/* SOGoGCSFolder.m - this file is part of SOGo * * Copyright (C) 2004-2005 SKYRIX Software AG * Copyright (C) 2006-2008 Inverse inc. * * Author: Wolfgang Sourdeau * * This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import "NSDictionary+Utilities.h" #import "NSArray+Utilities.h" #import "NSObject+DAV.h" #import "NSString+Utilities.h" #import "NSString+DAV.h" #import "DOMNode+SOGo.h" #import "SOGoContentObject.h" #import "SOGoGroup.h" #import "SOGoParentFolder.h" #import "SOGoPermissions.h" #import "SOGoUser.h" #import "SOGoWebDAVAclManager.h" #import "WORequest+SOGo.h" #import "WOResponse+SOGo.h" #import "SOGoGCSFolder.h" static NSString *defaultUserID = @""; static BOOL sendFolderAdvisories = NO; static NSArray *childRecordFields = nil; @implementation SOGoGCSFolder + (SOGoWebDAVAclManager *) webdavAclManager { static SOGoWebDAVAclManager *aclManager = nil; if (!aclManager) { aclManager = [SOGoWebDAVAclManager new]; [aclManager registerDAVPermission: davElement (@"read", @"DAV:") abstract: YES withEquivalent: SoPerm_WebDAVAccess asChildOf: davElement (@"all", @"DAV:")]; [aclManager registerDAVPermission: davElement (@"read-current-user-privilege-set", @"DAV:") abstract: YES withEquivalent: SoPerm_WebDAVAccess asChildOf: davElement (@"read", @"DAV:")]; [aclManager registerDAVPermission: davElement (@"write", @"DAV:") abstract: YES withEquivalent: nil asChildOf: davElement (@"all", @"DAV:")]; [aclManager registerDAVPermission: davElement (@"bind", @"DAV:") abstract: NO withEquivalent: SoPerm_AddDocumentsImagesAndFiles asChildOf: davElement (@"write", @"DAV:")]; [aclManager registerDAVPermission: davElement (@"unbind", @"DAV:") abstract: NO withEquivalent: SoPerm_DeleteObjects asChildOf: davElement (@"write", @"DAV:")]; [aclManager registerDAVPermission: davElement (@"write-properties", @"DAV:") abstract: YES withEquivalent: SoPerm_ChangePermissions /* hackish */ asChildOf: davElement (@"write", @"DAV:")]; [aclManager registerDAVPermission: davElement (@"write-content", @"DAV:") abstract: YES withEquivalent: nil asChildOf: davElement (@"write", @"DAV:")]; [aclManager registerDAVPermission: davElement (@"admin", @"urn:inverse:params:xml:ns:inverse-dav") abstract: YES withEquivalent: nil asChildOf: davElement (@"all", @"DAV:")]; [aclManager registerDAVPermission: davElement (@"read-acl", @"DAV:") abstract: YES withEquivalent: SOGoPerm_ReadAcls asChildOf: davElement (@"admin", @"urn:inverse:params:xml:ns:inverse-dav")]; [aclManager registerDAVPermission: davElement (@"write-acl", @"DAV:") abstract: YES withEquivalent: SoPerm_ChangePermissions asChildOf: davElement (@"admin", @"urn:inverse:params:xml:ns:inverse-dav")]; } return aclManager; } + (void) initialize { NSUserDefaults *ud; ud = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults]; sendFolderAdvisories = [ud boolForKey: @"SOGoFoldersSendEMailNotifications"]; if (!childRecordFields) { childRecordFields = [NSArray arrayWithObjects: @"c_name", @"c_version", @"c_creationdate", @"c_lastmodified", @"c_component", @"c_content", nil]; [childRecordFields retain]; } } + (id) folderWithSubscriptionReference: (NSString *) reference inContainer: (id) aContainer { id newFolder; NSArray *elements, *pathElements; NSString *path, *objectPath, *login, *currentUser, *ocsName, *folderName; WOContext *context; elements = [reference componentsSeparatedByString: @":"]; login = [elements objectAtIndex: 0]; context = [[WOApplication application] context]; currentUser = [[context activeUser] login]; objectPath = [elements objectAtIndex: 1]; pathElements = [objectPath componentsSeparatedByString: @"/"]; if ([pathElements count] > 1) ocsName = [pathElements objectAtIndex: 1]; else ocsName = @"personal"; path = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"/Users/%@/%@/%@", login, [pathElements objectAtIndex: 0], ocsName]; folderName = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%@_%@", [login asCSSIdentifier], ocsName]; newFolder = [self objectWithName: folderName inContainer: aContainer]; [newFolder setOCSPath: path]; [newFolder setOwner: login]; [newFolder setIsSubscription: ![login isEqualToString: currentUser]]; if (![newFolder displayName]) newFolder = nil; return newFolder; } - (id) init { if ((self = [super init])) { ocsPath = nil; ocsFolder = nil; aclCache = [NSMutableDictionary new]; childRecords = [NSMutableDictionary new]; userCanAccessAllObjects = NO; } return self; } - (void) dealloc { [ocsFolder release]; [ocsPath release]; [aclCache release]; [childRecords release]; [super dealloc]; } /* accessors */ - (void) _setDisplayNameFromRow: (NSDictionary *) row { NSString *currentLogin, *ownerLogin, *primaryDN; NSDictionary *ownerIdentity; primaryDN = [row objectForKey: @"c_foldername"]; if ([primaryDN length]) { displayName = [NSMutableString new]; if ([primaryDN isEqualToString: [container defaultFolderName]]) [displayName appendString: [self labelForKey: primaryDN]]; else [displayName appendString: primaryDN]; currentLogin = [[context activeUser] login]; ownerLogin = [self ownerInContext: context]; if (![currentLogin isEqualToString: ownerLogin]) { ownerIdentity = [[SOGoUser userWithLogin: ownerLogin roles: nil] primaryIdentity]; [displayName appendString: [ownerIdentity keysWithFormat: @" (%{fullName} <%{email}>)"]]; } } } - (void) _fetchDisplayName { GCSChannelManager *cm; EOAdaptorChannel *fc; NSURL *folderLocation; NSString *sql; NSArray *attrs; NSDictionary *row; cm = [GCSChannelManager defaultChannelManager]; folderLocation = [[GCSFolderManager defaultFolderManager] folderInfoLocation]; fc = [cm acquireOpenChannelForURL: folderLocation]; if (fc) { sql = [NSString stringWithFormat: (@"SELECT c_foldername FROM %@" @" WHERE c_path = '%@'"), [folderLocation gcsTableName], ocsPath]; [fc evaluateExpressionX: sql]; attrs = [fc describeResults: NO]; row = [fc fetchAttributes: attrs withZone: NULL]; if (row) [self _setDisplayNameFromRow: row]; [fc cancelFetch]; [cm releaseChannel: fc]; } } - (NSString *) displayName { if (!displayName) [self _fetchDisplayName]; return displayName; } - (void) setOCSPath: (NSString *) _path { if (![ocsPath isEqualToString:_path]) { if (ocsPath) [self warnWithFormat: @"GCS path is already set! '%@'", _path]; ASSIGN (ocsPath, _path); } } - (NSString *) ocsPath { return ocsPath; } - (GCSFolderManager *) folderManager { static GCSFolderManager *folderManager = nil; if (!folderManager) folderManager = [GCSFolderManager defaultFolderManager]; return folderManager; } - (GCSFolder *) ocsFolderForPath: (NSString *) _path { return [[self folderManager] folderAtPath: _path]; } - (BOOL) folderIsMandatory { return [nameInContainer isEqualToString: @"personal"]; } - (NSString *) folderReference { return [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%@:%@/%@", owner, [container nameInContainer], [self realNameInContainer]]; } - (NSArray *) pathArrayToFolder { NSArray *basePathElements; unsigned int max; basePathElements = [[self ocsPath] componentsSeparatedByString: @"/"]; max = [basePathElements count]; return [basePathElements subarrayWithRange: NSMakeRange (2, max - 2)]; } - (NSString *) davDisplayName { return [self displayName]; } - (NSException *) setDavDisplayName: (NSString *) newName { NSException *error; NSArray *currentRoles; currentRoles = [[context activeUser] rolesForObject: self inContext: context]; if ([currentRoles containsObject: SoRole_Owner]) { if ([newName length]) { [self renameTo: newName]; error = nil; } else error = [NSException exceptionWithHTTPStatus: 400 reason: @"Empty string"]; } else error = [NSException exceptionWithHTTPStatus: 403 reason: @"Modification denied."]; return error; } - (GCSFolder *) ocsFolder { GCSFolder *folder; NSString *userLogin; if (!ocsFolder) { ocsFolder = [self ocsFolderForPath: [self ocsPath]]; userLogin = [[context activeUser] login]; if (!ocsFolder && [userLogin isEqualToString: [self ownerInContext: context]] && [self folderIsMandatory] && [self create]) ocsFolder = [self ocsFolderForPath: [self ocsPath]]; [ocsFolder retain]; } if ([ocsFolder isNotNull]) folder = ocsFolder; else folder = nil; return folder; } - (void) sendFolderAdvisoryTemplate: (NSString *) template { NSString *pageName; SOGoUser *user; SOGoFolderAdvisory *page; if (sendFolderAdvisories) { user = [context activeUser]; pageName = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"SOGoFolder%@%@Advisory", [user language], template]; page = [[WOApplication application] pageWithName: pageName inContext: context]; [page setFolderObject: self]; [page setRecipientUID: [user login]]; [page send]; } } - (BOOL) create { NSException *result; result = [[self folderManager] createFolderOfType: [self folderType] withName: displayName atPath: ocsPath]; if (!result && [[context request] handledByDefaultHandler]) [self sendFolderAdvisoryTemplate: @"Addition"]; return (result == nil); } - (NSException *) delete { NSException *error; // We just fetch our displayName since our table will use it! [self displayName]; if ([nameInContainer isEqualToString: @"personal"]) error = [NSException exceptionWithHTTPStatus: 403 reason: @"folder 'personal' cannot be deleted"]; else error = [[self folderManager] deleteFolderAtPath: ocsPath]; if (!error && [[context request] handledByDefaultHandler]) [self sendFolderAdvisoryTemplate: @"Removal"]; return error; } - (void) renameTo: (NSString *) newName { GCSChannelManager *cm; EOAdaptorChannel *fc; NSURL *folderLocation; NSString *sql; [displayName release]; displayName = nil; cm = [GCSChannelManager defaultChannelManager]; folderLocation = [[GCSFolderManager defaultFolderManager] folderInfoLocation]; fc = [cm acquireOpenChannelForURL: folderLocation]; if (fc) { sql = [NSString stringWithFormat: (@"UPDATE %@ SET c_foldername = '%@'" @" WHERE c_path = '%@'"), [folderLocation gcsTableName], [newName stringByReplacingString: @"'" withString: @"''"], ocsPath]; [fc evaluateExpressionX: sql]; [cm releaseChannel: fc]; // sql = [sql stringByAppendingFormat:@" WHERE %@ = '%@'", // uidColumnName, [self uid]]; } } - (NSArray *) fetchContentObjectNames { NSArray *records, *names; records = [[self ocsFolder] fetchFields: childRecordFields matchingQualifier:nil]; if (![records isNotNull]) { [self errorWithFormat: @"(%s): fetch failed!", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__]; return nil; } if ([records isKindOfClass: [NSException class]]) return records; [childRecords release]; names = [records objectsForKey: @"c_name" notFoundMarker: nil]; childRecords = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] initWithObjects: records forKeys: names]; return names; } - (NSDictionary *) _recordForObjectName: (NSString *) objectName { NSArray *records; EOQualifier *qualifier; NSDictionary *record; qualifier = [EOQualifier qualifierWithQualifierFormat: [NSString stringWithFormat: @"c_name='%@'", objectName]]; records = [[self ocsFolder] fetchFields: childRecordFields matchingQualifier: qualifier]; if (![records isKindOfClass: [NSException class]] && [records count]) record = [records objectAtIndex: 0]; else record = nil; return record; } - (BOOL) nameExistsInFolder: (NSString *) objectName { NSDictionary *record; record = [self _recordForObjectName: objectName]; return (record != nil); } - (Class) objectClassForComponentName: (NSString *) componentName { [self subclassResponsibility: _cmd]; return Nil; } - (Class) objectClassForContent: (NSString *) content { [self subclassResponsibility: _cmd]; return Nil; } - (id) _createChildComponentWithRecord: (NSDictionary *) record { Class klazz; klazz = [self objectClassForComponentName: [record objectForKey: @"c_component"]]; return [klazz objectWithRecord: record inContainer: self]; } - (id) _createChildComponentWithName: (NSString *) newName andContent: (NSString *) newContent { Class klazz; NSDictionary *record; unsigned int now; NSNumber *nowNumber; klazz = [self objectClassForContent: newContent]; now = [[NSCalendarDate calendarDate] timeIntervalSince1970]; nowNumber = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedInt: now]; record = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys: newName, @"c_name", newContent, @"c_content", nowNumber, @"c_creationdate", nowNumber, @"c_lastmodified", nil]; return [klazz objectWithRecord: record inContainer: self]; } - (id) lookupName: (NSString *) key inContext: (WOContext *) localContext acquire: (BOOL) acquire { id obj; NSDictionary *record; WORequest *request; obj = [super lookupName: key inContext: localContext acquire: acquire]; if (!obj) { record = [childRecords objectForKey: key]; if (!record) { record = [self _recordForObjectName: key]; if (record) [childRecords setObject: record forKey: key]; } if (record) obj = [self _createChildComponentWithRecord: record]; else { request = [localContext request]; if ([[request method] isEqualToString: @"PUT"]) { obj = [self _createChildComponentWithName: key andContent: [request contentAsString]]; [obj setIsNew: YES]; } } } return obj; } - (void) deleteEntriesWithIds: (NSArray *) ids { unsigned int count, max; NSString *currentID; SOGoContentObject *deleteObject; max = [ids count]; for (count = 0; count < max; count++) { currentID = [ids objectAtIndex: count]; deleteObject = [self lookupName: currentID inContext: context acquire: NO]; if (![deleteObject isKindOfClass: [NSException class]]) { if ([deleteObject respondsToSelector: @selector (prepareDelete)]) [deleteObject prepareDelete]; [deleteObject delete]; } } } - (NSString *) davCollectionTag { NSArray *records; GCSFolder *folder; EOFetchSpecification *cTagSpec; EOSortOrdering *ordering; NSNumber *lastModified; NSString *cTag; folder = [self ocsFolder]; ordering = [EOSortOrdering sortOrderingWithKey: @"c_lastmodified" selector: EOCompareDescending]; cTagSpec = [EOFetchSpecification fetchSpecificationWithEntityName: [folder folderName] qualifier: nil sortOrderings: [NSArray arrayWithObject: ordering]]; records = [folder fetchFields: [NSArray arrayWithObject: @"c_lastmodified"] fetchSpecification: cTagSpec ignoreDeleted: NO]; if ([records count]) { lastModified = [[records objectAtIndex: 0] objectForKey: @"c_lastmodified"]; cTag = [lastModified stringValue]; } else cTag = @"-1"; return cTag; } - (BOOL) userIsSubscriber: (NSString *) subscribingUser { SOGoUser *sogoUser; NSDictionary *moduleSettings; NSArray *folderSubscription; sogoUser = [SOGoUser userWithLogin: subscribingUser roles: nil]; moduleSettings = [[sogoUser userSettings] objectForKey: [container nameInContainer]]; folderSubscription = [moduleSettings objectForKey: @"SubscribedFolders"]; return [folderSubscription containsObject: [self folderReference]]; } - (BOOL) subscribeUser: (NSString *) subscribingUser reallyDo: (BOOL) reallyDo { NSMutableArray *folderSubscription, *tmpA; NSString *subscriptionPointer; NSUserDefaults *ud; NSMutableDictionary *moduleSettings, *tmpD; SOGoUser *sogoUser; BOOL rc; sogoUser = [SOGoUser userWithLogin: subscribingUser roles: nil]; if (sogoUser) { ud = [sogoUser userSettings]; moduleSettings = [ud objectForKey: [container nameInContainer]]; if (!(moduleSettings && [moduleSettings isKindOfClass: [NSMutableDictionary class]])) { moduleSettings = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary]; [ud setObject: moduleSettings forKey: [container nameInContainer]]; } folderSubscription = [moduleSettings objectForKey: @"SubscribedFolders"]; if (!(folderSubscription && [folderSubscription isKindOfClass: [NSMutableArray class]])) { folderSubscription = [NSMutableArray array]; [moduleSettings setObject: folderSubscription forKey: @"SubscribedFolders"]; } subscriptionPointer = [self folderReference]; if (reallyDo) [folderSubscription addObjectUniquely: subscriptionPointer]; else { tmpD = [moduleSettings objectForKey: @"FolderColors"]; if (tmpD) [tmpD removeObjectForKey: subscriptionPointer]; tmpD = [moduleSettings objectForKey: @"FolderShowAlarms"]; if (tmpD) [tmpD removeObjectForKey: subscriptionPointer]; tmpD = [moduleSettings objectForKey: @"FolderShowTasks"]; if (tmpD) [tmpD removeObjectForKey: subscriptionPointer]; tmpA = [moduleSettings objectForKey: @"InactiveFolders"]; if (tmpA) [tmpA removeObject: nameInContainer]; tmpD = [moduleSettings objectForKey: @"FolderSyncTags"]; if (tmpD) [tmpD removeObjectForKey: subscriptionPointer]; [folderSubscription removeObject: subscriptionPointer]; } [ud synchronize]; rc = YES; } else rc = NO; return rc; } - (NSArray *) _parseDAVDelegatedUsers { id document; id attrs; id o; document = [[context request] contentAsDOMDocument]; attrs = [[document documentElement] attributes]; o = [attrs namedItem: @"users"]; if (o) return [[o nodeValue] componentsSeparatedByString: @","]; return nil; } - (WOResponse *) _davSubscribe: (BOOL) reallyDo { WOResponse *response; SOGoUser *currentUser; NSArray *delegatedUsers; NSString *userLogin; int count, max; response = [context response]; [response setHeader: @"text/plain; charset=utf-8" forKey: @"Content-Type"]; [response setStatus: 204]; currentUser = [context activeUser]; delegatedUsers = [self _parseDAVDelegatedUsers]; max = [delegatedUsers count]; if (max) { if ([currentUser isSuperUser]) { /* We trust the passed user ID here as it might generate tons or LDAP call but more importantly, cache propagation calls that will create contention on GDNC. */ for (count = 0; count < max; count++) [self subscribeUser: [delegatedUsers objectAtIndex: count] reallyDo: reallyDo]; } else { [response setStatus: 403]; [response appendContentString: @"You cannot subscribe another user" @" to any folder unless you are a super-user."]; } } else { userLogin = [currentUser login]; if ([owner isEqualToString: userLogin]) { [response setStatus: 403]; [response appendContentString: @"You cannot (un)subscribe to a folder that you own!"]; } else [self subscribeUser: userLogin reallyDo: reallyDo]; } return response; } - (id ) davSubscribe: (WOContext *) queryContext { return [self _davSubscribe: YES]; } - (id ) davUnsubscribe: (WOContext *) queryContext { return [self _davSubscribe: NO]; } - (NSDictionary *) davSQLFieldsTable { static NSMutableDictionary *davSQLFieldsTable = nil; if (!davSQLFieldsTable) { davSQLFieldsTable = [NSMutableDictionary new]; [davSQLFieldsTable setObject: @"c_version" forKey: @"{DAV:}getetag"]; [davSQLFieldsTable setObject: @"" forKey: @"{DAV:}getcontenttype"]; [davSQLFieldsTable setObject: @"" forKey: @"{DAV:}resourcetype"]; } return davSQLFieldsTable; } - (NSDictionary *) _davSQLFieldsForProperties: (NSArray *) properties { NSMutableDictionary *davSQLFields; NSDictionary *davSQLFieldsTable; NSString *sqlField, *property; unsigned int count, max; davSQLFieldsTable = [self davSQLFieldsTable]; max = [properties count]; davSQLFields = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithCapacity: max]; for (count = 0; count < max; count++) { property = [properties objectAtIndex: count]; sqlField = [davSQLFieldsTable objectForKey: property]; if (sqlField) [davSQLFields setObject: sqlField forKey: property]; else [self errorWithFormat: @"DAV property '%@' has no matching SQL field," @" response could be incomplete", property]; } return davSQLFields; } - (NSDictionary *) parseDAVRequestedProperties: (DOMElement *) propElement { NSArray *properties; NSDictionary *sqlFieldsTable; properties = [propElement flatPropertyNameOfSubElements]; sqlFieldsTable = [self _davSQLFieldsForProperties: properties]; return sqlFieldsTable; } /* make this a public method? */ - (NSArray *) _fetchFields: (NSArray *) fields withQualifier: (EOQualifier *) qualifier ignoreDeleted: (BOOL) ignoreDeleted { GCSFolder *folder; EOFetchSpecification *fetchSpec; folder = [self ocsFolder]; if (qualifier) fetchSpec = [EOFetchSpecification fetchSpecificationWithEntityName: [folder folderName] qualifier: qualifier sortOrderings: nil]; else fetchSpec = nil; return [folder fetchFields: fields fetchSpecification: fetchSpec ignoreDeleted: ignoreDeleted]; } - (NSString *) additionalWebdavSyncFilters { return @""; } - (NSArray *) _fetchSyncTokenFields: (NSDictionary *) properties matchingSyncToken: (NSString *) syncToken { /* TODO: - validation: - synctoken and return "DAV:valid-sync-token" as error if needed - properties - database errors */ NSMutableArray *fields, *mRecords; NSArray *records; EOQualifier *qualifier; NSEnumerator *addFields; NSString *currentField, *filter; int syncTokenInt; fields = [NSMutableArray arrayWithObjects: @"c_name", @"c_component", @"c_creationdate", @"c_lastmodified", nil]; addFields = [[properties allValues] objectEnumerator]; while ((currentField = [addFields nextObject])) if ([currentField length]) [fields addObjectUniquely: currentField]; if ([syncToken length]) { syncTokenInt = [syncToken intValue]; qualifier = [EOQualifier qualifierWithQualifierFormat: @"c_lastmodified > %d", syncTokenInt]; mRecords = [NSMutableArray arrayWithArray: [self _fetchFields: fields withQualifier: qualifier ignoreDeleted: YES]]; qualifier = [EOQualifier qualifierWithQualifierFormat: @"c_lastmodified > %d and c_deleted == 1", syncTokenInt]; fields = [NSMutableArray arrayWithObjects: @"c_name", @"c_deleted", nil]; [mRecords addObjectsFromArray: [self _fetchFields: fields withQualifier: qualifier ignoreDeleted: NO]]; records = mRecords; } else { filter = [self additionalWebdavSyncFilters]; if ([filter length]) qualifier = [EOQualifier qualifierWithQualifierFormat: filter]; else qualifier = nil; records = [self _fetchFields: fields withQualifier: qualifier ignoreDeleted: YES]; } return records; } /* These methods are the optimal ones to generate propstats for DAV reports, it should be used in other subclasses. */ - (NSDictionary *) _davPropstat: (NSArray *) properties withStatus: (NSString *) status { NSMutableArray *propstat; propstat = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity: 2]; [propstat addObject: davElementWithContent (@"prop", XMLNS_WEBDAV, properties)]; [propstat addObject: davElementWithContent (@"status", XMLNS_WEBDAV, status)]; return davElementWithContent (@"propstat", XMLNS_WEBDAV, propstat); } - (NSArray *) _davPropstatsWithProperties: (NSArray *) davProperties andMethodSelectors: (SEL *) selectors fromRecord: (NSDictionary *) record { SOGoContentObject *sogoObject; unsigned int count, max; NSMutableArray *properties200, *properties404, *propstats; NSDictionary *propContent; id result; propstats = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity: 2]; max = [davProperties count]; properties200 = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity: max]; properties404 = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity: max]; sogoObject = [self _createChildComponentWithRecord: record]; for (count = 0; count < max; count++) { if (selectors[count] && [sogoObject respondsToSelector: selectors[count]]) result = [sogoObject performSelector: selectors[count]]; else result = nil; if (result) { propContent = [[davProperties objectAtIndex: count] asWebDAVTupleWithContent: result]; [properties200 addObject: propContent]; } else { propContent = [[davProperties objectAtIndex: count] asWebDAVTuple]; [properties404 addObject: propContent]; } } if ([properties200 count]) [propstats addObject: [self _davPropstat: properties200 withStatus: @"HTTP/1.1 200 OK"]]; if ([properties404 count]) [propstats addObject: [self _davPropstat: properties404 withStatus: @"HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found"]]; return propstats; } - (NSDictionary *) _syncResponseWithProperties: (NSArray *) properties andMethodSelectors: (SEL *) selectors fromRecord: (NSDictionary *) record withToken: (int) syncToken andBaseURL: (NSString *) baseURL { static NSString *status[] = { @"HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found", @"HTTP/1.1 201 Created", @"HTTP/1.1 200 OK" }; NSMutableArray *children; NSString *href; unsigned int statusIndex; children = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity: 3]; href = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%@%@", baseURL, [record objectForKey: @"c_name"]]; [children addObject: davElementWithContent (@"href", XMLNS_WEBDAV, href)]; if (syncToken) { if ([[record objectForKey: @"c_deleted"] intValue] > 0) statusIndex = 0; else { if ([[record objectForKey: @"c_creationdate"] intValue] >= syncToken) statusIndex = 1; else statusIndex = 2; } } else statusIndex = 1; // NSLog (@"webdav sync: %@ (%@)", href, status[statusIndex]); [children addObject: davElementWithContent (@"status", XMLNS_WEBDAV, status[statusIndex])]; if (statusIndex) [children addObjectsFromArray: [self _davPropstatsWithProperties: properties andMethodSelectors: selectors fromRecord: record]]; return davElementWithContent (@"sync-response", XMLNS_WEBDAV, children); } - (void) _appendComponentProperties: (NSArray *) properties fromRecords: (NSArray *) records matchingSyncToken: (int) syncToken toResponse: (WOResponse *) response { NSMutableArray *syncResponses; NSDictionary *multistatus, *record; unsigned int count, max, now; int newToken, currentLM; NSString *baseURL, *newTokenStr; SEL *selectors; max = [properties count]; selectors = NSZoneMalloc (NULL, sizeof (max * sizeof (SEL))); for (count = 0; count < max; count++) selectors[count] = SOGoSelectorForPropertyGetter ([properties objectAtIndex: count]); now = (unsigned int) [[NSDate date] timeIntervalSince1970]; newToken = 0; baseURL = [[self davURL] absoluteString]; max = [records count]; syncResponses = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity: max + 1]; for (count = 0; count < max; count++) { record = [records objectAtIndex: count]; currentLM = [[record objectForKey: @"c_lastmodified"] intValue]; if (newToken < currentLM) newToken = currentLM; [syncResponses addObject: [self _syncResponseWithProperties: properties andMethodSelectors: selectors fromRecord: record withToken: syncToken andBaseURL: baseURL]]; } NSZoneFree (NULL, selectors); /* If the most recent c_lastmodified is "now", we need to return "now - 1" in order to make sure during the next sync that every records that might get added at the same moment are not lost. */ if (!newToken || newToken == now) newToken = now - 1; newTokenStr = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%d", newToken]; [syncResponses addObject: davElementWithContent (@"sync-token", XMLNS_WEBDAV, newTokenStr)]; multistatus = davElementWithContent (@"multistatus", XMLNS_WEBDAV, syncResponses); [response appendContentString: [multistatus asWebDavStringWithNamespaces: nil]]; } - (WOResponse *) davSyncCollection: (WOContext *) localContext { WOResponse *r; id document; DOMElement *documentElement, *propElement; NSString *syncToken; NSDictionary *properties; NSArray *records; r = [context response]; [r setContentEncoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding]; [r setHeader: @"text/xml; charset=\"utf-8\"" forKey: @"content-type"]; [r setHeader: @"no-cache" forKey: @"pragma"]; [r setHeader: @"no-cache" forKey: @"cache-control"]; document = [[context request] contentAsDOMDocument]; documentElement = (DOMElement *) [document documentElement]; syncToken = [[documentElement firstElementWithTag: @"sync-token" inNamespace: XMLNS_WEBDAV] textValue]; propElement = [documentElement firstElementWithTag: @"prop" inNamespace: XMLNS_WEBDAV]; properties = [self parseDAVRequestedProperties: propElement]; records = [self _fetchSyncTokenFields: properties matchingSyncToken: syncToken]; if (![syncToken length] || [records count]) { [r setStatus: 207]; [r appendContentString: @"\r\n"]; [self _appendComponentProperties: [properties allKeys] fromRecords: records matchingSyncToken: [syncToken intValue] toResponse: r]; } else [r appendDAVError: davElement (@"valid-sync-token", XMLNS_WEBDAV)]; return r; } /* handling acls from quick tables */ - (void) initializeQuickTablesAclsInContext: (WOContext *) localContext { NSString *login; if (activeUserIsOwner) userCanAccessAllObjects = activeUserIsOwner; else { login = [[localContext activeUser] login]; /* we only grant "userCanAccessAllObjects" for role "ObjectEraser" and not "ObjectCreator" because the latter doesn't imply we can read properties from subobjects or even know their existence. */ userCanAccessAllObjects = [[self ownerInContext: localContext] isEqualToString: login]; } } /* acls as a container */ - (NSArray *) aclUsersForObjectAtPath: (NSArray *) objectPathArray; { EOQualifier *qualifier; NSString *qs; NSArray *records, *uids; qs = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"c_object = '/%@'", [objectPathArray componentsJoinedByString: @"/"]]; qualifier = [EOQualifier qualifierWithQualifierFormat: qs]; records = [[self ocsFolder] fetchAclMatchingQualifier: qualifier]; uids = [[records valueForKey: @"c_uid"] uniqueObjects]; return uids; } - (NSArray *) _fetchAclsForUser: (NSString *) uid forObjectAtPath: (NSString *) objectPath { EOQualifier *qualifier; NSArray *records; NSMutableArray *acls; NSString *qs; // We look for the exact uid or any uid that begins with "@" (corresponding to groups) qs = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"(c_object = '/%@') AND (c_uid = '%@' OR c_uid LIKE '@%%')", objectPath, uid]; qualifier = [EOQualifier qualifierWithQualifierFormat: qs]; records = [[self ocsFolder] fetchAclMatchingQualifier: qualifier]; acls = [NSMutableArray array]; unsigned int i, j; NSArray *members; NSDictionary *record; NSString *currentUid; SOGoGroup *group; SOGoUser *user; for (i = 0; i < [records count]; i ++) { record = [records objectAtIndex: i]; currentUid = [record valueForKey: @"c_uid"]; if ([currentUid isEqualToString: uid]) [acls addObject: [record valueForKey: @"c_role"]]; else { group = [SOGoGroup groupWithIdentifier: currentUid]; if (group) { members = [group members]; for (j = 0; j < [members count]; j++) { user = [members objectAtIndex: j]; if ([[user login] isEqualToString: uid]) { [acls addObject: [record valueForKey: @"c_role"]]; break; } } } } } return [acls uniqueObjects]; } - (void) _cacheRoles: (NSArray *) roles forUser: (NSString *) uid forObjectAtPath: (NSString *) objectPath { NSMutableDictionary *aclsForObject; aclsForObject = [aclCache objectForKey: objectPath]; if (!aclsForObject) { aclsForObject = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary]; [aclCache setObject: aclsForObject forKey: objectPath]; } if (roles) [aclsForObject setObject: roles forKey: uid]; else [aclsForObject removeObjectForKey: uid]; } - (NSArray *) aclsForUser: (NSString *) uid forObjectAtPath: (NSArray *) objectPathArray { NSArray *acls; NSString *objectPath; NSDictionary *aclsForObject; objectPath = [objectPathArray componentsJoinedByString: @"/"]; aclsForObject = [aclCache objectForKey: objectPath]; if (aclsForObject) acls = [aclsForObject objectForKey: uid]; else acls = nil; if (!acls) { acls = [self _fetchAclsForUser: uid forObjectAtPath: objectPath]; if (!acls) acls = [NSArray array]; [self _cacheRoles: acls forUser: uid forObjectAtPath: objectPath]; } if (!([acls count] || [uid isEqualToString: defaultUserID])) acls = [self aclsForUser: defaultUserID forObjectAtPath: objectPathArray]; // If we still don't have ACLs defined for this particular resource, // let's go get the system-wide defaults, if any. if (![acls count]) { if ([[container nameInContainer] isEqualToString: @"Calendar"] || [[container nameInContainer] isEqualToString: @"Contacts"]) acls = [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] objectForKey: [NSString stringWithFormat: @"SOGo%@DefaultRoles", [container nameInContainer]]]; } return acls; } - (void) removeAclsForUsers: (NSArray *) users forObjectAtPath: (NSArray *) objectPathArray { EOQualifier *qualifier; NSString *uid, *uids, *qs, *objectPath; NSMutableArray *usersAndGroups; NSMutableDictionary *aclsForObject; SOGoGroup *group; unsigned int i; if ([users count] > 0) { usersAndGroups = [NSMutableArray arrayWithArray: users]; for (i = 0; i < [usersAndGroups count]; i++) { uid = [usersAndGroups objectAtIndex: i]; if (![uid hasPrefix: @"@"]) { // Prefix the UID with the character "@" when dealing with a group group = [SOGoGroup groupWithIdentifier: uid]; if (group) [usersAndGroups replaceObjectAtIndex: i withObject: [NSString stringWithFormat: @"@%@", uid]]; } } objectPath = [objectPathArray componentsJoinedByString: @"/"]; aclsForObject = [aclCache objectForKey: objectPath]; if (aclsForObject) [aclsForObject removeObjectsForKeys: usersAndGroups]; uids = [usersAndGroups componentsJoinedByString: @"') OR (c_uid = '"]; qs = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"(c_object = '/%@') AND ((c_uid = '%@'))", objectPath, uids]; qualifier = [EOQualifier qualifierWithQualifierFormat: qs]; [[self ocsFolder] deleteAclMatchingQualifier: qualifier]; } } - (void) _commitRoles: (NSArray *) roles forUID: (NSString *) uid forObject: (NSString *) objectPath { EOAdaptorChannel *channel; GCSFolder *folder; NSEnumerator *userRoles; NSString *SQL, *currentRole; folder = [self ocsFolder]; channel = [folder acquireAclChannel]; [[channel adaptorContext] beginTransaction]; userRoles = [roles objectEnumerator]; while ((currentRole = [userRoles nextObject])) { SQL = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"INSERT INTO %@" @" (c_object, c_uid, c_role)" @" VALUES ('/%@', '%@', '%@')", [folder aclTableName], objectPath, uid, currentRole]; [channel evaluateExpressionX: SQL]; } [[channel adaptorContext] commitTransaction]; [folder releaseChannel: channel]; } - (void) setRoles: (NSArray *) roles forUser: (NSString *) uid forObjectAtPath: (NSArray *) objectPathArray { NSString *objectPath, *aUID; NSMutableArray *newRoles; SOGoGroup *group; aUID = uid; if (![uid hasPrefix: @"@"]) { // Prefix the UID with the character "@" when dealing with a group group = [SOGoGroup groupWithIdentifier: uid]; if (group) aUID = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"@%@", uid]; } [self removeAclsForUsers: [NSArray arrayWithObject: aUID] forObjectAtPath: objectPathArray]; newRoles = [NSMutableArray arrayWithArray: roles]; [newRoles removeObject: SOGoRole_AuthorizedSubscriber]; [newRoles removeObject: SOGoRole_None]; objectPath = [objectPathArray componentsJoinedByString: @"/"]; [self _cacheRoles: newRoles forUser: uid forObjectAtPath: objectPath]; if (![newRoles count]) [newRoles addObject: SOGoRole_None]; [self _commitRoles: newRoles forUID: aUID forObject: objectPath]; } /* acls */ - (NSArray *) aclUsers { return [self aclUsersForObjectAtPath: [self pathArrayToFolder]]; } - (NSArray *) aclsForUser: (NSString *) uid { NSMutableArray *acls; NSArray *ownAcls, *containerAcls; acls = [NSMutableArray array]; ownAcls = [self aclsForUser: uid forObjectAtPath: [self pathArrayToFolder]]; [acls addObjectsFromArray: ownAcls]; if ([container respondsToSelector: @selector (aclsForUser:)]) { containerAcls = [container aclsForUser: uid]; if ([containerAcls count] > 0) { #warning this should be checked if ([containerAcls containsObject: SOGoRole_ObjectEraser]) [acls addObject: SOGoRole_ObjectEraser]; } } return acls; } - (void) setRoles: (NSArray *) roles forUser: (NSString *) uid { return [self setRoles: roles forUser: uid forObjectAtPath: [self pathArrayToFolder]]; } - (void) removeAclsForUsers: (NSArray *) users { return [self removeAclsForUsers: users forObjectAtPath: [self pathArrayToFolder]]; } - (NSString *) defaultUserID { return defaultUserID; } /* description */ - (void) appendAttributesToDescription: (NSMutableString *) _ms { [super appendAttributesToDescription:_ms]; [_ms appendFormat:@" ocs=%@", [self ocsPath]]; } @end /* SOGoFolder */