/* Copyright (C) 2006-2015 Inverse inc. Copyright (C) 2004-2005 SKYRIX Software AG This file is part of SOGo. SOGo is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. SOGo is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with SOGo; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #if defined(SAML2_CONFIG) #import #endif /* SAML2_ENABLE */ #import #import #import #import #import #if defined(MFA_CONFIG) #include #endif #import "SOGoRootPage.h" @implementation SOGoRootPage - (id) init { if ((self = [super init])) { cookieLogin = nil; } return self; } - (void) dealloc { [cookieLogin release]; [super dealloc]; } /* accessors */ - (NSString *) modulePath { return @""; } //- (NSString *) connectURL //{ // return [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%@/connect", [self applicationPath]]; //} - (NSString *) cookieUsername { NSString *value; if (cookieLogin == nil) { value = [[context request] cookieValueForKey: @"SOGoLogin"]; cookieLogin = [value isNotNull]? [value stringByDecodingBase64] : @""; [cookieLogin retain]; } return cookieLogin; } - (BOOL) rememberLogin { return ([[self cookieUsername] length]); } - (WOCookie *) _cookieWithUsername: (NSString *) username { WOCookie *loginCookie; NSString *appName; NSCalendarDate *date; appName = [[context request] applicationName]; date = [NSCalendarDate calendarDate]; [date setTimeZone: [NSTimeZone timeZoneForSecondsFromGMT: 0]]; if (username) { // Cookie expires in one month loginCookie = [WOCookie cookieWithName: @"SOGoLogin" value: [username stringByEncodingBase64] path: nil domain: nil expires: [date dateByAddingYears:0 months:1 days:0 hours:0 minutes:0 seconds:0] isSecure: NO]; } else { loginCookie = [WOCookie cookieWithName: @"SOGoLogin" value: nil]; [loginCookie setExpires: [date yesterday]]; } [loginCookie setPath: [NSString stringWithFormat: @"/%@/", appName]]; return loginCookie; } - (WOCookie *) _authLocationCookie: (BOOL) cookieReset withName: (NSString *) cookieName { WOCookie *locationCookie; NSString *appName; WORequest *rq; NSCalendarDate *date; rq = [context request]; locationCookie = [WOCookie cookieWithName: cookieName value: [rq uri]]; appName = [rq applicationName]; [locationCookie setPath: [NSString stringWithFormat: @"/%@/", appName]]; if (cookieReset) { date = [NSCalendarDate calendarDate]; [date setTimeZone: [NSTimeZone timeZoneForSecondsFromGMT: 0]]; [locationCookie setExpires: [date yesterday]]; } return locationCookie; } // // // - (WOResponse *) _responseWithLDAPPolicyError: (int) error { NSDictionary *jsonError; jsonError = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject: [NSNumber numberWithInt: error] forKey: @"LDAPPasswordPolicyError"]; return [self responseWithStatus: 403 andJSONRepresentation: jsonError]; } // // // - (WOResponse *) connectAction { WOResponse *response; WORequest *request; WOCookie *authCookie, *xsrfCookie; SOGoWebAuthenticator *auth; SOGoAppointmentFolders *calendars; SOGoUserDefaults *ud; SOGoUser *loggedInUser; NSDictionary *params; NSString *username, *password, *language, *domain, *remoteHost, *verificationCode; NSArray *supportedLanguages, *creds; SOGoPasswordPolicyError err; int expire, grace; BOOL rememberLogin, b; err = PolicyNoError; expire = grace = -1; auth = [[WOApplication application] authenticatorInContext: context]; request = [context request]; params = [[request contentAsString] objectFromJSONString]; username = [params objectForKey: @"userName"]; password = [params objectForKey: @"password"]; verificationCode = [params objectForKey: @"verificationCode"]; language = [params objectForKey: @"language"]; rememberLogin = [[params objectForKey: @"rememberLogin"] boolValue]; domain = [params objectForKey: @"domain"]; /* this will always be set to something more or less useful by * [WOHttpTransaction applyAdaptorHeadersWithHttpRequest] */ remoteHost = [request headerForKey:@"x-webobjects-remote-host"]; if ((b = [auth checkLogin: username password: password domain: &domain perr: &err expire: &expire grace: &grace useCache: NO]) && (err == PolicyNoError) // no password policy && ((expire < 0 && grace < 0) // no password policy or everything is alright || (expire < 0 && grace > 0) // password expired, grace still permits login || (expire >= 0 && grace == -1))) // password about to expire OR ppolicy activated and passwd never changed { NSDictionary *json; [self logWithFormat: @"successful login from '%@' for user '%@' - expire = %d grace = %d", remoteHost, username, expire, grace]; // We get the proper username for cookie creation. If we are using a multidomain // environment with SOGoEnableDomainBasedUID, we could have to append the domain // to the username. Also when SOGoEnableDomainBasedUID is enabled, we could be in // the DomainLessLogin situation, so we would NOT add the domain. -getUIDForEmail // has all the logic for this, so lets use it. if ([domain isNotNull]) username = [[SOGoUserManager sharedUserManager] getUIDForEmail: username]; loggedInUser = [SOGoUser userWithLogin: username]; #if defined(MFA_CONFIG) if ([[loggedInUser userDefaults] googleAuthenticatorEnabled]) { if ([verificationCode length] == 6 && [verificationCode unsignedIntValue] > 0) { unsigned int code; const char *real_secret; char *secret; size_t secret_len; const auto time_step = OATH_TOTP_DEFAULT_TIME_STEP_SIZE; const auto digits = 6; real_secret = [[loggedInUser googleAuthenticatorKey] UTF8String]; auto result = oath_init(); auto t = time(NULL); auto left = time_step - (t % time_step); char otp[digits + 1]; oath_base32_decode (real_secret, strlen(real_secret), &secret, &secret_len); result = oath_totp_generate2(secret, secret_len, t, time_step, OATH_TOTP_DEFAULT_START_TIME, digits, 0, otp); sscanf(otp, "%u", &code); oath_done(); free(secret); if (code != [verificationCode unsignedIntValue]) { [self logWithFormat: @"Invalid Google Authenticator key for '%@'", username]; json = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject: [NSNumber numberWithInt: 1] forKey: @"GoogleAuthenticatorInvalidKey"]; return [self responseWithStatus: 403 andJSONRepresentation: json]; } } // if ([verificationCode length] == 6 && [verificationCode unsignedIntValue] > 0) else { [self logWithFormat: @"Missing Google Authenticator key for '%@', asking it..", username]; json = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject: [NSNumber numberWithInt: 1] forKey: @"GoogleAuthenticatorMissingKey"]; return [self responseWithStatus: 202 andJSONRepresentation: json]; } } #endif json = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys: [loggedInUser cn], @"cn", [NSNumber numberWithInt: expire], @"expire", [NSNumber numberWithInt: grace], @"grace", nil]; response = [self responseWithStatus: 200 andJSONRepresentation: json]; authCookie = [auth cookieWithUsername: username andPassword: password inContext: context]; [response addCookie: authCookie]; // We prepare the XSRF protection cookie creds = [auth parseCredentials: [authCookie value]]; xsrfCookie = [WOCookie cookieWithName: @"XSRF-TOKEN" value: [[SOGoSession valueForSessionKey: [creds lastObject]] asSHA1String]]; [xsrfCookie setPath: [NSString stringWithFormat: @"/%@/", [[context request] applicationName]]]; [response addCookie: xsrfCookie]; supportedLanguages = [[SOGoSystemDefaults sharedSystemDefaults] supportedLanguages]; [context setActiveUser: loggedInUser]; if (language && [supportedLanguages containsObject: language]) { ud = [loggedInUser userDefaults]; [ud setLanguage: language]; [ud synchronize]; } calendars = [loggedInUser calendarsFolderInContext: context]; if ([calendars respondsToSelector: @selector (reloadWebCalendars:)]) [calendars reloadWebCalendars: NO]; } else { [self logWithFormat: @"Login from '%@' for user '%@' might not have worked - password policy: %d grace: %d expire: %d bound: %d", remoteHost, username, err, grace, expire, b]; response = [self _responseWithLDAPPolicyError: err]; } if (rememberLogin) [response addCookie: [self _cookieWithUsername: [params objectForKey: @"userName"]]]; else [response addCookie: [self _cookieWithUsername: nil]]; return response; } - (NSDictionary *) _casRedirectKeys { NSDictionary *redirectKeys; NSURL *soURL; NSString *serviceURL; soURL = [[WOApplication application] soURL]; // appending 'index' to /SOGo/so/. Matches serviceURL sent by _pgtUrlFromURL serviceURL = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%@index", [soURL absoluteString]]; redirectKeys = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject: serviceURL forKey: @"service"]; return redirectKeys; } - (id ) casProxyAction { SOGoCache *cache; WORequest *request; NSString *pgtId, *pgtIou; request = [context request]; pgtId = [request formValueForKey: @"pgtId"]; pgtIou = [request formValueForKey: @"pgtIou"]; if ([pgtId length] && [pgtIou length]) { cache = [SOGoCache sharedCache]; [cache setCASPGTId: pgtId forPGTIOU: pgtIou]; } return [self responseWithStatus: 200]; } - (id ) _casDefaultAction { WOResponse *response; NSString *login, *logoutRequest, *newLocation, *oldLocation, *ticket; SOGoAppointmentFolders *calendars; SOGoCASSession *casSession; SOGoUser *loggedInUser; SOGoWebAuthenticator *auth; WOCookie *casCookie, *casLocationCookie; WORequest *rq; casCookie = nil; casLocationCookie = nil; newLocation = nil; login = [[context activeUser] login]; if ([login isEqualToString: @"anonymous"]) login = nil; if (!login) { rq = [context request]; ticket = [rq formValueForKey: @"ticket"]; if ([ticket length]) { casSession = [SOGoCASSession CASSessionWithTicket: ticket fromProxy: NO]; login = [casSession login]; if ([login length]) { auth = [[WOApplication application] authenticatorInContext: context]; casCookie = [auth cookieWithUsername: login andPassword: [casSession identifier] inContext: context]; [casSession updateCache]; newLocation = [rq cookieValueForKey: @"cas-location"]; /* login callback, we expire the "cas-location" cookie, created below */ casLocationCookie = [self _authLocationCookie: YES withName: @"cas-location"]; } } else { /* anonymous and no ticket, possibly a logout request from CAS * See: https://wiki.jasig.org/display/CASUM/Single+Sign+Out */ logoutRequest = [rq formValueForKey: @"logoutRequest"]; if ([logoutRequest length]) { [SOGoCASSession handleLogoutRequest: logoutRequest]; return [self responseWithStatus: 200]; } } } else ticket = nil; if (login) { /* We redirect the user to their "homepage" when newLocation could not be deduced from the "cas-location" cookie and the current action is not a login callback (ticket != nil). */ if (!newLocation || !ticket) { oldLocation = [[self clientObject] baseURLInContext: context]; newLocation = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%@%@", oldLocation, [login stringByEscapingURL]]; } loggedInUser = [SOGoUser userWithLogin: login]; calendars = [loggedInUser calendarsFolderInContext: context]; if ([calendars respondsToSelector: @selector (reloadWebCalendars:)]) [calendars reloadWebCalendars: NO]; } else { newLocation = [SOGoCASSession CASURLWithAction: @"login" andParameters: [self _casRedirectKeys]]; casLocationCookie = [self _authLocationCookie: NO withName: @"cas-location"]; } response = [self redirectToLocation: newLocation]; if (casCookie) [response addCookie: casCookie]; if (casLocationCookie) [response addCookie: casLocationCookie]; return response; } #if defined(SAML2_CONFIG) - (id ) _saml2DefaultAction { WOResponse *response; NSString *login, *newLocation, *oldLocation; WOCookie *saml2LocationCookie; WORequest *rq; saml2LocationCookie = nil; newLocation = nil; login = [[context activeUser] login]; if ([login isEqualToString: @"anonymous"]) login = nil; if (login) { rq = [context request]; newLocation = [rq cookieValueForKey: @"saml2-location"]; if (newLocation) saml2LocationCookie = [self _authLocationCookie: YES withName: @"saml2-location"]; else { oldLocation = [[self clientObject] baseURLInContext: context]; newLocation = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%@%@", oldLocation, [login stringByEscapingURL]]; } } else { newLocation = [SOGoSAML2Session authenticationURLInContext: context]; saml2LocationCookie = [self _authLocationCookie: NO withName: @"saml2-location"]; } response = [self redirectToLocation: newLocation]; if (saml2LocationCookie) [response addCookie: saml2LocationCookie]; return response; } #endif /* SAML2_CONFIG */ - (id ) _standardDefaultAction { NSObject *response; NSString *login, *oldLocation; login = [[context activeUser] login]; if ([login isEqualToString: @"anonymous"]) login = nil; if (login) { oldLocation = [[self clientObject] baseURLInContext: context]; response = [self redirectToLocation: [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%@%@", oldLocation, [login stringByEscapingURL]]]; } else { oldLocation = [[context request] uri]; if ([context clientObject] && ![oldLocation hasSuffix: @"/"] && ![oldLocation hasSuffix: @"/view"]) response = [self redirectToLocation: [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%@/", oldLocation]]; else response = self; } return response; } - (id ) defaultAction { NSString *authenticationType; id result; authenticationType = [[SOGoSystemDefaults sharedSystemDefaults] authenticationType]; if ([authenticationType isEqualToString: @"cas"]) result = [self _casDefaultAction]; #if defined(SAML2_CONFIG) else if ([authenticationType isEqualToString: @"saml2"]) result = [self _saml2DefaultAction]; #endif /* SAML2_CONFIG */ else result = [self _standardDefaultAction]; return result; } - (BOOL) isPublicInContext: (WOContext *) localContext { return YES; } - (NSString *) loginSuffix { return [[SOGoSystemDefaults sharedSystemDefaults] loginSuffix]; } - (BOOL) hasLoginSuffix { return ([[self loginSuffix] length]); } - (NSArray *) loginDomains { return [[SOGoSystemDefaults sharedSystemDefaults] loginDomains]; } - (BOOL) hasLoginDomains { return ([[self loginDomains] count] > 0); } - (void) setItem: (id) _item { ASSIGN (item, _item); } - (id) item { return item; } - (NSString *) language { return [[context resourceLookupLanguages] objectAtIndex: 0]; } - (NSString *) localizedLanguage { return [self labelForKey: [self language]]; } - (NSArray *) languages { return [[SOGoSystemDefaults sharedSystemDefaults] supportedLanguages]; } - (NSString *) languageText { NSString *text; text = [self labelForKey: item]; return text; } - (NSString *) version { NSString *aString; aString = [NSString stringWithString: SOGoVersion]; return aString; } - (WOResponse *) changePasswordAction { NSString *username, *domain, *password, *newPassword, *value; WOCookie *authCookie, *xsrfCookie; NSDictionary *message; NSArray *creds; SOGoUserManager *um; SOGoPasswordPolicyError error; SOGoSystemDefaults *sd; SOGoWebAuthenticator *auth; WOResponse *response; WORequest *request; request = [context request]; message = [[request contentAsString] objectFromJSONString]; auth = [[WOApplication application] authenticatorInContext: context]; value = [[context request] cookieValueForKey: [auth cookieNameInContext: context]]; creds = nil; username = nil; if (value) { // User is logged in; extract username from session creds = [auth parseCredentials: value]; [SOGoSession decodeValue: [SOGoSession valueForSessionKey: [creds objectAtIndex: 1]] usingKey: [creds objectAtIndex: 0] login: &username domain: &domain password: &password]; } else { // We are using ppolicy and changing the password upon login username = [message objectForKey: @"userName"]; domain = [message objectForKey: @"domain"]; } newPassword = [message objectForKey: @"newPassword"]; // overwrite the value from the session to compare the actual input password = [message objectForKey: @"oldPassword"]; // Validate required parameters if (!username) { response = [self responseWithStatus: 403 andString: @"Missing 'username' parameter"]; } else if (!password) { response = [self responseWithStatus: 403 andString: @"Missing 'oldPassword' parameter"]; } else if (!newPassword) { response = [self responseWithStatus: 403 andString: @"Missing 'newPassword' parameter"]; } else { um = [SOGoUserManager sharedUserManager]; // This will also update the cached password in memcached. if ([um changePasswordForLogin: username inDomain: domain oldPassword: password newPassword: newPassword perr: &error]) { if (creds) { // We delete the previous session [SOGoSession deleteValueForSessionKey: [creds objectAtIndex: 1]]; } if ([domain isNotNull]) { sd = [SOGoSystemDefaults sharedSystemDefaults]; if ([sd enableDomainBasedUID] && [username rangeOfString: @"@"].location == NSNotFound) username = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%@@%@", username, domain]; } response = [self responseWith204]; authCookie = [auth cookieWithUsername: username andPassword: newPassword inContext: context]; [response addCookie: authCookie]; // We update the XSRF protection cookie creds = [auth parseCredentials: [authCookie value]]; xsrfCookie = [WOCookie cookieWithName: @"XSRF-TOKEN" value: [[SOGoSession valueForSessionKey: [creds lastObject]] asSHA1String]]; [xsrfCookie setPath: [NSString stringWithFormat: @"/%@/", [request applicationName]]]; [response addCookie: xsrfCookie]; } else response = [self _responseWithLDAPPolicyError: error]; } return response; } - (BOOL) isGoogleAuthenticatorEnabled { #if defined(MFA_CONFIG) return YES; #else return NO; #endif } @end /* SOGoRootPage */