/* -*- Mode: java; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ /* Copyright (C) 2005 SKYRIX Software AG This file is part of OpenGroupware.org. OGo is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. OGo is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with OGo; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ var contactSelectorAction = 'calendars-contacts'; var AppointmentEditor = { attendeesMenu: null }; function uixEarlierDate(date1, date2) { // can this be done in a sane way? if (date1.getYear() < date2.getYear()) return date1; if (date1.getYear() > date2.getYear()) return date2; // same year if (date1.getMonth() < date2.getMonth()) return date1; if (date1.getMonth() > date2.getMonth()) return date2; // // same month if (date1.getDate() < date2.getDate()) return date1; if (date1.getDate() > date2.getDate()) return date2; // same day return null; } function validateAptEditor() { var e, startdate, enddate, tmpdate; e = $('summary'); if (e.value.length == 0) { if (!confirm(labels.validate_notitle)) return false; } e = $('startTime_date'); if (e.value.length != 10) { alert(labels.validate_invalid_startdate); return false; } startdate = e.calendar.prs_date(e.value); if (startdate == null) { alert(labels.validate_invalid_startdate); return false; } e = $('endTime_date'); if (e.value.length != 10) { alert(labels.validate_invalid_enddate); return false; } enddate = e.calendar.prs_date(e.value); if (enddate == null) { alert(labels.validate_invalid_enddate); return false; } tmpdate = uixEarlierDate(startdate, enddate); if (tmpdate == enddate) { alert(labels.validate_endbeforestart); return false; } else if (tmpdate == null /* means: same date */) { // TODO: check time var start, end; start = parseInt(document.forms[0]['startTime_time_hour'].value); end = parseInt(document.forms[0]['endTime_time_hour'].value); if (start > end) { alert(labels.validate_endbeforestart); return false; } else if (start == end) { start = parseInt(document.forms[0]['startTime_time_minute'].value); end = parseInt(document.forms[0]['endTime_time_minute'].value); if (start > end) { alert(labels.validate_endbeforestart); return false; } } } return true; } function onAttendeesMenuPrepareVisibility() { var composeToUndecidedAttendees = $('composeToUndecidedAttendees'); var attendeesStates = $('attendeesStates').value; if (attendeesStates.indexOf("needs-action") < 0) composeToUndecidedAttendees.addClassName("disabled"); else composeToUndecidedAttendees.removeClassName("disabled"); } function onComposeToAllAttendees() { var attendees = $$("DIV#attendeesMenu LI.attendee"); var addresses = new Array(); attendees.each(function(item) { var address = item.firstChild.nodeValue.trim() + " <" + item.readAttribute("email") + ">"; addresses.push(address); }); if (window.opener) window.opener.openMailTo(addresses.join(",")); } function onComposeToUndecidedAttendees() { if ($(this).hasClassName("disabled")) return; var attendees = $$("DIV#attendeesMenu LI.attendee.needs-action"); var addresses = new Array(); attendees.each(function(item) { var address = item.firstChild.nodeValue.trim() + " <" + item.readAttribute("email") + ">"; addresses.push(address); }); if (window.opener) window.opener.openMailTo(addresses.join(",")); } function addContact(tag, fullContactName, contactId, contactName, contactEmail) { var uids = $('uixselector-participants-uidList'); if (contactId) { var re = new RegExp("(^|,)" + contactId + "($|,)"); if (!re.test(uids.value)) { if (uids.value.length > 0) uids.value += ',' + contactId; else uids.value = contactId; var names = $('uixselector-participants-display'); names.innerHTML += ('
  • ' + contactName + '
  • '); } } return false; } function saveEvent(sender) { if (validateAptEditor()) { document.forms['editform'].attendees.value = attendees.toJSON(); document.forms['editform'].submit(); } return false; } function startDayAsShortString() { return $('startTime_date').valueAsShortDateString(); } function endDayAsShortString() { return $('endTime_date').valueAsShortDateString(); } function _getDate(which) { var date = window.timeWidgets[which]['date'].valueAsDate(); date.setHours( window.timeWidgets[which]['hour'].value ); date.setMinutes( window.timeWidgets[which]['minute'].value ); return date; } function _getShadowDate(which) { var date = window.timeWidgets[which]['date'].getAttribute("shadow-value").asDate(); var intValue = parseInt(window.timeWidgets[which]['hour'].getAttribute("shadow-value")); date.setHours(intValue); intValue = parseInt(window.timeWidgets[which]['minute'].getAttribute("shadow-value")); date.setMinutes(intValue); return date; } function getStartDate() { return this._getDate('start'); } function getEndDate() { return this._getDate('end'); } function getShadowStartDate() { return this._getShadowDate('start'); } function getShadowEndDate() { return this._getShadowDate('end'); } function _setDate(which, newDate) { window.timeWidgets[which]['date'].setValueAsDate(newDate); window.timeWidgets[which]['hour'].value = newDate.getHours(); var minutes = newDate.getMinutes(); if (minutes % 15) minutes += (15 - minutes % 15); window.timeWidgets[which]['minute'].value = minutes; } function setStartDate(newStartDate) { this._setDate('start', newStartDate); } function setEndDate(newEndDate) { this._setDate('end', newEndDate); } function onAdjustTime(event) { var endDate = window.getEndDate(); var startDate = window.getStartDate(); if ($(this).readAttribute("id").startsWith("start")) { // Start date was changed var delta = window.getShadowStartDate().valueOf() - startDate.valueOf(); var newEndDate = new Date(endDate.valueOf() - delta); window.setEndDate(newEndDate); window.timeWidgets['end']['date'].updateShadowValue(); window.timeWidgets['end']['hour'].updateShadowValue(); window.timeWidgets['end']['minute'].updateShadowValue(); window.timeWidgets['start']['date'].updateShadowValue(); window.timeWidgets['start']['hour'].updateShadowValue(); window.timeWidgets['start']['minute'].updateShadowValue(); } else { // End date was changed var delta = endDate.valueOf() - startDate.valueOf(); if (delta < 0) { alert(labels.validate_endbeforestart); var oldEndDate = window.getShadowEndDate(); window.setEndDate(oldEndDate); window.timeWidgets['end']['date'].updateShadowValue(); window.timeWidgets['end']['hour'].updateShadowValue(); window.timeWidgets['end']['minute'].updateShadowValue(); } } } function onAllDayChanged(event) { for (var type in window.timeWidgets) { window.timeWidgets[type]['hour'].disabled = this.checked; window.timeWidgets[type]['minute'].disabled = this.checked; } } function initTimeWidgets(widgets) { this.timeWidgets = widgets; if (widgets['start']['date']) { widgets['start']['date'].observe("change", this.onAdjustTime, false); widgets['start']['hour'].observe("change", this.onAdjustTime, false); widgets['start']['minute'].observe("change", this.onAdjustTime, false); } if (widgets['end']['date']) { widgets['end']['date'].observe("change", this.onAdjustTime, false); widgets['end']['hour'].observe("change", this.onAdjustTime, false); widgets['end']['minute'].observe("change", this.onAdjustTime, false); } var allDayLabel = $("allDay"); if (allDayLabel) { var input = $(allDayLabel).childNodesWithTag("input")[0]; input.observe("change", onAllDayChanged.bindAsEventListener(input)); if (input.checked) { for (var type in widgets) { widgets[type]['hour'].disabled = true; widgets[type]['minute'].disabled = true; } } } } function refreshAttendeesRO () { var attendeesMenu = $("attendeesMenu"); var attendeesLabel = $("attendeesLabel"); var attendeesDiv = $("attendeesDiv"); attendeesLabel.setStyle({ display: "block" }); attendeesDiv.setStyle({display: "block"}); // Register "click" event on each attendee's email var attendees = attendeesMenu.getElementsByTagName('a'); $A(attendees).each(function(attendee) { $(attendee).observe("click", onMailTo); }); } function refreshAttendees(newAttendees) { var attendeesLabel = $("attendeesLabel"); var attendeesHref = $("attendeesHref"); var attendeesMenu = $("attendeesMenu"); if (!attendeesHref) return refreshAttendeesRO (); if (attendeesMenu) attendeesMenu = $("attendeesMenu").down("ul"); // Remove link of attendees for (var i = 0; i < attendeesHref.childNodes.length; i++) attendeesHref.removeChild(attendeesHref.childNodes[i]); // Remove attendees from menu var menuItems = $$("DIV#attendeesMenu LI.attendee"); if (menuItems && attendeesMenu) for (var i = 0; i < menuItems.length; i++) attendeesMenu.removeChild(menuItems[i]); if (newAttendees) attendees = $H(newAttendees.evalJSON(true)); if (attendees.keys().length > 0) { // Update attendees link and show label var names = new Array(); attendees.values().each(function(attendee) { attendee = $H(attendee); var name = attendee.get('name') || attendee.get('email'); if (!attendee.get('delegated-to')) names.push(name); if (attendeesMenu) { var delegatedTo = attendee.get('delegated-to'); if (!attendee.get('delegated-from') || delegatedTo) { var node = document.createElement("li"); attendeesMenu.appendChild(node); setupAttendeeNode(node, attendee); } if (delegatedTo) { var delegate = attendees.get(delegatedTo); var node = document.createElement("li"); attendeesMenu.appendChild(node); setupAttendeeNode(node, $H(delegate), true); } } }); attendeesHref.appendChild(document.createTextNode(names.join(", "))); attendeesLabel.setStyle({ display: "block" }); } else { // Hide link of attendees attendeesLabel.setStyle({ display: "none" }); } } function setupAttendeeNode(aNode, aAttendee, isDelegate) { // Construct the display string from common name and/or email address. var name = aAttendee.get('name'); var email = aAttendee.get('email'); // if (name) // name += ' <' + email + '>'; // else // name = email; name = name || email; $(aNode).writeAttribute("email", email); $(aNode).addClassName("attendee"); $(aNode).addClassName(aAttendee.get('partstat')); if (isDelegate) $(aNode).addClassName("delegate"); aNode.appendChild(document.createTextNode(name)); $(aNode).observe("click", onMailTo); } function initializeAttendeesHref() { var attendeesHref = $("attendeesHref"); var attendeesLabel = $("attendeesLabel"); var attendeesNames = $("attendeesNames"); if (attendeesHref && !attendeesHref.hasClassName ("nomenu")) attendeesHref.observe("click", onAttendeesHrefClick, false); refreshAttendees(); } function onAttendeesHrefClick(event) { popupToolbarMenu(this, 'attendeesMenu'); preventDefault(event); return false; } function onMailTo(event) { var target = getTarget(event); var address = target.firstChild.nodeValue.trim() + " <" + target.readAttribute("email") + ">"; openMailTo(address); Event.stop(event); return false; } function getMenus() { AppointmentEditor.attendeesMenu = new Array(onPopupAttendeesWindow, "-", onComposeToAllAttendees, onComposeToUndecidedAttendees, "-", null); var attendeesMenu = $('attendeesMenu'); if (attendeesMenu) attendeesMenu.prepareVisibility = onAttendeesMenuPrepareVisibility; return { "attendeesMenu": AppointmentEditor.attendeesMenu }; } function onAppointmentEditorLoad() { if (readOnly == false) { assignCalendar('startTime_date'); assignCalendar('endTime_date'); var widgets = {'start': {'date': $("startTime_date"), 'hour': $("startTime_time_hour"), 'minute': $("startTime_time_minute")}, 'end': {'date': $("endTime_date"), 'hour': $("endTime_time_hour"), 'minute': $("endTime_time_minute")}}; initTimeWidgets(widgets); } // Extend JSON representation of attendees attendees = $H(attendees); initializeAttendeesHref(); } document.observe("dom:loaded", onAppointmentEditorLoad);