/* this file is in UTF-8 format! */ /* toolbars */ "Save" = "Gorde"; "Close" = "Itxi"; "Edit User Rights" = "Erabiltzailearen baimenak aldatu"; "Home" = "Hasiera"; "Calendar" = "Egutegia"; "Address Book" = "Helbide liburua"; "Mail" = "Emaila"; "Preferences" = "Hoberespenak"; "Administration" = "Administrazio"; "Disconnect" = "Deskonektatu"; "Right Administration" = "Baimenen kudeaketa"; "Log Console (dev.)" = "Erregistro kontsola (garap.)"; "User" = "Erabiltzailea"; "Vacation message is enabled" = "\"Oporretan nago\" mezua gaituta dago"; "Help" = "Laguntza"; "noJavascriptError" = "SOGo-k javascript beharrezkoa du. Mesedez ziurtatu zure nabigatzailearen aukeratan aktibatua dagoela."; "noJavascriptRetry" = "Berriz saiatu"; "Owner:" = "Jabea:"; "Publish the Free/Busy information" = "Argitaratu Libre/Lanpetu informazioa"; "Add..." = "Gehitu..."; "Remove" = "Ezabatu"; "Subscribe User" = "Erabiltzailea harpidetu"; "Any Authenticated User" = "Autentifikatutako edozein erabiltzaile"; "Public Access" = "Atzipen publikoa"; "Any user not listed above" = "Goian zerrendatu gabeko edozein erabiltzaile"; "Anybody accessing this resource from the public area" = "Eremu publikotik baliabidea atzitzen duen edonork"; "Sorry, the user rights can not be configured for that object." = "Barkatu, erabiltzailearen baimenak ezin dira objetu horretarako konfiguratu."; "Any user with an account on this system will be able to access your mailbox \"%{0}\". Are you certain you trust them all?" = "Sistema honetan kontua daukan edonor zure \"%{0}\" postontzia atzitzeko gai izango da. Ziur zaude hori nahi duzula? "; "Any user with an account on this system will be able to access your calendar \"%{0}\". Are you certain you trust them all?" = "Sistema honetan kontua daukan edonor zure \"%{0}\" egutegia atzitzeko gai izango da. Ziur zaude hori nahi duzula? "; "Potentially anyone on the Internet will be able to access your calendar \"%{0}\", even if they do not have an account on this system. Is this information suitable for the public Internet?" = "Internet-eko edonor zure \"%{0}\" egutegia atzitzeko gai izango da, naiz eta sistema honetan konturik ez eduki. Informazio hau egokia da internet publikorako?"; "Any user with an account on this system will be able to access your address book \"%{0}\". Are you certain you trust them all?" = "Sistemako edozein erabiltzaile zure \"%{0}\" helbide liburua atzitzeko gai izango da. Ziur zaude hori nahi duzula?"; "Potentially anyone on the Internet will be able to access your address book \"%{0}\", even if they do not have an account on this system. Is this information suitable for the public Internet?" = "Internet-eko edonor zure \"%{0}\" helbide liburua atzitzeko gai izango da, naiz eta sistema honetan konturik ez eduki. Informazio hau egokia da internet publikorako?"; "Give Access" = "Baimendu atzipena"; "Keep Private" = "Pribatua mantendu"; /* generic.js */ "Unable to subscribe to that folder!" = "Ezin da karpeta hori harpidetu!"; "You cannot subscribe to a folder that you own!" = "Ezin duzu zure karpeta bat harpidetu!"; "Unable to unsubscribe from that folder!" = "Ezin da karpetaren harpidetza kendu!"; "You cannot unsubscribe from a folder that you own!" = "Ezin duzu zure karpeta baten harpidetza kendu!"; "Unable to rename that folder!" = "Karpetaren izena ezin da aldatu!"; "You have already subscribed to that folder!" = "Karpeta hau dagoeneko harpidetuta daukazu!"; "The user rights cannot be edited for this object!" = "Objetu honen erabiltzaile baimenak ezin dira editatu!"; "A folder by that name already exists." = "Izen hori daukan karpeta existitzen da dagoeneko."; "You cannot create a list in a shared address book." = "Ezin duzu zerrenda bat sortu partekatutako helbide liburu batean"; "Warning" = "Oharra"; "Can't contact server" = "Errore gertatu da zerbitzariarekin konektatzerakoan. Mesedez saiatu beranduago."; "You are not allowed to access this module or this system. Please contact your system administrator." = "Ez daukazu modulu edo sistema honetarako atzipen baimenik. Mesedez, jarri harremanetan sistemaren administratzailearekin."; "You don't have the required privileges to perform the operation." = "Ez daukazu eragiketa egiteko beharrezko baimenik."; "noEmailForDelegation" = "Zure gonbidapena delegatu nahi duzun email helbidea zehaztu behar duzu."; "delegate is organizer" = "Delegatua antolatzailea da. Mesedez, aukeratu beste delegatu bat."; "delegate is a participant" = "DElegatua parte-hartzailea da jada."; "delegate is a group" = "Zehaztutako helbidea talde bati dagokio. Pertsona baten gain bakarrik delega dezakezu."; "Snooze for " = "Errepikatu "; "5 minutes" = "5 minutu"; "10 minutes" = "10 minutu"; "15 minutes" = "15 minutu"; "30 minutes" = "30 minutu"; "45 minutes" = "45 minutu"; "1 hour" = "1 ordu"; "1 day" = "1 egun"; /* common buttons */ "OK" = "Onartu"; "Cancel" = "Ezeztatu"; "Yes" = "Bai"; "No" = "Ez"; /* alarms */ "Reminder:" = "Ohartarazpena:"; "Start:" = "Hasi:"; "Due Date:" = "Epemuga:"; "Location:" = "Kokapen"; /* mail labels */ "Important" = "Garrantzitsua"; "Work" = "Lana"; "Personal" = "Pertsonala"; "To Do" = "Egitekoa"; "Later" = "Beranduago"; "a2_Sunday" = "Ig"; "a2_Monday" = "Al"; "a2_Tuesday" = "As"; "a2_Wednesday" = "Az"; "a2_Thursday" = "Os"; "a2_Friday" = "Or"; "a2_Saturday" = "Lr";