{ /* -*-java-*- */ requires = ( MAIN, MainUI, CommonUI, Appointments, Contacts, ContactsUI ); publicResources = ( previous_week.gif, next_week.gif, icon_view_overview.gif, icon_view_overview_inactive.gif, icon_view_chart.gif, icon_view_chart_inactive.gif, icon_view_list.gif, icon_view_list_inactive.gif, icon_view_columns.gif, icon_view_columns_inactive.gif, icon_popupcalendar.gif, first.gif, previous.gif, next.gif, last.gif, skycalendar.html, skycalendar.js, green_corner.gif, invisible_space_2.gif, cycles.plist, ); factories = { }; categories = { SOGoAppointmentFolders = { slots = { toolbar = { protectedBy = "View"; value = "SOGoAppointmentFolders.toolbar"; }; }; methods = { view = { protectedBy = "View"; pageName = "UIxCalMainView"; }; saveDragHandleState = { protectedBy = "View"; pageName = "UIxCalMainView"; actionName = "saveDragHandleState"; }; dateselector = { protectedBy = "View"; pageName = "UIxCalDateSelector"; }; calendarslist = { protectedBy = "View"; pageName = "UIxCalendarSelector"; 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