/* this file is in UTF-8 format! */ /* Icon's label */ "Create" = "Aanmaken"; "Empty Trash" = "Prullenbak leegmaken"; "Delete" = "Verwijderen"; "Expunge" = "Leegmaken"; "Forward" = "Doorsturen"; "Get Mail" = "E-mail ophalen"; "Junk" = "Ongewenst"; "Reply" = "Beantwoorden"; "Reply All" = "Allen beantwoorden"; "Print" = "Afdrukken"; "Stop" = "Stoppen"; "Write" = "Opstellen"; "Send" = "Verzenden"; "Contacts" = "Adresboek"; "Attach" = "Bijlage"; "Save" = "Opslaan"; "Options" = "Options"; "Size" = "Size"; /* Tooltips */ "Send this message now" = "Send this message now"; "Select a recipient from an Address Book" = "Select a recipient from an Address Book"; "Include an attachment" = "Include an attachment"; "Save this message" = "Save this message"; "Get new messages" = "Get new messages"; "Create a new message" = "Create a new message"; "Go to address book" = "Go to address book"; "Reply to the message" = "Reply to the message"; "Reply to sender and all recipients" = "Reply to sender and all recipients"; "Forward selected message" = "Forward selected message"; "Delete selected message or folder" = "Delete selected message or folder"; "Mark the selected messages as junk" = "Mark the selected messages as junk"; "Print this message" = "Print this message"; "Stop the current transfer" = "Stop the current transfer"; "Attachment" = "Bijlage"; "Unread" = "Ongelezen"; "Flagged" = "Gemarkeerd"; /* Main Frame */ "Home" = "Start"; "Calendar" = "Agenda"; "Addressbook" = "Adresboek"; "Mail" = "E-mail"; "Right Administration" = "Machtigingen beheren"; "Help" = "Help"; /* Mail account main windows */ "Welcome to the SOGo Mailer. Use the folder tree on the left to browse your mail accounts!" = "Welkom bij de SOGo Mailer. Gebruik de mappenlijst aan de linkerkant om door uw e-mailaccounts te bladeren."; "Read messages" = "Berichten lezen"; "Write a new message" = "Een nieuw bericht opstellen"; "Share: " = "Delen: "; "Account: " = "Account: "; "Shared Account: " = "Gedeeld account"; /* acls */ "Default Roles" = "Standaardmachtigingen"; "User rights for:" = "Machtigingen voor:"; "List and see this folder" = "De inhoud van deze map bekijken"; "Read mails from this folder" = "E-mails in deze map lezen"; "Mark mails read and unread" = "E-mails in deze map als (on)gelezen markeren"; "Modify the flags of the mails in this folder" = "De markeringen van e-mails in deze map aanpassen"; "Insert, copy and move mails into this folder" = "E-mails aan deze map toevoegen"; "Post mails" = "E-mail verzenden"; "Add subfolders to this folder" = "Nieuwe submappen maken"; "Remove this folder" = "Deze map verwijderen"; "Erase mails from this folder" = "E-mails in in deze map verwijderen"; "Expunge this folder" = "Deze map leegmaken"; "Archive This Folder" = "Archive This Folder"; "Modify the acl of this folder" = "Machtigingen van deze map aanpassen"; "Saved Messages.zip" = "Saved Messages.zip"; "Update" = "Opslaan"; "Cancel" = "Sluiten"; /* Mail edition */ "From" = "Van"; "Subject" = "Onderwerp"; "To" = "Aan"; "Cc" = "Cc"; "Bcc" = "Bcc"; "Reply-To" = "Reply-To"; "Add address" = "Adres toevoegen"; "Attachments:" = "Bijlage:"; "Open" = "Open"; "Select All" = "Select All"; "Attach Web Page..." = "Attach Web Page..."; "Attach File(s)..." = "Attach File(s)..."; "to" = "aan"; "cc" = "cc"; "bcc" = "bcc"; "Addressbook" = "Adresboek"; "Edit Draft..." = "Concept aanpassen..."; "Load Images" = "Afbeeldingen laden"; "Return Receipt" = "Ontvangstbevestiging"; "The sender of this message has asked to be notified when you read this message. Do you with to notify the sender?" = "The sender of this message has asked to be notified when you read this message. Do you with to notify the sender?"; "Return Receipt (displayed) - %@"= "Return Receipt (displayed) - %@"; "This is a Return Receipt for the mail that you sent to %@.\n\nNote: This Return Receipt only acknowledges that the message was displayed on the recipient's computer. There is no guarantee that the recipient has read or understood the message contents." = "This is a Return Receipt for the mail that you sent to %@.\n\nNote: This Return Receipt only acknowledges that the message was displayed on the recipient's computer. There is no guarantee that the recipient has read or understood the message contents."; "Priority" = "Prioriteit"; "highest" = "Hoogste"; "high" = "Hoog"; "normal" = "Normaal"; "low" = "Laag"; "lowest" = "Laagste"; "This mail is being sent from an unsecure network!" = "Deze e-mail wordt verzonden vanaf een onveilig netwerk!"; /* Popup "show" */ "all" = "alle"; "read" = "gelezen"; "unread" = "ongelezen"; "deleted" = "verwijderde"; "flagged" = "gemarkeerde"; /* MailListView */ "Sender" = "Afzender"; "Subject or Sender" = "Onderwerp of afzender"; "To or Cc" = "Ontvanger (Aan of Cc)"; "Entire Message" = "Volledig bericht"; "Date" = "Datum"; "View" = "View"; "All" = "Alle"; "Unread" = "Ongelezen"; "No message" = "No message"; "messages" = "berichten"; "first" = "eerste"; "previous" = "vorige"; "next" = "volgende"; "last" = "laatste"; "msgnumber_to" = "tot"; "msgnumber_of" = "van"; "Mark Unread" = "Als ongelezen markeren"; "Mark Read" = "Als gelezen markeren"; "Untitled" = "(geen onderwerp)"; /* Tree */ "SentFolderName" = "Verzonden"; "TrashFolderName" = "Prullenbak"; "InboxFolderName" = "Postvak IN"; "DraftsFolderName" = "Concepten"; "SieveFolderName" = "Berichtregel"; "Folders" = "Mappen"; /* title line */ /* MailMoveToPopUp */ "MoveTo" = "Verplaatsen naar"; /* Address Popup menu */ "Add to Address Book..." = "Aan adresboek toevoegen"; "Compose Mail To" = "Bericht opstellen"; "Create Filter From Message..." = "Berichtregel creëren op basis van bericht..."; /* Image Popup menu */ "Save Image" = "Afbeelding opslaan"; "Save Attachment" = "Save Attachment"; /* Mailbox popup menus */ "Open in New Mail Window" = "In nieuw e-mailvenster openen"; "Copy Folder Location" = "Kopieer maplocatie"; "Subscribe..." = "Abonneren..."; "Mark Folder Read..." = "Map als gelezen markeren"; "New Folder..." = "Nieuwe map..."; "Compact This Folder" = "Comprimeer deze map"; "Search Messages..." = "Zoeken..."; "Sharing..." = "Delen..."; "New Subfolder..." = "Nieuwe submap..."; "Rename Folder..." = "Mapnaam wijzigen..."; "Delete Folder" = "Map verwijderen"; "Use This Folder For" = "De map gebruiken voor..."; "Get Messages for Account" = "Berichten ophalen voor account"; /* Use This Folder menu */ "Sent Messages" = "Berichten verzenden"; "Drafts" = "Concepten"; "Deleted Messages" = "Verwijderde berichten"; /* Message list popup menu */ "Open Message In New Window" = "In nieuw venster openen"; "Reply to Sender Only" = "Beantwoorden"; "Reply to All" = "Allen beantwoorden"; "Forward" = "Doorsturen"; "Edit As New..." = "Als nieuw bewerken"; "Move To" = "Verplaatsen naar"; "Copy To" = "Kopiëren naar"; "Label" = "Labelen"; "Mark" = "Markeren"; "Save As..." = "Opslaan als..."; "Print Preview" = "Afdrukvoorbeeld"; "View Message Source" = "Bron bekijken"; "Print..." = "Afdrukken..."; "Delete Message" = "Bericht verwijderen"; "Delete Selected Messages" = "Verwijder geselecteerde berichten"; "This Folder" = "Deze map"; /* Label popup menu */ "None" = "Geen label"; "Important" = "Belangrijk"; "Work" = "Werk"; "Personal" = "Persoonlijk"; "To Do" = "Te doen"; "Later" = "Later"; /* Mark popup menu */ "As Read" = "Als gelezen"; "Thread As Read" = "Draad als gelezen"; "As Read By Date..." = "Per datum als gelezen..."; "All Read" = "Alles als gelezen"; "Flag" = "Met vlag"; "As Junk" = "Als ongewenst"; "As Not Junk" = "Als gewenst"; "Run Junk Mail Controls" = "Ongewenste berichtenfilter starten"; /* Folder operations */ "Name :" = "Naam:"; "Enter the new name of your folder :" = "Geef de nieuw naam van de map op:"; "Do you really want to move this folder into the trash ?" = "Weet u zeker dat u deze map wilt verplaatsen naar de prullenbak"; "Operation failed" = "Operatie mislukt."; "Quota" = "Quota"; "quotasFormat" = "%{0}% van %{1} MB gebruikt"; "Please select a message." = "Selecteer een bericht."; "Please select a message to print." = "Selecteer een bericht om af te drukken."; "Please select only one message to print." = "Selecteer een enkel bericht om af te drukken."; "The message you have selected doesn't exist anymore." = "The message you have selected doesn't exist anymore."; "The folder with name \"%{0}\" could not be created." = "De map met naam \"%{0}\" kan niet gemaakt worden."; "This folder could not be renamed to \"%{0}\"." = "Deze map kan niet hernoemd worden naar \"%{0}\"."; "The folder could not be deleted." = "Het verwijderen van de map is mislukt."; "The trash could not be emptied." = "Prullenbak legen mislukt."; "The folder functionality could not be changed." = "De map functionaliteit kan niet veranderd worden."; "You need to choose a non-virtual folder!" = "U dient een niet-virtuele map te kiezen!"; "Moving a message into its own folder is impossible!" = "Kan bericht niet naar zijn eigen map verplaatsen"; "Copying a message into its own folder is impossible!" = "Kan bericht niet naar zijn eigen map kopiëren!"; /* Message editing */ "error_validationfailed" = "Validering mislukt!"; "error_missingsubject" = "U heeft geen onderwerp opgegeven!"; "error_missingrecipients" = "U heeft geen ontvanger opgegeven!";