/* -*- Mode: javascript; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ (function() { /** * sgAccountSection - A directive that is only a controller to manage the selection of the mailboxes. * @memberof SOGo.MailerUI */ function sgAccountSection() { return { restrict: 'C', scope: {}, controller: 'sgAccountController' }; } /** * @ngInject */ sgAccountController.$inject = ['$element', '$transitions', '$state', '$mdMedia', '$mdSidenav', 'sgConstant', 'Mailbox', 'encodeUriFilter']; function sgAccountController($element, $transitions, $state, $mdMedia, $mdSidenav, sgConstant, Mailbox, encodeUriFilter) { var $ctrl = this, mailboxes = []; this.$postLink = function () { this.quotaElement = _.find($element.find('div'), function(div) { return div.classList.contains('sg-quota'); }); }; // Register a sgMailboxListItem controller this.addMailboxController = function (mailboxController) { mailboxes.push(mailboxController); }; // Called from a sgMailboxListItem controller this.selectFolder = function (mailboxController) { if (Mailbox.selectedFolder !== null) { var selectedMailboxCtrl = _.find(mailboxes, function(ctrl) { return ctrl.mailbox.id == Mailbox.selectedFolder.id; }); if (selectedMailboxCtrl) selectedMailboxCtrl.unselectFolder(); } // Close sidenav on small devices if (!$mdMedia(sgConstant['gt-md'])) $mdSidenav('left').close(); }; } angular .module('SOGo.MailerUI') .controller('sgAccountController', sgAccountController) .directive('sgAccountSection', sgAccountSection); })();