#!/usr/bin/env python import sys import os import re DEBUG=True DEBUG=False dir_mappings = {"../UI/Templates":"../UI/Common", "../UI/Templates/AdministrationUI":"../UI/AdministrationUI", "../UI/Templates/Appointments":"../UI/Common", "../UI/Templates/ContactsUI":"../UI/Contacts", "../UI/Templates/MailerUI":"../UI/MailerUI", "../UI/Templates/MailPartViewers":"../UI/MailPartViewers", "../UI/Templates/MainUI":"../UI/MainUI", "../UI/Templates/PreferencesUI":"../UI/PreferencesUI", "../UI/Templates/SchedulerUI":"../UI/Scheduler" } def get_translations(path): try: transpath = dir_mappings.get(path, path) #print "Transpath:", transpath transname = transpath + '/English.lproj/Localizable.strings' transall = open(transname).read().split('\n') transgood = [l.strip() for l in transall if len(l.strip()) and l.strip()[0] != '#'] except: transgood = () return transgood def find_missing_translations(rootdir='.', extention='', recomp=None, greylist=()): for path, dirs, files in os.walk(rootdir): #print path, files filelist = [f for f in files if f[(-1 * len(extention)):] == extention] if filelist: for filename in filelist: if filename in greylist: print "%s is greylisted -- SKIPPING" % filename continue pathname = path + '/' + filename lines = open(pathname).read().split("\n") regex_results = [recomp.search(l) for l in lines] values = [r.groups()[0] for r in regex_results if r] #print pathname, values if values: #- Get the current english translations for the path transgood = get_translations(path) if not transgood: print "No translation file found for %s, skipping %s" % (path, pathname) continue notfound = list() if DEBUG:print pathname #- Only 'good' lines (not empty, not comment) for value in values: #print "\t", "[%s]" % value #- Try to find the value from the vox file in the translation file found = [line for line in transgood if value in line] if found: if DEBUG: print "\t", "[%s] FOUND --" % value, found[0].split("=")[0] else: #notfound.append("-->\t[%s] ==== TRANSLATION NOT FOUND ====" % value) notfound.append("-->\t[%s] ==== Not Found ====" % value) if notfound: if not DEBUG:print pathname print "\n".join(notfound) def main(): #- Only one option... if len(sys.argv) > 1: if sys.argv[1] == '-g': global DEBUG DEBUG = True else: print 'Usage:', sys.argv[0], '[-g]\n\t\t-g: debug will show matching also' sys.exit(1) greylist = ('UIxFilterEditor.wox') #- Get only the label:value from all lines recomp = re.compile('