#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use Time::Local; use Time::localtime; use Getopt::Long qw(:config bundling); use HTTP::Request; use LWP::UserAgent; use Math::BigInt; use Digest::MD5 qw(md5_hex); use MIME::QuotedPrint; use MIME::Base64; use Net::LDAP; use Time::HiRes qw (gettimeofday tv_interval); use constant { QUOTED_PRINTABLE => 'auto', # 0 : never decode data # 1 : always decode data # auto : try to guess from the file headers OWNER => undef, # undef : use event organizer as the owner # : force owner to be username DUPLICATES => 'update', # create : create a new entry if the UID already exists # ignore : don't create the event if the UID already exists # update : update the entry with the same UID (if deleted, stays deleted) # replace : if the entry exists and was deleted, resurect it RECURRENT => 0, # smart : group new events with same UID as one recurrent event LDAP_HOST => 'ldap://ldap.foobar.edu', LDAP_BIND_DN => 'uid=sogo,ou=applications,dc=foobar,dc=edu', LDAP_BIND_PW => 'PASSWORD', LDAP_BASE => 'ou=people,dc=foobar,dc=edu', LDAP_USERNAME => 'uid', LDAP_EMAIL => 'mail', LDAP_EMAIL_FILTER => '(|(mail=%s)(mailAlternateAddress=%s))', FORCE_USERNAME => undef, FORCE_CLOSE => 0, DRYRUN => 0, DEBUG => 1 }; $| = 1; # Global variables my $file; my ($username, $email); my $url; my ($host, $port, $authusername, $password); my $ua; my $ldap; my %duplicatedUID = (); my $pwdhash; my $timezone = <<_EOF; BEGIN:VTIMEZONE TZID:/inverse.ca/20091015_1/America/New_York X-LIC-LOCATION:America/New_York BEGIN:DAYLIGHT TZOFFSETFROM:-0500 TZOFFSETTO:-0400 TZNAME:EDT DTSTART:19700308T020000 RRULE:FREQ=YEARLY;BYMONTH=3;BYDAY=2SU END:DAYLIGHT BEGIN:STANDARD TZOFFSETFROM:-0400 TZOFFSETTO:-0500 TZNAME:EST DTSTART:19701101T020000 RRULE:FREQ=YEARLY;BYMONTH=11;BYDAY=1SU END:STANDARD END:VTIMEZONE _EOF sub usage { my $msg = shift; print "$msg\n" if ($msg); print "Usage: $0 \n"; print " must have the form http[s]://[superuser]:[password]\@hostname\n"; print " The full URL will be build using the username.\n"; print " must be 'events', 'tasks' or 'rights' to specify the type of data\n"; print " must have the form .\n"; print "\n"; } sub getEmailByUsername { my ($ldap, $username) = @_; my $results = $ldap->search(base => LDAP_BASE, filter => '('.LDAP_USERNAME.'='.$username.')', attrs => [(LDAP_EMAIL)]); if ($results->count != 1) { print "Unexpected number of LDAP entries (",$results->count,") for $username\n"; return 0; } my $entry = $results->entry(0); return $entry->get_value(LDAP_EMAIL); } my %emailToUserName; sub getUsernameByEmail { my ($ldap, $email) = @_; if (!defined($emailToUserName{$email})) { my $results = $ldap->search(base => LDAP_BASE, filter => sprintf(LDAP_EMAIL_FILTER, $email, $email), attrs => [(LDAP_USERNAME)]); if ($results->count != 1) { print "Unexpected number of entries return for $email\n"; return 0; } my $entry = $results->entry(0); $emailToUserName{$email} = $entry->get_value(LDAP_USERNAME); } return $emailToUserName{$email}; } sub calendarUrl { my $username = $_[0]; my $uid = $_[1] || ""; return "$url/SOGo/dav/$username/Calendar/personal/$uid"; } sub httpRequest { my ($request, $uid) = @_; my $result = 1; my $i; for ($i = 0; $i < 30; $i++) { my $response = $ua->request($request); if ($response->is_success) { print $request->method, " $uid:\t", $response->status_line, "\n"; last; } else { print STDERR "ERR ", $request->method, " $uid:\t", $response->status_line, "\n"; if ($response->code == 500) { print STDERR "INFO sleeping 2 secs\n"; sleep(2); } else { $result = 0; last; } } } if ($i == 30) { print STDERR "ERR ", $request->method, " $uid:\tCan't reach server for the past 60 secs - exiting.\n"; exit(-4); } return $result; } sub userCalendarExists { my ($username) = @_; my $result = 0; my $propfind = ''; my $request = HTTP::Request->new(); $request->method('PROPFIND'); $request->uri(&calendarUrl($username)); $request->header('Content-Type' => 'text/xml; charset=utf8'); $request->header('Content-Length' => length($propfind)); $request->header('Depth' => 0); $request->header('Authorization' => "Basic $pwdhash"); $request->content($propfind); $result = &httpRequest($request, $username); return $result; } sub searchByUid { my ($username, $uid) = @_; my $result = 0; my $request = HTTP::Request->new(); $request->method('GET'); $request->uri(&calendarUrl($username, $uid)); $result = &httpRequest($request, $uid); return $result; } sub deleteEvent() { my ($username, $uid) = @_; my $result = 0; return $result if (DRYRUN); my $request = HTTP::Request->new(); $request->method('DELETE'); $request->uri(&calendarUrl($username, $uid)); $result = &httpRequest($request, $uid); return $result; } sub putEvent(\%) { my (%vevent) = %{(shift)}; my $count = shift; my $uid = $vevent{'uid'}; # decode data $vevent{'data'} =~ s/\r//g; $vevent{'data'} =~ s/([^=])\n /$1/g; if (QUOTED_PRINTABLE eq '1' || (QUOTED_PRINTABLE eq 'auto' && $vevent{'encoding'} && $vevent{'encoding'} =~ m/quoted-printable/)) { $vevent{'data'} = decode_qp($vevent{'data'}); } # for "notes", we need to add one day to the DTEND my $oracleEventType; if ($vevent{'data'} =~ /X-ORACLE-EVENTTYPE:(.*)/) { $oracleEventType = $1; } else { $oracleEventType = "unknown"; } if ($oracleEventType eq 'DAILY NOTE') { # if ($vevent{'data'} =~ /DTEND;VALUE=DATE:(\d{4})(\d{2})(\d{2})/) { # my ($mday,$mon,$year) = ($3, $2, $1); # my $seconds = timelocal(0, 0, 0, $mday, $mon - 1, $year - 1900); # $seconds += 86400; # # we specify "CORE::" because we expect an array instead of a # # magical hash # my @newLocalTime = CORE::localtime($seconds); # $mday = $newLocalTime[3]; # $mon = $newLocalTime[4] + 1; # $year = $newLocalTime[5] + 1900; # my $newEndDate = sprintf("%.4d%.2d%.2d", $year, $mon, $mday); # my $dtEndPrefix = "DTEND;VALUE=DATE:"; # my $dtEndIndex = index $vevent{'data'}, $dtEndPrefix; # if ($dtEndIndex > -1) { # my $partLength = $dtEndIndex + length($dtEndPrefix); # $vevent{'data'} = sprintf("%s%s%s", # substr($vevent{'data'}, 0, $partLength), # $newEndDate, # substr($vevent{'data'}, $partLength + 8)); # } # } # we set a timezone for dates in all day events to ensure that SOGo # does not put them in UTC $vevent{'data'} =~ s@BEGIN:VEVENT@${timezone}BEGIN:VEVENT@; $vevent{'data'} =~ s@DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:@DTSTART;VALUE=DATE;TZID=/inverse.ca/20091015_1/America/New_York:@; $vevent{'data'} =~ s@DTEND;VALUE=DATE:@DTEND;VALUE=DATE;TZID=/inverse.ca/20091015_1/America/New_York:@; } # parse attendees my $hasAttendees = 0; while ($vevent{'data'} =~ m/ATTENDEE;(.+)$/gm) { my @parameters = split(';', $1); $vevent{'attendees'} = [] unless ($vevent{'attendees'}); my %attendee = (); foreach (@parameters) { #print $_,"\n"; if (m/^(\S+)=(.+)$/) { print "\t$1 => $2\n"; $attendee{$1} = $2; if ($1 eq 'CN' && $2 =~ m/mailto:(\S+)$/) { $attendee{'CN'} = $1; $attendee{'username'} = &getUsernameByEmail($ldap, $1); $hasAttendees = 1 if ($1 ne $email); # Attendee is not the owner } } } push(@{$vevent{'attendees'}}, \%attendee); } # handle duplicated UID within file if ($duplicatedUID{$uid}) { $uid .= $duplicatedUID{$uid}; $duplicatedUID{$vevent{'uid'}}++; } else { $duplicatedUID{$uid} = 1; } unless (DUPLICATES eq 'update') { if (&searchByUid($username, $uid)) { print STDERR "Event with UID '$uid' already exists\n"; return 0 if (DUPLICATES eq 'ignore'); if (DUPLICATES eq 'replace') { &deleteEvent($username, $uid); } # elsif ($hasAttendees) { # print STDERR "UID collision (",$uid,") for an event with attendee(s); ignoring it\n"; # return 0; # } else { # Make sure UID is unique (DUPLICATES eq 'create') my $i = ($duplicatedUID{$vevent{'uid'}})?$duplicatedUID{$vevent{'uid'}}:1; for ($uid .= $i; &searchByUid($username, $uid) == 1; print STDERR "Event with UID '$uid' already exists\n", $uid = $vevent{'uid'} . $i, $i++) {}; $duplicatedUID{$vevent{'uid'}} = $i + 1; } } } # If UID already exists, change it in the VEVENT if ($uid ne $vevent{'uid'}) { $vevent{'data'} =~ s/^UID:\S+$/UID:$uid/m; } if ($vevent{'data'} =~ m/^SUMMARY:[;\s]*$/m) { $vevent{'data'} =~ s#^(BEGIN:VEVENT)#$1\nSUMMARY: (untitled event)#m; } if ($vevent{'recurrent'}) { $vevent{'data'} =~ s#^(BEGIN:VEVENT)#$1\nRRULE:FREQ=DAILY;COUNT=1;INTERVAL=1#m; } $vevent{'data'} = "BEGIN:VCALENDAR\n" . "VERSION:2.0\n" . "PRODID:Oracle/Oracle Calendar Server\n" . $vevent{'data'} . "END:VCALENDAR"; if (DEBUG) { foreach my $key (keys %vevent) { if (ref($vevent{$key}) eq 'ARRAY') { print "$key =>\n"; foreach (@{$vevent{$key}}) { my %hash = %{$_}; print " =>"; foreach (keys %hash) { print "\t$_ => $hash{$_}\n"; } } } else { print "$key = \n\t", $vevent{$key},"\n";# unless ($key eq 'data'); } } } print "PUT ",&calendarUrl($username, $uid),"\n"; return 0 if (DRYRUN); my $request = HTTP::Request->new(); $request->method('PUT'); $request->uri(&calendarUrl($username, $uid)); $request->header('Authorization' => "Basic $pwdhash"); #$request->header('Accept-Charset' => 'ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7'); #$request->header('Accept-Language' => 'fr,fr-fr;q=0.8,en-us;q=0.5,en;q=0.3'); #$request->header('Content-Type' => 'text/plain; charset=utf-8'); $request->header('Content-Type' => 'text/calendar; charset=utf-8'); $request->header('Content-Length' => length($vevent{'data'})); $request->header('x-sogo-mode' => 'M'); #$request->header('Connection' => 'TE'); if (FORCE_CLOSE && ($count % FORCE_CLOSE) == 0) { print "Force connection close (no keepalive)\n"; $request->header('Connection' => 'close'); } #$request->header('TE' => 'trailers'); #$request->header('Depth' => 1); #$request->header('Accept-Charset' => 'utf-8'); #$request->header('Accept' => 'text/plain'); $request->content($vevent{'data'}); return &httpRequest($request, $uid); # my $i; # for ($i = 0; $i < 30; $i++) { # my $response = $ua->request($request); # if ($response->is_success) { # print "PUT $uid:\t", $response->status_line, "\n"; # last; # } # else { # print STDERR "ERR PUT $uid:\t", $response->status_line, "\n"; # sleep(2); # } # } # # if ($i == 30) { # print STDERR "ERR PUT $uid:\tCan't reach server for the past 60 secs - exiting.\n"; # exit(-4); # } } sub parseEventsFile { my $file = shift; my %vevent = (); my %last_vevent = (); # data # uid # encoding # organizer # username # recurrent my $count = 0; my $count_created = 0; my $bytes_count = 0; my $elapsed_time = [gettimeofday]; while (my $line = ) { $line =~ s/\r$//; # remove dos linebreaks if ($line =~ m/^BEGIN:VEVENT$/) { $vevent{'data'} = $line; } elsif ($line =~ m/^END:VEVENT$/) { $vevent{'data'} .= $line; #if ($vevent{'organizer'} eq $email) { $count++; $bytes_count += length($vevent{'data'}); if (RECURRENT eq 'smart') { if (%last_vevent) { if ($last_vevent{'uid'} eq $vevent{'uid'}) { $last_vevent{'data'} .= $vevent{'data'}; $last_vevent{'recurrent'} = 1; if ($last_vevent{'username'} ne $vevent{'username'}) { print "ERR: Matching UID with different organizers!\n"; } } else { $count_created += &putEvent(\%last_vevent, $count); %last_vevent = %vevent; } } else { %last_vevent = %vevent; } } # elsif ($vevent{'rdate'}) { # # Ignore event with RDATE attributes -- they are not currently # # supported in SOGo (web) # $vevent{'rdate'} = undef; # print "Event with RDATE -- ignored\n"; # } else { $count_created += &putEvent(\%vevent, $count); } #$last_data = $vevent{'data'}; #last; #} #else { #print $vevent{'uid'},": $email ($username) NOT organizer ",$vevent{'organizer'}," (",$vevent{'username'},"); verify event\n"; #} $vevent{'data'} = undef; #last; } elsif ($vevent{'data'}) { if ($line !~ m/^$/ && $line !~ m/^RECURRENCE-ID/ && $line !~ m/^RDATE:/) { if ($line =~ m/UID:\s*(\S+)$/) { $vevent{'uid'} = $1; $vevent{'uid'} =~ s/[#&\/]/-/g; $vevent{'uid'} =~ s/\.//g; $line =~ s/^(UID:).*$/$1$vevent{'uid'}/; } elsif ($line =~ m/^ORGANIZER:(?:mailto:)?(\S+)$/) { $vevent{'organizer'} = $1; $vevent{'username'} = &getUsernameByEmail($ldap, $1); } # elsif ($line =~ m/^RDATE:/) { # $vevent{'rdate'} = 1; # } $vevent{'data'} .= $line unless (); } else { print "ignored: '$line'\n"; } } elsif ($line =~ m/Content-Transfer-Encoding: (\S+)$/) { $vevent{'encoding'} = $1; } } if (%last_vevent) { $count_created += &putEvent(\%last_vevent, $count); } printf "\nParsed %i events, %i new: %.1f KB in %.1f seconds\n", $count, $count_created, ($bytes_count/1024), tv_interval($elapsed_time); return 1; } sub gmtTime { my $time = localtime(shift); #my ($second,$minute,$hour,$dayofmonth,$month,$year,$weekday,$dayofyear,$isdst) = localtime($time); #$year += 1900; #$month++; #$hour -= $isdst; return sprintf("%04d%02d%02dT%02d%02d%02dZ", $time->year+1900, $time->mon+1, $time->mday, $time->hour-$time->isdst, $time->min, $time->isdst); } sub putTask(\%) { my (%task) = %{(shift)}; my $count = shift; my $bytes_count_ref = shift; return 0 unless ($task{'summary'}); my $now = &gmtTime(time); my $uid = md5_hex(%task); my $data = <<'VCAL'; BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//Inverse inc.//SOGo 0.9//EN BEGIN:VTODO UID:%s SUMMARY:%s LOCATION: VCAL $data = sprintf($data, uc($uid), $task{'summary'}); $data .= "PRIORITY:" . $task{'priority'} . "\n" if ($task{'priority'}); $data .= "CREATED:$now\n"; $data .= "DTSTAMP:$now\n"; $data .= "LAST-MODIFIED:$now\n"; $data .= "DTSTART:" . &gmtTime($task{'start'}) . "\n" if ($task{'start'}); $data .= "DUE:" . &gmtTime($task{'end'}) . "\n" if ($task{'end'}); if (defined($task{'completion'})) { if (scalar($task{'completion'}) < 100) { $data .= "STATUS:IN-PROCESS\n"; } else { $data .= "STATUS:COMPLETED\n"; } $data .= "PERCENT-COMPLETE:" . $task{'completion'} . "\n"; } $data .= "DESCRIPTION:" . join("\\r\\n", @{$task{'description'}}) . "\n" if ($task{'description'}); $data .= "END:VTODO\n"; $data .= "END:VCALENDAR\n"; $$bytes_count_ref += length($data); print $data if (DEBUG); print "PUT ",&calendarUrl($username, $uid),"\n"; return 0 if (DRYRUN); my $request = HTTP::Request->new(); $request->method('PUT'); $request->uri(&calendarUrl($username, $uid)); $request->header('Authorization' => "Basic $pwdhash"); $request->header('Content-Type' => 'text/calendar; charset=utf-8'); $request->header('Content-Length' => length($data)); $request->header('x-sogo-mode' => 'M'); if (FORCE_CLOSE && ($count % FORCE_CLOSE) == 0) { print "Force connection close (no keepalive)\n"; $request->header('Connection' => 'close'); } $request->content($data); return &httpRequest($request, $uid); } sub parseTasksFile { # S 9265740 # D 9266220 # T task august 13th # R 1 # L 100 # M bar foo # W bar foo # C task august 13th 2008 # C line 2 description # C line 3 # O # BEGIN:VCALENDAR # VERSION:2.0 # PRODID:-//Inverse inc.//SOGo 0.9//EN # BEGIN:VTODO # UID:26A-4979F880-1-B72F03D0 # SUMMARY:this is a task # LOCATION:there # PRIORITY:1 # STATUS:IN-PROCESS # CREATED:20090123T170443Z # DTSTAMP:20090123T170443Z # LAST-MODIFIED:20090123T170443Z # DTSTART:20090123T171500Z # DUE:20090124T181500Z # PERCENT-COMPLETE:40 # DESCRIPTION:foo # END:VTODO # END:VCALENDAR #my $file = $_[0]; my $count = 0; my $count_created = 0; my $bytes_count = 0; my $elapsed_time = [gettimeofday]; my %task = (); # Start and due times are computed in minutes since since Jan 1 1991 my $basetime = timelocal(0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 91); # my $tm = localtime($basetime); # printf("Base date: %04d/%02d/%02d %02d:%02d:%02d\n", # $tm->year+1900, $tm->mon+1, $tm->mday, # $tm->hour, $tm->min, $tm->sec); # open (my $tasksfile, $file) # or die "Cannot open tasks file '$file'"; # while ($line = <$tasksfile>) { while (my $line = ) { #$line =~ s/\n$//; chomp $line; if ($line =~ m/^O/) { if (%task) { $count++; $count_created += &putTask(\%task, $count, \$bytes_count); %task = (); } } elsif ($line =~ m/^T (.+)/) { $task{'summary'} = $1; } elsif ($line =~ m/^S (\d+)/ && $1) { $task{'start'} = $1*60 + $basetime; } elsif ($line =~ m/^D (\d+)/ && $1) { # End time (number of minutes since Jan 1 1991) $task{'end'} = $1*60 + $basetime; # $tm = localtime($task{'end'}); # printf("End date: %04d/%02d/%02d %02d:%02d:%02d\n", # $tm->year+1900, $tm->mon+1, $tm->mday, # $tm->hour, $tm->min, $tm->sec); } elsif ($line =~ m/^R (\w+)/) { $task{'priority'} = $1; } elsif ($line =~ m/^L (\w+)/) { $task{'completion'} = $1; } elsif ($line =~ m/^C (.+)/) { $task{'description'} = () unless ($task{'description'}); push(@{$task{'description'}}, $1); } } #close ($tasksfile); close (CAL); printf "\nParsed %i tasks, %i new: %.1f KB in %.1f seconds\n", $count, $count_created, ($bytes_count/1024), tv_interval($elapsed_time); return 1; } sub parseRightsFile { my $file = $_[0]; open (my $rightsfile, $file) or die "Cannot open rights file '$file'"; my $line = <$rightsfile>; $line =~ s/\n$//; #line:---procuration, username, foo.bar@foo.edu my $user; if ($line =~ m@^\-\-\-procuration, ([^,]+),@) { $user = $1; print "rights for user's calendar: $user\n"; } else { die "Could not parse procuration line: $line"; } my $next = 0; # 0 = Grantee, 1 = Designate right my $grantee; my $rights; while ($line = <$rightsfile>) { $line =~ s/\n$//; if ($next == 0) { if ($line =~ m@^Grantee:\ S=[^/]+/G=[^/]+/UID=([^/]+)/ID=[^/]+/NODE\-ID=[^/]+$@) { $grantee = $1; } else { die "Expected or mal-formed 'Grantee' line: $line"; } $next = 1; } elsif ($next == 1) { if ($line =~ m@^Designate\ Right:\ (.*)$@) { my $oracleRights = $1; $rights = &convertOracleRights($oracleRights); } else { die "Expected or mal-formed 'Designate Right' line: $line"; } &grantUserRights($grantee, $rights, $user); $next = 0; } } close ($rightsfile); } #line:Designate Right: CONFIDENTIALEVENT=NONE/CONFIDENTIALTASK=NONE/NORMALEVENT=MODIFY/NORMALTASK=MODIFY/PERSONALEVENT=VIEWTIME/PERSONALTASK=NONE/PUBLICEVENT=MODIFY/PUBLICTASK=MODIF sub convertOracleRights() { my $oracleRights = $_[0]; my %keyMapping = ( 'CONFIDENTIAL' => 'Confidential', 'NORMAL' => 'Public', 'PUBLIC' => 'Public', 'PERSONAL' => 'Private' ); my %valueMapping = ( 'VIEW' => 'Viewer', # à confirmer 'VIEWTIME' => 'DAndTViewer', 'MODIFY' => 'Modifier', 'REPLY' => 'Responder' ); my %rights = (); my @parsedRights = split('/', $oracleRights); foreach my $parsedRight (@parsedRights) { my ($key, $value) = split('=', $parsedRight); if ($key =~ /(.*)EVENT$/ && $value ne 'NONE') { $key = $1; die "No mapping found for key '$key'" unless defined $keyMapping{$key}; die "No mapping found for value '$value'" unless defined $valueMapping{$value}; $rights{$keyMapping{$key}.$valueMapping{$value}} = 1; } } return [keys %rights]; } sub grantUserRights() { my ($grantee, $rights, $user) = @_; die "No grantee specified" unless defined $grantee; die "No rights specified" unless defined $rights; die "No user specified" unless defined $user; my $xmlRights = ""; foreach my $right (@$rights) { $xmlRights .= "<$right/>"; } my $content = ( '' . "\n" . '' . $xmlRights . '' ); my $request = HTTP::Request->new(); $request->method('POST'); $request->uri(&calendarUrl($user)); $request->header('Authorization' => "Basic $pwdhash"); $request->header('Content-Type' => 'application/xml'); $request->header('Content-Length' => length($content)); $request->content($content); my $result = &httpRequest($request, $username); my $response = $ua->request($request); } ## ## MAIN ## if ($#ARGV < 3) { &usage(); exit(-1); } $url = $ARGV[0]; $username = $ARGV[1]; my $type = $ARGV[2]; $file = $ARGV[3]; if ($type ne 'events' && $type ne 'tasks' && $type ne 'rights') { usage("The argument 'type' does not have a proper value: '$type'"); exit(-1); } # Prepare LDAP connection $ldap = new Net::LDAP(LDAP_HOST) or die "Can't connect to LDAP server: $@.\n"; my $msg = $ldap->bind(LDAP_BIND_DN, password => LDAP_BIND_PW); if ($msg->is_error()) { die "Can't bind to LDAP server: ".$msg->error()."\n"; } # Verify file name format; extract username #if ($file =~ m/^(?!.+?\W)?events\.(\d{8}|invite\d+)$/) { #if ($file =~ m/^(?:.+\/)?(events|tasks|rights)\.(\d{8}|invite\d+|[a-z]+)(\.test\d?)?$/) { # $username = $2; $email = &getEmailByUsername($ldap, $username); print "$username = $email\n"; if (FORCE_USERNAME) { $username = FORCE_USERNAME; print "Force username to $username\n"; } # Open iCalendar file open (CAL, $file) or die "Can't open file $file: $!\n"; # Prepare HTTP query if ($url =~ m#^(https?://)(?:([^:]+):([^@]+)@)?([^/]+)#) { ($authusername, $password, $host) = ($2, $3, $4); $url = $1.$4; if ($host =~ m/:(\d+)/) { $port = $1; } elsif ($url =~ m/^https/) { $port = '443'; $host .= ":$port"; } else { $port = '80'; $host .= ":$port"; } # print "host = $host, auth = $authusername\n"; } else { &usage("The URL doesn't have the proper format."); exit(-3); } $pwdhash = encode_base64($authusername . ':' . $password); $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new(); $ua->agent('Mozilla/5.0'); $ua->timeout(1800); # Verify is user personal calendar exists (or can be automatically created) die "Can't access personal calendar of username $username\n" unless (&userCalendarExists($username)); my $parsers = { 'events' => \&parseEventsFile, 'tasks' => \&parseTasksFile, 'rights' => \&parseRightsFile }; $parsers->{$type}($file); exit;