/* -*- Mode: javascript; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ (function() { 'use strict'; /** * @ngInject */ CalendarController.$inject = ['$scope', '$rootScope', '$state', '$stateParams', 'Calendar', 'Component', 'Preferences', 'stateEventsBlocks']; function CalendarController($scope, $rootScope, $state, $stateParams, Calendar, Component, Preferences, stateEventsBlocks) { var vm = this, deregisterCalendarsList; // Make the toolbar state of all-day events persistent if (angular.isUndefined(CalendarController.expandedAllDays)) CalendarController.expandedAllDays = false; vm.selectedDate = $stateParams.day.asDate(); vm.expandedAllDays = CalendarController.expandedAllDays; vm.toggleAllDays = toggleAllDays; vm.views = stateEventsBlocks; vm.changeDate = changeDate; vm.changeView = changeView; Preferences.ready().then(function() { _formatDate(vm.selectedDate); }); // Refresh current view when the list of calendars is modified deregisterCalendarsList = $rootScope.$on('calendars:list', updateView); // Destroy event listener when the controller is being deactivated $scope.$on('$destroy', deregisterCalendarsList); function _formatDate(date) { if ($stateParams.view == 'month') { date.setDate(1); date.setHours(12); date.$dateFormat = '%B %Y'; } else if ($stateParams.view == 'week') { date.setTime(date.beginOfWeek(Preferences.defaults.SOGoFirstDayOfWeek).getTime()); date.$dateFormat = l('Week %d').replace('%d', '%U'); } else { date.$dateFormat = '%A'; } } // Expand or collapse all-day events function toggleAllDays() { CalendarController.expandedAllDays = !CalendarController.expandedAllDays; vm.expandedAllDays = CalendarController.expandedAllDays; } function updateView() { // See stateEventsBlocks in Scheduler.app.js Component.$eventsBlocksForView($stateParams.view, $stateParams.day.asDate()).then(function(data) { vm.views = data; _.forEach(vm.views, function(view) { if (view.id) { // Note: this can't be done in Component service since it would make Component dependent on // the Calendar service and create a circular dependency view.calendar = new Calendar({ id: view.id, name: view.calendarName }); } }); }); } // Change calendar's date function changeDate($event, newDate) { var date = newDate? newDate.getDayString() : angular.element($event.currentTarget).attr('date'); if (newDate) _formatDate(newDate); $state.go('calendars.view', { day: date }); } // Change calendar's view function changeView(view) { $state.go('calendars.view', { view: view }); } } angular .module('SOGo.SchedulerUI') .controller('CalendarController', CalendarController); })();