/* Copyright (C) 2005 SKYRIX Software AG This file is part of OpenGroupware.org. OGo is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. OGo is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with OGo; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ /* JavaScript for SOGo Mailer */ /* DOM ids available in mail list view: row_$msgid div_$msgid readdiv_$msgid unreaddiv_$msgid Window Properties: width, height bool: resizable, scrollbars, toolbar, location, directories, status, menubar, copyhistory */ var currentMessages = new Array(); var maxCachedMessages = 20; var cachedContacts = new Array(); var currentContactFolder = ''; /* mail list */ function openContactWindow(sender, contactuid, url) { log ("message window at url: " + url); var msgWin = window.open(url, "SOGo_msg_" + contactuid, "width=640,height=480,resizable=1,scrollbars=1,toolbar=0," + "location=0,directories=0,status=0,menubar=0,copyhistory=0"); msgWin.focus(); } function clickedUid(sender, contactuid) { resetSelection(window); openContactWindow(sender, contactuid, ApplicationBaseURL + currentContactFolder + "/" + contactuid + "/view"); return true; } function doubleClickedUid(sender, contactuid) { alert("DOUBLE Clicked " + contactuid); return false; } function toggleMailSelect(sender) { var row; row = document.getElementById(sender.name); row.className = sender.checked ? "tableview_selected" : "tableview"; } function collectSelectedRows() { var rows = new Array(); var contactsList = document.getElementById('contactsList'); var tbody = (contactsList.getElementsByTagName('tbody'))[0]; var selectedRows = getSelectedNodes(tbody); for (var i = 0; i < selectedRows.length; i++) { var row = selectedRows[i]; var rowId = row.getAttribute('id'); rows[rows.length] = rowId; } return rows; } /* mail editor */ function validateEditorInput(sender) { var errortext = ""; var field; field = document.pageform.subject; if (field.value == "") errortext = errortext + labels.error_missingsubject + "\n"; if (!UIxRecipientSelectorHasRecipients()) errortext = errortext + labels.error_missingrecipients + "\n"; if (errortext.length > 0) { alert(labels.error_validationfailed + ":\n" + errortext); return false; } return true; } function clickedEditorSend(sender) { if (!validateEditorInput(sender)) return false; document.pageform.action="send"; document.pageform.submit(); // if everything is ok, close the window return true; } function clickedEditorAttach(sender) { var urlstr; urlstr = "viewAttachments"; window.open(urlstr, "SOGo_attach", "width=320,height=320,resizable=1,scrollbars=1,toolbar=0," + "location=0,directories=0,status=0,menubar=0,copyhistory=0"); return false; /* stop following the link */ } function clickedEditorSave(sender) { document.pageform.action="save"; document.pageform.submit(); refreshOpener(); return true; } function clickedEditorDelete(sender) { document.pageform.action="delete"; document.pageform.submit(); refreshOpener(); window.close(); return true; } function showInlineAttachmentList(sender) { var r, l; r = document.getElementById('compose_rightside'); r.style.display = 'block'; l = document.getElementById('compose_leftside'); l.style.width = "67%"; this.adjustInlineAttachmentListHeight(sender); } function updateInlineAttachmentList(sender, attachments) { if (!attachments || (attachments.length == 0)) { this.hideInlineAttachmentList(sender); return; } var e, i, count, text; count = attachments.length; text = ""; for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { text = text + attachments[i]; text = text + '
'; } e = document.getElementById('compose_attachments_list'); e.innerHTML = text; this.showInlineAttachmentList(sender); } function adjustInlineAttachmentListHeight(sender) { var e; e = document.getElementById('compose_rightside'); if (e.style.display == 'none') return; /* need to lower left size first, because left auto-adjusts to right! */ xHeight('compose_attachments_list', 10); var leftHeight, rightHeaderHeight; leftHeight = xHeight('compose_leftside'); rightHeaderHeight = xHeight('compose_attachments_header'); xHeight('compose_attachments_list', (leftHeight - rightHeaderHeight) - 16); } function hideInlineAttachmentList(sender) { var e; // xVisibility('compose_rightside', false); e = document.getElementById('compose_rightside'); e.style.display = 'none'; e = document.getElementById('compose_leftside'); e.style.width = "100%"; } /* ajax contactsFolder handling */ var activeAjaxRequests = 0; function triggerAjaxRequest(url, callback, userdata) { var http = createHTTPClient(); activeAjaxRequests += 1; document.animTimer = setTimeout("checkAjaxRequestsState();", 200); if (http) { http.onreadystatechange = function() { try { if (http.readyState == 4 && activeAjaxRequests > 0) { if (!http.aborted) { http.callbackData = userdata; callback(http); } activeAjaxRequests -= 1; checkAjaxRequestsState(); } } catch( e ) { activeAjaxRequests -= 1; checkAjaxRequestsState(); alert('AJAX Request, Caught Exception: ' + e.description); } }; http.url = url; http.open("GET", url, true); http.send(""); } return http; } function checkAjaxRequestsState() { if (activeAjaxRequests > 0 && !document.busyAnim) { var anim = document.createElement("img"); document.busyAnim = anim; anim.setAttribute("src", ResourcesURL + '/busy.gif'); anim.style.position = "absolute;"; anim.style.top = "2.5em;"; anim.style.right = "1em;"; anim.style.visibility = "hidden;"; anim.style.zindex = "1;"; var folderTree = document.getElementById("toolbar"); folderTree.appendChild(anim); anim.style.visibility = "visible;"; } else if (activeAjaxRequests == 0 && document.busyAnim) { document.busyAnim.parentNode.removeChild(document.busyAnim); document.busyAnim = null; } } function onContactsFolderTreeItemClick(element) { var topNode = document.getElementById('d'); var contactsFolder = element.parentNode.getAttribute("dataname"); if (topNode.selectedEntry) deselectNode(topNode.selectedEntry); selectNode(element); topNode.selectedEntry = element; openContactsFolder(contactsFolder); } function openContactsFolder(contactsFolder, params) { if (contactsFolder != currentContactFolder || params) { currentContactFolder = contactsFolder; var url = ApplicationBaseURL + contactsFolder + "/view?noframe=1&sort=cn&desc=0"; if (params) url += '&' + params; var contactsListContent = document.getElementById("contactsListContent"); // var contactsFolderDragHandle = document.getElementById("contactsFolderDragHandle"); // var messageContent = document.getElementById("messageContent"); // messageContent.innerHTML = ''; if (document.contactsListAjaxRequest) { document.contactsListAjaxRequest.aborted = true; document.contactsListAjaxRequest.abort(); } // if (currentMessages[contactsFolder]) { // loadMessage(currentMessages[contactsFolder]); // url += '&pageforuid=' + currentMessages[contactsFolder]; // } document.contactsListAjaxRequest = triggerAjaxRequest(url, contactsListCallback, currentMessages[contactsFolder]); if (contactsListContent.style.visibility == "hidden") { contactsListContent.style.visibility = "visible;"; // contactsFolderDragHandle.style.visibility = "visible;"; // messageContent.style.top = (contactsFolderDragHandle.offsetTop // + contactsFolderDragHandle.offsetHeight // + 'px;'); } } // triggerAjaxRequest(contactsFolder, 'toolbar', toolbarCallback); } function openContactsFolderAtIndex(element) { var idx = element.getAttribute("idx"); var url = ApplicationBaseURL + currentContactFolder + "/view?noframe=1&idx=" + idx; if (document.contactsListAjaxRequest) { document.contactsListAjaxRequest.aborted = true; document.contactsListAjaxRequest.abort(); } document.contactsListAjaxRequest = triggerAjaxRequest(url, contactsListCallback); } function contactsListCallback(http) { var div = document.getElementById('contactsListContent'); if (http.readyState == 4 && http.status == 200) { document.contactsListAjaxRequest = null; div.innerHTML = http.responseText; var selected = http.callbackData; if (selected) { var row = document.getElementById('row_' + selected); selectNode(row); } initCriteria(); } else log ("ajax fuckage"); } function onContactContextMenu(event, element) { var menu = document.getElementById('contactMenu'); menu.addEventListener("hideMenu", onContactContextMenuHide, false); onMenuClick(event, 'contactMenu'); var topNode = document.getElementById('contactsList'); var selectedNodeIds = collectSelectedRows(); topNode.menuSelectedRows = selectedNodeIds; for (var i = 0; i < selectedNodeIds.length; i++) { var selectedNode = document.getElementById(selectedNodeIds[i]); deselectNode (selectedNode); } topNode.menuSelectedEntry = element; selectNode(element); } function onContactContextMenuHide(event) { var topNode = document.getElementById('contactsList'); if (topNode.menuSelectedEntry) { deselectNode(topNode.menuSelectedEntry); topNode.menuSelectedEntry = null; } if (topNode.menuSelectedRows) { var nodeIds = topNode.menuSelectedRows; for (var i = 0; i < nodeIds.length; i++) { var node = document.getElementById(nodeIds[i]); selectNode (node); } topNode.menuSelectedRows = null; } } function onFolderMenuHide(event) { var topNode = document.getElementById('d'); if (topNode.menuSelectedEntry) { deselectNode(topNode.menuSelectedEntry); topNode.menuSelectedEntry = null; } if (topNode.selectedEntry) selectNode(topNode.selectedEntry); } function getCachedMessage(idx) { var message = null; var counter = 0; while (counter < cachedContacts.length && message == null) if (cachedContacts[counter] && cachedContacts[counter]['idx'] == currentContactFolder + '/' + idx) message = cachedContacts[counter]; else counter++; return message; } function storeCachedMessage(cachedContact) { var oldest = -1; var timeOldest = -1; var counter = 0; if (cachedContacts.length < maxCachedMessages) oldest = cachedContacts.length; else { while (cachedContacts[counter]) { if (oldest == -1 || cachedContacts[counter]['time'] < timeOldest) { oldest = counter; timeOldest = cachedContacts[counter]['time']; } counter++; } if (oldest == -1) oldest = 0; } cachedContacts[oldest] = cachedContact; } function onMessageSelectionChange() { var selection = collectSelectedRows(); if (selection.length == 1) { var idx = selection[0]; if (currentMessages[currentContactFolder] != idx) { currentMessages[currentContactFolder] = idx; loadMessage(idx); } } } function loadMessage(idx) { var cachedContact = getCachedMessage(idx); if (document.messageAjaxRequest) { document.messageAjaxRequest.aborted = true; document.messageAjaxRequest.abort(); } if (cachedContact == null) { var url = (ApplicationBaseURL + currentContactFolder + "/" + idx + "/view?noframe=1"); document.messageAjaxRequest = triggerAjaxRequest(url, messageCallback, idx); markMailInWindow(window, idx, true); } else { var div = document.getElementById('messageContent'); div.innerHTML = cachedContact['text']; cachedContact['time'] = (new Date()).getTime(); document.messageAjaxRequest = null; } } function messageCallback(http) { var div = document.getElementById('messageContent'); if (http.readyState == 4 && http.status == 200) { document.messageAjaxRequest = null; div.innerHTML = http.responseText; if (http.callbackData) { var cachedContact = new Array(); cachedContact['idx'] = currentContactFolder + '/' + http.callbackData; cachedContact['time'] = (new Date()).getTime(); cachedContact['text'] = http.responseText; if (cachedContact['text'].length < 30000) storeCachedMessage(cachedContact); } } else log ("ajax fuckage"); } var rowSelectionCount = 0; validateControls(); function showElement(e, shouldShow) { e.style.display = shouldShow ? "" : "none"; } function enableElement(e, shouldEnable) { if(!e) return; if(shouldEnable) { if(e.hasAttribute("disabled")) e.removeAttribute("disabled"); } else { e.setAttribute("disabled", "1"); } } function validateControls() { var e = document.getElementById("moveto"); this.enableElement(e, rowSelectionCount > 0); } function moveTo(uri) { alert("MoveTo: " + uri); } function popupSearchMenu(event, menuId) { var node = event.target; superNode = node.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode; relX = (event.pageX - superNode.offsetLeft - node.offsetLeft); relY = (event.pageY - superNode.offsetTop - node.offsetTop); if (event.button == 0 && relX < 24) { event.cancelBubble = true; event.returnValue = false; var popup = document.getElementById(menuId); hideMenu(event, popup); var menuTop = superNode.offsetTop + node.offsetTop + node.offsetHeight; var menuLeft = superNode.offsetLeft + node.offsetLeft; var heightDiff = (window.innerHeight - (menuTop + popup.offsetHeight)); if (heightDiff < 0) menuTop += heightDiff; var leftDiff = (window.innerWidth - (menuLeft + popup.offsetWidth)); if (leftDiff < 0) menuLeft -= popup.offsetWidth; popup.style.top = menuTop + "px"; popup.style.left = menuLeft + "px"; popup.style.visibility = "visible"; bodyOnClick = "" + document.body.getAttribute("onclick"); document.body.setAttribute("onclick", "onBodyClick('" + menuId + "');"); document.currentPopupMenu = popup; } } function setSearchCriteria(event) { searchValue = document.getElementById('searchValue'); searchCriteria = document.getElementById('searchCriteria'); var node = event.target; searchValue.setAttribute("ghost-phrase", node.innerHTML); searchCriteria = node.getAttribute('id'); } function checkSearchValue(event) { var form = event.target; var searchValue = document.getElementById('searchValue'); var ghostPhrase = searchValue.getAttribute('ghost-phrase'); if (searchValue.value == ghostPhrase) searchValue.value = ""; } function onSearchChange() { log ("changed..."); } function onSearchMouseDown(event, searchValue) { superNode = searchValue.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode; relX = (event.pageX - superNode.offsetLeft - searchValue.offsetLeft); relY = (event.pageY - superNode.offsetTop - searchValue.offsetTop); if (relY < 24) { event.cancelBubble = true; event.returnValue = false; } } function onSearchFocus(searchValue) { ghostPhrase = searchValue.getAttribute("ghost-phrase"); if (searchValue.value == ghostPhrase) { searchValue.value = ""; searchValue.setAttribute("modified", ""); } else { searchValue.select(); } searchValue.style.color = "#000"; } function onSearchBlur(searchValue) { var ghostPhrase = searchValue.getAttribute("ghost-phrase"); log ("search blur: '" + searchValue.value + "'"); if (!searchValue.value) { searchValue.setAttribute("modified", ""); searchValue.style.color = "#aaa"; searchValue.value = ghostPhrase; } else if (searchValue.value == ghostPhrase) { searchValue.setAttribute("modified", ""); searchValue.style.color = "#aaa"; } else { searchValue.setAttribute("modified", "yes"); searchValue.style.color = "#000"; } } function initCriteria() { var searchCriteria = document.getElementById('searchCriteria'); var searchValue = document.getElementById('searchValue'); var firstOption; firstOption = document.getElementById('searchOptions').childNodes[1]; searchCriteria.value = firstOption.getAttribute('id'); searchValue.setAttribute('ghost-phrase', firstOption.innerHTML); if (searchValue.value == '') { searchValue.value = firstOption.innerHTML; searchValue.setAttribute("modified", ""); searchValue.style.color = "#aaa"; } } /* contact menu entries */ function onContactRowDblClick(event, node) { var contactId = node.getAttribute('id'); openContactWindow(null, contactId, ApplicationBaseURL + currentContactFolder + "/" + contactId + "/view"); return false; } function onMenuEditContact(event, node) { var node = getParentMenu(node).menuTarget.parentNode; var contactId = node.getAttribute('id'); openContactWindow(null, contactId, ApplicationBaseURL + currentContactFolder + "/" + contactId + "/edit"); return false; } function onMenuWriteToContact(event, node) { var node = getParentMenu(node).menuTarget.parentNode; var contactId = node.getAttribute('id'); openContactWindow(null, contactId, ApplicationBaseURL + currentContactFolder + "/" + contactId + "/write"); return false; } function onMenuDeleteContact(event, node) { uixDeleteSelectedContacts(node); return false; } function onToolbarEditSelectedContacts(event) { var rows; rows = collectSelectedRows(); for (var i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) { openContactWindow(null, 'edit_' + rows[i], ApplicationBaseURL + currentContactFolder + "/" + rows[i] + "/edit"); } return false; } function onToolbarWriteToSelectedContacts(event) { var rows; rows = collectSelectedRows(); for (var i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) { openContactWindow(null, 'writeto_' + rows[i], ApplicationBaseURL + currentContactFolder + "/" + rows[i] + "/write"); } return false; } function uixDeleteSelectedContacts(sender) { var rows; var failCount = 0; rows = collectSelectedRows(); for (var i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) { var url, http, rowElem; /* send AJAX request (synchronously) */ url = (ApplicationBaseURL + currentContactFolder + "/" + rows[i] + "/delete"); http = createHTTPClient(); http.open("POST", url, false /* not async */); http.send(""); if (http.status != 200) { /* request failed */ failCount++; http = null; continue; } http = null; /* remove from page */ /* line-through would be nicer, but hiding is OK too */ rowElem = document.getElementById(rows[i]); rowElem.parentNode.removeChild(rowElem); } if (failCount > 0) alert("Could not delete " + failCount + " messages!"); return false; } function newEmailTo(sender) { var mailto = sanitizeMailTo(sender.parentNode.parentNode.menuTarget.innerHTML); if (mailto.length > 0) { w = window.open("compose?mailto=" + mailto, "SOGo_compose", "width=680,height=520,resizable=1,scrollbars=1,toolbar=0," + "location=0,directories=0,status=0,menubar=0,copyhistory=0"); w.focus(); } return false; /* stop following the link */ } function onHeaderClick(node) { var href = node.getAttribute("href"); if (document.contactsListAjaxRequest) { document.contactsListAjaxRequest.aborted = true; document.contactsListAjaxRequest.abort(); } url = ApplicationBaseURL + currentContactFolder + "/" + href; if (!href.match(/noframe=/)) url += "&noframe=1"; log ("url: " + url); document.contactsListAjaxRequest = triggerAjaxRequest(url, contactsListCallback); return false; } function registerDraggableMessageNodes() { log ("can we drag..."); } function newContact(sender) { var urlstr; urlstr = ApplicationBaseURL + currentContactFolder + "/new"; newcwin = window.open(urlstr, "SOGo_new_contact", "width=680,height=520,resizable=1,scrollbars=1,toolbar=0," + "location=0,directories=0,status=0,menubar=0,copyhistory=0"); newcwin.focus(); return false; /* stop following the link */ } function onFolderSelectionChange() { var folderList = document.getElementById("contactFolders"); var nodes = getSelectedNodes(folderList); var newFolder = nodes[0].getAttribute("id"); openContactsFolder(newFolder); } function onSearchFormSubmit() { var searchValue = document.getElementById("searchValue"); openContactsFolder(currentContactFolder, "search=" + searchValue.value); return false; } function onSearchKeyDown(searchValue) { if (searchValue.timer) clearTimeout(searchValue.timer); searchValue.timer = setTimeout("onSearchFormSubmit()", 1000); } function onConfirmContactSelection() { var rows = collectSelectedRows(); var folderLi = document.getElementById(currentContactFolder); var currentContactFolderName = folderLi.innerHTML; for (i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) { var row = document.getElementById(rows[i]); // opener.window.log (rows[i] + " selected."); // opener.window.log (row.cells.length); var cid = row.getAttribute("contactid"); if (cid) { var cname = '' + row.getAttribute("contactname"); opener.window.log('cid = ' + cid + '; cname = ' + cname ); if (cid.length > 0) opener.window.addContact(contactSelectorId, cid, currentContactFolderName + '/' + cname); } } return false; }