// Import from sources for extends // ------------------------------- @import "../../angular-material/src/core/style/layout"; /** * Overrides angular-material sources * There are some redundancies (thanks to breakpoint-slicer) that can't * be easily overriden and are interfeering * */ // todo: look for redundancies and find a way to override them // Responsive attributes // Some value are defined in project variables // ------------------------------ // hide means hide everywhere /* Sizes: 0 <= size < 600 Phone 600 <= size < 960 Tablet 960 <= size < 1200 Tablet-Landscape 1200 <= size PC */ // SMALL SCREEN @include at(sm) { .hide-sm, .hide { &:not(.show-sm):not(.show) { display: none; } } @include flex-order-for-name(sm); @include layout-align-for-name(sm); @include layout-for-name(sm); @include flex-properties-for-name(sm); } @include from(md) { .show-sm { display: none; } } // BIGGER THAN SMALL SCREEN @include from(md) { @include flex-order-for-name(gt-sm); @include layout-align-for-name(gt-sm); @include layout-for-name(gt-sm); @include flex-properties-for-name(gt-sm); } // MEDIUM SCREEN @include at(md) { .hide, .hide-gt-sm { &:not(.show-gt-sm):not(.show-md):not(.show) { display: none; } } .hide-md:not(.show-md):not(.show) { display: none; } @include flex-order-for-name(md); @include layout-align-for-name(md); @include layout-for-name(md); @include flex-properties-for-name(md); } // BIGGER THAN MEDIUM SCREEN @include from(lg) { @include flex-order-for-name(gt-md); @include layout-align-for-name(gt-md); @include layout-for-name(gt-md); @include flex-properties-for-name(gt-md); @include flex-order-for-name(lg); @include layout-align-for-name(lg); @include layout-for-name(lg); @include flex-properties-for-name(lg); } // BIGGER THAN LARGE SCREEN @include from(lg) { .hide, .hide-gt-sm, .hide-gt-md { &:not(.show-gt-sm):not(.show-gt-md):not(.show-lg):not(.show) { display: none; } } .hide-lg:not(.show-lg):not(.show) { display: none; } } // BIGGER THAN X-LARGE SCREEN in needed @include from(xl) { .hide-gt-sm, .hide-gt-md, .hide-gt-lg, .hide { &:not(.show-gt-sm):not(.show-gt-md):not(.show-gt-lg):not(.show) { display: none; } } @include flex-order-for-name(gt-lg); @include layout-align-for-name(gt-lg); @include layout-for-name(gt-lg); @include flex-properties-for-name(gt-lg); } // Utility classes to compensate for the the xml mandatory attribute values // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ $selectors: layout, layout-align, layout-padding, layout-margin, layout-wrap, layout-fill, flex, hide, show, show-sm; @include attributesToClasses($selectors); // We need to silently extend this class %md-layout-fill { margin: 0; min-height: 100%; width: 100%; } .md-flex { flex: 1 1 auto; } .md-flex-fix { flex: 1 1 0; } // Generate responsive columns // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- @mixin responsive-columns($breakpoint, $query) { $cols: map-get($base-grid-total-columns, $breakpoint); $colWidth: ((100 / $cols) * 1vw); // there must be a way to escape the rule but we didn't found-out @if ($query == 'from') { @include from($breakpoint) { @for $i from 1 to $cols { .cols-#{$i}, { max-width: ($colWidth * $i); flex: 1 1 ($colWidth * $i); } } } } @else { @include at($breakpoint) { @for $i from 1 to $cols { .cols-#{$i} { max-width: ($colWidth * $i); flex: 1 1 ($colWidth * $i); } } } } } @include responsive-columns('md', 'at'); @include responsive-columns('lg', 'from'); // Utility to implement a specific one without extending // todo: include error handling @mixin flex-col($breakpoint, $nb, $grow: 1, $shrink: 1) { $cols: map-get($base-grid-total-columns, $breakpoint); $colWidth: ((100 / $cols) * 1vw); max-width: ($colWidth * $nb); flex: $grow $shrink ($colWidth * $nb); } // Rows are included in padded containers, margins are used for vertical spacing // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- [layout="row"].md-layout-margin { margin-right: 0; margin-left: 0; } // App container for responsive .sg-app-content { @include to(sm) { width: 100%; overflow-x: hidden; } }