/* this file is in UTF-8 format! */ "Contact" = "聯絡人"; "Address" = "地址"; "Photos" = "照片"; "Other" = "其它"; "Address Books" = "通訊錄"; "Addressbook" = "通訊錄"; "Addresses" = "地址"; "Update" = "更新"; "Cancel" = "取消"; "Common" = "一般"; "Contact editor" = "聯絡人編輯器"; "Contact viewer" = "聯絡人瀏覽器"; "Email" = "郵件"; "Screen Name" = "顯示名稱"; "Extended" = "延伸"; "Fax" = "傳真"; "Firstname" = "名"; "Home" = "住家"; "HomePhone" = "住家電話"; "Lastname" = "姓氏"; "Location" = "地點"; "Add a category" = "新增目錄"; "MobilePhone" = "手機"; "Name" = "名字"; "OfficePhone" = "辦公室電話"; "Organization" = "公司名稱"; "Work Phone" = "公務電話"; "Phone" = "電話"; "Phones" = "電話"; "Postal" = "郵遞區號"; "Save" = "儲存"; "Internet" = "網際網路"; "Unit" = "單位"; "delete" = "刪除"; "edit" = "編輯"; "invalidemailwarn" = "無效的郵件地址"; "new" = "新增"; "Preferred Phone" = "預設號碼"; "Move To" = "移至"; "Copy To" = "複製到"; "Add to" = "新增至"; "To" = "收件人欄位"; "Carbon Copy (Cc)" = "副本收件人 (Cc)"; "Blind Carbon Copy (Bcc)" = "密件副本收件人 (Bcc)"; /* Search scope: name fields */ "name" = "名字"; /* Search scope: name fields */ "c_cn" = "名字"; /* Search scope: secondary email field */ "mozillanickname" = "備用信箱"; /* Search scope: screen name field */ "nsaimid" = "顯示名稱"; /* Search scope: mail fields */ "mail" = "信箱"; /* Search scope: mail fields */ "c_mail" = "信箱"; /* Search scope: telephone field */ "telephonenumber" = "電話"; /* Search scope: telephone field */ "homephone" = "電話"; /* Search scope: mobile field */ "mobile" = "手機"; /* Search scope: fax field */ "facsimiletelephonenumber" = "傳真"; /* Search scope: pager field */ "pager" = "呼叫器"; /* Search scope: categories field */ "c_categories" = "類別"; /* Search scope: categories field */ "vcardcategories" = "類別"; /* Search scope: title field */ "title" = "標題"; /* Search scope: organization field */ "c_o" = "組織"; /* Search scope: organization field */ "o" = "組織"; /* Search scope: department field */ "ou" = "部門"; /* Search scope: city field */ "l" = "城市"; /* Search scope: country field */ "c" = "國家"; /* Search scope: home address field */ "mozillahomestreet" = "戶籍地址"; /* Search scope: state/province field */ "st" = "州 / 省"; /* Search scope: home state/province field */ "mozillahomestate" = "住籍 州 / 省"; /* Search scope: zip/postal code field */ "postalCode" = "郵遞區號"; /* Search scope: home zip/postal code field */ "mozillahomepostalcode" = "郵遞區號"; /* Search scope: home country field */ "mozillahomecountryname" = "國籍"; /* Search scope: home web page field */ "mozillahomeurl" = "首頁"; /* Search scope: work web page field */ "mozillaworkurl" = "網頁"; /* Search scope: note field */ "description" = "備註"; /* Subheader of empty addressbook */ "No contact" = "沒有聯絡人"; /* Subheader of system addressbook */ "Start a search to browse this address book" = "開始搜尋以便瀏覽此通訊錄"; /* Number of contacts in addressbook; string is prefixed by number */ "contacts" = "聯絡人"; /* No contact matching search criteria */ "No matching contact" = "找不到符合搜尋條件的聯絡人"; /* Number of contacts matching search criteria; string is prefixed by number */ "matching contacts" = "符合搜尋條件的聯絡人"; /* Number of selected contacts in list */ "selected" = "已選擇"; /* Empty right pane */ "No contact selected" = "未選擇任何聯絡人"; /* Tooltips */ "Create a new address book card" = "新增一筆聯絡人紀錄"; "Create a new list" = "新增聯絡人群組"; "Edit the selected card" = "編輯所選擇的聯絡人"; "Send a mail message" = "發送一份郵件訊息"; "Delete selected card or address book" = "刪除所選擇的聯絡人或通訊錄"; "Reload all contacts" = "重新載入所有的聯絡人"; "htmlMailFormat_UNKNOWN" = "未知"; "htmlMailFormat_FALSE" = "純文字"; "htmlMailFormat_TRUE" = "HTML"; "Name or Email" = "名字或郵件地址"; "Category" = "類別"; "Personal Addressbook" = "個人通訊錄"; "Search in Addressbook" = "搜索通訊錄"; "New Card" = "新聯絡人"; "New List" = "新群組"; "Edit" = "編輯"; "Properties" = "屬性"; "Sharing..." = "共享..."; "Write" = "寫入"; "Delete" = "删除"; "Instant Message" = "即時訊息"; "Add..." = "新增..."; "Remove" = "移除"; "Please wait..." = "請稍後..."; "No possible subscription" = "無可訂閱"; "Preferred" = "預設"; "Display" = "顯示"; "Display Name" = "顯示名稱"; "Additional Email" = "額外的郵件"; "Phone Number" = "電話號碼"; "Prefers to receive messages formatted as" = "預設的接收訊息格式為"; "Categories" = "類别"; "First" = "名"; "Last" = "姓"; "Nickname" = "暱稱"; "Telephone" = "電話"; "Work" = "公司"; "Mobile" = "手機"; "Pager" = "呼叫器"; /* categories */ "contacts_category_labels" = "同事,競爭對手,客戶,朋友,家人,事業夥伴,供應商,出版社,VIP"; "New category" = "新類別"; /* adresses */ "Title" = "職稱"; "Service" = "服務"; "Company" = "公司"; "Department" = "部門"; "City" = "城市"; "State_Province" = "州 / 省"; "ZIP_Postal Code" = "郵遞區號"; "Country" = "國家"; "Web Page" = "網頁"; "Other Infos" = "其他資訊"; "Note" = "備註"; "Timezone" = "時區"; "Birthday" = "生日"; "Birthday (yyyy-mm-dd)" = "生日 (yyyy-mm-dd)"; "Freebusy URL" = "Freebusy URL"; "Add as..." = "新增為..."; "Recipient" = "收件人"; "Carbon Copy" = "副本"; "Blind Carbon Copy" = "密件副本"; "New Addressbook..." = "新增通訊錄..."; "Subscribe to an Addressbook..." = "訂閱通訊錄..."; "Remove the selected Addressbook" = "移除所選擇的通訊錄"; "Subscribe to a shared folder" = "訂閱共享的資料夾"; "Search User" = "搜尋用戶"; "Name of the Address Book" = " 通訊錄名稱"; "Are you sure you want to delete the selected address book?" = "您確定要刪除所選擇的通訊錄嗎?"; "Are you sure you want to delete the addressbook \"%{0}\"?" = "您確定要刪除通訊錄 \"%{0}\"?"; "You cannot remove nor unsubscribe from a public addressbook." = "您不能移除公用通訊錄或取消訂閱。"; "You cannot remove nor unsubscribe from your personal addressbook." = "您不能移除您的個人通訊錄或取消訂閱。"; "Are you sure you want to delete the selected contacts?" = "您確定要刪除所選擇的聯絡人嗎?"; "Are you sure you want to delete the card of %{0}?" = "您確定要刪除聯絡人 %{0} 嗎?"; "You cannot delete the card of \"%{0}\"." = "您不能删除 \"%{0}\" 的聯絡人紀錄。"; "You cannot subscribe to a folder that you own!" = "您不能訂閱自己的資料夾。"; "Unable to subscribe to that folder!" = "無法訂閱到該資料夾。"; /* security */ "Security" = "安全性"; "Uninstall" = "解除安裝"; "Error reading the card certificate." = "讀取聯絡人憑證發生錯誤。"; "No certificate associated to card." = "聯絡人無相關憑證。"; /* acls */ "Access rights to" = "給予存取權限至"; "For user" = "给使用者"; "Any Authenticated User" = "任一授權的使用者"; "Public Access" = "公開存取"; "This person can add cards to this addressbook." = "這個人可以新增聯絡人到這個通訊錄。"; "This person can edit the cards of this addressbook." = "這個人可以編輯這個通訊錄的聯絡人。"; "This person can list the content of this addressbook." = "這個人可以列出這個通訊錄的内容。"; "This person can read the cards of this addressbook." = "這個人可以讀取這個通訊錄的聯絡人。"; "This person can erase cards from this addressbook." = "這個人可以刪除這個通訊錄的聯絡人。"; "The selected contact has no email address." = "選取的聯絡人沒有郵件地址。"; "Please select a contact." = "請選擇聯絡人。"; /* Messages for move and copy */ "%{0} card(s) copied" = "已複製 %{0} 個聯絡人"; "%{0} card(s) moved" = "已移動 %{0} 個聯絡人"; "SoAccessDeniedException" = "您不能寫入資料到這個通訊錄。"; "Forbidden" = "禁止存取"; "Invalid Contact" = "所選擇的聯絡人已經不存在了。"; "Unknown Destination Folder" = "所選擇的目標通訊錄已經不存在了。"; /* Lists */ "List details" = "群組資訊"; "List name" = "群組名稱"; "List nickname" = "群組暱稱"; "List description" = "群組說明"; "Members" = "成員"; "Contacts" = "聯絡人"; "Add" = "新增"; "Lists can't be moved or copied." = "群組不能移動或複製。"; "Export" = "匯出"; "Export Address Book..." = "匯出通訊錄..."; "View Raw Source" = "顯示原始碼"; /* Import */ "Import Cards" = "匯入聯絡人"; "Select a vCard or LDIF file." = "選擇 vCard 或者 LDIF 檔案。"; "Upload" = "上傳"; "Uploading" = "上傳中"; "Done" = "完成"; "An error occured while importing contacts." = "匯入聯絡人時發生錯誤。"; "No card was imported." = "沒有匯入任何聯絡人。"; "A total of %{0} cards were imported in the addressbook." = "總共匯入 %{0} 筆聯絡人到通訊錄中。"; "Reload" = "重新載入"; /* Properties window */ "Address Book Name" = "通訊錄名稱"; "Links to this Address Book" = "連結到這本通訊錄"; "Authenticated User Access" = "授權的使用者存取"; "CardDAV URL" = "CardDAV 網址"; "Options" = "選項"; "Rename" = "重新命名"; "Subscriptions" = "訂閱"; "Global Addressbooks" = "公用通訊錄"; "Search" = "搜尋"; "Sort" = "分類"; "Descending Order" = "降冪排列"; "Back" = "返回"; "Select All" = "全選"; "Copy contacts" = "複製聯絡人"; "More messages options" = "更多訊息選項"; "New Contact" = "新聯絡人"; "Close" = "關閉"; "More contact options" = "更多聯絡人選項"; "Organization Unit" = "組織單位"; "Add Organizational Unit" = "增加組織單位"; "Type" = "類型"; "Email Address" = "電子郵件地址"; "New Email Address" = "新增電子郵件地址"; "New Phone Number" = "新增電話號碼"; "URL" = "網址"; "New URL" = "新增網址"; "street" = "街道"; "street (continued)" = "街道 (續)"; "Postoffice" = "郵局"; "Region" = "地區"; "Postal Code" = "郵遞區號"; "New Address" = "新增地址"; "Reset" = "重置"; "Description" = "說明"; "Add Member" = "新增成員"; "Subscribe" = "訂閱"; "Add Birthday" = "新增生日"; "Import" = "匯入"; "More options" = "更多選項"; "Role" = "角色"; "Add Screen Name" = "新增顯示名稱"; "Custom 1" = "自訂 1"; "Custom 2" = "自訂 2"; "Custom 3" = "自訂 3"; "Custom 4" = "自訂 4"; "Custom Value" = "自訂值"; "New Custom Value" = "新增自訂欄位"; "Synchronization" = "同步"; "Synchronize" = "同步"; "Sucessfully subscribed to address book" = "已成功訂閱通訊錄"; /* Aria label for scope of search on contacts */ "Search scope" = "搜尋範圍"; /* Aria label for avatar button to select and unselect a card */ "Toggle item" = "切換選取"; /* Hotkey to create a new card */ "key_create_card" = "c"; /* Hotkey to create a new list */ "key_create_list" = "l";