/* Copyright (C) 2004-2005 SKYRIX Software AG This file is part of OpenGroupware.org. OGo is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. OGo is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with OGo; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import /* UIxMailEditor An mail editor component which works on SOGoDraftObject's. */ @interface UIxMailEditor : UIxComponent { NSArray *to; NSArray *cc; NSArray *bcc; NSString *subject; NSString *text; NSArray *fromEMails; NSString *from; SOGoMailFolder *sentFolder; /* these are for the inline attachment list */ NSString *attachmentName; NSArray *attachmentNames; } @end @implementation UIxMailEditor static BOOL showInternetMarker = NO; static BOOL useLocationBasedSentFolder = NO; static NSDictionary *internetMailHeaders = nil; static NSArray *infoKeys = nil; + (void) initialize { NSUserDefaults *ud = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults]; infoKeys = [[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects: @"subject", @"to", @"cc", @"bcc", @"from", @"replyTo", @"inReplyTo", nil]; useLocationBasedSentFolder = [ud boolForKey:@"SOGoUseLocationBasedSentFolder"]; /* Internet mail settings */ showInternetMarker = [ud boolForKey:@"SOGoShowInternetMarker"]; if (!showInternetMarker) NSLog(@"Note: visual Internet marker on mail editor disabled " @"(SOGoShowInternetMarker)"); internetMailHeaders = [[ud dictionaryForKey:@"SOGoInternetMailHeaders"] copy]; NSLog (@"Note: specified %d headers for mails send via the Internet.", [internetMailHeaders count]); } - (void) dealloc { [sentFolder release]; [fromEMails release]; [from release]; [text release]; [subject release]; [to release]; [cc release]; [bcc release]; [attachmentName release]; [attachmentNames release]; [super dealloc]; } /* accessors */ - (void) setFrom: (NSString *) newFrom { ASSIGN (from, newFrom); } - (NSString *) from { NSDictionary *identity; if (!from) { identity = [[context activeUser] primaryIdentity]; from = [identity keysWithFormat: @"%{fullName} <%{email}>"]; } return from; } // - (void) setReplyTo: (NSString *) ignore // { // } // - (NSString *) replyTo // { // /* we are here for future extensibility */ // return @""; // } - (void) setSubject: (NSString *) newSubject { ASSIGN (subject, newSubject); } - (NSString *) subject { return subject; } - (void) setText: (NSString *) newText { ASSIGN (text, newText); } - (NSString *) text { return text; } - (void) setTo: (NSArray *) newTo { if ([newTo isKindOfClass: [NSNull class]]) newTo = nil; ASSIGN (to, newTo); } - (NSArray *) to { return to; } - (void) setCc: (NSArray *) newCc { if ([newCc isKindOfClass: [NSNull class]]) newCc = nil; ASSIGN (cc, newCc); } - (NSArray *) cc { return cc; } - (void) setBcc: (NSArray *) newBcc { if ([newBcc isKindOfClass: [NSNull class]]) newBcc = nil; ASSIGN (bcc, newBcc); } - (NSArray *) bcc { return bcc; } - (BOOL) hasOneOrMoreRecipients { return (([to count] + [cc count] + [bcc count]) > 0); } - (void) setAttachmentName: (NSString *) newAttachmentName { ASSIGN (attachmentName, newAttachmentName); } - (NSString *) attachmentName { return attachmentName; } /* from addresses */ - (NSArray *) fromEMails { NSArray *allIdentities; if (!fromEMails) { allIdentities = [[context activeUser] allIdentities]; fromEMails = [allIdentities keysWithFormat: @"%{fullName} <%{email}>"]; [fromEMails retain]; } return fromEMails; } /* info loading */ - (void) loadInfo: (NSDictionary *) _info { if (![_info isNotNull]) return; [self debugWithFormat:@"loading info ..."]; [self takeValuesFromDictionary:_info]; } - (NSDictionary *) storeInfo { [self debugWithFormat:@"storing info ..."]; return [self valuesForKeys:infoKeys]; } /* requests */ - (BOOL) shouldTakeValuesFromRequest: (WORequest *) request inContext: (WOContext*) localContext { return YES; } /* actions */ - (NSDictionary *) _scanAttachmentFilenamesInRequest: (id) httpBody { NSMutableDictionary *filenames; NSDictionary *attachment; NSArray *parts; unsigned int count, max; NGMimeBodyPart *part; NGMimeContentDispositionHeaderField *header; NSString *mimeType; parts = [httpBody parts]; max = [parts count]; filenames = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithCapacity: max]; for (count = 0; count < max; count++) { part = [parts objectAtIndex: count]; header = (NGMimeContentDispositionHeaderField *) [part headerForKey: @"content-disposition"]; mimeType = [(NGMimeType *) [part headerForKey: @"content-type"] stringValue]; attachment = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys: [header filename], @"filename", mimeType, @"mime-type", nil]; [filenames setObject: attachment forKey: [header name]]; } return filenames; } - (BOOL) _saveAttachments { WORequest *request; NSEnumerator *allKeys; NSString *key; BOOL success; NSDictionary *filenames; id httpBody; SOGoDraftObject *co; success = YES; request = [context request]; httpBody = [[request httpRequest] body]; filenames = [self _scanAttachmentFilenamesInRequest: httpBody]; co = [self clientObject]; allKeys = [[request formValueKeys] objectEnumerator]; key = [allKeys nextObject]; while (key && success) { if ([key hasPrefix: @"attachment"]) success = (![co saveAttachment: (NSData *) [request formValueForKey: key] withMetadata: [filenames objectForKey: key]]); key = [allKeys nextObject]; } return success; } - (BOOL) _saveFormInfo { NSDictionary *info; NSException *error; BOOL success; SOGoDraftObject *co; co = [self clientObject]; [co fetchInfo]; success = YES; if ([self _saveAttachments]) { info = [self storeInfo]; [co setHeaders: info]; [co setText: text]; error = [co storeInfo]; if (error) { [self errorWithFormat: @"failed to store draft: %@", error]; // TODO: improve error handling success = NO; } } else success = NO; // TODO: wrap content return success; } - (id) failedToSaveFormResponse { // TODO: improve error handling return [NSException exceptionWithHTTPStatus:500 /* server error */ reason:@"failed to store draft object on server!"]; } /* attachment helper */ - (NSArray *) attachmentNames { NSArray *a; if (attachmentNames != nil) return attachmentNames; a = [[self clientObject] fetchAttachmentNames]; a = [a sortedArrayUsingSelector: @selector (compare:)]; attachmentNames = [a copy]; return attachmentNames; } - (BOOL) hasAttachments { return [[self attachmentNames] count] > 0 ? YES : NO; } - (id) defaultAction { SOGoDraftObject *co; co = [self clientObject]; [co fetchInfo]; [self loadInfo: [co headers]]; [self setText: [co text]]; return self; } - (id ) saveAction { id result; if ([self _saveFormInfo]) { result = [[self clientObject] save]; if (!result) { result = [context response]; [result setStatus: 204]; } } else result = [self failedToSaveFormResponse]; return result; } - (NSException *) validateForSend { NSException *error; if (![self hasOneOrMoreRecipients]) error = [NSException exceptionWithHTTPStatus: 400 /* Bad Request */ reason: @"Please select a recipient!"]; else if ([[self subject] length] == 0) error = [NSException exceptionWithHTTPStatus: 400 /* Bad Request */ reason: @"Please set a subject!"]; else error = nil; return error; } - (id ) sendAction { id result; // TODO: need to validate whether we have a To etc /* first, save form data */ result = [self validateForSend]; if (!result) { if ([self _saveFormInfo]) { result = [[self clientObject] sendMail]; if (!result) result = [self jsCloseWithRefreshMethod: nil]; } else result = [self failedToSaveFormResponse]; } return result; } @end /* UIxMailEditor */