/* Copyright (c) 2014, Inverse inc. All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * Neither the name of the Inverse inc. nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #import "NGVCard+ActiveSync.h" #import #import #import #import #import #import #include "NSDate+ActiveSync.h" #include "NSString+ActiveSync.h" #import #import #import @implementation NGVCard (ActiveSync) // // This function is called for each elements which can be ghosted according to specs. // https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/gg650908%28v=exchg.80%29.aspx // - (BOOL) _isGhosted: (NSString *) element inContext: (WOContext *) context { NSArray *supportedElements; supportedElements = [context objectForKey: @"SupportedElements"]; // If the client does not include a Supported element in the initial Sync command request for // a folder, then all of the elements that can be ghosted are considered not ghosted. if (!supportedElements) return NO; // If the client includes an empty Supported element in the initial Sync command request for // a folder, then all elements that can be ghosted are considered ghosted. if (![supportedElements count]) return YES; // If the client includes a Supported element that contains child elements in the initial // Sync command request for a folder, then each child element of that Supported element is // considered not ghosted. All elements that can be ghosted that are not included as child // elements of the Supported element are considered ghosted. if (!([supportedElements indexOfObject: element] == NSNotFound)) return YES; return NO; } - (NSString *) activeSyncRepresentationInContext: (WOContext *) context { NSArray *emails, *addresses, *categories, *elements; CardElement *n, *homeAdr, *workAdr; NSMutableString *s, *a; NSString *url; id o; int i; s = [NSMutableString string]; n = [self n]; if ((o = [n flattenedValueAtIndex: 0 forKey: @""])) [s appendFormat: @"%@", [o activeSyncRepresentationInContext: context]]; if ((o = [n flattenedValueAtIndex: 1 forKey: @""])) [s appendFormat: @"%@", [o activeSyncRepresentationInContext: context]]; if ((o = [self workCompany])) [s appendFormat: @"%@", [o activeSyncRepresentationInContext: context]]; if ((o = [[self org] flattenedValueAtIndex: 1 forKey: @""])) [s appendFormat: @"%@", [o activeSyncRepresentationInContext: context]]; categories = [self categories]; if ([categories count]) { [s appendFormat: @""]; for (i = 0; i < [categories count]; i++) { [s appendFormat: @"%@", [[categories objectAtIndex: i] activeSyncRepresentationInContext: context]]; } [s appendFormat: @""]; } elements = [self childrenWithTag: @"url" andAttribute: @"type" havingValue: @"work"]; if ([elements count] > 0) { url = [[elements objectAtIndex: 0] flattenedValuesForKey: @""]; [s appendFormat: @"%@", [url activeSyncRepresentationInContext: context]]; } if ((o = [[self uniqueChildWithTag: @"x-aim"] flattenedValuesForKey: @""])) [s appendFormat: @"%@", [o activeSyncRepresentationInContext: context]]; if ((o = [self nickname])) [s appendFormat: @"%@", [o activeSyncRepresentationInContext: context]]; if ((o = [self title])) [s appendFormat: @"%@", [o activeSyncRepresentationInContext: context]]; if ((o = [self preferredEMail])) [s appendFormat: @"%@", [o activeSyncRepresentationInContext: context]]; // Secondary email addresses (2 and 3) emails = [self secondaryEmails]; for (i = 0; i < [emails count]; i++) { o = [[emails objectAtIndex: i] flattenedValuesForKey: @""]; [s appendFormat: @"%@", i+2, [o activeSyncRepresentationInContext: context], i+2]; if (i == 1) break; } // Telephone numbers if ((o = [self workPhone]) && [o length]) [s appendFormat: @"%@", [o activeSyncRepresentationInContext: context]]; if ((o = [self homePhone]) && [o length]) [s appendFormat: @"%@", [o activeSyncRepresentationInContext: context]]; if ((o = [self fax]) && [o length]) [s appendFormat: @"%@", [o activeSyncRepresentationInContext: context]]; if ((o = [self mobile]) && [o length]) [s appendFormat: @"%@", [o activeSyncRepresentationInContext: context]]; if ((o = [self pager]) && [o length]) [s appendFormat: @"%@", [o activeSyncRepresentationInContext: context]]; // Home Address addresses = [self childrenWithTag: @"adr" andAttribute: @"type" havingValue: @"home"]; if ([addresses count]) { homeAdr = [addresses objectAtIndex: 0]; a = [NSMutableString string]; if ((o = [homeAdr flattenedValueAtIndex: 2 forKey: @""])) [a appendString: [o activeSyncRepresentationInContext: context]]; if ((o = [homeAdr flattenedValueAtIndex: 1 forKey: @""]) && [o length]) [a appendFormat: @"\n%@", [o activeSyncRepresentationInContext: context]]; [s appendFormat: @"%@", a]; if ((o = [homeAdr flattenedValueAtIndex: 3 forKey: @""])) [s appendFormat: @"%@", [o activeSyncRepresentationInContext: context]]; if ((o = [homeAdr flattenedValueAtIndex: 4 forKey: @""])) [s appendFormat: @"%@", [o activeSyncRepresentationInContext: context]]; if ((o = [homeAdr flattenedValueAtIndex: 5 forKey: @""])) [s appendFormat: @"%@", [o activeSyncRepresentationInContext: context]]; if ((o = [homeAdr flattenedValueAtIndex: 6 forKey: @""])) [s appendFormat: @"%@", [o activeSyncRepresentationInContext: context]]; } // Work Address addresses = [self childrenWithTag: @"adr" andAttribute: @"type" havingValue: @"work"]; if ([addresses count]) { workAdr = [addresses objectAtIndex: 0]; a = [NSMutableString string]; if ((o = [workAdr flattenedValueAtIndex: 2 forKey: @""])) [a appendString: [o activeSyncRepresentationInContext: context]]; if ((o = [workAdr flattenedValueAtIndex: 1 forKey: @""]) && [o length]) [a appendFormat: @"\n%@", [o activeSyncRepresentationInContext: context]]; [s appendFormat: @"%@", a]; if ((o = [workAdr flattenedValueAtIndex: 3 forKey: @""])) [s appendFormat: @"%@", [o activeSyncRepresentationInContext: context]]; if ((o = [workAdr flattenedValueAtIndex: 4 forKey: @""])) [s appendFormat: @"%@", [o activeSyncRepresentationInContext: context]]; if ((o = [workAdr flattenedValueAtIndex: 5 forKey: @""])) [s appendFormat: @"%@", [o activeSyncRepresentationInContext: context]]; if ((o = [workAdr flattenedValueAtIndex: 6 forKey: @""])) [s appendFormat: @"%@", [o activeSyncRepresentationInContext: context]]; } // Other, less important fields if ((o = [self birthday])) { [s appendFormat: @"%@", [[o dateByAddingYears: 0 months: 0 days: 0 hours: -12 minutes: 0 seconds: 0] activeSyncRepresentationInContext: context]]; } if ((o = [self note])) { // It is very important here to NOT set 0 in the response, // otherwise it'll prevent WP8 phones from sync'ing. See #3028 for details. o = [o activeSyncRepresentationInContext: context]; [s appendString: @""]; [s appendFormat: @"%d", 1]; [s appendFormat: @"%d", [o length]]; [s appendFormat: @"%@", o]; [s appendString: @""]; } if ((o = [self photo])) [s appendFormat: @"%@", o]; return s; } // // // - (void) takeActiveSyncValues: (NSDictionary *) theValues inContext: (WOContext *) context { CardElement *element; NSMutableArray *addressLines; id o; // Contact's note if ((o = [[theValues objectForKey: @"Body"] objectForKey: @"Data"])) [self setNote: o]; // Categories if ((o = [theValues objectForKey: @"Categories"]) && [o length]) [self setCategories: o]; else [[self children] removeObjectsInArray: [self childrenWithTag: @"Categories"]]; // Birthday if ((o = [theValues objectForKey: @"Birthday"])) { o = [o calendarDate]; [self setBday: [o descriptionWithCalendarFormat: @"%Y-%m-%d" timeZone: nil locale: nil]]; } else if (![self _isGhosted: @"Birthday" inContext: context]) { [self setBday: @""]; } // // Business address information // // BusinessStreet // BusinessCity // BusinessPostalCode // BusinessState // BusinessCountry // element = [self elementWithTag: @"adr" ofType: @"work"]; if ((o = [theValues objectForKey: @"BusinessStreet"]) || ![self _isGhosted: @"BusinessStreet" inContext: context]) { addressLines = [NSMutableArray arrayWithArray: [o componentsSeparatedByString: @"\n"]]; [element setSingleValue: @"" atIndex: 1 forKey: @""]; [element setSingleValue: [addressLines count] ? [addressLines objectAtIndex: 0] : @"" atIndex: 2 forKey: @""]; // Extended address line. If there are more than 2 address lines we add them to the extended address line. if ([addressLines count] > 1) { [addressLines removeObjectAtIndex: 0]; [element setSingleValue: [addressLines componentsJoinedByString: @" "] atIndex: 1 forKey: @""]; } } if ((o = [theValues objectForKey: @"BusinessCity"]) || ![self _isGhosted: @"BusinessCity" inContext: context]) { [element setSingleValue: [theValues objectForKey: @"BusinessCity"] atIndex: 3 forKey: @""]; } if ((o = [theValues objectForKey: @"BusinessState"]) || ![self _isGhosted: @"BusinessState" inContext: context]) { [element setSingleValue: [theValues objectForKey: @"BusinessState"] atIndex: 4 forKey: @""]; } if ((o = [theValues objectForKey: @"BusinessPostalCode"]) || ![self _isGhosted: @"BusinessPostalCode" inContext: context]) { [element setSingleValue: [theValues objectForKey: @"BusinessPostalCode"] atIndex: 5 forKey: @""]; } if ((o = [theValues objectForKey: @"BusinessCountry"]) || ![self _isGhosted: @"BusinessCountry" inContext: context]) { [element setSingleValue: [theValues objectForKey: @"BusinessCountry"] atIndex: 6 forKey: @""]; } // // Home address information // // HomeStreet // HomeCity // HomePostalCode // HomeState // HomeCountry // element = [self elementWithTag: @"adr" ofType: @"home"]; if ((o = [theValues objectForKey: @"HomeStreet"]) || ![self _isGhosted: @"HomeStreet" inContext: context]) { addressLines = [NSMutableArray arrayWithArray: [o componentsSeparatedByString: @"\n"]]; [element setSingleValue: @"" atIndex: 1 forKey: @""]; [element setSingleValue: [addressLines count] ? [addressLines objectAtIndex: 0] : @"" atIndex: 2 forKey: @""]; // Extended address line. If there are more then 2 address lines we add them to the extended address line. if ([addressLines count] > 1) { [addressLines removeObjectAtIndex: 0]; [element setSingleValue: [addressLines componentsJoinedByString: @" "] atIndex: 1 forKey: @""]; } } if ((o = [theValues objectForKey: @"HomeCity"]) || ![self _isGhosted: @"HomeCity" inContext: context]) { [element setSingleValue: [theValues objectForKey: @"HomeCity"] atIndex: 3 forKey: @""]; } if ((o = [theValues objectForKey: @"HomeState"]) || ![self _isGhosted: @"HomeState" inContext: context]) { [element setSingleValue: [theValues objectForKey: @"HomeState"] atIndex: 4 forKey: @""]; } if ((o = [theValues objectForKey: @"HomePostalCode"]) || ![self _isGhosted: @"HomePostalCode" inContext: context]) { [element setSingleValue: [theValues objectForKey: @"HomePostalCode"] atIndex: 5 forKey: @""]; } if ((o = [theValues objectForKey: @"HomeCountry"]) || ![self _isGhosted: @"HomeCountry" inContext: context]) { [element setSingleValue: [theValues objectForKey: @"HomeCountry"] atIndex: 6 forKey: @""]; } // Company's name if ((o = [theValues objectForKey: @"CompanyName"])) [self setOrg: o units: nil]; else if (![self _isGhosted: @"CompanyName" inContext: context]) [self setOrg: @"" units: nil]; // Department if ((o = [theValues objectForKey: @"Department"])) [self setOrg: nil units: [NSArray arrayWithObjects:o,nil]]; else if (![self _isGhosted: @"Department" inContext: context]) [self setOrg: nil units: [NSArray arrayWithObjects:@"",nil]]; // Email addresses if ((o = [theValues objectForKey: @"Email1Address"]) || ![self _isGhosted: @"Email1Address" inContext: context]) { element = [self elementWithTag: @"email" ofType: @"work"]; [element setSingleValue: [o pureEMailAddress] forKey: @""]; } if ((o = [theValues objectForKey: @"Email2Address"]) || ![self _isGhosted: @"Email2Address" inContext: context]) { element = [self elementWithTag: @"email" ofType: @"home"]; [element setSingleValue: [o pureEMailAddress] forKey: @""]; } // SOGo currently only supports 2 email addresses ... but AS clients might send 3 // FIXME: revise this when the GUI revamp is done in SOGo if ((o = [theValues objectForKey: @"Email3Address"]) || ![self _isGhosted: @"Email3Address" inContext: context]) { element = [self elementWithTag: @"email" ofType: @"three"]; [element setSingleValue: [o pureEMailAddress] forKey: @""]; } // Formatted name // MiddleName // Suffix (II) // Title (Mr.) if ((o = [theValues objectForKey: @"FileAs"]) || ![self _isGhosted: @"FileAs" inContext: context]) [self setFn: [theValues objectForKey: @"FileAs"]]; [self setNWithFamily: [theValues objectForKey: @"LastName"] given: [theValues objectForKey: @"FirstName"] additional: nil prefixes: nil suffixes: nil]; // IM information if ((o = [theValues objectForKey: @"IMAddress"]) || ![self _isGhosted: @"IMAddress" inContext: context]) [[self uniqueChildWithTag: @"x-aim"] setSingleValue: [theValues objectForKey: @"IMAddress"] forKey: @""]; // // Phone numbrrs // if ((o = [theValues objectForKey: @"BusinessPhoneNumber"]) || ![self _isGhosted: @"BusinessPhoneNumber" inContext: context]) { element = [self elementWithTag: @"tel" ofType: @"work"]; [element setSingleValue: [theValues objectForKey: @"BusinessPhoneNumber"] forKey: @""]; } if ((o = [theValues objectForKey: @"HomePhoneNumber"]) || ![self _isGhosted: @"HomePhoneNumber" inContext: context]) { element = [self elementWithTag: @"tel" ofType: @"home"]; [element setSingleValue: [theValues objectForKey: @"HomePhoneNumber"] forKey: @""]; } if ((o = [theValues objectForKey: @"MobilePhoneNumber"]) || ![self _isGhosted: @"MobilePhoneNumber" inContext: context]) { element = [self elementWithTag: @"tel" ofType: @"cell"]; [element setSingleValue: [theValues objectForKey: @"MobilePhoneNumber"] forKey: @""]; } if ((o = [theValues objectForKey: @"BusinessFaxNumber"]) || ![self _isGhosted: @"BusinessFaxNumber" inContext: context]) { element = [self elementWithTag: @"tel" ofType: @"fax"]; [element setSingleValue: [theValues objectForKey: @"BusinessFaxNumber"] forKey: @""]; } if ((o = [theValues objectForKey: @"PagerNumber"]) || ![self _isGhosted: @"PagerNumber" inContext: context]) { element = [self elementWithTag: @"tel" ofType: @"pager"]; [element setSingleValue: [theValues objectForKey: @"PagerNumber"] forKey: @""]; } // Job's title if ((o = [theValues objectForKey: @"JobTitle"]) || ![self _isGhosted: @"JobTitle" inContext: context]) [self setTitle: o]; // WebPage (work) if ((o = [theValues objectForKey: @"WebPage"]) || ![self _isGhosted: @"WebPage" inContext: context]) [[self elementWithTag: @"url" ofType: @"work"] setSingleValue: o forKey: @""]; if ((o = [theValues objectForKey: @"NickName"]) || ![self _isGhosted: @"NickName" inContext: context]) [self setNickname: o]; if ((o = [theValues objectForKey: @"Picture"])) [self setPhoto: o]; } @end