/* this file is in UTF-8 format! */ "Help" = "Pomoć"; "Close" = "Zatvori"; "Modules" = "Moduli"; /* Modules short names */ "ACLs" = "ACL-i"; /* Modules titles */ "ACLs_title" = "Administriranje prava korisnika na mapama"; /* Modules descriptions */ "ACLs_description" = "

The Access Control Lists administration module allows to change the ACLs of each user's Calendars and Address books.

To modify the ACLs of a user's folder, type the name of the user in the search field at the top of the window and double-click on the desired folder.

"; "Name or Email" = "Ime ili e-mail"; /* Rights module: initial search message */ "Start a search to edit the rights" = "Počni pretragu za uređivanje prava"; /* Rights module: Empty search result */ "No matching user" = "Nema odgovarajućeg korisnika"; /* Rights module: no selection */ "No resource selected" = "Nema odabranog resursa"; "Add User" = "Dodaj korisnika"; "Subscribe User" = "Pretplati se za korisnika"; "Rights" = "Prava"; "Search Users" = "Traži korisnike"; "users found" = "Korisnici pronađeni"; "No resource" = "Nema resursa"; "Any Authenticated User" = "Svaki ovlašteni korisnik"; "Public Access" = "Javni pristup";