/* MAPIStoreFolder.h - this file is part of SOGo * * Copyright (C) 2011-2012 Inverse inc * * Author: Wolfgang Sourdeau * * This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #ifndef MAPISTOREFOLDER_H #define MAPISTOREFOLDER_H #import @class NSArray; @class NSMutableArray; @class NSNumber; @class EOQualifier; @class MAPIStoreContext; @class MAPIStoreMessage; @class MAPIStoreFAIMessageTable; @class MAPIStoreFolderTable; @class MAPIStoreMessageTable; @class MAPIStorePermissionsTable; @class SOGoFolder; @class SOGoMAPIDBFolder; @class SOGoMAPIDBMessage; #import "MAPIStoreSOGoObject.h" @interface MAPIStoreFolder : MAPIStoreSOGoObject { MAPIStoreContext *context; // NSArray *messageKeys; // NSArray *faiMessageKeys; // NSArray *folderKeys; SOGoMAPIDBFolder *dbFolder; // SOGoMAPIDBFolder *faiFolder; // SOGoMAPIDBFolder *propsFolder; // SOGoMAPIDBMessage *propsMessage; } - (void) setContext: (MAPIStoreContext *) newContext; - (void) setupAuxiliaryObjects; - (SOGoMAPIDBFolder *) dbFolder; - (NSArray *) activeMessageTables; - (NSArray *) activeFAIMessageTables; // - (SOGoMAPIDBMessage *) propertiesMessage; - (NSString *) childKeyFromURL: (NSString *) childURL; - (id) lookupMessageByURL: (NSString *) messageURL; - (id) lookupFolderByURL: (NSString *) folderURL; /* permissions */ - (MAPIStorePermissionsTable *) permissionsTable; - (NSArray *) permissionEntries; /* message objects and tables */ - (id) lookupMessage: (NSString *) messageKey; - (NSArray *) messageKeys; /* FAI message objects and tables */ - (id) lookupFAIMessage: (NSString *) messageKey; - (MAPIStoreFAIMessageTable *) faiMessageTable; - (NSArray *) faiMessageKeys; - (NSArray *) faiMessageKeysMatchingQualifier: (EOQualifier *) qualifier andSortOrderings: (NSArray *) sortOrderings; /* folder objects and tables */ - (id) lookupFolder: (NSString *) folderKey; - (MAPIStoreFolderTable *) folderTable; - (NSArray *) folderKeys; - (NSArray *) folderKeysMatchingQualifier: (EOQualifier *) qualifier andSortOrderings: (NSArray *) sortOrderings; - (MAPIStoreMessage *) createMessage: (BOOL) isAssociated; /* backend interface */ - (int) openFolder: (MAPIStoreFolder **) childFolderPtr withFID: (uint64_t) fid; - (int) createFolder: (MAPIStoreFolder **) childFolderPtr withRow: (struct SRow *) aRow andFID: (uint64_t) fid; - (int) deleteFolder; - (int) getChildCount: (uint32_t *) rowCount ofTableType: (enum mapistore_table_type) tableType; - (int) createMessage: (MAPIStoreMessage **) messagePtr withMID: (uint64_t) mid isAssociated: (BOOL) isAssociated; - (int) openMessage: (MAPIStoreMessage **) messagePtr withMID: (uint64_t) mid forWriting: (BOOL) readWrite inMemCtx: (TALLOC_CTX *) memCtx; - (int) deleteMessageWithMID: (uint64_t) mid andFlags: (uint8_t) flags; - (int) moveCopyMessagesWithMIDs: (uint64_t *) srcMids andCount: (uint32_t) count fromFolder: (MAPIStoreFolder *) sourceFolder withMIDs: (uint64_t *) targetMids andChangeKeys: (struct Binary_r **) targetChangeKeys wantCopy: (uint8_t) want_copy; - (enum mapistore_error) moveCopyToFolder: (MAPIStoreFolder *) targetFolder withNewName: (NSString *) newFolderName isMove: (BOOL) isMove isRecursive: (BOOL) isRecursive; - (int) getDeletedFMIDs: (struct UI8Array_r **) fmidsPtr andCN: (uint64_t *) cnPtr fromChangeNumber: (uint64_t) changeNum inTableType: (enum mapistore_table_type) tableType inMemCtx: (TALLOC_CTX *) mem_ctx; - (int) getTable: (MAPIStoreTable **) tablePtr andRowCount: (uint32_t *) count tableType: (enum mapistore_table_type) tableType andHandleId: (uint32_t) handleId; - (int) modifyPermissions: (struct PermissionData *) permissions withCount: (uint16_t) pcount andFlags: (int8_t) flags; - (enum mapistore_error) preloadMessageBodiesWithMIDs: (const struct UI8Array_r *) mids ofTableType: (enum mapistore_table_type) tableType; /* helpers */ - (uint64_t) idForObjectWithKey: (NSString *) childKey; /* subclasses */ - (MAPIStoreMessage *) createMessage; - (MAPIStoreMessageTable *) messageTable; - (NSArray *) messageKeysMatchingQualifier: (EOQualifier *) qualifier andSortOrderings: (NSArray *) sortOrderings; - (NSArray *) getDeletedKeysFromChangeNumber: (uint64_t) changeNum andCN: (NSNumber **) cnNbr inTableType: (enum mapistore_table_type) tableType; - (enum mapistore_error) createFolder: (struct SRow *) aRow withFID: (uint64_t) newFID andKey: (NSString **) newKeyP; - (NSCalendarDate *) lastMessageModificationTime; - (SOGoFolder *) aclFolder; - (NSArray *) rolesForExchangeRights: (uint32_t) rights; - (uint32_t) exchangeRightsForRoles: (NSArray *) roles; - (BOOL) subscriberCanCreateMessages; - (BOOL) subscriberCanModifyMessages; - (BOOL) subscriberCanReadMessages; - (BOOL) subscriberCanDeleteMessages; - (BOOL) subscriberCanCreateSubFolders; - (BOOL) supportsSubFolders; /* capability */ - (enum mapistore_error) preloadMessageBodiesWithKeys: (NSArray *) keys ofTableType: (enum mapistore_table_type) tableType; /* subclass helpers */ - (void) setupVersionsMessage; - (void) ensureIDsForChildKeys: (NSArray *) keys; - (void) postNotificationsForMoveCopyMessagesWithMIDs: (uint64_t *) srcMids andMessageURLs: (NSArray *) oldMessageURLs andCount: (uint32_t) midCount fromFolder: (MAPIStoreFolder *) sourceFolder withMIDs: (uint64_t *) targetMids wantCopy: (uint8_t) wantCopy; @end #endif /* MAPISTOREFOLDER_H */