/* UIxMailActions.m - this file is part of SOGo * * Copyright (C) 2007-2016 Inverse inc. * * This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import "UIxMailActions.h" @implementation UIxMailActions - (WOResponse *) replyToAll: (BOOL) toAll { SOGoMailAccount *account; SOGoMailObject *co; SOGoDraftsFolder *drafts; SOGoDraftObject *newMail; NSString *accountName, *mailboxName, *messageName; NSDictionary *data; co = [self clientObject]; account = [co mailAccountFolder]; drafts = [account draftsFolderInContext: context]; newMail = [drafts newDraft]; [newMail fetchMailForReplying: co toAll: toAll]; accountName = [account nameInContainer]; mailboxName = [drafts absoluteImap4Name]; mailboxName = [mailboxName substringWithRange: NSMakeRange(1, [mailboxName length] -2)]; messageName = [newMail nameInContainer]; data = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys: accountName, @"accountId", mailboxName, @"mailboxPath", messageName, @"draftId", nil]; return [self responseWithStatus: 201 andString: [data jsonRepresentation]]; } - (WOResponse *) replyAction { return [self replyToAll: NO]; } - (WOResponse *) replyToAllAction { return [self replyToAll: YES]; } - (WOResponse *) forwardAction { SOGoMailAccount *account; SOGoMailObject *co; SOGoDraftsFolder *drafts; SOGoDraftObject *newMail; SOGoUserDefaults *ud; NSString *accountName, *mailboxName, *messageName; NSDictionary *data; BOOL htmlComposition; co = [self clientObject]; account = [co mailAccountFolder]; drafts = [account draftsFolderInContext: context]; newMail = [drafts newDraft]; ud = [[context activeUser] userDefaults]; htmlComposition = [[ud mailComposeMessageType] isEqualToString: @"html"]; [newMail setIsHTML: htmlComposition]; [newMail fetchMailForForwarding: co]; accountName = [account nameInContainer]; mailboxName = [drafts absoluteImap4Name]; mailboxName = [mailboxName substringWithRange: NSMakeRange(1, [mailboxName length] -2)]; messageName = [newMail nameInContainer]; data = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys: accountName, @"accountId", mailboxName, @"mailboxPath", messageName, @"draftId", // Message was saved ([SOGoDraftObject fetchMailForForwarding:]) so IMAP ID exists [NSNumber numberWithInt: [newMail IMAP4ID]], @"uid", nil]; return [self responseWithStatus: 201 andString: [data jsonRepresentation]]; } - (WOResponse *) viewPlainAction { BOOL htmlContent; NSArray *acceptedTypes, *types; NSDictionary *parts; NSMutableArray *keys; NSMutableDictionary *data; NSString *rawPart, *contentKey, *subject, *content; NSUInteger index; SOGoMailObject *co; co = [self clientObject]; subject = [co decodedSubject]; htmlContent = NO; data = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary]; if (subject) [data setObject: subject forKey: @"subject"]; // Fetch the text parts of the message body structure acceptedTypes = [NSArray arrayWithObjects: @"text/plain", @"text/html", nil]; keys = [NSMutableArray array]; [co addRequiredKeysOfStructure: [co bodyStructure] path: @"" toArray: keys acceptedTypes: acceptedTypes withPeek: NO]; // Use plain part if available, otherwise use the HTML part types = [keys objectsForKey: @"mimeType" notFoundMarker: @""]; index = [types indexOfObject: @"text/plain"]; if (index == NSNotFound) { index = [types indexOfObject: @"text/html"]; htmlContent = YES; } // Fetch part and convert HTML if necessary contentKey = [keys objectAtIndex: index]; parts = [co fetchPlainTextStrings: [NSArray arrayWithObject: contentKey]]; if ([parts count] > 0) { rawPart = [[parts allValues] objectAtIndex: 0]; if (htmlContent) content = [rawPart htmlToText]; else content = rawPart; if (content) [data setObject: [content stringByTrimmingSpaces] forKey: @"content"]; } return [self responseWithStatus: 201 andString: [data jsonRepresentation]]; } /* active message */ - (id) markMessageUnflaggedAction { id response; response = [[self clientObject] removeFlags: @"\\Flagged"]; if (!response) response = [self responseWith204]; return response; } - (id) markMessageFlaggedAction { id response; response = [[self clientObject] addFlags: @"\\Flagged"]; if (!response) response = [self responseWith204]; return response; } - (id) markMessageUnreadAction { id response; response = [[self clientObject] removeFlags: @"seen"]; if (!response) response = [self responseWith204]; return response; } - (id) markMessageReadAction { id response; response = [[self clientObject] addFlags: @"seen"]; if (!response) response = [self responseWith204]; return response; } - (void) collapseAction: (BOOL) isCollapsing { NSArray *currentComponents; NSMutableArray *mailboxThreadsCollapsed; NSMutableDictionary *moduleSettings, *threadsCollapsed; NSString *accountName, *msguid, *keyForMsgUIDs; SOGoMailAccount *account; SOGoMailFolder *mailbox; SOGoMailObject *co; SOGoUserSettings *us; int count; co = [self clientObject]; account = [co mailAccountFolder]; accountName = [account nameInContainer]; mailbox = [co container]; msguid = [co nameInContainer]; // Build lookup key for current mailbox path currentComponents = [[mailbox imap4URL] pathComponents]; count = [currentComponents count]; currentComponents = [[currentComponents subarrayWithRange: NSMakeRange(1,count-1)] resultsOfSelector: @selector (asCSSIdentifier)]; currentComponents = [currentComponents stringsWithFormat: @"folder%@"]; keyForMsgUIDs = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"/%@/%@", accountName, [currentComponents componentsJoinedByString: @"/"]]; us = [[context activeUser] userSettings]; if (!(moduleSettings = [us objectForKey: @"Mail"])) [us setObject:[NSMutableDictionary dictionary] forKey: @"Mail"]; if (isCollapsing) { // Check if the module threadsCollapsed is created in the userSettings if ((threadsCollapsed = [moduleSettings objectForKey:@"threadsCollapsed"])) { // Check if the currentMailbox already have other threads saved and add the new collapsed thread if ((mailboxThreadsCollapsed = [threadsCollapsed objectForKey:keyForMsgUIDs])) { if (![mailboxThreadsCollapsed containsObject:msguid]) [mailboxThreadsCollapsed addObject:msguid]; } else { mailboxThreadsCollapsed = [NSMutableArray arrayWithObject:msguid]; [threadsCollapsed setObject:mailboxThreadsCollapsed forKey:keyForMsgUIDs]; } } else { // Created the module threadsCollapsed and add the new collapsed thread mailboxThreadsCollapsed = [NSMutableArray arrayWithObject:msguid]; threadsCollapsed = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithObject:mailboxThreadsCollapsed forKey:keyForMsgUIDs]; [moduleSettings setObject:threadsCollapsed forKey: @"threadsCollapsed"]; } } else { // Check if the module threadsCollapsed is created in the userSettings if ((threadsCollapsed = [moduleSettings objectForKey:@"threadsCollapsed"])) { // Check if the currentMailbox already have other threads saved and remove the uncollapsed thread if ((mailboxThreadsCollapsed = [threadsCollapsed objectForKey:keyForMsgUIDs])) { [mailboxThreadsCollapsed removeObject:msguid]; if ([mailboxThreadsCollapsed count] == 0) [threadsCollapsed removeObjectForKey:keyForMsgUIDs]; } } // TODO : Manage errors } [us synchronize]; } - (id) markMessageCollapseAction { [self collapseAction: YES]; return [self responseWith204]; } - (id) markMessageUncollapseAction { [self collapseAction: NO]; return [self responseWith204]; } /* SOGoDraftObject */ - (id ) editAction { id response; SOGoMailAccount *account; SOGoMailObject *co; SOGoDraftsFolder *folder; SOGoDraftObject *newMail; NSDictionary *data; co = [self clientObject]; account = [co mailAccountFolder]; folder = [account draftsFolderInContext: context]; newMail = [folder newDraft]; [newMail fetchMailForEditing: co]; [newMail storeInfo]; data = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject: [newMail nameInContainer] forKey: @"draftId"]; response = [self responseWithStatus: 200 andString: [data jsonRepresentation]]; return response; } - (id) deleteAction { SOGoDraftObject *draft; NSException *error; id response; draft = [self clientObject]; error = [draft delete]; if (error) response = error; else response = [self responseWith204]; return response; } - (WOResponse *) deleteAttachmentAction { WOResponse *response; NSString *filename; filename = [[context request] formValueForKey: @"filename"]; if ([filename length] > 0) { response = [self responseWith204]; [[self clientObject] deleteAttachmentWithName: filename]; } else { response = [self responseWithStatus: 500]; [response appendContentString: @"How did you end up here?"]; } return response; } - (id ) exportAction { NSString *disposition, *source; SOGoMailObject *co; WOResponse *response; co = [self clientObject]; source = [co contentAsString]; response = [self responseWithStatus: 200]; [response setHeader: @"message/rfc822; charset=utf-8" forKey: @"content-type"]; disposition = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"attachment; filename=\"%@.eml\"", [co nameInContainer]]; [response setHeader: disposition forKey: @"Content-Disposition"]; [response setContent: [source dataUsingEncoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding]]; return response; } @end