/* MAPIStoreContactsContext.m - this file is part of SOGo * * Copyright (C) 2010 Inverse inc. * * Author: Wolfgang Sourdeau * * This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #import #import #import #import #import #import #import "MAPIApplication.h" #import "MAPIStoreAuthenticator.h" #import "MAPIStoreMapping.h" #import "MAPIStoreTypes.h" #import "NSString+MAPIStore.h" #import "SOGoGCSFolder+MAPIStore.h" #import "MAPIStoreContactsContext.h" #undef DEBUG #include @implementation MAPIStoreContactsContext + (NSString *) MAPIModuleName { return @"contacts"; } + (void) registerFixedMappings: (MAPIStoreMapping *) mapping { [mapping registerURL: @"sogo://openchange:openchange@contacts/personal" withID: 0x1a0001]; } - (void) setupModuleFolder { id userFolder; userFolder = [SOGoUserFolder objectWithName: [authenticator username] inContainer: MAPIApp]; [woContext setClientObject: userFolder]; [userFolder retain]; // LEAK moduleFolder = [userFolder lookupName: @"Contacts" inContext: woContext acquire: NO]; [moduleFolder retain]; } - (NSArray *) getFolderMessageKeys: (SOGoFolder *) folder { return [(SOGoGCSFolder *) folder componentKeysWithType: @"vcard"]; } // - (enum MAPISTATUS) getCommonTableChildproperty: (void **) data // atURL: (NSString *) childURL // withTag: (enum MAPITAGS) proptag // inFolder: (SOGoFolder *) folder // withFID: (uint64_t) fid // { // int rc; // rc = MAPI_E_SUCCESS; // switch (proptag) { // default: // rc = [super getCommonTableChildproperty: data // atURL: childURL // withTag: proptag // inFolder: folder // withFID: fid]; // } // return rc; // } - (NSString *) _phoneOfType: (NSString *) aType excluding: (NSString *) aTypeToExclude inCard: (NGVCard *) card { NSArray *elements; NSArray *phones; NSString *phone; phones = [card childrenWithTag: @"tel"]; elements = [phones cardElementsWithAttribute: @"type" havingValue: aType]; phone = nil; if ([elements count] > 0) { CardElement *ce; int i; for (i = 0; i < [elements count]; i++) { ce = [elements objectAtIndex: i]; phone = [ce value: 0]; if (!aTypeToExclude) break; if (![ce hasAttribute: @"type" havingValue: aTypeToExclude]) break; phone = nil; } } if (!phone) phone = @""; return phone; } - (enum MAPISTATUS) getMessageTableChildproperty: (void **) data atURL: (NSString *) childURL withTag: (enum MAPITAGS) proptag inFolder: (SOGoFolder *) folder withFID: (uint64_t) fid { NSString *stringValue; id child; enum MAPISTATUS rc; rc = MAPI_E_SUCCESS; switch (proptag) { case PR_ICON_INDEX: // TODO /* see http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc815472.aspx */ *data = MAPILongValue (memCtx, 0x00000200); break; case PR_MESSAGE_CLASS_UNICODE: *data = talloc_strdup (memCtx, "IPM.Contact"); break; // case PR_VD_NAME_UNICODE: // *data = talloc_strdup (memCtx, "PR_VD_NAME_UNICODE"); // break; // case PR_EMS_AB_DXA_REMOTE_CLIENT_UNICODE: "Home:" ??? // *data = talloc_strdup (memCtx, "PR_EMS..."); // break; case PR_SUBJECT_UNICODE: *data = talloc_strdup (memCtx, "PR_SUBJECT..."); break; case PR_OAB_NAME_UNICODE: *data = talloc_strdup (memCtx, "PR_OAB_NAME_UNICODE"); break; case PR_OAB_LANGID: /* see http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/goglobal/bb895996.asxp */ /* English US */ *data = MAPILongValue (memCtx, 0x0409); break; case PR_TITLE_UNICODE: child = [self lookupObject: childURL]; stringValue = [[child vCard] title]; *data = [stringValue asUnicodeInMemCtx: memCtx]; break; case PR_COMPANY_NAME_UNICODE: child = [self lookupObject: childURL]; /* that's buggy but it's for the demo */ stringValue = [[[child vCard] org] componentsJoinedByString: @", "]; *data = [stringValue asUnicodeInMemCtx: memCtx]; break; case PR_DISPLAY_NAME_UNICODE: // Full Name case 0x81c2001f: // contact block title name rc = [super getMessageTableChildproperty: data atURL: childURL withTag: PR_DISPLAY_NAME_UNICODE inFolder: folder withFID: fid]; break; case 0x81b0001f: // E-mail child = [self lookupObject: childURL]; stringValue = [[child vCard] preferredEMail]; *data = [stringValue asUnicodeInMemCtx: memCtx]; break; case PR_BODY_UNICODE: child = [self lookupObject: childURL]; stringValue = [[child vCard] note]; *data = [stringValue asUnicodeInMemCtx: memCtx]; break; case PR_OFFICE_TELEPHONE_NUMBER_UNICODE: child = [self lookupObject: childURL]; stringValue = [self _phoneOfType: @"work" excluding: @"fax" inCard: [child vCard]]; *data = [stringValue asUnicodeInMemCtx: memCtx]; break; case PR_HOME_TELEPHONE_NUMBER_UNICODE: child = [self lookupObject: childURL]; stringValue = [self _phoneOfType: @"home" excluding: @"fax" inCard: [child vCard]]; *data = [stringValue asUnicodeInMemCtx: memCtx]; break; case PR_MOBILE_TELEPHONE_NUMBER_UNICODE: child = [self lookupObject: childURL]; stringValue = [self _phoneOfType: @"cell" excluding: nil inCard: [child vCard]]; *data = [stringValue asUnicodeInMemCtx: memCtx]; break; case PR_PRIMARY_TELEPHONE_NUMBER_UNICODE: child = [self lookupObject: childURL]; stringValue = [self _phoneOfType: @"pref" excluding: nil inCard: [child vCard]]; *data = [stringValue asUnicodeInMemCtx: memCtx]; break; // case PR_POSTAL_ADDRESS_UNICODE: // case PR_INTERNET_MESSAGE_ID_UNICODE: // case PR_CAR_TELEPHONE_NUMBER_UNICODE: // case PR_OTHER_TELEPHONE_NUMBER_UNICODE: // case PR_BUSINESS_FAX_NUMBER_UNICODE: // case PR_HOME_FAX_NUMBER_UNICODE: // case PR_COMPANY_MAIN_PHONE_NUMBER_UNICODE: // case PR_EMS_AB_GROUP_BY_ATTR_4_UNICODE: // case PR_CALLBACK_TELEPHONE_NUMBER_UNICODE: // case PR_DEPARTMENT_NAME_UNICODE: // case PR_OFFICE2_TELEPHONE_NUMBER_UNICODE: // case PR_RADIO_TELEPHONE_NUMBER_UNICODE: // case PR_PAGER_TELEPHONE_NUMBER_UNICODE: // case PR_PRIMARY_FAX_NUMBER_UNICODE: // case PR_TELEX_NUMBER_UNICODE: // case PR_ISDN_NUMBER_UNICODE: // case PR_ASSISTANT_TELEPHONE_NUMBER_UNICODE: // case PR_HOME2_TELEPHONE_NUMBER_UNICODE: // case PR_TTYTDD_PHONE_NUMBER_UNICODE: // case PR_BUSINESS_HOME_PAGE_UNICODE: // *data = talloc_strdup (memCtx, "[Generic and fake unicode value]"); // break; // (18:54:45) Wolfgang-: 0x80a7001f ( Business: ) -> don't ask me which "business" // (18:55:05) Wolfgang-: 0x809c001f ( Other: ) // (18:55:58) Wolfgang-: 0x81b5001f: E-mail 2 // #define PR_REPLY_TIME PROP_TAG(PT_SYSTIME , 0x0030) /* 0x00300040 */ // #define PR_SENSITIVITY PROP_TAG(PT_LONG , 0x0036) /* 0x00360003 */ // #define PR_FOLLOWUP_ICON PROP_TAG(PT_LONG , 0x1095) /* 0x10950003 */ // #define PR_SEARCH_KEY PROP_TAG(PT_BINARY , 0x300b) /* 0x300b0102 */ // #define PR_VIEW_STYLE PROP_TAG(PT_LONG , 0x6834) /* 0x68340003 */ // #define PR_VD_VERSION PROP_TAG(PT_LONG , 0x7007) /* 0x70070003 */ default: rc = [super getMessageTableChildproperty: data atURL: childURL withTag: proptag inFolder: folder withFID: fid]; } return rc; } - (id) createMessageInFolder: (id) parentFolder { SOGoContactGCSEntry *newEntry; NSString *name; name = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%@.vcf", [SOGoObject globallyUniqueObjectId]]; newEntry = [SOGoContactGCSEntry objectWithName: name inContainer: parentFolder]; [newEntry setIsNew: YES]; return newEntry; } // - (enum MAPISTATUS) getFolderTableChildproperty: (void **) data // atURL: (NSString *) childURL // withTag: (enum MAPITAGS) proptag // inFolder: (SOGoFolder *) folder // withFID: (uint64_t) fid // { // int rc; // [self logWithFormat: @"XXXXX unexpected!!!!!!!!!"]; // rc = MAPI_E_SUCCESS; // switch (proptag) // { // default: // rc = [super getFolderTableChildproperty: data // atURL: childURL // withTag: proptag // inFolder: folder // withFID: fid]; // } // return rc; // } @end