/* toolbar */ "Save and Close" = "Uložiť a zavrieť"; "Close" = "Zavrieť"; /* tabs */ "General" = "Všeobecné"; "Calendar Options" = "Vlastnosti kalendára"; "Contacts Options" = "Vlastnosti kontaktov"; "Mail Options" = "Vlastnosti pošty"; "IMAP Accounts" = "imap účty"; "Vacation" = "Dovolenka"; "Forward" = "Dopredu"; "Password" = "Heslo"; "Categories" = "Kategórie"; "Name" = "Meno"; "Color" = "Farba"; "Add" = "Pridať"; "Delete" = "Zmazať"; /* contacts categories */ "contacts_category_labels" = "Kolega, Účastník, Zákazník, Priateľ, Rodina, Obchodný partner, Poskytovateľ, Tlač, VIP"; /* vacation (auto-reply) */ "Enable vacation auto reply" = "Zapnúť automatickú odpoveď"; "Auto reply message :" = "Automatická odpoveď:"; "Email addresses (separated by commas) :" = "Emailové adresy (oddelené čiarkami):"; "Add default email addresses" = "Pridať východziu emailovú adresu"; "Days between responses :" = "Dni medzi odpoveďami:"; "Do not send responses to mailing lists" = "Neposielať odpoveď emailovým skupinám"; "Disable auto reply on" = "Vypnúť automatickú odpoveď"; "Please specify your message and your email addresses for which you want to enable auto reply." = "Prosím špecifikujte Vašu správu a emailovú adresu pre ktorú chcete zapnút automatickú odpoveď."; "Your vacation message must not end with a single dot on a line." = "Vaša dovolenková správa nesmie končit samotnou bodkou v riadku."; "End date of your auto reply must be in the future." = "Dátum konca platnosti automatickej odpovede musí byť v budúcnosti."; /* forward messages */ "Forward incoming messages" = "Prepošli prichádzajúce správy"; "Keep a copy" = "Ponechaj kópiu"; "Please specify an address to which you want to forward your messages." = "Prosím zvoľte adresu na ktorú checete preposielať Vaše správy"; /* d & t */ "Current Time Zone :" = "Aktuálna Časová Zóna:"; "Short Date Format :" = "Krátky formát dátumu:"; "Long Date Format :" = "Dlhý formát dátumu:"; "Time Format :" = "Formát času:"; "default" = "Predvolený"; "shortDateFmt_0" = "%d-%b-%y"; "shortDateFmt_1" = "%d-%m-%y"; "shortDateFmt_2" = "%d/%m/%y"; "shortDateFmt_3" = "%e/%m/%y"; "shortDateFmt_4" = "%d-%m-%Y"; "shortDateFmt_5" = "%d/%m/%Y"; "shortDateFmt_6" = "%m-%d-%y"; "shortDateFmt_7" = "%m/%d/%y"; "shortDateFmt_8" = "%m/%e/%y"; "shortDateFmt_9" = "%y-%m-%d"; "shortDateFmt_10" = "%y/%m/%d"; "shortDateFmt_11" = "%y.%m.%d"; "shortDateFmt_12" = "%Y-%m-%d"; "shortDateFmt_13" = "%Y/%m/%d"; "shortDateFmt_14" = "%Y.%m.%d"; "shortDateFmt_15" = ""; "longDateFmt_0" = "%A, %B %d, %Y"; "longDateFmt_1" = "%B %d, %Y"; "longDateFmt_2" = "%A, %d %B, %Y"; "longDateFmt_3" = "%d %B, %Y"; "longDateFmt_4" = ""; "longDateFmt_5" = ""; "longDateFmt_6" = ""; "longDateFmt_7" = ""; "longDateFmt_8" = ""; "longDateFmt_9" = ""; "longDateFmt_10" = ""; "timeFmt_0" = "%I:%M %p"; "timeFmt_1" = "%HH:%MM"; "timeFmt_2" = ""; "timeFmt_3" = ""; "timeFmt_4" = ""; /* calendar */ "Week begins on :" = "Týždeň začína v:"; "Day start time :" = "Začiatok dňa:"; "Day end time :" = "Koniec dňa:"; "Day start time must be prior to day end time." = "Začiatok dňa musí byť skôr ako koniec dňa."; "Show time as busy outside working hours" = "Mimo pracovných hodín ukáž čas ako obsadený"; "First week of year :" = "Prvý týždeň roka:"; "Enable reminders for Calendar items" = "Zapni pripomienky pre položky Kalendára"; "Play a sound when a reminder comes due" = "Prehraj zvuk keď začne pripomienka"; "Default reminder :" = "Predvolená pripomienka:"; "firstWeekOfYear_January1" = "Začína 1. Januárom"; "firstWeekOfYear_First4DayWeek" = "Prvý 4-dňový týždeň"; "firstWeekOfYear_FirstFullWeek" = "Prvý celý týžden"; /* Default Calendar */ "Default calendar :" = "Predvolený kalendár:"; "selectedCalendar" = "Zvolený kalendár"; "personalCalendar" = "Osobný kalendár"; "firstCalendar" = "Prvý zapnutý kalendár"; "reminderTime_0000" = "0 minút"; "reminderTime_0005" = "5 minút"; "reminderTime_0010" = "10 minút"; "reminderTime_0015" = "15 minút"; "reminderTime_0030" = "30 minút"; "reminderTime_0100" = "1 hodina"; "reminderTime_0200" = "2 hodiny"; "reminderTime_0400" = "4 hodiny"; "reminderTime_0800" = "8 hodín"; "reminderTime_1200" = "1/2 dňa"; "reminderTime_2400" = "1 deň"; "reminderTime_4800" = "2 dni"; /* Mailer */ "Show subscribed mailboxes only" = "Ukazuj iba odoberané účty"; "Sort messages by threads" = "Zoraď správy do konverzácií"; "Check for new mail:" = "Kontrola nových mailov:"; "messagecheck_manually" = "Ručne"; "messagecheck_every_minute" = "Každú minútu"; "messagecheck_every_2_minutes" = "Každé 2 minúty"; "messagecheck_every_5_minutes" = "Každých 5 minút"; "messagecheck_every_10_minutes" = "Každých 10 minút"; "messagecheck_every_20_minutes" = "Každých 20 minút"; "messagecheck_every_30_minutes" = "Každých 30 minút"; "messagecheck_once_per_hour" = "Raz za hodinu"; "Forward messages:" = "Preposielaj správy:"; "messageforward_inline" = "Vrade"; "messageforward_attached" = "Ako prílohu"; "When replying to a message:" = "Pri odpovedaní na správu:"; "replyplacement_above" = "Odpoveď začína nad citáciou"; "replyplacement_below" = "Odpoveď začína pod citáciou"; "And place my signature" = "A vlož môj podpis"; "signatureplacement_above" = "pod odpoveďou"; "signatureplacement_below" = "pod citáciou"; "Compose messages in" = "Vytvor správu v "; "composemessagestype_html" = "HTML"; "composemessagestype_text" = "Čistý text"; "Display remote inline images" = "Zobraziť externe pripojené obrázky"; "displayremoteinlineimages_never" = "Nikdy"; "displayremoteinlineimages_always" = "Vždy"; /* IMAP Accounts */ "New Mail Account" = "Nový mailový účet"; "Server Name:" = "Meno servera:"; "Port:" = "Port:"; "Encryption:" = "Šifrovanie:"; "None" = "Žiadne"; "User Name:" = "Užívateľské meno:"; "Password:" = "Heslo:"; "Full Name:" = "Celé meno:"; "Email:" = "Email:"; "Reply To Email:" = "Email pre odpoveď:"; "Signature:" = "Podpis:"; "(Click to create)" = "(klikni pre vytvorenie)"; "Signature" = "Podpis"; "Please enter your signature below:" = "Prosím vložte svoj podpis nižšie:"; "Please specify a valid sender address." = "Prosím zvoľte platnú adresu odosielateľa"; "Please specify a valid reply-to address." = "Prosím zvoľte platnú adresu pre odpoveď."; /* Additional Parameters */ "Additional Parameters" = "Dalšie parametre"; /* password */ "New password:" = "Nové heslo:"; "Confirmation:" = "Potvrdenie:"; "Change" = "Zmena"; /* Event+task classifications */ "Default events classification :" = "Predvolená klasifikácia udalostí"; "Default tasks classification :" = "Predvolená klasifikácia úloh"; "PUBLIC_item" = "Verejný"; "CONFIDENTIAL_item" = "Dôverný"; "PRIVATE_item" = "Súkromný"; /* Event+task categories */ "category_none" = "Žiadne"; "calendar_category_labels" = "Výročia,Narodeniny,Obchod,Hovory,Zákazníci,Konkurencia,Obľúbene,Sledovať,Darčeky,Prázdniny,Nápady,Stretnutia,Probléma,Rôzne,Osobné,Projekty,Štátne sviatky,Stav,Dodávatelia,Cestovanie,Dovolenka"; /* Default module */ "Calendar" = "Kalendár"; "Contacts" = "Adresár"; "Mail" = "Pošta"; "Last" = "Naposledy použité"; "Default module :" = "Predvolený modul:"; "Language :" = "Jazyk:"; "choose" = "Vyber..."; "Arabic" = "العربية"; "Catalan" = "Català"; "Czech" = "Česky"; "Danish" = "Dansk (Danmark)"; "Dutch" = "Netherlands"; "English" = "English"; "Finnish" = "Suomi"; "French" = "Français"; "German" = "Deutsch"; "Hungarian" = "Magyar"; "Icelandic" = "Íslenska"; "Italian" = "Italiano"; "NorwegianBokmal" = "Norsk bokmål"; "NorwegianNynorsk" = "Norsk nynorsk"; "BrazilianPortuguese" = "Português brasileiro"; "Polish" = "Polski"; "Russian" = "Русский"; "Slovak" = "Slovensky"; "SpanishSpain" = "Español (España)"; "SpanishArgentina" = "Español (Argentina)"; "Swedish" = "Svenska"; "Ukrainian" = "Українська"; "Welsh" = "Cymraeg"; /* Return receipts */ "When I receive a request for a return receipt:" = "Keď dostanem požiadavku na potvrdenie o doručení"; "Never send a return receipt" = "Nikdy neposielať potvrdenie o doručení"; "Allow return receipts for some messages" = "Povoliť potvrdenie o doručení pre niektoré správy"; "If I'm not in the To or Cc of the message:" = "Pokial nie som v Pre alebo Kópia políčku správy:"; "If the sender is outside my domain:" = "Pokiaľ je odosielateľ mimo mojej domény:"; "In all other cases:" = "Vo všetkých ostatných prípadoch:"; "Never send" = "Nikdy neposielaj"; "Always send" = "Vždy posielaj"; "Ask me" = "Opytať sa"; /* Filters - UIxPreferences */ "Filters" = "Filtre"; "Active" = "Aktívne"; "Move Up" = "Posuň hore"; "Move Down" = "Posuň dole"; /* Filters - UIxFilterEditor */ "Filter name:" = "Meno filtra:"; "For incoming messages that" = "Pre prichádzajúce správy ktoré"; "match all of the following rules:" = "splň všetky nasledujúce pravidlá:"; "match any of the following rules:" = "zodpovedá ktorémukoľvek z nasledujúcich pravidiel:"; "match all messages" = "zodpovedá pre všetky správy"; "Perform these actions:" = "Vykonaj nasledovné úlohy:"; "Untitled Filter" = "Nepomenovaný Filter"; "Subject" = "Predmet"; "From" = "Od"; "To" = "Pre"; "Cc" = "Kópia"; "To or Cc" = "Pre alebo Kópia"; "Size (Kb)" = "Vľkosť (Kb)"; "Header" = "Hlavička"; "Flag the message with:" = "Nasledujúce správy označ zástavkou:"; "Discard the message" = "Zahoď správu"; "File the message in:" = "Súbor správy v:"; "Keep the message" = "Ponechaj správu"; "Forward the message to:" = "Prepošli správu:"; "Send a reject message:" = "Pošli odmietnutie:"; "Send a vacation message" = "Odošli správu o dovolenke"; "Stop processing filter rules" = "Zastav spracovávanie filtrovacích pravidiel"; "is under" = "je pod"; "is over" = "je nad"; "is" = "je"; "is not" = "nie je "; "contains" = "obsahuje"; "does not contain" = "neobsahuje"; "matches" = "zodpovedá"; "does not match" = "nezodpovedá"; "matches regex" = "zodpovedá regulárnemu výrazu"; "does not match regex" = "nezodpovedá regulárnemu výrazu"; "Seen" = "Videné"; "Deleted" = "Vymazané"; "Answered" = "Odpovedané"; "Flagged" = "Označené zástavkou"; "Junk" = "Spam"; "Not Junk" = "Nie je Spam"; "Label 1" = "Označenie 1"; "Label 2" = "Označenie 2"; "Label 3" = "Označenie 3"; "Label 4" = "Označenie 4"; "Label 5" = "Označenie 5"; "The password was changed successfully." = "Heslo bolo úspešne zmenené."; "Password must not be empty." = "Heslo nemôže byť prázdne."; "The passwords do not match. Please try again." = "Heslá sa nezhodujú. Skúste to znova."; "Password change failed" = "Zmena hesla nebola úspešná"; "Password change failed - Permission denied" = "Zmena hesla nebola úspešná - Nemáte dostatočné oprávnenia"; "Password change failed - Insufficient password quality" = "Zmena hesla nebola úspešná - Nedostatočná kvalita hesla"; "Password change failed - Password is too short" = "Zmena hesla nebola úspešná - Heslo je príliš krátke"; "Password change failed - Password is too young" = "Zmena hesla nebola úspešná - Heslo bolo nedávno použité"; "Password change failed - Password is in history" = "Zmena hesla nebola úspešná - Heslo je v histórii"; "Unhandled policy error: %{0}" = "Neočakávaná chyba v postupe: %{0}"; "Unhandled error response" = "Neočakávaná chybová odpoveď"; "Password change is not supported." = "Zmena hesla nie je podporovaná."; "Unhandled HTTP error code: %{0}" = "Neočakávaná HTTP chybová hláška: %{0}";