisplay(day, event) { var url = ApplicationBaseURL + "dateselector"; if (day) url += "?day=" + day; // if (currentDay.length > 0) // url += '&selectedDay=' + currentDay; log ("changeDateSelectorDisplay: " + url); if (document.dateSelectorAjaxRequest) { // log ("aborting dateselector ajaxrq"); document.dateSelectorAjaxRequest.aborted = true; document.dateSelectorAjaxRequest.abort(); } document.dateSelectorAjaxRequest = triggerAjaxRequest(url, dateSelectorCallback, null); // log ('should go to ' + day); } function changeDayDisplay(day) { var url = ApplicationBaseURL + "dayview"; if (day) url += "?day=" + day; log ("changeDayDisplay: " + url); if (document.dayDisplayAjaxRequest) { // log ("aborting day ajaxrq"); document.dayDisplayAjaxRequest.aborted = true; document.dayDisplayAjaxRequest.abort(); } document.dayDisplayAjaxRequest = triggerAjaxRequest(url, dayDisplayCallback, null); return false; } function dayDisplayCallback(http) { var div = document.getElementById("calendarView"); log ("daydisplaycallback: " + div); if (http.readyState == 4 && http.status == 200) { document.dateSelectorAjaxRequest = null; div.innerHTML = http.responseText; } else log ("ajax fuckage"); } function popupCalendar(node) { var inputId = node.getAttribute("inputId"); var dateFormat = node.getAttribute("dateFormat"); var calendar = new skycalendar(document.getElementById(inputId)); calendar.setCalendarPage(ResourcesURL + "/skycalendar.html"); calendar.setDateFormat(dateFormat); calendar.popup(); return false; } function onAppointmentContextMenu(event, element) { var topNode = document.getElementById('appointmentsList'); log(topNode); var menu = document.getElementById('appointmentsListMenu'); menu.addEventListener("hideMenu", onAppointmentContextMenuHide, false); onMenuClick(event, 'appointmentsListMenu'); var topNode = document.getElementById('appointmentsList'); var selectedNodes = topNode.getSelectedRows(); topNode.menuSelectedRows = selectedNodes; for (var i = 0; i < selectedNodes.length; i++) deselectNode (selectedNodes[i]); topNode.menuSelectedEntry = element; selectNode(element); } function onAppointmentContextMenuHide(event) { var topNode = document.getElementById('appointmentsList'); if (topNode.menuSelectedEntry) { deselectNode(topNode.menuSelectedEntry); topNode.menuSelectedEntry = null; } if (topNode.menuSelectedRows) { var nodeIds = topNode.menuSelectedRows; for (var i = 0; i < nodeIds.length; i++) { var node = document.getElementById(nodeIds[i]); selectNode (node); } topNode.menuSelectedRows = null; } } function onAppointmentsSelectionChange() { } function _loadAppointmentHref(href) { if (this.document.appointmentsListAjaxRequest) { this.document.appointmentsListAjaxRequest.aborted = true; this.document.appointmentsListAjaxRequest.abort(); } url = ApplicationBaseURL + href; // log ("url: " + url); this.document.appointmentsListAjaxRequest = triggerAjaxRequest(url, appointmentsListCallback, href); return false; } function onHeaderClick(node) { var href = node.getAttribute("href"); return _loadAppointmentHref(href); } function refreshAppointments() { var href = ("aptlist?desc=" + sortOrder + "&sort=" + sortKey + "&day=" + currentDay + "&filterpopup=" + listFilter); return _loadAppointmentHref(href); } function onListFilterChange() { var node = document.getElementById("filterpopup"); listFilter = node.value; // log ("listFilter = " + listFilter); return refreshAppointments(); } function onAppointmentClick(event) { var node ="tr"); changeDayDisplay(node.getAttribute("day")); return onRowClick(event); } function selectMonthInMenu(menu, month) { var entries = menu.childNodes[1].childNodes; for (i = 0; i < entries.length; i++) { var entry = entries[i]; if (entry instanceof HTMLLIElement) { var entryMonth = entry.getAttribute("month"); if (entryMonth == month) entry.addClassName("currentMonth"); else entry.removeClassName("currentMonth"); } } } function selectYearInMenu(menu, month) { var entries = menu.childNodes[1].childNodes; for (i = 0; i < entries.length; i++) { var entry = entries[i]; if (entry instanceof HTMLLIElement) { var entryMonth = entry.innerHTML; if (entryMonth == month) entry.addClassName("currentMonth"); else entry.removeClassName("currentMonth"); } } } function popupMonthMenu(event, menuId) { var node =; if (event.button == 0) { event.cancelBubble = true; event.returnValue = false; if (document.currentPopupMenu) hideMenu(event, document.currentPopupMenu); var popup = document.getElementById(menuId); var id = node.getAttribute("id"); if (id == "monthLabel") selectMonthInMenu(popup, node.getAttribute("month")); else selectYearInMenu(popup, node.innerHTML); var diff = (popup.offsetWidth - node.offsetWidth) /2; = (node.offsetTop + 95) + "px"; = (node.offsetLeft - diff) + "px"; = "visible"; bodyOnClick = "" + document.body.getAttribute("onclick"); document.body.setAttribute("onclick", "onBodyClick('" + menuId + "');"); document.currentPopupMenu = popup; } } function onMonthMenuItemClick(node) { var month = '' + node.getAttribute("month"); var year = '' + document.getElementById("yearLabel").innerHTML; changeDateSelectorDisplay(year+month+"01"); return false; } function onYearMenuItemClick(node) { var month = '' + document.getElementById("monthLabel").getAttribute("month");; var year = '' + node.innerHTML; changeDateSelectorDisplay(year+month+"01"); return false; }