/* SOGoToolRenameUser.m - this file is part of SOGo * * Copyright (C) 2011 Inverse inc * * Author: Wolfgang Sourdeau * * This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import "SOGoTool.h" @interface SOGoToolRenameUser : SOGoTool { NSString *oldUserID; NSString *newUserID; } @end @implementation SOGoToolRenameUser + (NSString *) command { return @"rename-user"; } + (NSString *) description { return @"update records pertaining to a user after a change of user id"; } - (id) init { if ((self = [super init])) { oldUserID = nil; newUserID = nil; } return self; } - (void) dealloc { [oldUserID release]; [newUserID release]; [super dealloc]; } - (void) usage { fprintf (stderr, "rename-user fromuserid touserid\n\n" " fromuserid the previous user id\n" " touserid the new user id\n\n" "Example: sogo-tool rename-user jane_doe janedoe\n"); } - (BOOL) parseArguments { BOOL rc = NO; int max; max = [arguments count]; if (max == 2) { ASSIGN (oldUserID, [arguments objectAtIndex: 0]); ASSIGN (newUserID, [arguments objectAtIndex: 1]); rc = YES; } else [self usage]; return rc; } - (BOOL) _updateSOGoFolderInfoFromUser: (NSString *) fromUserID toUser: (NSString *) toUserID { BOOL rc = NO; GCSFolderManager *fm; GCSChannelManager *cm; NSURL *folderLocation; EOAdaptorContext *ac; EOAdaptorChannel *fc; NSString *sql; NSString *sqlFromUserID, *sqlToUserID; NSException *sqlError; fm = [GCSFolderManager defaultFolderManager]; cm = [fm channelManager]; folderLocation = [fm folderInfoLocation]; fc = [cm acquireOpenChannelForURL: folderLocation]; ac = [fc adaptorContext]; sqlFromUserID = [fromUserID asSafeSQLString]; sqlToUserID = [toUserID asSafeSQLString]; [ac beginTransaction]; sql = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"UPDATE %@ SET c_path2 = '%@'" @" WHERE c_path2 = '%@'", [folderLocation gcsTableName], sqlToUserID, sqlFromUserID]; sqlError = [fc evaluateExpressionX: sql]; if (!sqlError) { sql = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"UPDATE %@" @" SET c_path = '/'||c_path1||'/'||c_path2||'/'||c_path3||'/'||c_path4" @" WHERE c_path2 = '%@'", [folderLocation gcsTableName], sqlToUserID]; sqlError = [fc evaluateExpressionX: sql]; } if (sqlError) [ac rollbackTransaction]; else rc = [ac commitTransaction]; [cm releaseChannel: fc]; return rc; } - (BOOL) _updateSOGoFolderInfo { return [self _updateSOGoFolderInfoFromUser: oldUserID toUser: newUserID]; } - (void) _rollbackSOGoFolderInfo { [self _updateSOGoFolderInfoFromUser: newUserID toUser: oldUserID]; } - (BOOL) _updateSOGoUserProfileFromUser: (NSString *) fromUserID toUser: (NSString *) toUserID { BOOL rc = NO; GCSFolderManager *fm; GCSChannelManager *cm; NSURL *profileLocation; EOAdaptorContext *ac; EOAdaptorChannel *fc; NSString *profileURL, *sql, *sqlFromUserID, *sqlToUserID; NSException *sqlError; SOGoSystemDefaults *sd; fm = [GCSFolderManager defaultFolderManager]; cm = [fm channelManager]; sd = [SOGoSystemDefaults sharedSystemDefaults]; profileURL = [sd profileURL]; profileLocation = [[NSURL alloc] initWithString: profileURL]; [profileLocation autorelease]; fc = [cm acquireOpenChannelForURL: profileLocation]; ac = [fc adaptorContext]; sqlFromUserID = [fromUserID asSafeSQLString]; sqlToUserID = [toUserID asSafeSQLString]; [ac beginTransaction]; sql = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"UPDATE %@ SET c_uid = '%@'" @" WHERE c_uid = '%@'", [profileLocation gcsTableName], sqlToUserID, sqlFromUserID]; sqlError = [fc evaluateExpressionX: sql]; if (sqlError) [ac rollbackTransaction]; else rc = [ac commitTransaction]; [cm releaseChannel: fc]; return rc; } - (BOOL) _updateSOGoUserProfile { return [self _updateSOGoUserProfileFromUser: oldUserID toUser: newUserID]; } - (void) _rollbackSOGoUserProfile { [self _updateSOGoUserProfileFromUser: newUserID toUser: oldUserID]; } - (NSArray *) _fetchSubcribersForUser: (NSString *) fromUserID { NSMutableArray *subscribers; GCSFolderManager *fm; GCSChannelManager *cm; NSURL *profileLocation; EOAdaptorChannel *fc; NSString *profileURL, *sql, *sqlFromUserID; SOGoSystemDefaults *sd; NSArray *attrs; NSDictionary *row; subscribers = [NSMutableArray array]; fm = [GCSFolderManager defaultFolderManager]; cm = [fm channelManager]; sd = [SOGoSystemDefaults sharedSystemDefaults]; profileURL = [sd profileURL]; profileLocation = [[NSURL alloc] initWithString: profileURL]; [profileLocation autorelease]; fc = [cm acquireOpenChannelForURL: profileLocation]; sqlFromUserID = [fromUserID asSafeSQLString]; sql = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"SELECT c_uid FROM %@ WHERE c_settings LIKE '%%\"%@:%%'", [profileLocation gcsTableName], sqlFromUserID]; [fc evaluateExpressionX: sql]; attrs = [fc describeResults: NO]; while ((row = [fc fetchAttributes: attrs withZone: NULL])) [subscribers addObject: [row objectForKey: @"c_uid"]]; [fc cancelFetch]; [cm releaseChannel: fc]; return subscribers; } - (NSArray *) _updateSubscriptionsForConfig: (NSArray *) subscriptions fromUser: (NSString *) fromUserID toUser: (NSString *) toUserID { NSMutableArray *newSubscriptions; BOOL modified = NO; NSString *oldPrefix, *oldSubscription, *newPrefix, *rest; NSUInteger count, max; newSubscriptions = [subscriptions mutableCopy]; [newSubscriptions autorelease]; oldPrefix = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%@:", fromUserID]; newPrefix = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%@:", toUserID]; max = [subscriptions count]; for (count = 0; count < max; count++) { oldSubscription = [subscriptions objectAtIndex: count]; if ([oldSubscription hasPrefix: oldPrefix]) { modified = YES; rest = [oldSubscription substringFromIndex: [oldPrefix length]]; [newSubscriptions replaceObjectAtIndex: count withObject: [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%@%@", newPrefix, rest]]; } } if (!modified) newSubscriptions = nil; return newSubscriptions; } - (NSDictionary *) _updatedValuesForConfig: (NSDictionary *) config fromUser: (NSString *) fromUserID toUser: (NSString *) toUserID { NSMutableDictionary *newConfig; BOOL modified = NO; NSString *oldPrefix, *oldKey, *newPrefix, *rest; NSArray *keys; NSUInteger count, max; newConfig = [config mutableCopy]; [newConfig autorelease]; oldPrefix = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%@:", fromUserID]; newPrefix = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%@:", toUserID]; keys = [newConfig allKeys]; max = [keys count]; for (count = 0; count < max; count++) { oldKey = [keys objectAtIndex: count]; if ([oldKey hasPrefix: oldPrefix]) { modified = YES; rest = [oldKey substringFromIndex: [oldPrefix length]]; [newConfig setObject: [newConfig objectForKey: oldKey] forKey: [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%@%@", newPrefix, rest]]; [newConfig removeObjectForKey: oldKey]; } } if (!modified) newConfig = nil; return newConfig; } - (BOOL) _updateSettings: (SOGoUserSettings *) settings forModule: (NSString *) moduleName fromUser: (NSString *) fromUserID toUser: (NSString *) toUserID { static NSString *contactsKeys[] = { @"FolderDisplayNames", nil }; static NSString *calendarKeys[] = { @"FolderDisplayNames", @"FolderColors", @"FolderShowAlarms", @"FolderShowTasks", @"FolderSyncTags", @"FolderSynchronize", @"FreeBusyExclusions", nil }; BOOL modified = NO; NSMutableDictionary *config; NSDictionary *modifiedValues; NSArray *modifiedSubscriptions; NSString **keys, **key; config = [[settings objectForKey: moduleName] mutableCopy]; if (config) { if ([moduleName isEqualToString: @"Contacts"]) keys = contactsKeys; else if ([moduleName isEqualToString: @"Calendar"]) keys = calendarKeys; else keys = NULL; key = keys; if (key) { while (*key) { modifiedValues = [self _updatedValuesForConfig: [config objectForKey: *key] fromUser: fromUserID toUser: toUserID]; if (modifiedValues) { [config setObject: modifiedValues forKey: *key]; modified = YES; } key++; } } modifiedSubscriptions = [self _updateSubscriptionsForConfig: [config objectForKey: @"SubscribedFolders"] fromUser: fromUserID toUser: toUserID]; if (modifiedSubscriptions) { modified = YES; [config setObject: modifiedSubscriptions forKey: @"SubscribedFolders"]; } if (modified) [settings setObject: config forKey: moduleName]; } return modified; } - (void) _updateForeignSubscriptionsFromUser: (NSString *) fromUserID toUser: (NSString *) toUserID forSubscriber: (NSString *) subscriber { SOGoUserSettings *settings; BOOL modified; settings = [SOGoUserSettings settingsForUser: subscriber]; modified = ([self _updateSettings: settings forModule: @"Calendar" fromUser: fromUserID toUser: toUserID] || [self _updateSettings: settings forModule: @"Contacts" fromUser: fromUserID toUser: toUserID]); if (modified) [settings synchronize]; } - (void) _updateForeignSubscriptionsFromUser: (NSString *) fromUserID toUser: (NSString *) toUserID { NSArray *subscribers; NSString *subscriber; NSUInteger count, max; subscribers = [self _fetchSubcribersForUser: fromUserID]; max = [subscribers count]; for (count = 0; count < max; count++) { subscriber = [subscribers objectAtIndex: count]; [self _updateForeignSubscriptionsFromUser: fromUserID toUser: toUserID forSubscriber: subscriber]; } } - (void) _updateLocalACLsForPath: (NSString *) path fromSQLUser: (NSString *) sqlFromUserID toSQLUser: (NSString *) sqlToUserID { GCSFolderManager *fm; GCSFolder *folder; GCSChannelManager *cm; EOAdaptorChannel *ac; NSAutoreleasePool *pool; NSArray *acls; NSString *sql, *qs, *oldObjectPath, *newObjectPath, *rest; NSURL *location; EOQualifier *qualifier; pool = [NSAutoreleasePool new]; fm = [GCSFolderManager defaultFolderManager]; cm = [fm channelManager]; folder = [fm folderAtPath: path]; qs = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"c_object LIKE '/%@/%%'", sqlFromUserID]; qualifier = [EOQualifier qualifierWithQualifierFormat: qs]; acls = [folder fetchAclMatchingQualifier: qualifier]; if ([acls count] > 0) { oldObjectPath = [[acls objectAtIndex: 0] objectForKey: @"c_object"]; rest = [oldObjectPath substringFromIndex: [sqlFromUserID length] + 1]; newObjectPath = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"/%@%@", sqlToUserID, rest]; location = [folder aclLocation]; ac = [cm acquireOpenChannelForURL: location]; sql = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"UPDATE %@ SET c_object = '%@'", [location gcsTableName], newObjectPath]; [ac evaluateExpressionX: sql]; [cm releaseChannel: ac]; } [pool release]; } - (void) _updateLocalACLsFromUser: (NSString *) fromUserID toUser: (NSString *) toUserID { GCSFolderManager *fm; GCSChannelManager *cm; EOAdaptorChannel *fc; NSArray *attrs; NSDictionary *row; NSString *sql, *sqlFromUserID, *sqlToUserID; NSURL *folderLocation; fm = [GCSFolderManager defaultFolderManager]; cm = [fm channelManager]; folderLocation = [fm folderInfoLocation]; fc = [cm acquireOpenChannelForURL: folderLocation]; sqlFromUserID = [fromUserID asSafeSQLString]; sqlToUserID = [toUserID asSafeSQLString]; sql = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"SELECT c_path FROM %@" @" WHERE c_path2 = '%@'", [folderLocation gcsTableName], sqlToUserID]; [fc evaluateExpressionX: sql]; attrs = [fc describeResults: NO]; while ((row = [fc fetchAttributes: attrs withZone: NULL])) [self _updateLocalACLsForPath: [row objectForKey: @"c_path"] fromSQLUser: sqlFromUserID toSQLUser: sqlToUserID]; [fc cancelFetch]; [cm releaseChannel: fc]; } - (void) _updateForeignACLsForLocation: (NSString *) locationString fromSQLUser: (NSString *) sqlFromUserID toSQLUser: (NSString *) sqlToUserID { NSAutoreleasePool *pool; NSURL *location; GCSChannelManager *cm; EOAdaptorChannel *tc; NSString *sql; pool = [NSAutoreleasePool new]; cm = [[GCSFolderManager defaultFolderManager] channelManager]; location = [NSURL URLWithString: locationString]; tc = [cm acquireOpenChannelForURL: location]; sql = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"UPDATE %@ SET c_uid = '%@'" @" WHERE c_uid = '%@'", [location gcsTableName], sqlToUserID, sqlFromUserID]; [tc evaluateExpressionX: sql]; [cm releaseChannel: tc]; [pool release]; } - (void) _updateForeignACLsFromUser: (NSString *) fromUserID toUser: (NSString *) toUserID { GCSFolderManager *fm; GCSChannelManager *cm; EOAdaptorChannel *fc; NSArray *attrs; NSDictionary *row; NSString *sql, *sqlFromUserID, *sqlToUserID; NSURL *folderLocation; fm = [GCSFolderManager defaultFolderManager]; cm = [fm channelManager]; folderLocation = [fm folderInfoLocation]; fc = [cm acquireOpenChannelForURL: folderLocation]; sqlFromUserID = [fromUserID asSafeSQLString]; sqlToUserID = [toUserID asSafeSQLString]; sql = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"SELECT c_acl_location FROM %@" @" WHERE c_path2 != '%@'", [folderLocation gcsTableName], sqlToUserID]; [fc evaluateExpressionX: sql]; attrs = [fc describeResults: NO]; while ((row = [fc fetchAttributes: attrs withZone: NULL])) [self _updateForeignACLsForLocation: [row objectForKey: @"c_acl_location"] fromSQLUser: sqlFromUserID toSQLUser: sqlToUserID]; [fc cancelFetch]; [cm releaseChannel: fc]; } - (BOOL) proceed { BOOL rc = NO; if ([self _updateSOGoFolderInfo]) { if ([self _updateSOGoUserProfile]) { [self _updateForeignSubscriptionsFromUser: oldUserID toUser: newUserID]; [self _updateLocalACLsFromUser: oldUserID toUser: newUserID]; [self _updateForeignACLsFromUser: oldUserID toUser: newUserID]; rc = YES; } if (!rc) [self _rollbackSOGoFolderInfo]; } return rc; } - (BOOL) run { return ([self parseArguments] && [self proceed]); } @end