/* Copyright (c) 2014, Inverse inc. All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * Neither the name of the Inverse inc. nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #import "SOGoActiveSyncDispatcher+Sync.h" #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #include "iCalEvent+ActiveSync.h" #include "iCalToDo+ActiveSync.h" #include "NGDOMElement+ActiveSync.h" #include "NGVCard+ActiveSync.h" #include "NSCalendarDate+ActiveSync.h" #include "NSDate+ActiveSync.h" #include "NSData+ActiveSync.h" #include "NSString+ActiveSync.h" #include "SOGoActiveSyncConstants.h" #include "SOGoMailObject+ActiveSync.h" #include @implementation SOGoActiveSyncDispatcher (Sync) // // // // // // // 1388757902 // vcard/personal // // 25 // // // 1 // 32768 // // // // // 16 // // // 1 // // // Goo Inc. // annie@broccoli.com // Broccoli, Annie // Annie // Broccoli // // // // // // // // - (void) processSyncAddCommand: (id ) theDocumentElement inCollection: (id) theCollection withType: (SOGoMicrosoftActiveSyncFolderType) theFolderType inBuffer: (NSMutableString *) theBuffer { NSMutableDictionary *allValues; NSString *clientId, *serverId; NSArray *additions; id anAddition, sogoObject, o; BOOL is_new; int i; additions = (id)[theDocumentElement getElementsByTagName: @"Add"]; if ([additions count]) { for (i = 0; i < [additions count]; i++) { anAddition = [additions objectAtIndex: i]; is_new = YES; clientId = [[(id)[anAddition getElementsByTagName: @"ClientId"] lastObject] textValue]; allValues = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithDictionary: [[(id)[anAddition getElementsByTagName: @"ApplicationData"] lastObject] applicationData]]; switch (theFolderType) { case ActiveSyncContactFolder: { serverId = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%@.vcf", [theCollection globallyUniqueObjectId]]; sogoObject = [[SOGoContactGCSEntry alloc] initWithName: serverId inContainer: theCollection]; o = [sogoObject vCard]; } break; case ActiveSyncEventFolder: { // Before adding a new appointment, we check if one is already present with the same UID. If that's // the case, let's just update it. This can happen if for example, an iOS based device receives the // invitation email and choses "Add to calendar" BEFORE actually syncing the calendar. That would // create a duplicate on the server. if ([allValues objectForKey: @"UID"]) serverId = [allValues objectForKey: @"UID"]; else serverId = [theCollection globallyUniqueObjectId]; sogoObject = [theCollection lookupName: [serverId sanitizedServerIdWithType: theFolderType] inContext: context acquire: NO]; // If object isn't found, we 'create' a new one if ([sogoObject isKindOfClass: [NSException class]]) { sogoObject = [[SOGoAppointmentObject alloc] initWithName: [serverId sanitizedServerIdWithType: theFolderType] inContainer: theCollection]; o = [sogoObject component: YES secure: NO]; } else { o = [sogoObject component: NO secure: NO]; is_new = NO; } } break; case ActiveSyncTaskFolder: { serverId = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%@.ics", [theCollection globallyUniqueObjectId]]; sogoObject = [[SOGoTaskObject alloc] initWithName: serverId inContainer: theCollection]; o = [sogoObject component: YES secure: NO]; } break; case ActiveSyncMailFolder: default: { // FIXME //continue; NSLog(@"BLARG!"); abort(); } } [o takeActiveSyncValues: allValues inContext: context]; [sogoObject setIsNew: is_new]; [sogoObject saveComponent: o]; // Everything is fine, lets generate our response [theBuffer appendString: @""]; [theBuffer appendFormat: @"%@", clientId]; [theBuffer appendFormat: @"%@", serverId]; [theBuffer appendFormat: @"%d", 1]; [theBuffer appendString: @""]; } } } // // // // // // // 1387546048 // vtodo/personal // // 25 // // // 1 // 32768 // // // // // 36C5-52B36280-1-27B38F40.ics // // // 1 // // // foobar1 // 1 // 0 // 0 // 0 // // // // // // // - (void) processSyncChangeCommand: (id ) theDocumentElement inCollection: (id) theCollection withType: (SOGoMicrosoftActiveSyncFolderType) theFolderType inBuffer: (NSMutableString *) theBuffer { NSDictionary *allChanges; NSString *serverId; NSArray *changes; id aChange, o, sogoObject; int i; changes = (id)[theDocumentElement getElementsByTagName: @"Change"]; if ([changes count]) { for (i = 0; i < [changes count]; i++) { aChange = [changes objectAtIndex: i]; serverId = [[(id)[aChange getElementsByTagName: @"ServerId"] lastObject] textValue]; allChanges = [[(id)[aChange getElementsByTagName: @"ApplicationData"] lastObject] applicationData]; // Fetch the object and apply the changes sogoObject = [theCollection lookupName: [serverId sanitizedServerIdWithType: theFolderType] inContext: context acquire: NO]; // Object was removed inbetween sync/commands? if ([sogoObject isKindOfClass: [NSException class]]) { // FIXME - return status == 8 continue; } switch (theFolderType) { case ActiveSyncContactFolder: { o = [sogoObject vCard]; [o takeActiveSyncValues: allChanges inContext: context]; [sogoObject saveComponent: o]; } break; case ActiveSyncEventFolder: case ActiveSyncTaskFolder: { o = [sogoObject component: NO secure: NO]; [o takeActiveSyncValues: allChanges inContext: context]; [sogoObject saveComponent: o]; } break; case ActiveSyncMailFolder: default: { [sogoObject takeActiveSyncValues: allChanges inContext: context]; } } } } } // // // // // // // 1388764784 // vtodo/personal // // 25 // // // 1 // 32768 // // // // // 2CB5-52B36080-1-1C1D0240.ics // // // // // // - (void) processSyncDeleteCommand: (id ) theDocumentElement inCollection: (id) theCollection withType: (SOGoMicrosoftActiveSyncFolderType) theFolderType inBuffer: (NSMutableString *) theBuffer { NSArray *deletions; NSString *serverId; id aDelete, sogoObject; int i; deletions = (id)[theDocumentElement getElementsByTagName: @"Delete"]; if ([deletions count]) { for (i = 0; i < [deletions count]; i++) { aDelete = [deletions objectAtIndex: i]; serverId = [[(id)[aDelete getElementsByTagName: @"ServerId"] lastObject] textValue]; sogoObject = [theCollection lookupName: [serverId sanitizedServerIdWithType: theFolderType] inContext: context acquire: NO]; [sogoObject delete]; } } } // // // 91 // // - (void) processSyncFetchCommand: (id ) theDocumentElement inCollection: (id) theCollection withType: (SOGoMicrosoftActiveSyncFolderType) theFolderType inBuffer: (NSMutableString *) theBuffer { NSString *serverId; id o; serverId = [[(id)[theDocumentElement getElementsByTagName: @"ServerId"] lastObject] textValue]; o = [theCollection lookupName: [serverId sanitizedServerIdWithType: theFolderType] inContext: context acquire: NO]; // FIXME - error handling [theBuffer appendString: @""]; [theBuffer appendFormat: @"%@", serverId]; [theBuffer appendFormat: @"%d", 1]; [theBuffer appendString: @""]; [theBuffer appendString: [o activeSyncRepresentationInContext: context]]; [theBuffer appendString: @""]; [theBuffer appendString: @""]; } // // The method handles // - (void) processSyncGetChanges: (id ) theDocumentElement inCollection: (id) theCollection withWindowSize: (unsigned int) theWindowSize withSyncKey: (NSString *) theSyncKey withFolderType: (SOGoMicrosoftActiveSyncFolderType) theFolderType withFilterType: (NSCalendarDate *) theFilterType inBuffer: (NSMutableString *) theBuffer lastServerKey: (NSString **) theLastServerKey { NSMutableString *s; BOOL more_available; int i, max; // // No changes in the collection - Empty Sync Request. // We check this and we don't generate any commands if we don't have to. // if ([theSyncKey isEqualToString: [theCollection davCollectionTag]]) return; s = [NSMutableString string]; more_available = NO; switch (theFolderType) { // Handle all the GCS components case ActiveSyncContactFolder: case ActiveSyncEventFolder: case ActiveSyncTaskFolder: { id sogoObject, componentObject; NSString *uid, *component_name; NSDictionary *component; NSArray *allComponents; BOOL updated; int deleted; if (theFolderType == ActiveSyncContactFolder) component_name = @"vcard"; else if (theFolderType == ActiveSyncEventFolder) component_name = @"vevent"; else component_name = @"vtodo"; allComponents = [theCollection syncTokenFieldsWithProperties: nil matchingSyncToken: theSyncKey fromDate: theFilterType]; // Check for the WindowSize max = [allComponents count]; // Disabled for now for GCS folders. // if (max > theWindowSize) // { // max = theWindowSize; // more_available = YES; // } for (i = 0; i < max; i++) { component = [allComponents objectAtIndex: i]; deleted = [[component objectForKey: @"c_deleted"] intValue]; if (!deleted && ![[component objectForKey: @"c_component"] isEqualToString: component_name]) continue; uid = [[component objectForKey: @"c_name"] sanitizedServerIdWithType: theFolderType]; if (deleted) { [s appendString: @""]; [s appendFormat: @"%@", uid]; [s appendString: @""]; } else { updated = YES; if ([[component objectForKey: @"c_creationdate"] intValue] > [theSyncKey intValue]) updated = NO; sogoObject = [theCollection lookupName: [uid sanitizedServerIdWithType: theFolderType] inContext: context acquire: 0]; if (theFolderType == ActiveSyncContactFolder) componentObject = [sogoObject vCard]; else componentObject = [sogoObject component: NO secure: NO]; // // We do NOT synchronize NEW events that are in fact, invitations // to events. This is due to the fact that Outlook 2013 creates // "phantom" events in the calendar that are mapped to invitations mails. // If we synchronize these events too, it'll interfere with the whole thing // and prevent Outlook from properly calling MeetingResponse. // if (!updated && theFolderType == ActiveSyncEventFolder) { iCalPersonPartStat partstat; iCalPerson *attendee; NSString *email; email = [[[context activeUser] allEmails] objectAtIndex: 0]; attendee = [componentObject findAttendeeWithEmail: email]; if (attendee) { partstat = [attendee participationStatus]; if (partstat == iCalPersonPartStatNeedsAction) continue; } } if (updated) [s appendString: @""]; else [s appendString: @""]; [s appendFormat: @"%@", uid]; [s appendString: @""]; [s appendString: [componentObject activeSyncRepresentationInContext: context]]; [s appendString: @""]; if (updated) [s appendString: @""]; else [s appendString: @""]; } } // for ... } break; case ActiveSyncMailFolder: default: { SOGoMailObject *mailObject; NSString *uid, *command; NSDictionary *aMessage; NSArray *allMessages; allMessages = [theCollection syncTokenFieldsWithProperties: nil matchingSyncToken: theSyncKey fromDate: theFilterType]; // Check for the WindowSize. // FIXME: we should eventually check for modseq and slice the maximum // amount of messages returned to ensure we don't have the same // modseq accross contiguous boundaries max = [allMessages count]; if (max > theWindowSize) { max = theWindowSize; more_available = YES; } for (i = 0; i < max; i++) { aMessage = [allMessages objectAtIndex: i]; uid = [[[aMessage allKeys] lastObject] stringValue]; command = [[aMessage allValues] lastObject]; if ([command isEqualToString: @"deleted"]) { [s appendString: @""]; [s appendFormat: @"%@", uid]; [s appendString: @""]; } else { if ([command isEqualToString: @"added"]) [s appendString: @""]; else [s appendString: @""]; mailObject = [theCollection lookupName: uid inContext: context acquire: 0]; [s appendFormat: @"%@", uid]; [s appendString: @""]; [s appendString: [mailObject activeSyncRepresentationInContext: context]]; [s appendString: @""]; if ([command isEqualToString: @"added"]) [s appendString: @""]; else [s appendString: @""]; } } // if (more_available) { *theLastServerKey = uid; } } break; } // switch (folderType) ... if ([s length]) { [theBuffer appendString: @""]; [theBuffer appendString: s]; [theBuffer appendString: @""]; if (more_available) [theBuffer appendString: @""]; } } // // We have something like this: // // // // 91 // // // - (void) processSyncCommands: (id ) theDocumentElement inCollection: (id) theCollection withType: (SOGoMicrosoftActiveSyncFolderType) theFolderType inBuffer: (NSMutableString *) theBuffer processed: (BOOL *) processed { id aCommandDetails; id aCommand, element; NSArray *allCommands; int i, j; allCommands = (id)[theDocumentElement getElementsByTagName: @"Commands"]; for (i = 0; i < [allCommands count]; i++) { aCommand = [allCommands objectAtIndex: i]; aCommandDetails = [aCommand childNodes]; for (j = 0; j < [(id)aCommandDetails count]; j++) { element = [aCommandDetails objectAtIndex: j]; if ([element nodeType] == DOM_ELEMENT_NODE) { if ([[element tagName] isEqualToString: @"Add"]) { // Add [self processSyncAddCommand: aCommand inCollection: theCollection withType: theFolderType inBuffer: theBuffer]; *processed = YES; } else if ([[element tagName] isEqualToString: @"Change"]) { // Change [self processSyncChangeCommand: aCommand inCollection: theCollection withType: theFolderType inBuffer: theBuffer]; *processed = YES; } else if ([[element tagName] isEqualToString: @"Delete"]) { // Delete [self processSyncDeleteCommand: aCommand inCollection: theCollection withType: theFolderType inBuffer: theBuffer]; } else if ([[element tagName] isEqualToString: @"Fetch"]) { // Fetch [self processSyncFetchCommand: aCommand inCollection: theCollection withType: theFolderType inBuffer: theBuffer]; *processed = YES; } } } } } // // // - (void) processSyncCollection: (id ) theDocumentElement inBuffer: (NSMutableString *) theBuffer changeDetected: (BOOL *) changeDetected { NSString *collectionId, *realCollectionId, *syncKey, *davCollectionTag, *bodyPreferenceType, *lastServerKey; SOGoMicrosoftActiveSyncFolderType folderType; id collection, value; NSMutableString *changeBuffer, *commandsBuffer; BOOL getChanges, first_sync; unsigned int windowSize; changeBuffer = [NSMutableString string]; commandsBuffer = [NSMutableString string]; collectionId = [[(id)[theDocumentElement getElementsByTagName: @"CollectionId"] lastObject] textValue]; realCollectionId = [collectionId realCollectionIdWithFolderType: &folderType]; collection = [self collectionFromId: realCollectionId type: folderType]; syncKey = davCollectionTag = [[(id)[theDocumentElement getElementsByTagName: @"SyncKey"] lastObject] textValue]; // We check for a window size, default to 100 if not specfied or out of bounds windowSize = [[[(id)[theDocumentElement getElementsByTagName: @"WindowSize"] lastObject] textValue] intValue]; if (windowSize == 0 || windowSize > 512) windowSize = 100; lastServerKey = nil; // From the documention, if GetChanges is missing, we must assume it's a YES. // See http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/gg675447(v=exchg.80).aspx for all details. value = [theDocumentElement getElementsByTagName: @"GetChanges"]; getChanges = YES; if ([value count] && [[[value lastObject] textValue] length]) getChanges = [[[value lastObject] textValue] boolValue]; first_sync = NO; if ([syncKey isEqualToString: @"0"]) { davCollectionTag = @"-1"; first_sync = YES; *changeDetected = YES; } // We check our sync preferences and we stash them bodyPreferenceType = [[(id)[[(id)[theDocumentElement getElementsByTagName: @"BodyPreference"] lastObject] getElementsByTagName: @"Type"] lastObject] textValue]; if (!bodyPreferenceType) bodyPreferenceType = @"1"; [context setObject: bodyPreferenceType forKey: @"BodyPreferenceType"]; // We generate the commands, if any, for the response. We might also have // generated some in processSyncCommand:inResponse: as we could have // received a Fetch command if (getChanges && !first_sync) { [self processSyncGetChanges: theDocumentElement inCollection: collection withWindowSize: windowSize withSyncKey: syncKey withFolderType: folderType withFilterType: [NSCalendarDate dateFromFilterType: [[(id)[theDocumentElement getElementsByTagName: @"FilterType"] lastObject] textValue]] inBuffer: changeBuffer lastServerKey: &lastServerKey]; } // // We process the commands from the request // if (!first_sync) { NSMutableString *s; BOOL processed; s = [NSMutableString string]; processed = NO; [self processSyncCommands: theDocumentElement inCollection: collection withType: folderType inBuffer: s processed: &processed]; if (processed) [commandsBuffer appendFormat: @"%@", s]; else [commandsBuffer appendString: s]; } // If we got any changes or if we have applied any commands // let's regenerate our SyncKey based on the collection tag. if ([changeBuffer length] || [commandsBuffer length]) { if (lastServerKey) davCollectionTag = [collection davCollectionTagFromId: lastServerKey]; else davCollectionTag = [collection davCollectionTag]; *changeDetected = YES; } // Generate the response buffer [theBuffer appendString: @""]; if (folderType == ActiveSyncMailFolder) [theBuffer appendString: @"Email"]; else if (folderType == ActiveSyncContactFolder) [theBuffer appendString: @"Contacts"]; else if (folderType == ActiveSyncEventFolder) [theBuffer appendString: @"Calendar"]; else if (folderType == ActiveSyncTaskFolder) [theBuffer appendString: @"Tasks"]; [theBuffer appendFormat: @"%@", davCollectionTag]; [theBuffer appendFormat: @"%@", collectionId]; [theBuffer appendFormat: @"%d", 1]; [theBuffer appendString: changeBuffer]; [theBuffer appendString: commandsBuffer]; [theBuffer appendString: @""]; } // // Initial folder sync: // // // // // // // 0 // folderINBOX // // // // // // Following this will be a GetItemEstimate call. Following our response to the GetItemEstimate, we'll // have a new Sync call like this: // // // // // // // 1 // folderINBOX // 1 // // 50 // // 5 -- http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/gg709713(v=exchg.80).aspx // -- http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ee218197(v=exchg.80).aspx // 2 -- // 51200 // // // 4 // // // // // // // // // When adding a new task, we might have something like this: // // // // // // // 1 // personal // // -- http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/gg675447(v=exchg.80).aspx // 5 -- http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/gg650865(v=exchg.80).aspx // // -- http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ee218197(v=exchg.80).aspx // 1 // 400000 // // // // // new_task_1386614771261 // // // 1 // 6 // tomate // // test 1 // 1 // 2013-12-09T19:00:00.000Z // 0 // 0 // 2013-12-09T19:00:00.000Z // // // // // // // // The algorithm here is pretty simple: // // 1. extract the list of collections // 2. for each collection // 2.1. extract the metadata (id, synckey, etc.) // 2.2. extract the list of commands // 2.3. for each command // 2.3.1 process the command (add/change/delete/fetch) // 2.3.2 build a response during the processsing // // - (void) processSync: (id ) theDocumentElement inResponse: (WOResponse *) theResponse { SOGoSystemDefaults *defaults; id aCollection; NSMutableString *output, *s; NSArray *allCollections; NSData *d; int i, j, defaultInterval, heartbeatInterval, internalInterval; BOOL changeDetected; // We initialize our output buffer output = [NSMutableString string]; [output appendString: @""]; [output appendString: @""]; [output appendString: @""]; defaults = [SOGoSystemDefaults sharedSystemDefaults]; heartbeatInterval = [[[(id)[theDocumentElement getElementsByTagName: @"HeartbeatInterval"] lastObject] textValue] intValue]; defaultInterval = [defaults maximumSyncInterval]; internalInterval = [defaults internalSyncInterval]; // We check to see if our heartbeat interval falls into the supported ranges. if (heartbeatInterval > defaultInterval || heartbeatInterval < 1) { // Interval is too long, inform the client. heartbeatInterval = defaultInterval; // Outlook doesn't like this... //[output appendFormat: @"%d", defaultInterval]; //[output appendFormat: @"%d", 14]; } [output appendString: @""]; allCollections = (id)[theDocumentElement getElementsByTagName: @"Collection"]; // We enter our loop detection change for (i = 0; i < (defaultInterval/internalInterval); i++) { s = [NSMutableString string]; for (j = 0; j < [allCollections count]; j++) { aCollection = [allCollections objectAtIndex: j]; [self processSyncCollection: aCollection inBuffer: s changeDetected: &changeDetected]; } if (changeDetected) { NSLog(@"Change detected, we push the content."); [output appendString: s]; break; } else { NSLog(@"Sleeping %d seconds while detecting changes...", internalInterval); sleep(internalInterval); } } [output appendString: @""]; d = [[output dataUsingEncoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding] xml2wbxml]; [theResponse setContent: d]; } @end