/* UIxContactFoldersView.m - this file is part of SOGo * * Copyright (C) 2006-2010 Inverse inc. * * Author: Wolfgang Sourdeau * * This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import "UIxContactFoldersView.h" @implementation UIxContactFoldersView - (id) init { if ((self = [super init])) contextIsSetup = NO; return self; } - (void) _setupContext { SOGoUser *activeUser; NSString *module; SOGoContactFolders *clientObject; if (!contextIsSetup) { activeUser = [context activeUser]; clientObject = [self clientObject]; module = [clientObject nameInContainer]; us = [activeUser userSettings]; moduleSettings = [us objectForKey: module]; if (!moduleSettings) { moduleSettings = [NSMutableDictionary new]; [us setObject: moduleSettings forKey: module]; [moduleSettings release]; } contextIsSetup = YES; } } - (id ) mailerContactsAction { selectorComponentClass = @"UIxContactsMailerSelection"; return self; } - (NSString *) selectorComponentClass { return selectorComponentClass; } - (WOElement *) selectorComponent { WOElement *newComponent; newComponent = [self pageWithName: selectorComponentClass]; return newComponent; } - (BOOL) hasContactSelectionButtons { return (selectorComponentClass != nil); } - (id ) allContactSearchAction { id result; SOGoFolder *folder; NSString *searchText, *mail; NSDictionary *data; NSArray *folders, *contacts, *descriptors, *sortedContacts; NSMutableArray *sortedFolders; NSMutableDictionary *contact, *uniqueContacts; unsigned int i, j, max; NSSortDescriptor *commonNameDescriptor; BOOL excludeGroups, excludeLists; searchText = [self queryParameterForKey: @"search"]; if ([searchText length] > 0) { // NSLog(@"Search all contacts: %@", searchText); excludeGroups = [[self queryParameterForKey: @"excludeGroups"] boolValue]; excludeLists = [[self queryParameterForKey: @"excludeLists"] boolValue]; folders = nil; NS_DURING folders = [[self clientObject] subFolders]; NS_HANDLER /* We need to specifically test for @"SOGoDBException", which is raised explicitly in SOGoParentFolder. Any other exception should be re-raised. */ if ([[localException name] isEqualToString: @"SOGoDBException"]) folders = nil; else [localException raise]; NS_ENDHANDLER; max = [folders count]; sortedFolders = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity: max]; uniqueContacts = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary]; for (i = 0; i < max; i++) { folder = [folders objectAtIndex: i]; /* We first search in LDAP folders (in case of duplicated entries in GCS folders) */ if ([folder isKindOfClass: [SOGoContactSourceFolder class]]) [sortedFolders insertObject: folder atIndex: 0]; else [sortedFolders addObject: folder]; } for (i = 0; i < max; i++) { folder = [sortedFolders objectAtIndex: i]; //NSLog(@" Address book: %@ (%@)", [folder displayName], [folder class]); contacts = [folder lookupContactsWithFilter: searchText onCriteria: @"name_or_address" sortBy: @"c_cn" ordering: NSOrderedAscending]; for (j = 0; j < [contacts count]; j++) { contact = [contacts objectAtIndex: j]; mail = [contact objectForKey: @"c_mail"]; //NSLog(@" found %@ (%@) ? %@", [contact objectForKey: @"c_name"], mail, // [contact description]); if (!excludeLists && [[contact objectForKey: @"c_component"] isEqualToString: @"vlist"]) { [contact setObject: [folder nameInContainer] forKey: @"container"]; [uniqueContacts setObject: contact forKey: [contact objectForKey: @"c_name"]]; } else if ([mail length] && [uniqueContacts objectForKey: mail] == nil && !(excludeGroups && [contact objectForKey: @"isGroup"])) [uniqueContacts setObject: contact forKey: mail]; } } if ([uniqueContacts count] > 0) { // Sort the contacts by display name commonNameDescriptor = [[NSSortDescriptor alloc] initWithKey: @"c_cn" ascending:YES]; descriptors = [NSArray arrayWithObjects: commonNameDescriptor, nil]; [commonNameDescriptor release]; sortedContacts = [[uniqueContacts allValues] sortedArrayUsingDescriptors: descriptors]; } else sortedContacts = [NSArray array]; data = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys: searchText, @"searchText", sortedContacts, @"contacts", nil]; result = [self responseWithStatus: 200]; [(WOResponse*) result appendContentString: [data jsonRepresentation]]; } else result = [NSException exceptionWithHTTPStatus: 400 reason: @"missing 'search' parameter"]; return result; } - (void) checkDefaultModulePreference { SOGoUserDefaults *ud; if (![self isPopup]) { ud = [[context activeUser] userDefaults]; if ([ud rememberLastModule]) { [ud setLoginModule: @"Contacts"]; [ud synchronize]; } } } - (BOOL) isPopup { return [[self queryParameterForKey: @"popup"] boolValue]; } - (NSArray *) contactFolders { SOGoContactFolders *folderContainer; folderContainer = [self clientObject]; return [folderContainer subFolders]; } - (NSString *) currentContactFolderId { return [NSString stringWithFormat: @"/%@", [currentFolder nameInContainer]]; } - (NSString *) currentContactFolderName { return [currentFolder displayName]; } - (NSString *) currentContactFolderOwner { return [currentFolder ownerInContext: context]; } - (NSString *) currentContactFolderClass { return ([currentFolder isKindOfClass: [SOGoContactSourceFolder class]] ? @"remote" : @"local"); } - (NSString *) verticalDragHandleStyle { NSString *vertical; [self _setupContext]; vertical = [moduleSettings objectForKey: @"DragHandleVertical"]; return ((vertical && [vertical intValue] > 0) ? (id)[vertical stringByAppendingFormat: @"px"] : nil); } - (NSString *) horizontalDragHandleStyle { NSString *horizontal; [self _setupContext]; horizontal = [moduleSettings objectForKey: @"DragHandleHorizontal"]; return ((horizontal && [horizontal intValue] > 0) ? (id)[horizontal stringByAppendingFormat: @"px"] : nil); } - (NSString *) contactsListContentStyle { NSString *height; [self _setupContext]; height = [moduleSettings objectForKey: @"DragHandleVertical"]; return ((height && [height intValue] > 0) ? [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%ipx", ([height intValue] - 27)] : nil); } - (WOResponse *) saveDragHandleStateAction { WORequest *request; NSString *dragHandle; [self _setupContext]; request = [context request]; if ((dragHandle = [request formValueForKey: @"vertical"]) != nil) [moduleSettings setObject: dragHandle forKey: @"DragHandleVertical"]; else if ((dragHandle = [request formValueForKey: @"horizontal"]) != nil) [moduleSettings setObject: dragHandle forKey: @"DragHandleHorizontal"]; else return [self responseWithStatus: 400]; [us synchronize]; return [self responseWithStatus: 204]; } - (id) defaultAction { // NSString *check; // WOResponse *response; // static NSString *etag = @"\"contacts-ui\""; [self checkDefaultModulePreference]; // check = [[context request] headerForKey: @"if-none-match"]; // if ([check length] > 0 && [check rangeOfString: etag].location != NSNotFound) /* not perfectly correct */ // response = [self responseWithStatus: 304]; // else // { // response = [context response]; // [response setHeader: etag forKey: @"etag"]; // response = (WOResponse *) [super defaultAction]; // } // return response; return [super defaultAction]; } @end